blob: 2cb68ce66f677af04dd36cc0b724d259c7021d39 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/vmo/limits.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/optional.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
namespace inspect {
namespace internal {
enum class BlockType : uint8_t {
kFree = 0,
kReserved = 1,
kHeader = 2,
kNodeValue = 3,
kIntValue = 4,
kUintValue = 5,
kDoubleValue = 6,
kBufferValue = 7,
kExtent = 8,
kName = 9,
kTombstone = 10,
kArrayValue = 11,
kLinkValue = 12,
kBoolValue = 13,
kStringReference = 14,
enum class PropertyBlockFormat : uint8_t {
// The property is a UTF-8 string.
kUtf8 = 0,
// The property is a binary string of uint8_t.
kBinary = 1
enum class ArrayBlockFormat : uint8_t {
// The array stores N raw values in N slots.
kDefault = 0,
// The array is a linear histogram with N buckets and N+4 slots, which are:
// - param_floor_value
// - param_step_size
// - underflow_bucket
// - ...N buckets...
// - overflow_bucket
kLinearHistogram = 1,
// The array is an exponential histogram with N buckets and N+5 slots, which are:
// - param_floor_value
// - param_initial_step
// - param_step_multiplier
// - underflow_bucket
// - ...N buckets...
// - overflow_bucket
kExponentialHistogram = 2
enum class LinkBlockDisposition : uint8_t {
// The linked sub-hierarchy root is a child of the LINK_VALUE's parent.
kChild = 0,
// The linked sub-hierarchy root's properties and children belong to the LINK_VALUE's parent.
kInline = 1,
using BlockOrder = uint32_t;
using BlockIndex = uint64_t;
// Returns the smallest order such that (kMinOrderSize << order) >= size.
// Size must be non-zero.
constexpr BlockOrder FitOrder(size_t size) {
auto ret = static_cast<size_t>(64 - __builtin_clzl(size - 1)) - kMinOrderShift;
return static_cast<BlockOrder>(ret);
// Structure of the block header and payload.
struct Block final {
union {
uint64_t header;
char header_data[8];
union {
int64_t i64;
uint64_t u64;
double f64;
char data[8];
} payload;
// Get the payload as a const char*.
const char* payload_ptr() const { return static_cast<const char*>(; }
// Get the payload as a char*.
char* payload_ptr() { return static_cast<char*>(; }
static_assert(sizeof(Block) == 16, "Block header must be 16 bytes");
static_assert(sizeof(Block) == kMinOrderSize,
"Minimum allocation size must exactly hold a block header");
// Describes the layout of a bit-field packed into a 64-bit word.
template <size_t begin, size_t end>
struct Field final {
static_assert(begin < sizeof(uint64_t) * 8, "begin is out of bounds");
static_assert(end < sizeof(uint64_t) * 8, "end is out of bounds");
static_assert(begin <= end, "begin must not be larger than end");
static_assert(end - begin + 1 < 64, "must be a part of a word, not a whole word");
static constexpr uint64_t kMask = (uint64_t(1) << (end - begin + 1)) - 1;
template <typename T>
static constexpr uint64_t Make(T value) {
return static_cast<uint64_t>(value) << begin;
template <typename U>
static constexpr U Get(uint64_t word) {
static_assert(sizeof(U) >= SizeInBytes(), "attempt to narrow value lossily");
return static_cast<U>((word >> (begin % 64)) & kMask);
static constexpr void Set(uint64_t* word, uint64_t value) {
*word = (*word & ~(kMask << begin)) | (value << begin);
// The size of a field in bytes. This will truncate the size of values which
// are not byte aligned.
static constexpr size_t SizeInBytes() { return ((end + 1) - begin) / 8; }
// Describes the base fields present for all blocks.
struct BlockFields {
using Order = Field<0, 3>;
using Type = Field<8, 15>;
struct HeaderBlockFields final : public BlockFields {
using Version = Field<16, 31>;
using MagicNumber = Field<32, 63>;
struct FreeBlockFields final : public BlockFields {
using NextFreeBlock = Field<16, 39>;
// Describes the fields common to all value blocks.
struct ValueBlockFields final : public BlockFields {
using ParentIndex = Field<16, 39>;
using NameIndex = Field<40, 63>;
struct StringReferenceBlockFields final : public BlockFields {
using NextExtentIndex = Field<16, 39>;
using ReferenceCount = Field<40, 63>;
struct StringReferenceBlockPayload final {
using TotalLength = Field<0, 31>;
struct PropertyBlockPayload final {
using TotalLength = Field<0, 31>;
using ExtentIndex = Field<32, 59>;
using Flags = Field<60, 63>;
// Describes the fields for ARRAY_VALUE payloads.
