blob: 83bc16eac83313cc4438c60b22132dee0bf1c49c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! An implementation of a client for a fidl interface.
use {
decode_transaction_header, Decode, Decoder, DynamicFlags, Encode, Encoder, EpitaphBody,
TransactionHeader, TransactionMessage, TransactionMessageType, TypeMarker,
handle::{AsyncChannel, HandleDisposition, MessageBufEtc},
fuchsia_zircon_status as zx_status,
future::{self, FusedFuture, Future, FutureExt, Map, MaybeDone},
stream::{FusedStream, Stream},
task::{noop_waker, ArcWake, Context, Poll, Waker},
std::{collections::VecDeque, mem, pin::Pin, sync::Arc},
/// Decodes the body of `buf` as the FIDL type `T`.
#[doc(hidden)] // only exported for use in macros or generated code
pub fn decode_transaction_body<T: TypeMarker, const EXPECTED_ORDINAL: u64>(
mut buf: MessageBufEtc,
) -> Result<T::Owned, Error> {
let (bytes, handles) = buf.split_mut();
let (header, body_bytes) = decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
if header.ordinal != EXPECTED_ORDINAL {
return Err(Error::InvalidResponseOrdinal);
let mut output = Decode::<T>::new_empty();
Decoder::decode_into::<T>(&header, body_bytes, handles, &mut output)?;
/// A FIDL client which can be used to send buffers and receive responses via a channel.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Client {
inner: Arc<ClientInner>,
/// A future representing the decoded and transformed response to a FIDL query.
pub type DecodedQueryResponseFut<T> =
Map<MessageResponse, fn(Result<MessageBufEtc, Error>) -> Result<T, Error>>;
/// A future representing the result of a FIDL query, with early error detection available if the
/// message couldn't be sent.
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
pub struct QueryResponseFut<T>(pub MaybeDone<DecodedQueryResponseFut<T>>);
impl<T: Unpin> FusedFuture for QueryResponseFut<T> {
fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.0, MaybeDone::Gone)
impl<T: Unpin> Future for QueryResponseFut<T> {
type Output = Result<T, Error>;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let maybe_done = Pin::new(&mut self.0);
impl<T> QueryResponseFut<T> {
/// Check to see if the query has an error. If there was en error sending, this returns it and
/// the error is returned, otherwise it returns self, which can then be awaited on:
/// i.e. match echo_proxy.echo("something").check() {
/// Err(e) => error!("Couldn't send: {}", e),
/// Ok(fut) => fut.await
/// }
pub fn check(self) -> Result<Self, Error> {
match self.0 {
MaybeDone::Done(Err(e)) => Err(e),
x => Ok(QueryResponseFut(x)),
/// A FIDL transaction id. Will not be zero for a message that includes a response.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Txid(u32);
/// A message interest id.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct InterestId(usize);
impl InterestId {
fn from_txid(txid: Txid) -> Self {
InterestId(txid.0 as usize - 1)
impl Txid {
fn from_interest_id(int_id: InterestId) -> Self {
Txid((int_id.0 + 1) as u32)
/// Get the raw u32 transaction ID.
pub fn as_raw_id(&self) -> u32 {
impl From<u32> for Txid {
fn from(txid: u32) -> Self {
impl Client {
/// Create a new client.
/// `channel` is the asynchronous channel over which data is sent and received.
/// `event_ordinals` are the ordinals on which events will be received.
pub fn new(channel: AsyncChannel, protocol_name: &'static str) -> Client {
Client {
inner: Arc::new(ClientInner {
interests: Mutex::default(),
terminal_error: Mutex::default(),
/// Get a reference to the client's underlying channel.
pub fn as_channel(&self) -> &AsyncChannel {
/// Attempt to convert the `Client` back into a channel.
/// This will only succeed if there are no active clones of this `Client`,
/// no currently-alive `EventReceiver` or `MessageResponse`s that came from
/// this `Client`, and no outstanding messages awaiting a response, even if
/// that response will be discarded.
pub fn into_channel(self) -> Result<AsyncChannel, Self> {
// We need to check the message_interests table to make sure there are
// no outstanding interests, since an interest might still exist even if
// all EventReceivers and MessageResponses have been dropped. That would
// lead to returning an AsyncChannel which could then later receive the
// outstanding response unexpectedly.
// We do try_unwrap before checking the message_interests to avoid a
// race where another thread inserts a new value into message_interests
// after we check message_interests.is_empty(), but before we get to
// try_unwrap. This forces us to create a new Arc if message_interests
// isn't empty, since try_unwrap destroys the original Arc.
match Arc::try_unwrap(self.inner) {
Ok(inner) => {
if inner.interests.lock().messages.is_empty() || {
} else {
// This creates a new arc if there are outstanding
// interests. This is ok because we never create any weak
// references to ClientInner, otherwise doing this would
// detach weak references.
Err(Self { inner: Arc::new(inner) })
Err(inner) => Err(Self { inner }),
/// Retrieve the stream of event messages for the `Client`.
/// Panics if the stream was already taken.
pub fn take_event_receiver(&self) -> EventReceiver {
let mut lock = self.inner.interests.lock();
if let EventListener::None = lock.event_listener {
lock.event_listener = EventListener::WillPoll;
} else {
panic!("Event stream was already taken");
EventReceiver { inner: self.inner.clone(), state: EventReceiverState::Active }
/// Encodes and sends a request without expecting a response.
pub fn send<T: TypeMarker>(
body: impl Encode<T>,
ordinal: u64,
dynamic_flags: DynamicFlags,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let msg =
TransactionMessage { header: TransactionHeader::new(0, ordinal, dynamic_flags), body };
crate::encoding::with_tls_encoded::<TransactionMessageType<T>, ()>(msg, |bytes, handles| {
self.send_raw(bytes, handles)
/// Encodes and sends a request. Returns a future that decodes the response.
pub fn send_query<Request: TypeMarker, Response: TypeMarker, const ORDINAL: u64>(
body: impl Encode<Request>,
dynamic_flags: DynamicFlags,
) -> QueryResponseFut<Response::Owned> {
self.send_query_and_decode::<Request, Response::Owned>(
|buf| buf.and_then(decode_transaction_body::<Response, ORDINAL>),
/// Encodes and sends a request. Returns a future that decodes the response
/// using the given `decode` function.
