blob: fd9a34ecbce9fd36d8e7382397024c9267bd915a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// Defines the protocols used to sample UTC time using time synchronization
/// protocols such as NTP or Roughtime.
/// New time protocols may be added to the system by implementing the server
/// side of one or more of these protocols. The Timekeeper component acts as
/// the client and uses produced samples to update the system time.
/// Implementing PushSource lets the server decide when to produce samples and
/// implies that the time source will stay running between samples. Implementing
/// PullSource places Timekeeper in control of when to produce samples and lets
/// the time source be stopped between samples.
/// UTC time is distributed by the system. Clients that need to obtain UTC time
/// should use the standard libraries provided by their runtime.
library fuchsia.time.external;
using zx;
/// A protocol which defines common methods for all time sources. Should not be
/// implemented directly.
closed protocol TimeSource {
/// Notifies the time source of changes to global properties of the device
/// that it may use to increase accuracy of time measurements.
strict UpdateDeviceProperties(struct {
properties Properties;
/// A protocol for time sources that produce time samples on demand.
closed protocol PullSource {
compose TimeSource;
/// Produce a new time sample.
/// The server may consider the supplied urgency and will potentially
/// produce a sample more quickly but with lower accuracy when a request
/// is marked urgent.
/// The server will return an error for permanent errors but will block
/// on conditions that are not known to be permanent (e.g. network not
/// connected).
/// The server will return a RATE_LIMITED error if the client should wait
/// before requesting another sample. In this case the client may call
/// `NextPossibleSampleTime` to determine when the time source will be
/// willing to produce another sample.
strict Sample(struct {
urgency Urgency;
}) -> (struct {
sample TimeSample;
}) error Error;
/// Returns the monotonic time at which the PullSource is willing to produce
/// another sample. If the PullSource is not rate limited it will return a
/// time less than or equal to current monotonic time.
strict NextPossibleSampleTime() -> (struct {
next_possible_time zx.Time;
/// A protocol for time sources that produce time samples on a schedule that it
/// dictates. A PushSource does not report errors to clients as it is
/// responsible for handling them internally. Instead, a PushSource reports a
/// general health indication through the `WatchHealth` method to reflect
/// whether or not it expects to successfully produce time samples.
closed protocol PushSource {
compose TimeSource;
/// Watch for new time samples from the time source. This method is a
/// hanging get and returns the latest time sample if one is available and
/// has not already been returned to the client. If no such sample is
/// available, the method will hang until one is produced and return it
/// then.
/// Note that it is entirely at the discretion of the PushSource
/// implementation when to produce a sample; a call to WatchSample does
/// not necessarily trigger sample collection.
/// In the case a client sends a second WatchSample request while another
/// request is active, the channel is closed with a ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE
/// epitaph.
strict WatchSample() -> (struct {
sample TimeSample;
/// Watch for changes in the status of the time source.
/// This method is a hanging get that returns when the status changes from
/// the last status reported to the client.
/// In the case a client sends a second WatchStatus request while another
/// request is active, the channel is closed with a ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE
/// epitaph.
strict WatchStatus() -> (struct {
status Status;
/// A correspondence pair that describes a UTC time and the monotonic time at
/// which the time was measured.
type TimeSample = table {
/// The UTC time sample. Must always be provided.
1: utc zx.Time;
/// The monotonic time at which the sample was most valid. Must always be
/// provided.
2: monotonic zx.Time;
/// The standard deviation representing the error distribution of the UTC
/// measurement. Must always be provided.
3: standard_deviation zx.Duration;
/// Enum of urgencies used when requesting a sample from a PullSource. The time
/// source may use this information to balance the need to produce a response
/// quickly against the desire to produce an accurate sample.
type Urgency = flexible enum {
/// The client is blocked until the requested sample is received. For
/// example, the sample may be required to start a clock for the first time.
HIGH = 1;
/// The client will receive a significant benefit from the requested sample.
/// For example, the sample may be required to set the error bound on a
/// clock that is running with unknown accuracy.
/// The client can wait as long as needed to receive a high-quality sample.
/// For example, the sample may be required for a periodic update on a clock
/// that is already running within an acceptable error bound.
LOW = 3;
/// Enum of states a PushSource may be in.
type Status = strict enum {
/// The time source is performing setup steps or waiting for dependencies
/// such as network to become available.
/// The time source is healthy and expects to produce time samples.
OK = 1;
/// The time source does not expect to produce time samples for reasons that
/// cannot be classified as one of the more specific statuses.
/// The time source is unable to produce time samples due to network
/// availability issues.
/// The time source is unable to produce time samples due to hardware
/// issues.
/// The time source is unable to produce time samples due to errors specific
/// to the implemented time protocol.
/// The time source is unable to produce time samples due to local resource
/// errors such as IO, FIDL, or memory allocation.
/// Enum of reasons why producing a time sample failed.
type Error = strict enum {
/// An error occurred that cannot be classified as one of the more specific
/// error statuses.
/// An internal error occurred. This usually indicates a bug in the
/// component implementation.
/// A local resource error occurred such as IO, FIDL, or memory allocation
/// failure.
/// A network error occurred.
/// Some hardware that the time source depends on failed.
/// A retriable error specific to the implemented time protocol occurred,
/// such as a malformed response from a remote server.
/// Sampling failed in a nonretriable way. Examples include failed
/// authentication, or a missing configuration.
/// The request was made too soon and the client should wait before making
/// another request.
/// Device global properties a time source may use to help it sample time.
type Properties = table {};