blob: 54f3c9f8a84e7e24acb9ea74090bc6b5520800bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
using zx;
alias NodeId = uint64;
alias ThreadId = uint64;
alias GainStageId = uint64;
/// By convention, the zero ID is never used.
const INVALID_ID uint64 = 0;
/// Maximum length of a `name` string.
const MAX_NAME_LENGTH uint32 = 256;
/// A factory for creating [`Graph`] protocols.
protocol GraphCreator {
/// Creates a new graph that lives until the channel is closed.
Create(resource struct {
graph client_end:Graph;
options CreateGraphOptions;
}) -> (struct {}) error CreateGraphError;
/// A mixer Graph.
/// ## Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)
/// Each graph includes a set of nodes connected into one or more DAGs. Audio
/// data flows from Producer nodes to Consumer nodes, and in between, may flow
/// through processing nodes, including Mixers, Splitters, and Custom nodes.
/// Audio is strongly typed: each node declares the audio encoding(s) it can
/// ingest as input(s) and the audio encoding(s) it can produce as output(s). It
/// is illegal to connect nodes with incompatible encodings.
/// ## Execution Model
/// Execution is driven by Consumers. Each Consumer wakes every N ms (N is
/// configurable per Consumer) and pulls N ms of audio from its inputs, which
/// pull audio from their inputs, and so on, up to the connected Producers. As
/// audio is pulled down the graph, it is processed and mixed into a single
/// stream that is written into the Consumer.
/// Each Consumer is attached to a Thread, which gives the Consumer a place to
/// do its work. Threads usually need deadline profiles to meet real-time
/// constraints. The client is responsible for creating Thread objects,
/// assigning Consumers to Threads, and attaching appropriate deadline profiles
/// when needed.
/// When the DAG includes nodes with multiple output edges, such as Splitters,
/// we can end up in a situation where two Consumers A and B share the same
/// dependencies (via the Splitter's input). If A and B run on different
/// threads, it's unclear which Thread should process those shared dependencies,
/// making it unclear how much deadline capacity is required by each thread. To
/// avoid this problem, we partition the DAG so that each Consumer is the root
/// of an inverted tree. At nodes with multiple output edges, such as Splitters,
/// we partition the node into a hidden Consumer node (which drives the inputs)
/// and hidden Producer nodes (which drive the outputs). When the client creates
/// a Splitter, they must assign a Thread to the Splitter's hidden Consumer.
/// This ensures that each node is processed on a unique thread, making it
/// simpler to analyze the needed capacity for each Thread.
/// ## Method Semantics
/// Methods will be executed sequentially in the order they are called. Method
/// calls can be pipelined, but if more than an implementation-defined number of
/// requests are in flight at one time, the server reserves the right to assume
/// a DoS attack and close the connection.
/// Most methods use a minimal set of arguments plus an "options" table to allow
/// for extensibility.
/// ## IDs and names
/// Every object is identified by a numeric `id`. Within each object type
/// (Nodes, Threads, and GainStages) IDs are guaranteed to be unique. Old IDs
/// for deleted objects will never be reused for new objects.
/// Every object has an optional string `name`. If specified, ideally this name
/// should be unique within the [`Graph`] and have a printable CamelCase format,
/// but this is not required. Names are used for developer-visible diagnostics
/// only -- they do not need to be unique. Duplicate names can at worst lead to
/// potentially-confusing diagnostics. IDs, not names, should be used when
/// unique identification is required.
/// ## Clocks
/// Each audio stream is associated with a *reference clock*. Different streams
/// can use different clocks. Any two clocks can differ in both value (the
/// current time) and the rate, where the rate may [change over
/// time]( as
/// long as the clock remains [continuous and
/// monotonic](
/// This reflects many real situations. For example, a speaker may have an
/// internal clock separate from the CPU's physical clock. Or, a stream may
/// originate from some other computer on the network whose clock is not
/// precisely synchronized to our local clock.
/// Every node must specify the reference clock used by the node's output
/// streams, except for Consumers, which must specify a clock for the Consumer's
/// input stream. To connect two streams that use different clocks, we must
/// translate one stream onto the other stream's clock. This is done at Mixer
/// nodes, which use sample rate conversion (SRC) to translate input streams
/// onto the Mixer's output reference clock.
/// Reference clocks can change rate over time. These rate changes are typically
/// controlled by the client. If the client doesn't need precise control over
/// reference clocks, a cheaper option is to use Graph-controlled clocks (see
/// [`Graph.CreateGraphControlledReferenceClock`]), which can avoid a
/// potentially-expensive SRC in many cases. For example, if a Producer flows to
/// a Consumer, where the Producer uses a Graph-controlled clock and the
/// Consumer uses a client-controlled clock, the `Graph` will adjust the
/// Producer clock's rate to synchronize the Producer and Consumer clocks,
/// eliminating the need for SRC.
protocol Graph {
/// Creates a Producer node with the given options.
/// Producer nodes generate audio which can be consumed by other nodes. For
/// example, a Producer node might encapsulate audio coming from an
/// application or from a microphone. Producer nodes cannot have any input
/// edges but may have one or more output edges.
