blob: cbdf79847759d29333588dc14218010c001c4f6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.sysmem/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fidl/fuchsia.sysmem2/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/sysmem-version/sysmem-version.h>
#include <type_traits>
#include <safemath/safe_conversions.h>
bool IsWriteUsage(const fuchsia_sysmem2::BufferUsage& buffer_usage);
bool IsCpuUsage(const fuchsia_sysmem2::BufferUsage& buffer_usage);
bool IsAnyUsage(const fuchsia_sysmem2::BufferUsage& buffer_usage);
namespace internal {
// Partial template specialization only works on classes / structs not functions, so impl is a
// struct.
// Base case lacks "do_cast" so intentionally won't compile.
template <typename TypeOut, typename TypeIn, typename Enable = void>
struct SafeCastImpl {};
template <typename TypeOut, typename TypeIn>
struct SafeCastImpl<
TypeOut, TypeIn,
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<TypeOut> && std::is_arithmetic_v<TypeIn>>> {
static constexpr TypeOut do_cast(TypeIn in) { return safemath::checked_cast<TypeOut>(in); }
template <typename TypeOut, typename TypeIn>
struct SafeCastImpl<
TypeOut, TypeIn,
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_arithmetic_v<TypeOut> || !std::is_arithmetic_v<TypeIn>>> {
// We explicitly require any casting to/from fidl enum to be converting from/to the exact
// underlying type, respectively. Any additional conversion on top of that can be achieved with a
// separate safe_cast<>().
static_assert(!sysmem::IsFidlEnum_v<TypeOut> ||
std::is_same_v<TypeIn, sysmem::FidlUnderlyingTypeOrType_t<TypeOut>>);
static_assert(!sysmem::IsFidlEnum_v<TypeIn> ||
std::is_same_v<TypeOut, sysmem::FidlUnderlyingTypeOrType_t<TypeIn>>);
static constexpr TypeOut do_cast(TypeIn in) {
if constexpr (sysmem::IsFidlEnum_v<TypeOut> || sysmem::IsFidlEnum_v<TypeIn>) {
// LLCPP natural enums can be converted to/from their underlying type, but only explicitly.
// Thanks to the static_assert()s above, we know that this static_cast<>() won't be narrowing
// (or widening).
return static_cast<TypeOut>(in);
} else {
// The -Wno-conversion cflags can only catch narrowing if the conversion is an implicit
// conversion, so we need this to be an implicit conversion to cause any narrowing under this
// template specialization to be a compile warning (treated as error).
// If hitting a compile warning about narrowing here, ensure that all narrowing safe_cast<>()s
// are done with the source and destination types both is_arithmetic_v<> true. This way, all
// narrowing goes through safemath::checked_cast<>() above. In other words, avoid doing both
// a narrowing and a conversion to/from non-is_arithmetic_v<> in the same safe_cast<>().
// Instead, do those two conversion steps separately, with separate safe_cast<>()s.
return in;
} // namespace internal
template <typename TypeOut, typename TypeIn>
constexpr TypeOut safe_cast(TypeIn in) {
return internal::SafeCastImpl<TypeOut, TypeIn>::do_cast(in);
// debug_safe_cast<>() is _only_ for use in situations where we are very sure that
// safemath::checked_cast<>() would not ever complain. The "safe"-ness is disabled in --release to
// avoid completely unnecessary checking in situations where the checking would be both very
// unnecessary and at least plausibly a performance concern. Use safe_cast<>() instead in nearly
// all situations. Buffer pattern filling is an example where debug_safe_cast<>() can be
// appropriate.
// This is "safe" in debug. This way we can double-check when not --release that we're not messing
// up in a situation where we are "very sure" won't annoy safemath::checked_cast<>().
template <typename TypeOut, typename TypeIn>
constexpr TypeOut debug_safe_cast(TypeIn in) {
return internal::SafeCastImpl<TypeOut, TypeIn>::do_cast(in);
// Not "safe" in --release, but we only use debug_safe_cast<> when we're quite sure
// safemath::checked_cast<> can't possibly complain.
template <typename TypeOut, typename TypeIn>
constexpr TypeOut debug_safe_cast(TypeIn in) {
return static_cast<TypeOut>(in);
// Ensure we get/permit a constexpr cast when possible.
static_assert(4u == safe_cast<uint32_t>(4ull));
template <typename FidlType, typename enable = void>
class IsNaturalFidlTable : public std::false_type {};
template <typename FidlType>
class IsNaturalFidlTable<
FidlType, std::enable_if_t<fidl::IsTable<FidlType>::value && !fidl::IsWire<FidlType>::value>>
: public std::true_type {};
template <typename T>
void ignore_result(const T& to_ignore) {}
template <typename TypeOut, typename TypeIn>
TypeOut static_down_cast(TypeIn in) {
TypeOut result = static_cast<TypeOut>(in);
// This doesn't guarantee that |in| is actually an instance of sub-class TypeOut, but it does at
// least check that TypeOut is a sub-class of TypeIn.
return result;