blob: 9f69fbb78431b92925fd068c7d424c8894431604 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.ui.input;
// Descriptors are used to describe the capabilities of an input device.
// Devices can have multiple descriptors of multiple kinds, for example:
// `KeyboardDescriptor`, `MouseDescriptor`, `StylusDescriptor`,
// `TouchscreenDescriptor` and `SensorDescriptor`
// An input device will generate `InputReport` corresponding to the
// capabilities of that device listed in its descriptor.
// For instance a input device with a `KeyboardDescriptor` will generate
// `KeyboardReport` when a key is pressed on the keyboard.
// Describe a `Range` of values
type Range = struct {
min int32;
max int32;
type RangeF = struct {
min float32;
max float32;
type AxisScale = flexible enum {
// An `Axis` is defined as a `range` and `resolution`.
type Axis = struct {
range Range;
resolution int32 = 1;
scale AxisScale = AxisScale.LINEAR;
type AxisF = struct {
range RangeF;
resolution float32 = 1.0;
scale AxisScale = AxisScale.LINEAR;
// `MediaButtonsDescriptor` describes the media buttons.
type MediaButtonsDescriptor = struct {
// A bitmask that represents the list of media buttons available.
// The mask bit values are located in usages.fidl.
buttons uint32;
// Keyboards
// `KeyboardDescriptor` describes the capabilities of a keyboard.
type KeyboardDescriptor = struct {
// The list of HID keyboard usages that this keyboard can generate.
keys vector<uint32>;
// `KeyboardReport` lists the keys currently pressed down.
type KeyboardReport = struct {
// `pressed_keys` is the list of HID usage that are currently pressed down on
// the keyboard.
pressed_keys vector<uint32>;
// Mouse
// `MouseDescriptor` describes the capabilities of a mouse.
type MouseDescriptor = struct {
// The range of relative X and Y movement which can be described by a mouse
// report.
rel_x Axis;
rel_y Axis;
// The range of relative vertical and horizontal scroll which can be
// described by a mouse report.
vscroll box<Axis>;
hscroll box<Axis>;
// The list of HID mouse usages that this mouse can generate.
buttons uint32;
// `MouseReport` gives the relative mouvement of the mouse and currently
// pressed buttons.
type MouseReport = struct {
// Relative X and Y positional displacement.
rel_x int32;
rel_y int32;
// Relative horizontal and vertical scrolling displacement.
rel_hscroll int32;
rel_vscroll int32;
// buttons currently down
pressed_buttons uint32;
// Stylus
// `Stylus` describes the capabilities of a stylus.
type StylusDescriptor = struct {
// Ranges for the `x` and `y` axis of the stylus.
x Axis;
y Axis;
// Range for the pressure of the tip
pressure box<Axis>;
is_invertible bool = false;
// The list of HID button usages that this stylus can generate.
buttons uint32;
// `StylusReport` describes the current state of the stylus.
type StylusReport = struct {
// Current position of the stylus within the range described in
// `StylusDescriptor`
x int32;
y int32;
// Pressure applied on the stylus tip
pressure uint32;
// Whether the stylus has made contact with the surface.
is_in_contact bool;
// Whether the stylus is within range. If `is_in_contact` is false, then the stylus
// is hovering.
in_range bool;
// Whether the stylus is thought to be inverted.
is_inverted bool;
// List of buttons currently pressed down.
pressed_buttons uint32;
// Touchscreen
// `TouchscreenDescriptor` describes the capabilities of a touchscreen.
type TouchscreenDescriptor = struct {
// Ranges of the `x` and `y` axis.
x Axis;
y Axis;
max_finger_id uint32;
// `Touch` describes one touch on a touchscreen, which should correspond to
// one finger.
type Touch = struct {
// Identifier for a finger that is down.
// Note: `finger_id` might not be sequential and will range from 0 to
// `max_finger_id`
finger_id uint32;
// Location within the axis defined in `TouchscreenDescriptor`
x int32;
y int32;
// Area pressed.
width uint32;
height uint32;
// `TouchscreenReport` describes the current touches recorded by the touchscreen
// and holds a `Touch` per finger down.
type TouchscreenReport = struct {
touches vector<Touch>;
// Motion Sensors
// Descriptive categories for sensor devices.
// We assume that each (SensorType,SensorLocation) pair is unique to the system.
type SensorType = flexible enum {
type SensorLocation = flexible enum {
BASE = 1;
LID = 2;
// `SensorDescriptor` describes the capabilities of a sensor device. It does
// not capture properties that can be changed after initialization, such as the
// current sampling frequency.
type SensorDescriptor = struct {
type SensorType;
loc SensorLocation;
// Min and max sampling frequencies for a sensor.
min_sampling_freq uint32;
max_sampling_freq uint32;
// Max number of sensor events that could be in hardware FIFO.
fifo_max_event_count uint32;
// Physical range of a specific sensor.
// Accelerometer ranges are given in Gs.
// Gyroscope ranges are given in deg/s.
// Magnetometer ranges are given in multiples of 1/16 uT.
// Light meter ranges can be given in Lux or units not specified.
phys_min int32;
phys_max int32;
// `SensorReport` describes the sensor event delivered from the event stream.
type SensorReport = strict union {
1: vector array<int16, 3>;
2: scalar uint16;
/// `MediaButtonsReport` describes the media buttons event delivered from the event stream.
/// Each bool in the report represents a single button where true means the button
/// is being pressed. A single report should be sent on every state change.
type MediaButtonsReport = struct {
volume_up bool;
volume_down bool;
mic_mute bool;
reset bool;
pause bool;
camera_disable bool;
// Device and Report
type DeviceInfo = struct {
vendor_id uint32;
product_id uint32;
version uint32;
name string;
// `DeviceDescriptor` describes one input device.
type DeviceDescriptor = struct {
device_info box<DeviceInfo>;
keyboard box<KeyboardDescriptor>;
media_buttons box<MediaButtonsDescriptor>;
mouse box<MouseDescriptor>;
stylus box<StylusDescriptor>;
touchscreen box<TouchscreenDescriptor>;
sensor box<SensorDescriptor>;
// `InputReport` is an input `report` triggered by an input device.
type InputReport = struct {
// `event_time` is in nanoseconds when the event was recorded.
event_time uint64;
keyboard box<KeyboardReport>;
media_buttons box<MediaButtonsReport>;
mouse box<MouseReport>;
stylus box<StylusReport>;
touchscreen box<TouchscreenReport>;
sensor SensorReport:optional;
trace_id uint64 = 0; // Unique ID to connect trace async begin/end events.