pub fn send_query_and_decode<Request: TypeMarker, Output>(
body: impl Encode<Request>,
ordinal: u64,
dynamic_flags: DynamicFlags,
decode: fn(Result<MessageBufEtc, Error>) -> Result<Output, Error>,
) -> QueryResponseFut<Output> {
let send_result = self.send_raw_query(|tx_id, bytes, handles| {
let msg = TransactionMessage {
header: TransactionHeader::new(tx_id.as_raw_id(), ordinal, dynamic_flags),
Encoder::encode::<TransactionMessageType<Request>>(bytes, handles, msg)?;
QueryResponseFut(match send_result {
Ok(res_fut) => future::maybe_done(,
Err(e) => MaybeDone::Done(Err(e)),
/// Sends a raw message without expecting a response.
pub fn send_raw(
bytes: &[u8],
handles: &mut [HandleDisposition<'_>],
) -> Result<(), Error> {
match, handles) {
Ok(()) | Err(zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED) => Ok(()),
Err(e) => Err(Error::ClientWrite(e)),
/// Sends a raw query and receives a response future.
pub fn send_raw_query<F>(&self, encode_msg: F) -> Result<MessageResponse, Error>
F: for<'a, 'b> FnOnce(
&'a mut Vec<u8>,
&'b mut Vec<HandleDisposition<'static>>,
) -> Result<(), Error>,
let id = self.inner.interests.lock().register_msg_interest();
crate::encoding::with_tls_encode_buf(|bytes, handles| {
encode_msg(id, bytes, handles)?;
self.send_raw(bytes, handles)
Ok(MessageResponse { id, client: Some(self.inner.clone()) })
/// A future which polls for the response to a client message.
pub struct MessageResponse {
id: Txid,
// `None` if the message response has been received
client: Option<Arc<ClientInner>>,
impl Unpin for MessageResponse {}
impl Future for MessageResponse {
type Output = Result<MessageBufEtc, Error>;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let this = &mut *self;
let res;
let client = this.client.as_ref().ok_or(Error::PollAfterCompletion)?;
res = client.poll_recv_msg_response(, cx);
// Drop the client reference if the response has been received
if let Poll::Ready(Ok(_)) = res {
this.client.take().expect("MessageResponse polled after completion");
impl Drop for MessageResponse {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(client) = &self.client {
/// An enum reprenting either a resolved message interest or a task on which to alert
/// that a response message has arrived.
enum MessageInterest {
/// A new `MessageInterest`
/// A task is waiting to receive a response, and can be awoken with `Waker`.
/// A message has been received, and a task will poll to receive it.
/// A message has not been received, but the person interested in the response
/// no longer cares about it, so the message should be discared upon arrival.
impl MessageInterest {
/// Check if a message has been received.
fn is_received(&self) -> bool {
matches!(*self, MessageInterest::Received(_))
fn unwrap_received(self) -> MessageBufEtc {
if let MessageInterest::Received(buf) = self {
} else {
panic!("EXPECTED received message")
/// Wake the interested task, if it is waiting, putting it in a WillPoll state.
/// This function is idempotent.
fn wake(&mut self) {
if let Self::Waiting(_) = self {
let Self::Waiting(waker) = mem::replace(self, Self::WillPoll) else { unreachable!() };
enum EventReceiverState {
/// A stream of events as `MessageBufEtc`s.
pub struct EventReceiver {
inner: Arc<ClientInner>,
state: EventReceiverState,
impl Unpin for EventReceiver {}
impl FusedStream for EventReceiver {
fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.state, EventReceiverState::Terminated)
/// This implementation holds up two invariants
/// (1) After `None` is returned, the next poll panics
/// (2) Until this instance is dropped, no other EventReceiver may claim the
/// event channel by calling Client::take_event_receiver.
impl Stream for EventReceiver {
type Item = Result<MessageBufEtc, Error>;
fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
match self.state {
EventReceiverState::Active => {}
EventReceiverState::Terminated => {
panic!("polled EventReceiver after `None`");
EventReceiverState::Terminal => {
self.state = EventReceiverState::Terminated;
return Poll::Ready(None);
Poll::Ready(match ready!(self.inner.as_ref().poll_recv_event(cx)) {
Ok(x) => Some(Ok(x)),
Err(Error::ClientChannelClosed { status: zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED, .. }) => {
// The channel is closed, with no epitaph. Set our internal state so that on
// the next poll_next() we panic and is_terminated() returns an appropriate value.
self.state = EventReceiverState::Terminated;
err @ Err(_) => {
// We've received a terminal error. Return it and set our internal state so that on
// the next poll_next() we return a None and terminate the stream.
self.state = EventReceiverState::Terminal;
impl Drop for EventReceiver {
fn drop(&mut self) {
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
enum EventListener {
/// No one is listening for the event
/// Someone is listening for the event but has not yet polled
/// Someone is listening for the event and can be woken via the `Waker`
impl EventListener {
fn is_some(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, EventListener::Some(_))
struct CombinedWaker {
wakers: Vec<Waker>,
impl CombinedWaker {
fn make_waker(wakers: Vec<Waker>) -> Waker {
futures::task::waker(Arc::new(Self { wakers }))
impl ArcWake for CombinedWaker {
fn wake_by_ref(arc_self: &Arc<Self>) {
for waker in &arc_self.wakers {
/// A shared client channel which tracks EXPECTED and received responses
struct ClientInner {
/// The channel that leads to the server we are connected to.
channel: AsyncChannel,
/// Tracks the state of responses to two-way messages and events.
interests: Mutex<Interests>,
/// A terminal error, which can be a server provided epitaph, or None if the channel is still
/// active.
terminal_error: Mutex<Option<Error>>,
/// The `ProtocolMarker::DEBUG_NAME` for the service this client connects to.
protocol_name: &'static str,
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct Interests {
messages: Slab<MessageInterest>,
events: VecDeque<MessageBufEtc>,
event_listener: EventListener,
// The number of tasks waiting for either a message or an event.
pending: usize,
impl Interests {
/// Receives an event and returns a waker, if any.
fn push_event(&mut self, buf: MessageBufEtc) -> Option<Waker> {;
/// Returns the waker for the task waiting for events, if any.
fn take_event_waker(&mut self) -> Option<Waker> {
if self.event_listener.is_some() {
let EventListener::Some(waker) =
mem::replace(&mut self.event_listener, EventListener::WillPoll)
else {
// Matches the +1 in `register_event_listener`.
self.pending -= 1;
} else {
/// Receive a message, waking the waiter if they are waiting to poll and `wake` is true.
