blob: 0b83e4d86004397b69aadb44f5097246aa6be88a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.ui.composition;
using fuchsia.math;
using fuchsia.scenic.scheduling;
using fuchsia.ui.pointer;
using fuchsia.ui.views;
using zx;
/// The set of error codes returned in [`OnError`]. Everything except NO_ERROR, causes Flatland
/// channel to be closed.
type FlatlandError = strict enum {
/// Indicates that the parameters used the function calls are invalid.
/// Indicates that `additional_present_credits` field was not properly processed and the client
/// queued more [`Present`]s than allowed.
/// Indicates that the client has overwritten hanging gets in the protocols returned.
type Orientation = strict enum {
CCW_180_DEGREES = 3;
CCW_270_DEGREES = 4;
/// The set of possible blending functions to choose from when determining how an image should
/// be composited on top of other images.
type BlendMode = strict enum {
/// Indicates that the source pixels replace the destination pixels. In other words,
/// the source pixels are treated as opaque, regardless of what alpha values are set.
SRC = 1;
/// The source pixels are drawn over the destination pixels. The final pixel color
/// that is displayed is calculated as: C_src + (1.0 - alpha_src) * C_dst).
type ColorRgba = struct {
red float32;
green float32;
blue float32;
alpha float32;
/// The return type of [`GetLayout`]. This table contains most of the information necessary
/// for a client to decide how to layout their content in a Flatland instance. This data may be
/// provided to the client before the command that creates the View is presented, so that the
/// client may lay out content properly before their first call to [`Present`].
type LayoutInfo = table {
/// The layout size of a View in logical pixels, defined by the parent's call to
/// [`SetViewportProperties`]. Clients should re-layout their content when this value changes.
1: logical_size fuchsia.math.SizeU;
/// The ratio from physical display pixels to logical pixels, defined by the sizes and scale
/// transforms of the parent: each logical pixel is displayed on-screen by one or more physical
/// pixels, as determined by this scale. Clients should not necessarily re-layout their content
/// when this value changes.
2: pixel_scale fuchsia.math.SizeU;
/// ParentViewportWatchers will be informed when they are actively attached to a output display
/// (either directly, or through a chain of parent Viewports) and when they are not. Until they are
/// connected to a display, some pieces of information (such as pixel scale) may be unavailable.
type ParentViewportStatus = strict enum {
/// A protocol that provides information about the parent Viewport attached to a Flatland instance's
/// sole View. Although Flatland instances can have at most one view, it is possible to have
/// multiple ParentViewportWatchers during the brief transition period when replacing the instance's
/// View with another, e.g. via [`CreateView`]. During this period, certain updates may be
/// duplicated and sent to each ParentViewportWatcher connection.
/// A ParentViewportWatcher will remain connected as long as the corresponding parent Viewport
/// exists; the connection will also be closed if the parents's ViewportCreationToken is dropped
/// without using it to create a Viewport.
protocol ParentViewportWatcher {
/// A hanging get for receiving layout information. Clients may receive layout information
/// before the ParentViewportWatcher operation has been presented. This allows children to
/// layout their content before their first call to [`Present`]. In transition cases where two
/// ParentViewportWatcher channels exist at the same time, both protocol instances will be
/// receiving different layout information.
/// This hanging get will only fire when the LayoutInfo is different than the previously
/// returned LayoutInfo. Note that, since LayoutInfo is a table, only some fields may have
/// changed.
/// It is invalid to call `GetLayout` while a previous call is still pending. Doing so will
/// cause both this channel and the Flatland channel that handed out ParentViewportWatcher to be
/// closed.
GetLayout() -> (struct {
info LayoutInfo;
/// A hanging get for receiving the status of the parent Viewport. This provides global
/// connectivity information to the child.
/// This hanging get will only fire when the ParentViewportStatus is different than the
/// previously returned ParentViewportStatus.
/// It is invalid to call `GetStatus` while a previous call is still pending. Doing so will
/// cause both this channel and the Flatland channel that handed out ParentViewportWatcher to be
/// closed.
GetStatus() -> (struct {
status ParentViewportStatus;
type ChildViewStatus = strict enum {
/// The underlying Flatland instance has connected its View, called [`Present`], and the
/// acquisition fences of the [`Present`] call have all be reached, indicating that it has some
/// content ready to be displayed, and NOT that the child content has actually been shown on the
/// screen (a common use case is for the parent to wait for the child content to be ready before
/// attaching the child to the global scene graph).
