blob: 5732ecaabefa3d40827f8fc57fc8397f635b3f14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "vm/vm_cow_pages.h"
#include <lib/counters.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <kernel/range_check.h>
#include <ktl/move.h>
#include <vm/fault.h>
#include <vm/physmap.h>
#include <vm/pmm.h>
#include <vm/stack_owned_loaned_pages_interval.h>
#include <vm/vm_cow_pages.h>
#include <vm/vm_object.h>
#include <vm/vm_object_paged.h>
#include <vm/vm_page_list.h>
#include "vm_priv.h"
#include <ktl/enforce.h>
// add expensive code to do a full validation of the VMO at various points.
// Assertion that is only enabled if VMO_VALIDATION is enabled.
do { \
ASSERT(x); \
} \
} while (0)
// Add not-as-expensive code to do some extra validation at various points. This is off in normal
// debug builds because it can add O(n) validation to an O(1) operation, so can still make things
// slower, despite not being as slow as VMO_VALIDATION.
// Assertion that is only enabled if VMO_FRUGAL_VALIDATION is enabled.
do { \
ASSERT(x); \
} \
} while (0)
namespace {
KCOUNTER(vm_vmo_marked_latency_sensitive, "vm.vmo.latency_sensitive.marked")
KCOUNTER(vm_vmo_latency_sensitive_destroyed, "vm.vmo.latency_sensitive.destroyed")
void ZeroPage(paddr_t pa) {
void* ptr = paddr_to_physmap(pa);
void ZeroPage(vm_page_t* p) {
paddr_t pa = p->paddr();
bool IsZeroPage(vm_page_t* p) {
uint64_t* base = (uint64_t*)paddr_to_physmap(p->paddr());
for (int i = 0; i < PAGE_SIZE / (int)sizeof(uint64_t); i++) {
if (base[i] != 0)
return false;
return true;
void InitializeVmPage(vm_page_t* p) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(p->state() == vm_page_state::ALLOC);
p->object.pin_count = 0;
p->object.cow_left_split = 0;
p->object.cow_right_split = 0;
p->object.always_need = 0;
p->object.dirty_state = uint8_t(VmCowPages::DirtyState::Untracked);
// Allocates a new page and populates it with the data at |parent_paddr|.
zx_status_t AllocateCopyPage(uint32_t pmm_alloc_flags, paddr_t parent_paddr,
list_node_t* alloc_list, vm_page_t** clone) {
paddr_t pa_clone;
vm_page_t* p_clone = nullptr;
if (alloc_list) {
p_clone = list_remove_head_type(alloc_list, vm_page, queue_node);
if (p_clone) {
pa_clone = p_clone->paddr();
if (!p_clone) {
zx_status_t status = pmm_alloc_page(pmm_alloc_flags, &p_clone, &pa_clone);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
void* dst = paddr_to_physmap(pa_clone);
if (parent_paddr != vm_get_zero_page_paddr()) {
// do a direct copy of the two pages
const void* src = paddr_to_physmap(parent_paddr);
memcpy(dst, src, PAGE_SIZE);
} else {
// avoid pointless fetches by directly zeroing dst
*clone = p_clone;
return ZX_OK;
bool SlotHasPinnedPage(VmPageOrMarker* slot) {
return slot && slot->IsPage() && slot->Page()->object.pin_count > 0;
inline uint64_t CheckedAdd(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
uint64_t result;
bool overflow = add_overflow(a, b, &result);
return result;
} // namespace
VmCowPages::DiscardableList VmCowPages::discardable_reclaim_candidates_ = {};
VmCowPages::DiscardableList VmCowPages::discardable_non_reclaim_candidates_ = {};
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<VmCowPages::Cursor*> VmCowPages::discardable_vmos_cursors_ = {};
// Helper class for collecting pages to performed batched Removes from the page queue to not incur
// its spinlock overhead for every single page. Pages that it removes from the page queue get placed
// into a provided list. Note that pages are not moved into the list until *after* Flush has been
// called and Flush must be called prior to object destruction.