/// Returns an error of the message isn't found.
fn push_message(&mut self, txid: Txid, buf: MessageBufEtc, wake: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
let InterestId(raw_id) = InterestId::from_txid(txid);
// Look for a message interest with the given ID.
// If one is found, store the message so that it can be picked up later.
let Some(interest) = self.messages.get_mut(raw_id) else {
// TODO( Should close the channel.
return Err(Error::InvalidResponseTxid);
if let MessageInterest::Discard = interest {
} else if let MessageInterest::Waiting(waker) =
mem::replace(interest, MessageInterest::Received(buf))
if wake {
// Matches the +1 in `register_msg_interest`.
self.pending -= 1;
/// Registers the waker from `cx` if the message has not already been received, replacing any
/// previous waker registered. Returns the message if it has been received.
fn register(&mut self, txid: Txid, cx: &Context<'_>) -> Option<MessageBufEtc> {
let InterestId(raw_id) = InterestId::from_txid(txid);
let interest = self.messages.get_mut(raw_id).expect("Polled unregistered interest");
match interest {
MessageInterest::Received(_) => Some(self.messages.remove(raw_id).unwrap_received()),
MessageInterest::Discard => panic!("Polled a discarded MessageReceiver?!"),
MessageInterest::WillPoll | MessageInterest::Waiting(_) => {
*interest = MessageInterest::Waiting(cx.waker().clone());
/// Deregisters an interest.
fn deregister(&mut self, txid: Txid) {
let InterestId(raw_id) = InterestId::from_txid(txid);
if self.messages[raw_id].is_received() {
} else {
self.messages[raw_id] = MessageInterest::Discard;
/// Registers an event listener.
fn register_event_listener(&mut self, cx: &Context<'_>) -> Option<MessageBufEtc> {|| {
if !mem::replace(&mut self.event_listener, EventListener::Some(cx.waker().clone()))
self.pending += 1;
/// Indicates the event listener has been dropped.
fn dropped_event_listener(&mut self) {
if self.event_listener.is_some() {
// Matches the +1 in register_event_listener.
self.pending -= 1;
self.event_listener = EventListener::None;
/// Registers interest in a response message.
/// This function returns a new transaction ID which should be used to send a message
/// via the channel. Responses are then received using `poll_recv_msg_response`.
fn register_msg_interest(&mut self) -> Txid {
self.pending += 1;
// TODO(cramertj) use `try_from` here and assert that the conversion from
// `usize` to `u32` hasn't overflowed.
impl ClientInner {
fn poll_recv_event(&self, cx: &Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<MessageBufEtc, Error>> {
// Update the EventListener with the latest waker, remove any stale WillPoll state
if let Some(msg_buf) = self.interests.lock().register_event_listener(cx) {
return Poll::Ready(Ok(msg_buf));
// Process any data on the channel, registering any tasks still waiting to wake when the
// channel becomes ready.
let maybe_terminal_error = self.recv_all(Txid(0));
let mut lock = self.interests.lock();
if let Some(msg_buf) = {
} else {
/// Poll for the response to `txid`, registering the waker associated with `cx` to be awoken,
/// or returning the response buffer if it has been received.
fn poll_recv_msg_response(
txid: Txid,
cx: &Context<'_>,
) -> Poll<Result<MessageBufEtc, Error>> {
// Register our waker with the interest if we haven't received a message yet.
if let Some(buf) = self.interests.lock().register(txid, cx) {
return Poll::Ready(Ok(buf));
// Process any data on the channel, registering tasks still waiting for wake when the
// channel becomes ready.
let maybe_terminal_error = self.recv_all(txid);
let InterestId(raw_id) = InterestId::from_txid(txid);
let mut interests = self.interests.lock();
if interests.messages.get(raw_id).expect("Polled unregistered interest").is_received() {
// If we got the result remove the received buffer and return, freeing up the
// space for a new message.
let buf = interests.messages.remove(raw_id).unwrap_received();
} else {
/// Poll for the receipt of any response message or an event.
/// Wakers present in any MessageInterest or the EventReceiver when this is called will be
/// notified when their message arrives or when there is new data if the channel is empty.
/// All errors are terminal, so once an error has been encountered, all subsequent calls will
/// produce the same error. The error might be due to the reception of an epitaph, the peer end
/// of the channel being closed, a decode error or some other error. Before using this terminal
/// error, callers *should* check to see if a response or event has been received as they
/// should normally, at least for the PEER_CLOSED case, be delivered before the terminal error.
fn recv_all(&self, want_txid: Txid) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Acquire a mutex so that only one thread can read from the underlying channel
// at a time. Channel is already synchronized, but we need to also decode the
// FIDL message header atomically so that epitaphs can be properly handled.
let mut terminal_error = self.terminal_error.lock();
if let Some(error) = terminal_error.as_ref() {
return Err(error.clone());
let recv_once = || {
// Get a combined waker that will wake up everyone who is waiting.
let waker = self.get_combined_waker();
let cx = &mut Context::from_waker(&waker);
let mut buf = MessageBufEtc::new();
let result =, &mut buf);
match result {
Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {}
Poll::Ready(Err(zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED)) => {
// The channel has been closed, and no epitaph was received.