/// A protocol that provides information about a particular child View which is attached to the
/// Viewport owned by the parent client; connections to this protocol are estabished in
/// [`CreateViewport`]. Since a Flatland instance may contain any number of Viewports, each of
/// which may or may not be attached to a transform, the client can maintain connections to an
/// equal number of ChildViewWatcher instances.
/// Each ChildViewWatcher instance will remain connected as long as the corresponding child View
/// exists; the connection will also be closed if the child's ViewCreationToken is dropped without
/// using it to create a View.
protocol ChildViewWatcher {
/// A hanging get for receiving the status of a View. This provides information to the parent,
/// such as whether or not the child has successfully presented content through this View.
/// This hanging get will only fire when the ChildViewStatus is different than the previously
/// returned ChildViewStatus. This can happen immediately, and even if the creator of the
/// Viewport hasn't yet called Present() after calling CreateViewport(). This allows the parent
/// to know that the child has content ready to display before the parent modifies their own
/// local scene graph to incorporate the child content.
/// It is invalid to call `GetStatus` while a previous call is still pending. Doing so will
/// cause both this channel and the Flatland channel that handed out ChildViewWatcher to be
/// closed.
GetStatus() -> (struct {
status ChildViewStatus;
/// Hanging get to receive the ViewRef of the child View. This will only fire when the View ref
/// is different from the previously-returned View ref. Note: currently the View ref will not
/// change after it is first received, but this will change if/when the API changes to allow
/// relinking of views.
/// The ViewRef is not returned until the View is included in the View tree, in other words when
/// there is a chain of ancestor transforms all the way back up to the root of the scene graph,
/// i.e. the display.
/// It is invalid to call `GetViewRef` while a previous call is still pending. Doing so will
/// cause both this channel and the Flatland channel that handed out ChildViewWatcher to be
/// closed.
/// A `GetViewRef` call will hang if the View was created using `CreateView`, but returns the
/// View if the View was created using CreateView2. This is because `CreateView` does not mint
/// a ViewRef for that View.
GetViewRef() -> (resource struct {
view_ref fuchsia.ui.views.ViewRef;
/// The properties of a Viewport as defined by the parent. This data, along with the set of attached
/// Transforms, will be used to compute the LayoutInfo for the View of the Viewport.
/// `ViewportProperties` must have `logical_size` set at least once. This is the initial size that
/// will drive the layout of the child.
type ViewportProperties = table {
/// The size of the Viewport in logical pixels. This maps directly to the logical_size field in
/// LayoutInfo.
1: logical_size fuchsia.math.SizeU;
/// The properties of an Image as defined by the client. These properties determine how an Image
/// uses the backing BufferCollection. See [`CreateImage`] for more information.
type ImageProperties = table {
/// The size of the Image in pixels.
1: size fuchsia.math.SizeU;
/// A user-defined identifier for a particular transform. See [`CreateTransform`] and
/// [`ReleaseTransform`] for more information.
type TransformId = struct {
value uint64;
/// A user-defined identifier for a particular piece of Content. See Content creation functions
/// (e.g. [`CreateViewport`], [`CreateImage`]) for more information.
type ContentId = struct {
value uint64;
// A maximum of 16 fences is enough for the current usage of these APIs.
// TODO( delete.
/// Arguments passed into [`Present`]. All arguments are optional, and if an
/// argument is omitted Flatland will use a reasonable default, specified below.
type PresentArgs = resource table {
/// `requested_presentation_time` specifies the time on or after which the client would like the
/// enqueued operations to take visible effect (light up pixels on the screen), expressed in
/// nanoseconds in the `CLOCK_MONOTONIC` timebase.
/// The default `requested_presentation_time` is 0.
/// Using a `requested_presentation_time` in the present or past (such as 0) schedules enqueued
/// operations to take visible effect as soon as possible, during the next frame to be prepared.
/// Using a `requested_presentation_time` in the future schedules the enqueued operations to
/// take visible effect on or as closely as possible after the stated time, but no earlier.
/// Each rendered frame has a target presentation time. This is when Flatland aims to have the
/// frame presented to the user. Before rendering a frame, Flatland applies all
/// enqueued operations associated with all squashable calls to [`Present`] whose
/// `requested_presentation_time` is on or before the frame's target presentation time.