/// + `options` Extensible options for creating the node.
/// - `id` ID of the newly-created node. Guaranteed to be unique.
/// * error Reason the node could not be created.
CreateProducer(resource struct {
options CreateProducerOptions;
}) -> (struct {
id NodeId;
}) error CreateNodeError;
/// Creates a Consumer node with the given options.
/// Consumer nodes write audio to a sink. For example, a Consumer node might
/// encapsulate audio being written to a speaker or to an application (which
/// may be capturing audio from a microphone). Consumer nodes can have at
/// most one input edge.
/// Audio pipelines are driven by Consumers. Each Consumer is attached to a
/// Thread, which gives the Consumer a place to do work. A Consumer wakes
/// every `N` ms (`N` is configurable), pulls `N` ms of audio from its input
/// edge, then writes that audio to the Consumer's sink.
/// For more details, see "Execution Model" under the description for
/// [`Graph`].
/// + `options` Extensible options for creating the node.
/// - `id` ID of the newly-created node. Guaranteed to be unique.
/// * error Reason the node could not be created.
CreateConsumer(resource struct {
options CreateConsumerOptions;
}) -> (struct {
id NodeId;
}) error CreateNodeError;
/// Creates a Mixer node with the given options.
/// Mixer nodes combine multiple PCM input streams into a single PCM output
/// streams. Mixers apply format conversion and sample rate conversion to
/// the input streams to produce an output stream with a fixed format.
/// + `options` Extensible options for creating the node.
/// - `id` ID of the newly-created node. Guaranteed to be unique.
/// * error Reason the node could not be created.
CreateMixer(resource struct {
options CreateMixerOptions;
}) -> (struct {
id NodeId;
}) error CreateNodeError;
/// Creates a Splitter node with the given options.
/// Splitter nodes split a single input stream into multiple output streams
/// that are clones of the input stream. For more details, see "Execution
/// Model" under the description for [`Graph`].
/// + `options` Extensible options for creating the node.
/// - `id` ID of the newly-created node. Guaranteed to be unique.
/// * error Reason the node could not be created.
CreateSplitter(resource struct {
options CreateSplitterOptions;
}) -> (struct {
id NodeId;
}) error CreateNodeError;
/// Creates a Custom node with the given options.
/// Custom nodes apply custom effects to one or more input streams,
/// producing one or more output streams. The effects are implemented
/// out-of-process via a call to a FIDL interface.
/// Custom nodes are composite nodes that encapsulate a fixed number of
/// inputs and outputs. We assign an ID to each of these input and output
/// slots -- see [`CustomNodeProperties`]. This allows creating edges that
/// target a specific slot. For example, a node that implements AEC will
/// have loopback and microphone input slots and the caller will need to
/// connect each input slot to an appropriate source. The caller can do this
/// by calling `CreateEdge` using a specific [`NodeId`] from
/// [`CustomNodeProperties.input_ids`]. These internal IDs cannot be
/// deleted, except by deleting the entire Custom node.
/// The returned `id` describes the composite node. Passing `id` to
/// [`DeleteNode`] will delete the composite node as well as any internal
/// input and output nodes. The returned `id` cannot be used in
/// [`CreateEdge`]. Edges must target a specific input or output slot as
/// described above.
/// + `options` Extensible options for creating the node.
/// - `id` ID of the newly-created node. Guaranteed to be unique.
/// - `node_properties` Additional properties of the newly-created node.
/// * error Reason the node could not be created.
CreateCustom(resource struct {
options CreateCustomOptions;
}) -> (resource struct {
id NodeId;
node_properties CustomNodeProperties;
}) error CreateNodeError;
/// Deletes the given node.
/// The node must exist. `DeleteNode(x)` will delete all incoming and
/// outgoing edges of node `x` before deleting the node itself. Once the node
/// has been deleted it cannot be mentioned by any future method calls.
/// ## Parameters
/// + `id` ID of the node to delete.
/// * error Reason the node could not be deleted.
DeleteNode(struct {
id NodeId;
}) -> (struct {}) error DeleteNodeError;
/// Creates an edge from the source node to the destination node.
/// Both nodes must exist. The source's output encoding must be supported by
/// the destination node. With the exception of Mixer nodes, most nodes
/// require inputs to have a specific (fixed) encoding.
/// The source's output streams must use the same reference clock as the
/// destinations input stream, unless the destination is a Mixer, in which
/// case the source's output stream can use any clock.
/// If the source's direction is `INPUT`, the dest's direction cannot be
/// `OUTPUT`. See [`PipelineDirection`] for additional discussion.
/// ## Parameters
/// + `dest_id` ID of the destination node.
/// + `source_id` ID of the source node.
/// + `options` Extensible options for creating the edge.
/// * error Reason the edge could not be created.
CreateEdge(resource struct {
dest_id NodeId;
source_id NodeId;
options CreateEdgeOptions;
}) -> (struct {}) error CreateEdgeError;
/// Deletes the edge connecting the source node to the destination node.
/// The edge must exist.