// Set the epitaph to PEER_CLOSED.
return Err(Error::ClientChannelClosed {
status: zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED,
protocol_name: self.protocol_name,
#[cfg(not(target_os = "fuchsia"))]
Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => return Err(Error::ClientRead(e)),
Poll::Pending => return Ok(true),
let (header, body_bytes) = decode_transaction_header(buf.bytes())?;
if header.is_epitaph() {
// Received an epitaph. Record this so that everyone receives the same epitaph.
let handles = &mut [];
let mut epitaph_body = Decode::<EpitaphBody>::new_empty();
&mut epitaph_body,
return Err(Error::ClientChannelClosed {
status: epitaph_body.error,
protocol_name: self.protocol_name,
#[cfg(not(target_os = "fuchsia"))]
let mut interests = self.interests.lock();
assert!(interests.pending > 0, "{}", header.tx_id);
if header.tx_id == 0 {
if let Some(waker) = interests.push_event(buf) {
if want_txid != Txid(0) {
} else {
let txid = Txid(header.tx_id);
interests.push_message(txid, buf, want_txid != txid)?;
if interests.pending == 0 {
return Ok(true);
loop {
match recv_once() {
Ok(true) => return Ok(()),
Ok(false) => {}
Err(error) => {
// Broadcast all errors.
return Err(terminal_error.insert(error).clone());
/// Gets a waker that will wake up all the tasks that are waiting on this channel.
/// `wake_all` is preferred if you are certain you are waking everyone immediately, as it is
/// idempotent (it will only wake each task once)
// TODO( if Arc::new_cyclic becomes stable, we can wake tasks only when their
// message has arrived.
fn get_combined_waker(&self) -> Waker {
let mut wakers = Vec::new();
let lock = self.interests.lock();
+ matches!(lock.event_listener, EventListener::Some(_)) as usize,
for (_, message_interest) in &lock.messages {
if let MessageInterest::Waiting(waker) = message_interest {
if let EventListener::Some(waker) = &lock.event_listener {
if !wakers.is_empty() {
} else {
/// Wakes all tasks that have polled on this channel.
fn wake_all(&self) {
let mut lock = self.interests.lock();
for (_, interest) in &mut lock.messages {
if let Some(waker) = lock.take_event_waker() {
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
pub mod sync {
//! Synchronous FIDL Client
use super::*;
use fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, AsHandleRef};
/// A synchronous client for making FIDL calls.
pub struct Client {
// Underlying channel
channel: zx::Channel,
// The `ProtocolMarker::DEBUG_NAME` for the service this client connects to.
protocol_name: &'static str,
impl Client {
/// Create a new synchronous FIDL client.
pub fn new(channel: zx::Channel, protocol_name: &'static str) -> Self {
Client { channel, protocol_name }
/// Return a reference to the underlying channel for the client.
pub fn as_channel(&self) -> &zx::Channel {
/// Get the underlying channel out of the client.
pub fn into_channel(self) -> zx::Channel {
/// Send a new message.
pub fn send<T: TypeMarker>(
body: impl Encode<T>,
ordinal: u64,
dynamic_flags: DynamicFlags,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut write_bytes = Vec::new();
let mut write_handles = Vec::new();
let msg = TransactionMessage {
header: TransactionHeader::new(0, ordinal, dynamic_flags),
&mut write_bytes,
&mut write_handles,
match, &mut write_handles) {
Ok(()) | Err(zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED) => Ok(()),
Err(e) => Err(Error::ClientWrite(e)),
/// Send a new message expecting a response.
pub fn send_query<Request: TypeMarker, Response: TypeMarker>(
body: impl Encode<Request>,
ordinal: u64,
dynamic_flags: DynamicFlags,
deadline: zx::Time,
) -> Result<Response::Owned, Error> {
let mut write_bytes = Vec::new();
let mut write_handles = Vec::new();
let msg = TransactionMessage {
header: TransactionHeader::new(0, ordinal, dynamic_flags),
&mut write_bytes,
&mut write_handles,
let mut buf = zx::MessageBufEtc::new();
buf.ensure_capacity_bytes(zx::sys::ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_BYTES as usize);
buf.ensure_capacity_handle_infos(zx::sys::ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_HANDLES as usize);
// TODO: We should be able to use the same memory to back the bytes we use for writing
// and reading.
.call_etc(deadline, &write_bytes, &mut write_handles, &mut buf)
.map_err(|e| self.wrap_error(Error::ClientCall, e))?;
let (bytes, mut handle_infos) = buf.split();
let (header, body_bytes) = decode_transaction_header(&bytes)?;
if header.ordinal != ordinal {
return Err(Error::InvalidResponseOrdinal);
let mut output = Decode::<Response>::new_empty();
Decoder::decode_into::<Response>(&header, body_bytes, &mut handle_infos, &mut output)?;
/// Wait for an event to arrive on the underlying channel.
pub fn wait_for_event(&self, deadline: zx::Time) -> Result<MessageBufEtc, Error> {
let mut buf = zx::MessageBufEtc::new();
buf.ensure_capacity_bytes(zx::sys::ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_BYTES as usize);
buf.ensure_capacity_handle_infos(zx::sys::ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_HANDLES as usize);
loop {
.map_err(|e| self.wrap_error(Error::ClientEvent, e))?;
match buf) {
Ok(()) => {
// We succeeded in reading the message. Check that it is
// an event not a two-way method reply.
let (header, _) = decode_transaction_header(buf.bytes())
.map_err(|_| Error::InvalidHeader)?;
if header.tx_id != 0 {
return Err(Error::UnexpectedSyncResponse);
return Ok(buf);
Err(zx::Status::SHOULD_WAIT) => {
// Some other thread read the message we woke up to read.
Err(e) => {
return Err(self.wrap_error(Error::ClientRead, e));
/// Wraps an error in the given `variant` of the `Error` enum, except
/// for `zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED`, in which case it uses the
/// `Error::ClientChannelClosed` variant.