1: requested_presentation_time zx.time;
/// Flatland will wait until all of a Flatland instance's `acquire_fences` are ready before it
/// will execute the presented commands. Not signaling `acquire_fences` will block the current
/// [`Present`] as well as the following ones even if their `acquire_fences` are signaled.
/// The default `acquire_fences` value is the empty vector.
// TODO( delete.
2: acquire_fences vector<zx.handle:EVENT>:MAX_PRESENT_ARGS_FENCE_COUNT;
/// Flatland will signal all `release_fences` when the resources and shared buffers from this
/// [`Present`] are no longer in use. Callers should not modify shared resources, such as
/// BufferCollections, until after these fences are signaled.
/// If an error occurs, release fences are not necessarily fired as Flatland can close the
/// client's instance at any point.
/// The default `release_fences` value is the empty vector.
// TODO( delete.
3: release_fences vector<zx.handle:EVENT>:MAX_PRESENT_ARGS_FENCE_COUNT;
/// If `unsquashable` is true, then the update is guaranteed to be uniquely shown for at
/// least one vsync interval.
/// If `unsquashable` is false, then the update can be combined with those that come after
/// it.
/// If absent, `unsquashable` is false.
4: unsquashable bool;
/// Flatland will wait until all of a Flatland instance's `server_wait_fences` are ready before
/// it will execute the presented commands. Not signaling `server_wait_fences` will block the
/// current [`Present`] as well as the following ones even if their `server_wait_fences` are
/// signaled.
/// The default `server_wait_fences` value is the empty vector.
// TODO( change ordinal to 2.
5: server_wait_fences vector<zx.handle:EVENT>:MAX_PRESENT_ARGS_FENCE_COUNT;
/// (read this one carefully, it may be counter-intuitive)
/// Flatland will signal all `server_signal_fences` when the resources and shared buffers from
/// *the previous* [`Present`] are no longer in use. Callers should not modify shared resources,
/// such as BufferCollections, until after these fences are signaled. Otherwise, there may be
/// graphical artifacts such as tearing, caused by the client modifying content which is still
/// visible on screen.
/// The following example explains why the fences correspond to the previous frame's resources,
/// not the current frame. Consider an app which uses a separate image for a pop-up dialog,
/// which will disappear immediately if the user taps elsewhere. The app cannot tell whether
/// the image will be removed next frame because, if this happens, it will be due to user input
/// which has not yet occurred. Since the image will probably continue to be presented next
/// frame, it wouldn't make sense to provide a fence this frame.
/// If an error occurs, Flatland may close the channel without signaling these fences. Clients
/// may immediately release shared buffers, but they should not immediately modify such buffers,
/// because they may still be displayed on screen. There is currently no good signal available
/// to the client about when it is safe to reuse shared buffers.
/// The default `server_signal_fences` value is the empty vector.
// TODO( change ordinal to 3.
// TODO( when fixed, update documentation re: when it is safe to modify buffers
// upon channel closure.
6: server_signal_fences vector<zx.handle:EVENT>:MAX_PRESENT_ARGS_FENCE_COUNT;
/// A user-defined identifier for future presentation info. A maximum of 8
/// future presentation counts is enough for the current usage of these APIs.
alias FuturePresentationInfos = vector<fuchsia.scenic.scheduling.PresentationInfo>:8;
/// Fields that a client needs in order to produce its next frame, returned in
/// [`OnNextFrameBegin`]. Each field is guaranteed to be set and contain valid information.
type OnNextFrameBeginValues = table {
/// The number of *additional* [`Present`] calls allowed to the client so that they
/// can call [`Present`] further times. This is a delta in the present
/// credit budget, not the absolute number of present credits.
1: additional_present_credits uint32;
/// Information about future presentation and latch times that a client may aim for
/// precise scheduling behavior.
2: future_presentation_infos FuturePresentationInfos;
/// The protocol endpoints bound to a Flatland ViewCreationToken. These protocols operate on the
/// View that ViewCreationToken created in the Flatland session.
type ViewBoundProtocols = resource table {
/// Learn when a View gains focus.
/// Server-bound ViewRef. The [`view_ref_focused`] client does not specify the ViewRef
/// explicitly; instead, the server implementation uses the ViewRef used in View creation for
/// reporting focus movement on/off this View.
1: view_ref_focused server_end:fuchsia.ui.views.ViewRefFocused;
/// Enable a View to request focus transfer to a child (target) View.
