blob: 7c706dfba18b62919d61801baba9576dd2e0060e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO( Fix null safety and remove this language version.
// @dart=2.9
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:sl4f/sl4f.dart' as sl4f;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
const _timeout = Timeout(Duration(minutes: 1));
void main() {
sl4f.Sl4f sl4fDriver;
sl4f.Storage storage;
setUpAll(() async {
..level = Level.ALL
.listen((LogRecord rec) => print('[${rec.level}]: ${rec.message}'));
sl4fDriver = sl4f.Sl4f.fromEnvironment();
await sl4fDriver.startServer();
storage = sl4f.Storage(sl4fDriver);
tearDownAll(() async {
await sl4fDriver.stopServer();
Future<bool> exists(String path) async {
final result = await storage.stat(path);
return result != null;
group('file facade', () {
test('writes to path then reads from it', () async {
String timestampName =
await storage.putBytes('/tmp/$timestampName', 'h3ll0 w0r1d!'.codeUnits);
expect(await exists('/tmp/$timestampName'), true);
final result = await storage.readFile('/tmp/$timestampName');
expect(String.fromCharCodes(result), 'h3ll0 w0r1d!');
test('deletes file in path', () async {
String timestampName =
await storage.putBytes('/tmp/$timestampName', 'h3ll0 w3r1d!'.codeUnits);
expect(await exists('/tmp/$timestampName'), true);
String result = await storage.deleteFile('/tmp/$timestampName');
expect(result, 'Success');
expect(await exists('/tmp/$timestampName'), false);
test('returns notfound when deleting unexisting code', () async {
String timestampName =
String result = await storage.deleteFile('/tmp/$timestampName');
expect(result, 'NotFound');
test('creates new dir', () async {
String timestampName =
String result = await storage.makeDirectory('/tmp/$timestampName');
expect(result, 'Success');
expect(await exists('/tmp/$timestampName'), true);
test('creates new dir recursively', () async {
String timestampName =
String subdir = 'subdir-test';
String result = await storage.makeDirectory('/tmp/$timestampName/$subdir',
recurse: true);
expect(result, 'Success');
expect(await exists('/tmp/$timestampName'), true);
expect(await exists('/tmp/$timestampName/$subdir'), true);
test('returns alreadyexists when creating existing directory', () async {
String timestampName =
String subdir = 'subdir-test';
String result = await storage.makeDirectory('/tmp/$timestampName');
expect(result, 'Success');
result = await storage.makeDirectory('/tmp/$timestampName/$subdir');
expect(result, 'Success');
result = await storage.makeDirectory('/tmp/$timestampName/$subdir',
recurse: true);
expect(result, 'AlreadyExists');
}, timeout: _timeout);