fn wrap_error<T: Fn(zx_status::Status) -> Error>(
variant: T,
err: zx_status::Status,
) -> Error {
if err == zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED {
Error::ClientChannelClosed {
status: zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED,
protocol_name: self.protocol_name,
} else {
#[cfg(all(test, target_os = "fuchsia"))]
mod tests {
use super::*;
use {
crate::epitaph::{self, ChannelEpitaphExt},
anyhow::{Context as _, Error},
fuchsia_async as fasync,
fuchsia_async::{DurationExt, TimeoutExt},
fuchsia_zircon as zx,
fuchsia_zircon::{AsHandleRef, DurationNum},
futures::{join, stream::FuturesUnordered, StreamExt, TryFutureExt},
std::{future::pending, thread},
const SEND_ORDINAL_HIGH_BYTE: u8 = 42;
const SEND_ORDINAL: u64 = 42 << 32;
const SEND_DATA: u8 = 55;
const EVENT_ORDINAL: u64 = 854 << 23;
fn expected_sent_bytes(tx_id_low_byte: u8) -> [u8; 24] {
tx_id_low_byte, 0, 0, 0, // 32 bit tx_id
2, 0, 0, // flags
0, 0, 0, 0, // low bytes of 64 bit ordinal
SEND_ORDINAL_HIGH_BYTE, 0, 0, 0, // high bytes of 64 bit ordinal
SEND_DATA, // 8 bit data
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 7 bytes of padding after our 1 byte of data
fn send_transaction(header: TransactionHeader, channel: &zx::Channel) {
let (bytes, handles) = (&mut vec![], &mut vec![]);
encode_transaction(header, bytes, handles);
channel.write_etc(bytes, handles).expect("Server channel write failed");
fn encode_transaction(
header: TransactionHeader,
bytes: &mut Vec<u8>,
handles: &mut Vec<zx::HandleDisposition<'static>>,
) {
let event = TransactionMessage { header, body: SEND_DATA };
Encoder::encode::<TransactionMessageType<u8>>(bytes, handles, event)
.expect("Encoding failure");
fn sync_client() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client = sync::Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
client.send::<u8>(SEND_DATA, SEND_ORDINAL, DynamicFlags::empty()).context("sending")?;
let mut received = MessageBufEtc::new();
server_end.read_etc(&mut received).context("reading")?;
let one_way_tx_id = 0;
assert_eq!(received.bytes(), expected_sent_bytes(one_way_tx_id));
fn sync_client_with_response() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client = sync::Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
thread::spawn(move || {
// Server
let mut received = MessageBufEtc::new();
.wait_handle(zx::Signals::CHANNEL_READABLE, zx::Time::after(5.seconds()))
.expect("failed to wait for channel readable");
server_end.read_etc(&mut received).expect("failed to read on server end");
let (buf, _handles) = received.split_mut();
let (header, _body_bytes) = decode_transaction_header(buf).expect("server decode");
assert_eq!(header.ordinal, SEND_ORDINAL);
TransactionHeader::new(header.tx_id, header.ordinal, DynamicFlags::empty()),
let response_data = client
.send_query::<u8, u8>(
.context("sending query")?;
assert_eq!(SEND_DATA, response_data);
fn sync_client_with_event_and_response() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client = sync::Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
thread::spawn(move || {
// Server
let mut received = MessageBufEtc::new();
.wait_handle(zx::Signals::CHANNEL_READABLE, zx::Time::after(5.seconds()))
.expect("failed to wait for channel readable");
server_end.read_etc(&mut received).expect("failed to read on server end");
let (buf, _handles) = received.split_mut();
let (header, _body_bytes) = decode_transaction_header(buf).expect("server decode");
assert_ne!(header.tx_id, 0);
assert_eq!(header.ordinal, SEND_ORDINAL);
// First, send an event.
TransactionHeader::new(0, EVENT_ORDINAL, DynamicFlags::empty()),
// Then send the reply. The kernel should pick the correct message to deliver based
// on the tx_id.
TransactionHeader::new(header.tx_id, header.ordinal, DynamicFlags::empty()),
let response_data = client
.send_query::<u8, u8>(
.context("sending query")?;
assert_eq!(SEND_DATA, response_data);
let event_buf =
client.wait_for_event(zx::Time::after(5.seconds())).context("waiting for event")?;
let (bytes, _handles) = event_buf.split();
let (header, _body) = decode_transaction_header(&bytes).expect("event decode");
assert_eq!(header.ordinal, EVENT_ORDINAL);
fn sync_client_with_racing_events() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client1 = Arc::new(sync::Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol"));
let client2 = client1.clone();
let thread1 = thread::spawn(move || {
let result = client1.wait_for_event(zx::Time::after(5.seconds()));
let thread2 = thread::spawn(move || {
let result = client2.wait_for_event(zx::Time::after(5.seconds()));
TransactionHeader::new(0, EVENT_ORDINAL, DynamicFlags::empty()),
TransactionHeader::new(0, EVENT_ORDINAL, DynamicFlags::empty()),
fn sync_client_wait_for_event_gets_method_response() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client = sync::Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
TransactionHeader::new(3902304923, SEND_ORDINAL, DynamicFlags::empty()),
fn sync_client_one_way_call_suceeds_after_peer_closed() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client = sync::Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
assert_matches!(client.send::<u8>(SEND_DATA, SEND_ORDINAL, DynamicFlags::empty()), Ok(()));
fn sync_client_two_way_call_fails_after_peer_closed() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client = sync::Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
client.send_query::<u8, u8>(
Err(crate::Error::ClientChannelClosed {
status: zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED,
protocol_name: "test_protocol",
// TODO( When the sync client supports epitaphs, rename
// this and change the assert to expect zx_status::Status::UNAVAILABLE.
fn sync_client_does_not_receive_epitaphs() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client = sync::Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
// Close the server channel with an epitaph.
