blob: 13e6b77bc094364cf183f08e60ff0db1204f5709 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Error (common to all fidl operations)
use {
crate::handle::{ObjectType, Rights},
/// A specialized `Result` type for FIDL operations.
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
/// The error type used by FIDL operations.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("Unexpected response to synchronous FIDL query.")]
#[error("Invalid FIDL boolean.")]
#[error("Invalid header for a FIDL buffer.")]
#[error("Incompatible wire format magic number: {0}.")]
#[error("Unsupported wire format version")]
#[error("Invalid FIDL buffer.")]
#[error("The FIDL object could not fit within the provided buffer range")]
#[error("Decoding the FIDL object did not use all of the bytes provided.")]
#[error("Decoding the FIDL object did not use all of the handles provided.")]
"Decoding the FIDL object observed non-zero value in the padding region \
starting at byte {padding_start}."
NonZeroPadding {
/// Index of the first byte of the padding, relative to the beginning of the message.
padding_start: usize,
#[error("The FIDL object had too many layers of out-of-line recursion.")]
"There was an attempt to read or write a null-valued object as a non-nullable FIDL type."
#[error("A FIDL object reference with nonzero byte length had a null data pointer.")]
#[error("A FIDL message contained incorrectly encoded UTF8.")]
#[error("Vector was too long. Expected at most {max_length} elements, got {actual_length}.")]
VectorTooLong {
/// Maximum length, i.e. the `N` in `vector<T>:N`.
max_length: usize,
/// Actual length of the vector (number of elements).
actual_length: usize,
#[error("String was too long. Expected at most {max_bytes} bytes, got {actual_bytes}.")]
StringTooLong {
/// Maximum length in bytes, i.e. the `N` in `string:N`.
max_bytes: usize,
/// Actual length of the string in bytes.
actual_bytes: usize,
"A message was received for ordinal value {ordinal} that the FIDL \
protocol {protocol_name} does not understand."
UnknownOrdinal { ordinal: u64, protocol_name: &'static str },
"Server for the FIDL protocol {protocol_name} did not recognize method {method_name}."
UnsupportedMethod { method_name: &'static str, protocol_name: &'static str },
#[error("Invalid bits value for a strict bits type.")]
#[error("Invalid enum value for a strict enum type.")]
#[error("Unrecognized descriminant for a FIDL union type.")]
#[error("A FIDL future was polled after it had already completed.")]
"Received request with zero txid for two-way method ordinal, \
or nonzero txid for one-way method ordinal."
#[error("Received response with unknown txid.")]
#[error("Received response with unexpected ordinal.")]
#[error("Invalid presence indicator.")]
#[error("Invalid inline bit in envelope.")]
#[error("Invalid inline marker in envelope.")]
#[error("Invalid number of bytes in FIDL envelope.")]
#[error("Invalid number of handles in FIDL envelope.")]
#[error("Invalid FIDL handle used on the host.")]
#[error("Incorrect handle subtype. Expected {}, but received {}", .expected.into_raw(), .received.into_raw())]
IncorrectHandleSubtype { expected: ObjectType, received: ObjectType },
#[error("Some expected handle rights are missing: {}", .missing_rights.bits())]
MissingExpectedHandleRights { missing_rights: Rights },
#[error("An error was encountered during handle replace()")]
HandleReplace(#[source] Status),
#[error("A server encountered an IO error writing a FIDL response to a channel: {0}")]
ServerResponseWrite(#[source] Status),
"A FIDL server encountered an IO error reading incoming FIDL requests from a channel: {0}"
ServerRequestRead(#[source] Status),
#[error("A FIDL server encountered an IO error writing an epitaph into a channel: {0}")]
ServerEpitaphWrite(#[source] Status),
#[error("A FIDL client encountered an IO error reading a response from a channel: {0}")]
ClientRead(#[source] Status),
#[error("A FIDL client encountered an IO error writing a request into a channel: {0}")]
ClientWrite(#[source] Status),
#[error("A FIDL client encountered an IO error issuing a channel call: {0}")]
ClientCall(#[source] Status),
#[error("A FIDL client encountered an IO error issuing a channel call: {0}")]
ClientEvent(#[source] Status),
#[cfg(not(target_os = "fuchsia"))]
#[error("A FIDL client's channel to the protocol {protocol_name} was closed: {status}, reason: {}",
.reason.as_ref().map(String::as_str).unwrap_or("not given")
ClientChannelClosed {
/// The epitaph or `Status::PEER_CLOSED`.
status: Status,
/// The name of the protocol at the other end of the channel.
protocol_name: &'static str,
/// Further details on why exactly the channel closed.
reason: Option<String>,
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
#[error("A FIDL client's channel to the protocol {protocol_name} was closed: {status}")]
ClientChannelClosed {
/// The epitaph or `Status::PEER_CLOSED`.
status: Status,
/// The name of the protocol at the other end of the channel.
protocol_name: &'static str,
#[error("There was an error attaching a FIDL channel to the async executor: {0}")]
AsyncChannel(#[source] Status),
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
#[error("Test Status: {0}")]
TestIo(#[source] Status),
impl Error {
/// Returns `true` if the error was sourced by a closed channel.
pub fn is_closed(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Error::ClientChannelClosed { .. })