/// Server-bound ViewRef. The [`view_focuser`] client does not specify the "requestor" ViewRef
/// explicitly, only the "target" ViewRef. Instead, the server implementation uses the ViewRef
/// used in View creation as the "requestor" ViewRef.
2: view_focuser server_end:fuchsia.ui.views.Focuser;
/// Receive touch events that are associated with a View.
3: touch_source server_end:fuchsia.ui.pointer.TouchSource;
/// Receive mouse events that are associated with a View.
4: mouse_source server_end:fuchsia.ui.pointer.MouseSource;
/// A maximum of 64 hit regions is enough for the expected usage of these APIs.
const MAX_HIT_REGION_COUNT int32 = 64;
/// The kind of hit test interaction expected for a hit region.
type HitTestInteraction = flexible enum : uint8 {
/// The natural default behavior is for a hit region to interact with both regular hit testing
/// and accessibility hit testing.
/// Some use cases require that a hit region to interact with regular hit testing, but not
/// interact with accessibility hit testing. Here, "semantics" refers to accessibility's
/// semantic tree data, which describes UI elements in a View.
/// An interactive area of a View, placed in the coordinate space of a specific Transform.
type HitRegion = struct {
/// The position and size of this hit region, in the coordinate space of the Transform that owns
/// this hit region.
region fuchsia.math.RectF;
/// The interaction behavior specified for this hit region.
/// To specify "no interaction at all", remove this hit region from the owning Transform.
hit_test HitTestInteraction;
/// Each Flatland instance contains a Graph, which consists of a set of objects, and the
/// relationships between those objects. The client can specify a subset of those objects
/// (specifically, the directed acyclic graph starting at the root transform) to be presented as
/// content to some kind of output -- usually, a display.
/// Flatland Graphs are both hierarchical, and distributed. Graphs from different Flatland instances
/// may be connected together, allowing multiple processes to be involved in authoring content for a
/// particular output.
/// All functions in this protocol are feed-forward. The operations they represent are not fully
/// executed until [`Present`] is called.
protocol Flatland {
/// Complete execution of all feed-forward operations.
/// If executing an operation produces an error (e.g., CreateTransform(0)), an [`OnError`] event
/// is emitted. Operations that produce errors are ignored and the channel is closed.
/// If the execution is completed successfully, [`OnNextFrameBegin`] emits NO_ERROR along
/// with other valid fields.
/// The client may only call [`Present`] when they have a non-zero number of present credits,
/// which are tracked by the server. The server may increment the number of credits when it
/// fires the [`OnNextFrameBegin`] event, which informs the client when it receives additional
/// present credits. Each [`Present`] call uses one present credit and decrements the server
/// count by one. If the client calls [`Present`] with no present credits, the server will
/// return a `NO_PRESENTS_REMAINING` error.
/// The client should assume that prior to receiving any [`OnNextFrameBegin`] events, they have
/// one present credit.
/// Every [`Present`] call results in one [`OnNextFrameBegin`] event, and one
/// [`OnFramePresented`] event, typically in that order.
/// When the commands flushed by [`Present`] make it to display, an [`OnFramePresented`] event
/// is fired. This event includes information pertaining to all [`Present`]s that had content
/// that were part of that frame.
/// See [`fuchsia.ui.composition/PresentArgs`] documentation above for more detailed information
/// on what arguments are passed in and their role.
Present(resource struct {
args PresentArgs;
/// This event is fired when clients should expect minimal resource contention. Clients may use
/// the timing of this event to begin their rendering work, using the information returned to
/// inform their scheduling decisions.
/// Importantly, OnNextFrameBegin is only fired when the client has one or more present credits,
/// including what is returned in this event. It is therefore safe to present once every time
/// this event fires.
/// - response `values` the table of information a client needs to produce its next frame. See
/// [`OnNextFrameBeginValues`] for more information.
-> OnNextFrameBegin(struct {
values OnNextFrameBeginValues;
/// This event is fired whenever a set of one or more [`Present`]s are presented simultaneously,
/// and are therefore no longer in flight.
/// This event signifies that the commands enqueued before the [`Present`] have taken effect in
/// the scene graph, and are globally visible.
/// Clients do NOT have to implement a handler for this event for basic frame scheduling, unless
/// they explicitly want feedback on prior frame presentation. All future frame information is
/// given in the [`OnNextFrameBegin`] event.