.expect("failed to write epitaph");
client.send_query::<u8, u8>(
Err(crate::Error::ClientChannelClosed {
status: zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED,
protocol_name: "test_protocol",
fn sync_client_into_channel() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (client_end, _server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end_raw = client_end.raw_handle();
let client = sync::Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
assert_eq!(client.into_channel().raw_handle(), client_end_raw);
async fn client() {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
let server = AsyncChannel::from_channel(server_end);
let receiver = async move {
let mut buffer = MessageBufEtc::new();
server.recv_etc_msg(&mut buffer).await.expect("failed to recv msg");
let one_way_tx_id = 0;
assert_eq!(buffer.bytes(), expected_sent_bytes(one_way_tx_id));
// add a timeout to receiver so if test is broken it doesn't take forever
let receiver = receiver
.on_timeout(300.millis().after_now(), || panic!("did not receive message in time!"));
.send::<u8>(SEND_DATA, SEND_ORDINAL, DynamicFlags::empty())
.expect("failed to send msg");
async fn client_with_response() {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
let server = AsyncChannel::from_channel(server_end);
let mut buffer = MessageBufEtc::new();
let receiver = async move {
server.recv_etc_msg(&mut buffer).await.expect("failed to recv msg");
let two_way_tx_id = 1u8;
assert_eq!(buffer.bytes(), expected_sent_bytes(two_way_tx_id));
let (bytes, handles) = (&mut vec![], &mut vec![]);
let header =
TransactionHeader::new(two_way_tx_id as u32, SEND_ORDINAL, DynamicFlags::empty());
encode_transaction(header, bytes, handles);
server.write_etc(bytes, handles).expect("Server channel write failed");
// add a timeout to receiver so if test is broken it doesn't take forever
let receiver = receiver
.on_timeout(300.millis().after_now(), || panic!("did not receiver message in time!"));
let sender = client
.send_query::<u8, u8, SEND_ORDINAL>(SEND_DATA, DynamicFlags::empty())
.map_ok(|x| assert_eq!(x, SEND_DATA))
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("fidl error: {:?}", e));
// add a timeout to receiver so if test is broken it doesn't take forever
let sender = sender
.on_timeout(300.millis().after_now(), || panic!("did not receive response in time!"));
let ((), ()) = join!(receiver, sender);
async fn client_with_response_receives_epitaph() {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
let server = AsyncChannel::from_channel(server_end);
let mut buffer = zx::MessageBufEtc::new();
let receiver = async move {
server.recv_etc_msg(&mut buffer).await.expect("failed to recv msg");
.expect("failed to write epitaph");
// add a timeout to receiver so if test is broken it doesn't take forever
let receiver = receiver
.on_timeout(300.millis().after_now(), || panic!("did not receive message in time!"));
let sender = async move {
const ORDINAL: u64 = 42 << 32;
let result = client.send_query::<u8, u8, ORDINAL>(55, DynamicFlags::empty()).await;
Err(crate::Error::ClientChannelClosed {
status: zx_status::Status::UNAVAILABLE,
protocol_name: "test_protocol"
// add a timeout to sender so if test is broken it doesn't take forever
let sender = sender
.on_timeout(300.millis().after_now(), || panic!("did not receive response in time!"));
let ((), ()) = join!(receiver, sender);
async fn event_cant_be_taken_twice() {
let (client_end, _) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
let _foo = client.take_event_receiver();
async fn event_can_be_taken_after_drop() {
let (client_end, _) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
let foo = client.take_event_receiver();
async fn receiver_termination_test() {
let (client_end, _) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
let mut foo = client.take_event_receiver();
assert!(!foo.is_terminated(), "receiver should not report terminated before being polled");
let _ =;
"receiver should report terminated after seeing channel is closed"
#[should_panic(expected = "polled EventReceiver after `None`")]
async fn receiver_cant_be_polled_more_than_once_on_closed_stream() {
let (client_end, _) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
let foo = client.take_event_receiver();
let mut bar = client.take_event_receiver();
assert!(, "read on closed channel should return none");
// this should panic
let _ =;
#[should_panic(expected = "polled EventReceiver after `None`")]
async fn receiver_panics_when_polled_after_receiving_epitaph_then_none() {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
let mut stream = client.take_event_receiver();
epitaph::write_epitaph_impl(&server_end, zx_status::Status::UNAVAILABLE)
.expect("wrote epitaph");
Some(Err(crate::Error::ClientChannelClosed {
status: zx_status::Status::UNAVAILABLE,
protocol_name: "test_protocol"
assert_matches!(, None);
// this should panic
let _ =;
async fn event_can_be_taken() {
let (client_end, _) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
async fn event_received() {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
// Send the event from the server
let server = AsyncChannel::from_channel(server_end);
let (bytes, handles) = (&mut vec![], &mut vec![]);
const ORDINAL: u64 = 5;
let header = TransactionHeader::new(0, ORDINAL, DynamicFlags::empty());
encode_transaction(header, bytes, handles);
server.write_etc(bytes, handles).expect("Server channel write failed");
let recv = client
.then(|(x, stream)| {
let x = x.expect("should contain one element");
let x = x.expect("fidl error");
let x: i32 =
decode_transaction_body::<i32, ORDINAL>(x).expect("failed to decode event");
assert_eq!(x, 55);
.map(|(x, _stream)| assert!(x.is_none(), "should have emptied"));
// add a timeout to receiver so if test is broken it doesn't take forever
let recv =
recv.on_timeout(300.millis().after_now(), || panic!("did not receive event in time!"));
/// Tests that the event receiver can be taken, the stream read to the end,
/// the receiver dropped, and then a new receiver gotten from taking the
/// stream again.
async fn receiver_can_be_taken_after_end_of_stream() {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
// Send the event from the server
let server = AsyncChannel::from_channel(server_end);
let (bytes, handles) = (&mut vec![], &mut vec![]);
const ORDINAL: u64 = 5;
let header = TransactionHeader::new(0, ORDINAL, DynamicFlags::empty());
encode_transaction(header, bytes, handles);
server.write_etc(bytes, handles).expect("Server channel write failed");
// Create a block to make sure the first event receiver is dropped.
// Creating the block is a bit of paranoia, because awaiting the
// future moves the receiver anyway.
let recv = client
.then(|(x, stream)| {
let x = x.expect("should contain one element");
let x = x.expect("fidl error");
let x: i32 =
decode_transaction_body::<i32, ORDINAL>(x).expect("failed to decode event");
assert_eq!(x, 55);
.map(|(x, _stream)| assert!(x.is_none(), "should have emptied"));
// add a timeout to receiver so if test is broken it doesn't take forever
let recv = recv
.on_timeout(300.millis().after_now(), || panic!("did not receive event in time!"));
// if we take the event stream again, we should be able to get the next
// without a panic, but that should be none
let mut c = client.take_event_receiver();
"receiver on closed channel should return none on first call"
async fn event_incompatible_format() {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
// Send the event from the server
let server = AsyncChannel::from_channel(server_end);
let (bytes, handles) = (&mut vec![], &mut vec![]);
let header = TransactionHeader::new_full(
crate::encoding::Context {
wire_format_version: crate::encoding::WireFormatVersion::V2,
encode_transaction(header, bytes, handles);
server.write_etc(bytes, handles).expect("Server channel write failed");
let mut event_receiver = client.take_event_receiver();
let recv =|event| {
assert_matches!(event, Some(Err(crate::Error::IncompatibleMagicNumber(0))))
// add a timeout to receiver so if test is broken it doesn't take forever
let recv =
recv.on_timeout(300.millis().after_now(), || panic!("did not receive event in time!"));
fn client_always_wakes_pending_futures() {
let mut executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new();
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
let mut event_receiver = client.take_event_receiver();
// first poll on a response
let (response_waker, response_waker_count) = new_count_waker();
let response_cx = &mut Context::from_waker(&response_waker);
let mut response_txid = Txid(0);
let mut response_future = client
.send_raw_query(|tx_id, bytes, handles| {
response_txid = tx_id;
let header = TransactionHeader::new(
encode_transaction(header, bytes, handles);
.expect("Couldn't send query");
// then, poll on an event
let (event_waker, event_waker_count) = new_count_waker();
let event_cx = &mut Context::from_waker(&event_waker);
// at this point, nothing should have been woken
assert_eq!(response_waker_count.get(), 0);
assert_eq!(event_waker_count.get(), 0);
// next, simulate an event coming in
send_transaction(TransactionHeader::new(0, 5, DynamicFlags::empty()), &server_end);
// get event loop to deliver readiness notifications to channels
let _ = executor.run_until_stalled(&mut future::pending::<()>());
// BOTH response_waker and event_waker should be woken, since the transaction
// that arrived could be for either.
