blob: 228c58eeddce40faca3b7b6b1a6d5aa301b57a82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.hardware.nand;
using zx;
const MAX_PARTITIONS uint32 = 10;
const NAME_LEN uint32 = 32;
type Partition = struct {
/// GUID specifying the format and use of data stored in the partition.
type_guid array<uint8, GUID_LEN>;
/// GUID unique to this partition.
unique_guid array<uint8, GUID_LEN>;
/// First and last block occupied by this partition.
first_block uint32;
last_block uint32;
/// The number of data copies and offset between each data copy (if relevant).
copy_count uint32;
copy_byte_offset uint32;
// A string would break the current requirement for a simple C binding.
name array<uint8, NAME_LEN>;
/// Not a user-visible partition.
hidden bool;
/// Contains a legacy bad block table.
bbt bool;
type PartitionMap = struct {
device_guid array<uint8, GUID_LEN>;
/// Number of partitions in the map.
partition_count uint32;
partitions array<Partition, MAX_PARTITIONS>;
/// Defines how a newly created ram-nand volume should operate.
type RamNandInfo = resource struct {
/// VMO to use as backing store for nand device. Size should match size of `nand_info`.
/// If a vmo is not provided, the device will create its own buffer and initialize it to be
/// empty (all 1s).
vmo zx.Handle:<VMO, optional>;
/// The desired "chip" configuration.
nand_info Info;
/// Partition map for the device. This can be left fully empty (as in default-initialized),
/// as long as no metadata has to be exported by the device. If any metadata is required,
/// it will be extracted from this map.
partition_map PartitionMap;
/// If true, export "extra" partition configuration as metadata.
export_nand_config bool;
/// if true, export a boot partition map as metadata.
export_partition_map bool;
/// If non-zero, fail after `fail_after` writes.
fail_after uint32;
closed protocol RamNandCtl {
/// Creates a new ram-nand device. On success, returns the device's name (not the full
/// topological name, just the last component).
strict CreateDevice(resource struct {
info RamNandInfo;
}) -> (struct {
status zx.Status;
name string:NAME_LEN;
closed protocol RamNand {
/// Removes the device.
strict Unlink() -> (struct {
status zx.Status;