/// + `dest_id` ID of the destination node.
/// + `source_id` ID of the source node.
/// * error Reason the edge could not be deleted.
DeleteEdge(struct {
dest_id NodeId;
source_id NodeId;
}) -> (struct {}) error DeleteEdgeError;
/// Creates a thread.
/// Each `CreateThread` call creates a new thread in the mixer service. This
/// new thread will be used to process audio for all Consumer nodes assigned
/// to this thread.
/// For more details, see "Execution Model" under the description for
/// [`Graph`].
/// ## Parameters
/// + `options` Extensible options for creating the thread.
/// - `id` ID of the newly-created thread. Guaranteed to be unique.
/// * error Reason the thread could not be created.
CreateThread(resource struct {
options CreateThreadOptions;
}) -> (struct {
id ThreadId;
}) error CreateThreadError;
/// Deletes the given thread.
/// The thread must exist. A thread cannot be deleted until all Consumer
/// nodes assigned to that thread have been deleted.
/// + `id` ID of the thread to delete.
/// * error Reason the thread could not be deleted.
DeleteThread(struct {
id ThreadId;
}) -> (struct {}) error DeleteThreadError;
/// Creates a GainStage.
/// A GainStage controls gain that should be applied to an audio stream.
/// GainStages can be attached to edges going into and out of a Mixer node.
/// Gain can be set to a specific value (e.g. in decibels) or it can be
/// muted.
/// By default, a GainStage applies no gain and is not muted.
/// + `options` Extensible options for creating the GainStage.
/// - `id` ID of the newly-created GainStage. Guaranteed to be unique.
/// * error Reason the GainStage could not be created.
CreateGainStage(resource struct {
options CreateGainStageOptions;
}) -> (struct {
id GainStageId;
}) error CreateGainStageError;
/// Deletes the given GainStage.
/// The GainStage must exist. A GainStage cannot be deleted until all
/// associated edges have been deleted.
/// + `id` ID of the GainStage to delete.
/// * error Reason the GainStage could not be deleted.
DeleteGainStage(struct {
id GainStageId;
}) -> (struct {}) error DeleteGainStageError;
/// Creates a graph-controlled reference clock.
/// The returned clock has `ZX_RIGHT_READ` and `ZX_RIGHT_DUPLICATE` but not
/// `ZX_RIGHT_WRITE`. The clock may be duplicated and used wherever a
/// reference clock is needed. The graph will rate change this clock until
/// the clock (or a duplicate of the clock) is passed to
/// [`ForgetGraphControlledReferenceClock`].
/// For more details, see "Clocks" under the description for [`Graph`].
/// - `reference_clock` The new clock
/// * error Error from `zx_clock_create`
CreateGraphControlledReferenceClock() -> (resource struct {
reference_clock zx.handle:CLOCK;
}) error zx.status;
/// Forgets about a graph-controlled reference clock.
/// The clock must have been previously created by
/// [`CreateGraphControlledReferenceClock`]. The clock will not be deleted (other
/// duplicates will still exist) however it will no longer be adjusted by
/// this Graph (or by anyone else, since this Graph was the only entity with
/// + `reference_clock` The clock to forget
/// * error `ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND` if `reference_clock` was not created by
/// [`CreateGraphControlledReferenceClock`] or if was already forgotten
ForgetGraphControlledReferenceClock(resource struct {
reference_clock zx.handle:CLOCK;
}) -> (struct {}) error zx.status;
// TODO( Start/Stop methods to control Producer and Consumer nodes
// TODO( Watch method to observe delay (aka lead time) of a node
/// Type of errors return by [`CreateGraph`].
type CreateGraphError = flexible enum {};
/// Type of errors return by CreateNode methods.
type CreateNodeError = flexible enum {};
/// Type of errors return by [`DeleteNode`].
type DeleteNodeError = flexible enum {
/// The given `id` is invalid.
/// Type of errors return by [`CreateEdge`].
type CreateEdgeError = flexible enum {
/// The given `dest_id` is invalid.
/// The dest does not support an additional input.
/// The given `source_id` is invalid.
/// The source does not support an additional output.
/// The source's output is not compatible with the dest.
/// The source and dest are already connected.
/// This edge would create a cycle.
CYCLE = 7;
/// Type of errors return by [`DeleteEdge`].
type DeleteEdgeError = flexible enum {
/// The given `dest_id` is invalid.
/// The given `source_id` is invalid.
/// The edge does not exist.
/// Type of errors return by [`CreateThread`].
type CreateThreadError = flexible enum {};
/// Type of errors return by [`DeleteThread`].
type DeleteThreadError = flexible enum {
/// The given `id` is invalid.
/// There are still Consumer nodes assigned to this thread. These Consumers
/// must be deleted before the Thread can be deleted.
/// Type of errors return by [`CreateGainStage`].
type CreateGainStageError = flexible enum {};
/// Type of errors return by [`DeleteGainStage`].
type DeleteGainStageError = flexible enum {
/// The given `id` is invalid.
/// There are still edges using this GainStage. These edges must be deleted
/// before the GainStage can be deleted.