/// TODO( remove `num_presents_allowed` from this event.
-> OnFramePresented(struct {
frame_presented_info fuchsia.scenic.scheduling.FramePresentedInfo;
/// If an error occurs after a [`Present`], an `OnError` event will fire with associated
/// information.
/// FlatlandErrors will close the connection with the client.
/// - response `error` the error a client may receive after performing some invalid operations.
-> OnError(struct {
error FlatlandError;
// ***** View management *****
/// Two Flatland instances may be connected in a parent-child relationship. The parent endpoint
/// is held in a Viewport, and the child endpoint is held in a View. The parent Flatland
/// instance that creates a Viewport has control over how the child's View is integrated into
/// its own View.
/// The lifecycle of a parent-child connection starts with two endpoints of a channel object:
/// a ViewportCreationToken and a ViewCreationToken. Out-of-band protocols pass the
/// ViewportCreationToken to the parent, which calls [`CreateViewport`], and the
/// ViewCreationToken to the child, which calls [`CreateView`].
/// Only nodes connected to the Root Transform in this Flatland instance will be rendered into
/// the parent's Viewport.
/// Calling [`CreateView`] a second time will disconnect the Root Transform from the existing
/// parent's Viewport, and attach it to a new parent's Viewport. In other words, each View can
/// only have one parent.
/// This function is queued, meaning that the Root Transform will not be attached to the
/// parent Viewport until [`Present`] is called. However, clients will receive information
/// through their ParentViewportWatcher (e.g., LayoutInfo) immediately after calling this
/// function, even if they have not called [`Present`] or [`SetRootTransform`]. This allows
/// clients to wait for layout information from their parent before calling [`Present`].
/// Any illegal operations on ParentViewportWatcher will cause both ParentViewportWatcher
/// channel and this Flatland channel to be torn down.
/// Lifecycle note. The lifetime of the ParentViewportWatcher channel is bound by the peer
/// ViewportCreationToken. When the ViewportCreationToken dies, this ParentViewportWatcher
/// channel is destroyed.
/// Views created using `CreateView` will not be associated with a ViewRef.
CreateView(resource struct {
token fuchsia.ui.views.ViewCreationToken;
parent_viewport_watcher server_end:ParentViewportWatcher;
/// Identical to [`CreateView`], except it allows association of View identity (ViewRef) and
/// view-bound protocols.
CreateView2(resource struct {
/// A typed wrapper for a channel, representing the child endpoint of the connection
/// between two Flatland instances.
token fuchsia.ui.views.ViewCreationToken;
/// The ViewRef to strongly associate with [`token`].
view_identity fuchsia.ui.views.ViewIdentityOnCreation;
/// The protocol endpoints that are strongly bound to the ViewRef in [`view_identity`].
/// The protocols are bound when the view is created and installed in the view tree.
protocols ViewBoundProtocols;
parent_viewport_watcher server_end:ParentViewportWatcher;
// ***** Transforms *****
/// Creates a new Transform node. Transforms are a hierarchical piece of a Flatland graph. They
/// can have children, and can reference Content. A sub-graph represented by a Transform and its
/// descendants can be rendered to a display.
/// Transforms are kept alive, even when released, as long as they are children of either an
/// unreleased Transform, or the Root Transform.
/// Each Transform can have a single piece of attached Content. Common types of Content include
/// bitmaps, asynchronous streams of images, and Viewports to Views hosted in other Flatland
/// instances.
/// Transforms have attributes. Child Transforms inherit the combined attributes of their
/// parents. Content attached to a Transform is also affected by that Transform's attributes.
/// When a sub-graph of Transforms is rendered, Content will be rendered back-to-front, starting
/// with the Content on the root transform, and continuing recursively through all of its child
/// Transforms in the order the children were added. See [`AddChild`] for more information.
/// Zero is not a valid transform id. All other values are valid, assuming they are not already
/// in use (see [`ReleaseTransform`] for more details).
CreateTransform(struct {
transform_id TransformId;
// ***** Transform Attributes *****
/// All Transform objects support all attributes.
/// Geometric attributes are applied in the following order:
/// 1. Translation (relative to the parent's coordinate space)
/// 2. Orientation (around the new origin as defined by the translation)
/// 3. Clipping (performed in pixel space to constrain the transform's render region)
/// Sets the translation on a Transform. The order of geometric attribute application is
/// addressed above.
