blob: a1ead9d6d3104099f1ad88e7c55fd043f4306174 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/diagnostics/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <examples/diagnostics/inspect/codelab/cpp/testing/integration_test.h>
class IntegrationTestPart4 : public codelab::testing::IntegrationTest {};
// [START integration_test]
TEST_F(IntegrationTestPart4, StartWithFizzBuzz) {
auto ptr = ConnectToReverser({.include_fizzbuzz = true});
bool error = false;
ptr.set_error_handler([&](zx_status_t unused) { error = true; });
bool done = false;
std::string result;
ptr->Reverse("hello", [&](std::string value) {
result = std::move(value);
done = true;
RunLoopUntil([&] { return done || error; });
EXPECT_EQ("olleh", result);
// CODELAB: Check that the component was connected to FizzBuzz.
// [END integration_test]
TEST_F(IntegrationTestPart4, StartWithoutFizzBuzz) {
auto ptr = ConnectToReverser({.include_fizzbuzz = false});
bool error = false;
ptr.set_error_handler([&](zx_status_t unused) { error = true; });
bool done = false;
std::string result;
ptr->Reverse("hello", [&](std::string value) {
result = std::move(value);
done = true;
RunLoopUntil([&] { return done || error; });
EXPECT_EQ("olleh", result);
// CODELAB: Check that the component failed to connect to FizzBuzz.