blob: 86682a7fb3f7a02d7d0282b7eafe17ace74e4082 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.virtualization.hardware;
using fuchsia.hardware.ethernet;
using fuchsia.sysmem;
using fuchsia.ui.composition;
using fuchsia.ui.gfx;
using fuchsia.ui.input;
using fuchsia.virtualization;
using fuchsia.wayland;
using zx;
// The following EVENT_* constants indicate which user signal is associated with an event.
// The value 0 is `ZX_USER_SIGNAL_0`, 1 is `ZX_USER_SIGNAL_1` etc.
/// Set a flag to inspect queues on the next interrupt.
const EVENT_SET_QUEUE uint32 = 0;
/// Set a flag to inspect configs on the next interrupt.
const EVENT_SET_CONFIG uint32 = 1;
/// If a flag is set, send an interrupt to the device.
const EVENT_SET_INTERRUPT uint32 = 2;
/// Contains the details of a device trap.
type Trap = struct {
/// The address of the device trap. This must be page-aligned.
addr zx.gpaddr;
/// The size of the device trap. This must be a multiple of the page size.
size uint64;
/// Contains the basic information required to start execution of a device.
type StartInfo = resource struct {
/// The trap associated with a device. It is up to the device to set this
/// trap during device setup.
trap Trap;
/// The guest associated with a device. This handle should be used to setup
/// device traps, and then be released before device operation begins.
guest zx.handle:<GUEST, optional>;
/// The event associated with a device interrupt. This is how the device will
/// notify the guest of events it should process.
/// The meaning of the different signals that can be raised on the event are
/// documented by the EVENT_* constants above.
event zx.handle:EVENT;
/// The VMO used to represent guest physical memory.
vmo zx.handle:VMO;
protocol VirtioDevice {
/// Configure a `queue` for the device. This specifies the `size` and the
/// guest physical addresses of the queue: `desc`, `avail`, and `used`.
ConfigureQueue(struct {
queue uint16;
size uint16;
desc zx.gpaddr;
avail zx.gpaddr;
used zx.gpaddr;
}) -> ();
/// Notify a `queue` for the device. Primarily used for black-box testing.
NotifyQueue(struct {
queue uint16;
/// Ready a device. This provides the set of `negotiated_features` that the
/// driver and device have agreed upon.
Ready(struct {
negotiated_features uint32;
}) -> ();
protocol VirtioBalloon {
compose VirtioDevice;
/// Start the balloon device.
Start(resource struct {
start_info StartInfo;
}) -> ();
/// Get memory statistics from the balloon device.
GetMemStats() -> (struct {
status zx.status;
mem_stats vector<fuchsia.virtualization.MemStat>:optional;
protocol VirtioBlock {
compose VirtioDevice;
/// Start the block device.
Start(resource struct {
start_info StartInfo;
id string:fuchsia.virtualization.MAX_BLOCK_DEVICE_ID;
mode fuchsia.virtualization.BlockMode;
format fuchsia.virtualization.BlockFormat;
client zx.handle:CHANNEL;
}) -> (struct {
capacity uint64;
block_size uint32;
protocol VirtioConsole {
compose VirtioDevice;
/// Start the console device. This uses `socket` to handle input and output.
Start(resource struct {
start_info StartInfo;
socket zx.handle:SOCKET;
}) -> ();
/// Provides a way for VirtioInput to listen to keyboard events.
protocol KeyboardListener {
/// Called when a view receives keyboard events.
OnKeyboardEvent(struct {
event fuchsia.ui.input.KeyboardEvent;
/// Provides a way for VirtioInput to listen to pointer events.
protocol PointerListener {
/// Called when a view's size changes.
OnSizeChanged(struct {
size fuchsia.ui.gfx.vec3;
/// Called when a view receives pointer events.
OnPointerEvent(struct {
event fuchsia.ui.input.PointerEvent;
protocol VirtioGpu {
compose VirtioDevice;
/// Start the GPU device.
Start(resource struct {
start_info StartInfo;
keyboard_listener client_end:<KeyboardListener, optional>;
pointer_listener client_end:<PointerListener, optional>;
}) -> ();
/// Called when a device's configuration is changed.
-> OnConfigChanged();
protocol VirtioInput {
compose VirtioDevice;
/// Start the input device.
Start(resource struct {
start_info StartInfo;
}) -> ();
protocol VirtioMagma {
compose VirtioDevice;
/// Start the magma device.
Start(resource struct {
start_info StartInfo;
vmar zx.handle:VMAR;
wayland_importer client_end:<VirtioWaylandImporter, optional>;
}) -> (struct {
status zx.status;
protocol VirtioNet {
compose VirtioDevice;
/// Start the net device.
Start(resource struct {
start_info StartInfo;
mac_address fuchsia.hardware.ethernet.MacAddress;
enable_bridge bool;
}) -> ();
protocol VirtioRng {
compose VirtioDevice;
/// Start the RNG device.
Start(resource struct {
start_info StartInfo;
}) -> ();
protocol VirtioSound {
compose VirtioDevice;
/// Start the sound device.
/// The response contains the device's expected static configuration.
/// + request `start_info` basic info to start the device
/// + request `enable_input` whether audio input (capture) should be enabled
/// + request `enable_verbose_logging` whether verbose logging should be enabled
/// - response `features` supported features
/// - response `jacks` the virtio_snd_config.jacks value to advertise
/// - response `streams` the virtio_snd_config.streams value to advertise
/// - response `chmaps` the virtio_snd_config.chaps value to advertise
Start(resource struct {
start_info StartInfo;
enable_input bool;
enable_verbose_logging bool;
}) -> (struct {
features uint32;
jacks uint32;
streams uint32;
chmaps uint32;
/// Sufficient to contain the opaque image info.
/// VirtioImages are shared with VirtioMagma, enabling guest clients to allocate
/// GBM and Vulkan compatible images and share them with Sommelier as dma-bufs.
/// An image corresponds to a single buffer collection, and also contains some
/// opaque image info needed by VirtioMagma.
type VirtioImage = resource struct {
vmo zx.handle:VMO;
token zx.handle:<EVENTPAIR, optional>;
// Provides an interface to import images into the wayland device.
protocol VirtioWaylandImporter {
ImportImage(resource struct {
image VirtioImage;
}) -> (struct {
vfd_id uint32;
ExportImage(struct {
vfd_id uint32;
}) -> (resource struct {
status zx.status;
image box<VirtioImage>;
protocol VirtioWayland {
compose VirtioDevice;
/// Start the wayland device.
Start(resource struct {
start_info StartInfo;
vmar zx.handle:VMAR;
wayland_server client_end:fuchsia.wayland.Server;
sysmem_allocator client_end:fuchsia.sysmem.Allocator;
scenic_allocator client_end:fuchsia.ui.composition.Allocator;
}) -> ();
// Get the VMO importer for this wayland device.
GetImporter(resource struct {
importer server_end:VirtioWaylandImporter;