assert_eq!(response_waker_count.get(), 1);
assert_eq!(event_waker_count.get(), 1);
let last_response_waker_count = response_waker_count.get();
// we'll pretend event_waker was woken, and have that poll out the event
// next, simulate a response coming in
TransactionHeader::new(response_txid.as_raw_id(), SEND_ORDINAL, DynamicFlags::empty()),
// get event loop to deliver readiness notifications to channels
let _ = executor.run_until_stalled(&mut future::pending::<()>());
// response waker should have been woken again
assert_eq!(response_waker_count.get(), last_response_waker_count + 1);
fn client_always_wakes_pending_futures_on_epitaph() {
let mut executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new();
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
let mut event_receiver = client.take_event_receiver();
// first poll on a response
let (response1_waker, response1_waker_count) = new_count_waker();
let response1_cx = &mut Context::from_waker(&response1_waker);
let mut response1_future = client
.send_raw_query(|tx_id, bytes, handles| {
let header =
TransactionHeader::new(tx_id.as_raw_id(), SEND_ORDINAL, DynamicFlags::empty());
encode_transaction(header, bytes, handles);
.expect("Couldn't send query");
// then, poll on an event
let (event_waker, event_waker_count) = new_count_waker();
let event_cx = &mut Context::from_waker(&event_waker);
// poll on another response
let (response2_waker, response2_waker_count) = new_count_waker();
let response2_cx = &mut Context::from_waker(&response2_waker);
let mut response2_future = client
.send_raw_query(|tx_id, bytes, handles| {
let header =
TransactionHeader::new(tx_id.as_raw_id(), SEND_ORDINAL, DynamicFlags::empty());
encode_transaction(header, bytes, handles);
.expect("Couldn't send query");
let wakers = vec![response1_waker_count, response2_waker_count, event_waker_count];
// get event loop to deliver readiness notifications to channels
let _ = executor.run_until_stalled(&mut future::pending::<()>());
// at this point, nothing should have been woken
assert_eq!(0, wakers.iter().fold(0, |acc, x| acc + x.get()));
// next, simulate an epitaph without closing
epitaph::write_epitaph_impl(&server_end, zx_status::Status::UNAVAILABLE)
.expect("wrote epitaph");
// get event loop to deliver readiness notifications to channels
let _ = executor.run_until_stalled(&mut future::pending::<()>());
// All the wakers should be woken up because the channel is ready to read, and the message
// could be for any of them.
for wake_count in &wakers {
assert_eq!(wake_count.get(), 1);
// pretend that response1 woke and poll that to completion.
Poll::Ready(Err(crate::Error::ClientChannelClosed {
status: zx_status::Status::UNAVAILABLE,
protocol_name: "test_protocol"
// get event loop to deliver readiness notifications to channels
let _ = executor.run_until_stalled(&mut future::pending::<()>());
// response1 will have woken all the wakers a second time, because epitaphs wake everyone.
// TODO: we don't actually need to do this, I think.
for wake_count in &wakers {
assert_eq!(wake_count.get(), 2);
// poll response2 to completion.
Poll::Ready(Err(crate::Error::ClientChannelClosed {
status: zx_status::Status::UNAVAILABLE,
protocol_name: "test_protocol"
// poll the event stream to completion.
async fn client_allows_take_event_stream_even_if_event_delivered() {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
// first simulate an event coming in, even though nothing has polled
send_transaction(TransactionHeader::new(0, 5, DynamicFlags::empty()), &server_end);
// next, poll on a response
let (response_waker, _response_waker_count) = new_count_waker();
let response_cx = &mut Context::from_waker(&response_waker);
let mut response_future =
client.send_query::<u8, u8, SEND_ORDINAL>(55, DynamicFlags::empty());
// then, make sure we can still take the event receiver without panicking
let mut _event_receiver = client.take_event_receiver();
async fn client_reports_epitaph_from_all_read_actions() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum Action {
SendMsg, // send a one-way message
SendQuery, // send a two-way message and just call .check()
WaitQuery, // send a two-way message and wait for the response
RecvEvent, // wait to receive an event
impl Action {
fn should_report_epitaph(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Action::SendMsg | Action::SendQuery => false,
Action::WaitQuery | Action::RecvEvent => true,
use Action::*;
// Test all permutations of two actions. Verify the epitaph is reported
// twice (2 reads), once (1 read, 1 write), or not at all (2 writes).
for two_actions in &[
[SendMsg, SendMsg],
[SendMsg, SendQuery],
[SendMsg, WaitQuery],
[SendMsg, RecvEvent],
[SendQuery, SendMsg],
[SendQuery, SendQuery],
[SendQuery, WaitQuery],
[SendQuery, RecvEvent],
[WaitQuery, SendMsg],
[WaitQuery, SendQuery],
[WaitQuery, WaitQuery],
[WaitQuery, RecvEvent],
[RecvEvent, SendMsg],
[RecvEvent, SendQuery],
[RecvEvent, WaitQuery],
// No [RecvEvent, RecvEvent] because it behaves differently: after
// reporting an epitaph, the next call returns None.