SetTranslation(struct {
transform_id TransformId;
translation fuchsia.math.Vec;
/// Sets the orientation on a Transform. The order of geometric attribute application is
/// addressed in the documentation for [`SetTranslation`].
SetOrientation(struct {
transform_id TransformId;
orientation Orientation;
/// Sets the bounds, expressed in the local coordinate space of the transform, that
/// constrains the region that content attached to this transform can be rendered to.
/// If the content's area exceeds the clip bounds, the area outside the bounds will
/// not be rendered. These bounds are valid for all children of this transform node as
/// well, which includes nested Flatland instances and their node hierarchies.
/// If a child transform attempts to set clip bounds larger than that of its parent,
/// it will be clipped to the parent's clip bounds. The default state is for a transform
/// to be unclipped, meaning it will not have any bounds placed on its render region.
/// The clip width/height must be positive. Negative values will result in an error.
/// Passing in an empty box to the |rect| parameter will remove the clip bounds.
SetClipBoundary(struct {
transform_id TransformId;
rect box<fuchsia.math.Rect>;
// ***** Transform management *****
/// Adds a child Transform to a parent Transform. The new child Transform, and any Content
/// attached to it or its children, will be rendered on top of the parent's Content, as well as
/// any previously added children.
AddChild(struct {
parent_transform_id TransformId;
child_transform_id TransformId;
/// Removes a child Transform from a parent Transform.
RemoveChild(struct {
parent_transform_id TransformId;
child_transform_id TransformId;
/// Sets the Root Transform for the graph.
/// The sub-graph defined by the Root Transform and its children will be rendered as View
/// in the connected parent's Viewport (see [`CreateView`]). Any parents of the Root Transform
/// in this Graph will be ignored.
/// The Root Transform, and all children of the Root Transform, are kept alive if they are
/// released (see [`ReleaseTransform`] for more details).
/// There is only ever one Root. Since 0 is not a valid transform id (see [`CreateTransform`]),
/// calling SetRootTransform(0) clears the current Root, destroying any previously released
/// objects that are not referenced by the new root.
SetRootTransform(struct {
transform_id TransformId;
/// Sets an opacity in linear space to be applied to a flatland image. Opacity values must
/// be in the range [0.0, 1.0].
SetImageOpacity(struct {
image_id ContentId;
val float32;
/// Sets the interactive areas for a Transform. By default, Content is not interactive; hit
/// regions must be placed for a user to interact with the Content in a View. Because hit
/// regions are described in the Flatland protocol, a Flatland instance can synchronize Content
/// and hit regions.
/// Each hit region is placed in the coordinate space of the owning Transform, and may or may
/// not interact with different types of hit testing, depending on its [`HitTestInteraction`]
/// type. When there are multiple hit regions that intersect with a hit test, the precedence
/// rules given below dictate which hit region has interacted with the hit test. Only Transforms
/// that transitively connect to the root Transform have their hit regions interact with a hit
/// test.
/// Precedence rules
/// Within a Transform, if multiple hit regions overlap, the hit test examines each
/// intersecting hit region for a possible interaction. Thus, for a regular hit test R and an
/// accessibility hit test A, where R and A both intersect two hit regions D ([`DEFAULT`]) and
/// S ([`SEMANTICALLY_INVISIBLE`]) on the same Transform, (1) R interacts with both D and S,
/// and (2) A only interacts with D. Generally, hit regions that overlap in a single Transform
/// can cause confusing behavior.
/// Within a View, for a given hit test, the front-most Transform's hit regions take
/// precedence over those behind. This follows the expected reverse "render order" of
/// Transforms (described in [`CreateTransform`]), where a user expects to interact with
/// Content that is visible, or front-most.
/// Across Flatland instances, for a given hit test, the front-most instance's front-most
/// Transform's hit regions take precedence over those behind. This follows the expected
/// reverse "render order" of views, where a user expects to interact with the View that is
/// visible, or front-most. For example, if a child View owns Content that is rendered over
/// the parent View, the user expects to interact with the child's Content.
/// To reset a Transform to "no hit testing": send an empty vector.
SetHitRegions(struct {
transform_id TransformId;
regions vector<HitRegion>:MAX_HIT_REGION_COUNT;
// ***** Content *****
// Content comes in many forms, but most content can be treated conceptually as a bitmap.
