blob: 40b4c44121f6ea5b5e1a82de880ddd8e26da348a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// This library is for types only supported on fuchsia.
/// Where possible, new definitions should go into extra_messages.test.fidl
/// instead.
library fidl.test.coding.fuchsia;
using zx;
closed protocol LinearizerTest {
strict VectorOfUint32(struct {
v vector<uint32>;
strict VectorOfString(struct {
v vector<string>;
type StructWithHandle = resource struct {
h zx.Handle;
foo int32;
type StructWithManyHandles = resource struct {
h1 zx.Handle;
h2 zx.Handle;
hs vector<zx.Handle>:2;
type TableOfStructWithHandle = resource table {
1: a StructWithHandle;
2: b StructWithManyHandles;
type SmallerTableOfStructWithHandle = resource table {
2: b StructWithManyHandles;