] {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
// Immediately close the FIDL channel with an epitaph.
let server_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(server_end);
.expect("failed to write epitaph");
let mut event_receiver = client.take_event_receiver();
// Assert that each action reports the epitaph.
for (index, action) in two_actions.iter().enumerate() {
let err = match action {
SendMsg => {
client.send::<u8>(SEND_DATA, SEND_ORDINAL, DynamicFlags::empty()).err()
WaitQuery => client
.send_query::<u8, u8, SEND_ORDINAL>(SEND_DATA, DynamicFlags::empty())
SendQuery => client
.send_query::<u8, u8, SEND_ORDINAL>(SEND_DATA, DynamicFlags::empty())
RecvEvent =>,
let details = format!("index: {index:?}, two_actions: {two_actions:?}");
match err {
None => assert!(
"expected epitaph, but succeeded.\n{details}"
Some(crate::Error::ClientChannelClosed {
status: zx_status::Status::UNAVAILABLE,
protocol_name: "test_protocol",
}) => assert!(
"got epitaph unexpectedly.\n{details}",
Some(err) => panic!("unexpected error: {err:#?}.\n{details}"),
// If we got the epitaph from RecvEvent, the next should return None.
if two_actions.contains(&RecvEvent) {
assert_matches!(, None);
fn client_query_result_check() {
let mut executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new();
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
let server = AsyncChannel::from_channel(server_end);
// Sending works, and checking when a message successfully sends returns itself.
let active_fut =
client.send_query::<u8, u8, SEND_ORDINAL>(SEND_DATA, DynamicFlags::empty());
let mut checked_fut = active_fut.check().expect("failed to check future");
// Should be able to complete the query even after checking.
let mut buffer = MessageBufEtc::new();
executor.run_singlethreaded(server.recv_etc_msg(&mut buffer)).expect("failed to recv msg");
let two_way_tx_id = 1u8;
assert_eq!(buffer.bytes(), expected_sent_bytes(two_way_tx_id));
let (bytes, handles) = (&mut vec![], &mut vec![]);
let header =
TransactionHeader::new(two_way_tx_id as u32, SEND_ORDINAL, DynamicFlags::empty());
encode_transaction(header, bytes, handles);
server.write_etc(bytes, handles).expect("Server channel write failed");
.run_singlethreaded(&mut checked_fut)
.map(|x| assert_eq!(x, SEND_DATA))
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("fidl error: {:?}", e));
// Close the server channel, meaning the next query will fail.
let query_fut = client.send_query::<u8, u8, SEND_ORDINAL>(SEND_DATA, DynamicFlags::empty());
// The check succeeds, because we do not expose PEER_CLOSED on writes.
let mut checked_fut = query_fut.check().expect("failed to check future");
// But the query will fail when it tries to read the response.
executor.run_singlethreaded(&mut checked_fut),
Err(crate::Error::ClientChannelClosed {
status: zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED,
protocol_name: "test_protocol"
async fn client_into_channel() {
// This test doesn't actually do any async work, but the fuchsia
// executor must be set up in order to create the channel.
let (client_end, _server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
async fn client_into_channel_outstanding_messages() {
// This test doesn't actually do any async work, but the fuchsia
// executor must be set up in order to create the channel.
let (client_end, _server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
// Create a send future to insert a message interest but drop it
// before a response can be received.
let _sender =
client.send_query::<u8, u8, SEND_ORDINAL>(SEND_DATA, DynamicFlags::empty());
async fn client_into_channel_active_clone() {
// This test doesn't actually do any async work, but the fuchsia
// executor must be set up in order to create the channel.
let (client_end, _server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
let _cloned_client = client.clone();
async fn client_into_channel_outstanding_messages_get_received() {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
let server = AsyncChannel::from_channel(server_end);
let mut buffer = MessageBufEtc::new();
let receiver = async move {
server.recv_etc_msg(&mut buffer).await.expect("failed to recv msg");
let two_way_tx_id = 1u8;
assert_eq!(buffer.bytes(), expected_sent_bytes(two_way_tx_id));
let (bytes, handles) = (&mut vec![], &mut vec![]);
let header =
TransactionHeader::new(two_way_tx_id as u32, SEND_ORDINAL, DynamicFlags::empty());
encode_transaction(header, bytes, handles);
server.write_etc(bytes, handles).expect("Server channel write failed");
// add a timeout to receiver so if test is broken it doesn't take forever
let receiver = receiver
.on_timeout(300.millis().after_now(), || panic!("did not receiver message in time!"));
let sender = client
.send_query::<u8, u8, SEND_ORDINAL>(SEND_DATA, DynamicFlags::empty())
.map_ok(|x| assert_eq!(x, SEND_DATA))
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("fidl error: {:?}", e));
// add a timeout to receiver so if test is broken it doesn't take forever
let sender = sender
.on_timeout(300.millis().after_now(), || panic!("did not receive response in time!"));
let ((), ()) = join!(receiver, sender);
async fn client_decode_errors_are_broadcast() {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create();
let client_end = AsyncChannel::from_channel(client_end);
let client = Client::new(client_end, "test_protocol");
let server = AsyncChannel::from_channel(server_end);
let _server = fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
let mut buffer = MessageBufEtc::new();
server.recv_etc_msg(&mut buffer).await.expect("failed to recv msg");
let two_way_tx_id = 1u8;
assert_eq!(buffer.bytes(), expected_sent_bytes(two_way_tx_id));
let (bytes, handles) = (&mut vec![], &mut vec![]);
let header =
TransactionHeader::new(two_way_tx_id as u32, SEND_ORDINAL, DynamicFlags::empty());
encode_transaction(header, bytes, handles);
// Zero out the at-rest flags which will give this message an invalid version.
bytes[4] = 0;
server.write_etc(bytes, handles).expect("Server channel write failed");
// Wait forever to stop the channel from being closed.
let futures = FuturesUnordered::new();
for _ in 0..4 {
futures.push(async {
.send_query::<u8, u8, SEND_ORDINAL>(SEND_DATA, DynamicFlags::empty())
.map_ok(|x| assert_eq!(x, SEND_DATA))
.on_timeout(1.seconds().after_now(), || panic!("timed out!"))