// Content is attached to Transforms. Each Transform can have, at most, one piece of attached
// Content. Content will inherit all of the attributes from its attached Transform (which
// inherits the attributes of its parent Transform, and so on).
// Content is contained within a unit rectangle, with the top-left corner at the origin of the
// coordinate space defined by the attached Transform.
/// The Viewport and View pair, together, represent the connection between two Flatland
/// instances. The Viewport is created in the parent, and the View is created in the child. The
/// parent has control over how the child's View is integrated into its own View.
/// Any illegal operations on ChildViewWatcher will cause both ChildViewWatcher channel and this
/// Flatland channel to be torn down.
/// `ViewportProperties` must have logical_size set. This is the initial size that will drive
/// the layout of the child. The logical_size is also used as the default Content size, but
/// subsequent changes to the logical_size will have no effect on the Content size.
/// The logical_size must have positive X and Y components.
/// Zero is not a valid ContentId. All other values are valid, assuming they are not already
/// in use for another piece of Content (see [`ReleaseViewport`] for more details).
/// Lifecycle note. The lifetime of the ChildViewWatcher channel is bound by the peer
/// ViewCreationToken. When the ViewCreationToken dies, this ChildViewWatcher channel is
/// destroyed.
CreateViewport(resource struct {
viewport_id ContentId;
/// A typed wrapper for a channel, representing the parent endpoint of the connection
/// between two Flatland instances.
token fuchsia.ui.views.ViewportCreationToken;
properties ViewportProperties;
child_view_watcher server_end:ChildViewWatcher;
/// An Image is a bitmap backed by a specific VMO in a BufferCollection.
/// Image creation requires an allocated BufferCollection registered with Allocator. This
/// function will fail unless all clients of the specified BufferCollection have set their
/// constraints.
/// The Image must reference a valid VMO index and must have ImageProperties that fall within
/// the constraints specified by the backing BufferCollection (i.e. width and height within a
/// valid range, etc.)
/// Zero is not a valid Image id. All other values are valid, assuming they are not already in
/// use for another piece of Content (see [`ReleaseImage`] for more details).
CreateImage(resource struct {
image_id ContentId;
import_token BufferCollectionImportToken;
vmo_index uint32;
properties ImageProperties;
/// This function is used to determine the region (in texel space) of an image that will be used
/// by Flatland when rendering. The image to be sampled is referenced by [`image_id`] and the
/// sample region is specified by [`rect`] which itself is comprised of an origin point (x,y) as
/// well as a width and height, in unnormalized coordinates. It is illegal to call this function
/// on non-image content, or to sample a region outside of the texel space of the image. In
/// other words, the region specifed by [`rect`] must not exceed the ranges (0, image_width) and
/// (0, image_height). If (rect.x + rect.width > image_width) or (rect.y + rect.height >
/// image_height) or if any of the values are negative, this will result in an error.
SetImageSampleRegion(struct {
image_id ContentId;
rect fuchsia.math.RectF;
/// The content size for an Image is the size of the rectangle in the parent's space that the
/// image occupies. This combined with the global translation of the transform it is attached
/// to determines the size and location of where the content is rendered on the display.
SetImageDestinationSize(struct {
image_id ContentId;
size fuchsia.math.SizeU;
/// Determines the blend function to use when rendering the image specified by
/// |image_id|. The image must be a valid image that was previously created with
/// a call to |CreateImage|. For details on the different blend functions that are
/// available, please refer to the BlendMode enum.
SetImageBlendingFunction(struct {
image_id ContentId;
blend_mode BlendMode;
/// Creates a solid-color rectangle. By default a filled-rect does not have a defined
/// color or size. It is necessary to call |SetSolidFill| to specify a color and size
/// before a filled rect can be used for rendering. Not doing so will result the
// rectangle having a default size of (0,0) and so it will not show up when rendering.
CreateFilledRect(resource struct {
rect_id ContentId;
/// Defines the color and size of a filled rect. |rect_id| must refer to content that
/// was created via a call to CreateFilledRect. The color is not premultiplied.
SetSolidFill(resource struct {
rect_id ContentId;
color ColorRgba;
size fuchsia.math.SizeU;
/// Automatically garbage collects the rectangle when it is no longer needed for
/// rendering. |rect_id| must have been instantiated with a call to
/// |CreateFilledRect|. Once released, the ID immediately goes out of scope and is free
/// to be used again.