struct ArrayBlockPayload final {
using EntryType = Field<0, 3>;
using Flags = Field<4, 7>;
using Count = Field<8, 15>;
struct ExtentBlockFields final : public BlockFields {
using NextExtentIndex = Field<16, 39>;
struct NameBlockFields final : public BlockFields {
using Length = Field<16, 27>;
struct LinkBlockPayload final {
using ContentIndex = Field<0, 19>;
using Flags = Field<60, 63>;
constexpr BlockOrder GetOrder(const Block* block) {
return BlockFields::Order::Get<BlockOrder>(block->header);
constexpr BlockType GetType(const Block* block) {
return BlockFields::Type::Get<BlockType>(block->header);
constexpr size_t PayloadCapacity(BlockOrder order) {
return OrderToSize(order) - sizeof(Block::header);
constexpr cpp17::optional<size_t> SizeForArrayPayload(const BlockType payload_type) {
switch (payload_type) {
case BlockType::kIntValue:
case BlockType::kUintValue:
case BlockType::kDoubleValue:
return {sizeof(uint64_t)};
case BlockType::kStringReference:
return {sizeof(uint32_t)};
return {};
constexpr cpp17::optional<size_t> ArrayCapacity(BlockOrder order, BlockType type) {
const auto size = SizeForArrayPayload(type);
if (size.has_value()) {
return (OrderToSize(order) - sizeof(Block::header) - sizeof(Block::payload)) / size.value();
return {};
constexpr size_t BlockSizeForPayload(size_t payload_size) {
return std::max(payload_size + sizeof(Block::header), kMinOrderSize);
// For array types, get a pointer to a specific slot in the array.
// Because the return type is a pointer to a value inside the input block,
// the output type needs to be const if the input block is const.
// If the index is out of bounds, return nullptr.
// If the input block is not an array type, return nullptr.
template <typename T, typename B,
// check that B is a Block* of some kind
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<typename std::decay_t<B>, Block>::value>,
// check that the return pointer is at least as const as the input block
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_const<B>::value ? std::is_const<T>::value : true>>
constexpr T* GetArraySlot(B* block, size_t index) {
if (GetType(block) != BlockType::kArrayValue) {
return nullptr;
const auto capacity = ArrayCapacity(
GetOrder(block), ArrayBlockPayload::EntryType::Get<BlockType>(block->payload.u64));
if (!capacity.has_value()) {
return nullptr;
if (index > capacity.value()) {
return nullptr;
T* arr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(&block->payload);
return arr + index + (sizeof(uint64_t) / sizeof(T)) /* skip inline payload */;
// Get a BlockIndex pointing to a string reference from a string array `Block`.
// This can't return a pointer because the VMO representation of block indexes is smaller
// than the C++ one, so a string reference's BlockIndex written directly to the array
// through the pointer would overwrite other data.
inline cpp17::optional<BlockIndex> GetArraySlotForString(const Block* block, size_t index) {
const auto* tmp = GetArraySlot<const uint32_t>(block, index);
if (tmp == nullptr) {
return {};
return static_cast<const BlockIndex>(*tmp);
// Set the value of a string array at `index_into_array` with a `BlockIndex`, `value`,
// pointing to a string reference.
// Necessary to have a helper function instead of returning a mutable pointer into the array
// for the reasons noted on `GetArraySlotForString`.
inline void SetArraySlotForString(Block* block, size_t index_into_array, BlockIndex value) {
auto* slot = GetArraySlot<uint32_t>(block, index_into_array);
if (slot == nullptr) {
auto value_as_u32 = static_cast<uint32_t>(value);
*slot = value_as_u32;
constexpr size_t kMaxPayloadSize = kMaxOrderSize - sizeof(Block::header);
inline void SetHeaderVmoSize(Block* block, size_t headerVmoSize) {
if (GetType(block) != BlockType::kHeader || GetOrder(block) != kVmoHeaderOrder) {
// The size field is located at the start of the first block after header and payload.
memcpy(block->payload_ptr() + sizeof(block->payload), &headerVmoSize, sizeof(size_t));
inline cpp17::optional<size_t> GetHeaderVmoSize(const Block* block) {
if (GetType(block) != BlockType::kHeader || GetOrder(block) != kVmoHeaderOrder) {
return {};
size_t size = 0;
// The size field is located at the start of the first block after header and payload.
memcpy(&size, block->payload_ptr() + sizeof(block->payload), sizeof(size_t));
return {size};
} // namespace internal
} // namespace inspect