ReleaseFilledRect(struct {
rect_id ContentId;
// ***** Content management *****
/// Setting a piece of Content on a Transform makes that Content visible in the render tree as
/// long as the Transform is visible from the root Transform. The Content will be rendered
/// before, and therefore "behind", any Content attached to the descendants of the Transform.
/// Because each Transform can have, at most, a single piece of Content on it, calling this
/// function on a Transform that already has Content will replace that Content.
/// A Content may be set on more than one Transform.
/// Calling this function with a Content id of 0 will remove any Content currently on the
/// Transform.
SetContent(struct {
transform_id TransformId;
content_id ContentId;
// ***** Content mutators *****
/// Transforms are usually sufficient to change how Content is presented. Viewports, however,
/// have special properties that are not part of the Transform hierarchy. Those properties can
/// be set using this function.
/// The logical_size must have positive X and Y components.
SetViewportProperties(struct {
viewport_id ContentId;
properties ViewportProperties;
// ***** Cleanup operations *****
/// Released Transforms will be garbage collected by the system once they are no longer
/// necessary for rendering. For Transforms, this means there is no path from any unreleased
/// Transform to the newly-released Transform.
/// Once released, the id immediately goes out of scope for future function calls and can be
/// reused when creating new Transforms.
/// It is an error to call functions with a released id (unless that id has been reused to
/// construct a new Transform).
ReleaseTransform(struct {
transform_id TransformId;
// Releases the View, which disconnects this Flatland instance from its parent Flatland
// instance.
// To clear the existing content from the screen without releasing the current View, use
// SetRootTransform(0) instead.
// Despite having a return type, this function is still feed-forward Like [`CreateView`] and
// requires a call to [`Present`] to be executed. The ViewCreationToken will be returned after
// the presented operations have been executed.
// TODO( Consider re-linking. We can return the ViewCreationToken used to
// establish the View. This token can then be used to establish a new View with the parent
// Viewport.
/// Releases a Viewport from the scene, even if the Viewport is still connected to a Transform.
/// Unlike other resources, Viewports are garbage collected by the system during the next
/// [`Present`] because a removed Viewport is guaranteed to provide no renderable content.
/// Use SetContent(transform_id, 0) to clean up references to released Viewports.
/// Despite having a return type, this function is still feed-forward like [`CreateView`] and
/// requires a call to [`Present`] to be executed. The ViewportCreationToken will be returned
/// after the presented operations have been executed.
ReleaseViewport(struct {
viewport_id ContentId;
}) -> (resource struct {
token fuchsia.ui.views.ViewportCreationToken;
/// Released Images will be garbage collected by the system once they are no longer necessary
/// for rendering. For Images, this means the Image is no longer attached to any Transform and
/// any pending rendering that references the Image is complete.
/// Use SetContent(transform_id, 0) to clean up references to released Images.
/// Once released, the id immediately goes out of scope for future function calls and can be
/// reused when creating new Images.
/// It is an error to call functions with a released id (unless that id has been reused to
/// construct a new Image).
ReleaseImage(struct {
image_id ContentId;
/// This function will reset all state on this interface. This includes destroying all existing
/// View and Viewports without returning the associated Token to the caller.
// ***** Debug operations *****
/// Set debug name of the current client that can be used by Flatland to print as a prefix to
/// logs to help client distinguish what is theirs. [`name`] can be an arbitrary string, but the
/// current process name (see fsl::GetCurrentProcessName()) is a good default.
SetDebugName(struct {
name string:64;
// TODO( In the future this will be replaced with something
// that allows control over which hardware display to use. This API is sufficient for the purpose
// of initial bringup of Flatland.
/// This API connects to the singleton "primary display", and allows a tree of Flatland content to
/// be attached underneath. Only one FlatlandDisplay client connection is allowed at one time.
protocol FlatlandDisplay {
// TODO( Consider whether this should be:
// SetContent(ViewportCreationToken token) -> (ViewportCreationToken? previous_token);
// ... this way, whoever is using the display can keep track of multiple different pieces
// of content, and choose which to display. OTOH, an argument could be made that this API
// should be kept as simple as possible, and if one wanted to do this sort of thing they should
// create their own Flatland instance and do the content management there.
SetContent(resource struct {
token fuchsia.ui.views.ViewportCreationToken;
child_view_watcher server_end:ChildViewWatcher;