// This class has a large internal array and should be marked uninitialized.
class BatchPQRemove {
BatchPQRemove(list_node_t* freed_list) : freed_list_(freed_list) {}
~BatchPQRemove() { DEBUG_ASSERT(count_ == 0); }
// Add a page to the batch set. Automatically calls |Flush| if the limit is reached.
void Push(vm_page_t* page) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(count_ < kMaxPages);
pages_[count_] = page;
if (count_ == kMaxPages) {
// Performs |Remove| on any pending pages. This allows you to know that all pages are in the
// original list so that you can do operations on the list.
void Flush() {
if (count_ > 0) {
pmm_page_queues()->RemoveArrayIntoList(pages_, count_, freed_list_);
freed_count_ += count_;
count_ = 0;
// Returns the number of pages that were added to |freed_list_| by calls to Flush(). The
// |freed_count_| counter keeps a running count of freed pages as they are removed and added to
// |freed_list_|, avoiding having to walk |freed_list_| to compute its length.
size_t freed_count() const { return freed_count_; }
// Produces a callback suitable for passing to VmPageList::RemovePages that will |Push| any pages
auto RemovePagesCallback() {
return [this](VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t off) {
if (p->IsPage()) {
vm_page_t* page = p->ReleasePage();
*p = VmPageOrMarker::Empty();
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
// The value of 64 was chosen as there is minimal performance gains originally measured by using
// higher values. There is an incentive on this being as small as possible due to this typically
// being created on the stack, and our stack space is limited.
static constexpr size_t kMaxPages = 64;
size_t count_ = 0;
size_t freed_count_ = 0;
vm_page_t* pages_[kMaxPages];
list_node_t* freed_list_ = nullptr;
VmCowPages::VmCowPages(ktl::unique_ptr<VmCowPagesContainer> cow_container,
const fbl::RefPtr<VmHierarchyState> hierarchy_state_ptr,
VmCowPagesOptions options, uint32_t pmm_alloc_flags, uint64_t size,
fbl::RefPtr<PageSource> page_source)
: VmHierarchyBase(ktl::move(hierarchy_state_ptr)),
page_source_(ktl::move(page_source)) {
// TODO(dustingreen): Apply PMM_ALLOC_FLAG_CAN_BORROW based on can_borrow_locked(), in
// PmmAllocFlags(bool pin).
void VmCowPages::fbl_recycle() {
// To prevent races with a hidden parent creation or merging, it is necessary to hold the lock
// over the is_hidden and parent_ check and into the subsequent removal call.
// It is safe to grab the lock here because we are careful to never cause the last reference to
// a VmCowPages to be dropped in this code whilst holding the lock. The single place we drop a
// a VmCowPages reference that could trigger a deletion is in this destructor when parent_ is
// dropped, but that is always done without holding the lock.
{ // scope guard
Guard<Mutex> guard{&lock_};
// If we're not a hidden vmo, then we need to remove ourself from our parent. This needs
// to be done before emptying the page list so that a hidden parent can't merge into this
// vmo and repopulate the page list.
if (!is_hidden_locked()) {
if (parent_) {
// Avoid recursing destructors when we delete our parent by using the deferred deletion
// method. See common in parent else branch for why we can avoid this on a hidden parent.
if (!parent_->is_hidden_locked()) {
guard.CallUnlocked([this, parent = ktl::move(parent_)]() mutable {
} else {
// Most of the hidden vmo's state should have already been cleaned up when it merged
// itself into its child in ::RemoveChildLocked.
DEBUG_ASSERT(children_list_len_ == 0);
// Even though we are hidden we might have a parent. Unlike in the other branch of this if we
// do not need to perform any deferred deletion. The reason for this is that the deferred
// deletion mechanism is intended to resolve the scenario where there is a chain of 'one ref'
// parent pointers that will chain delete. However, with hidden parents we *know* that a
// hidden parent has two children (and hence at least one other ref to it) and so we cannot be
// in a one ref chain. Even if N threads all tried to remove children from the hierarchy at
// once, this would ultimately get serialized through the lock and the hierarchy would go from
// [..]
// /
// A [..]
// / \ /
// B E TO B A
// / \ / / \.
// C D C D E
// And so each serialized deletion breaks of a discrete two VMO chain that can be safely
// finalized with one recursive step.
// We stack-own loaned pages between removing the page from PageQueues and freeing the page via
// call to FreePages().
__UNINITIALIZED StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval raii_interval;
// Cleanup page lists and page sources.
list_node_t list;
__UNINITIALIZED BatchPQRemove page_remover(&list);
// free all of the pages attached to us
page_list_.RemoveAllPages([&page_remover](vm_page_t* page) {
ASSERT(page->object.pin_count == 0);
// We must Close() after removing pages, so that all pages will be loaned by the time
// PhysicalPageProvider::OnClose() calls pmm_delete_lender() on the whole physical range.
if (page_source_) {
// Update counters
if (is_latency_sensitive_) {
} // ~guard
// Release the ref that VmCowPages keeps on VmCowPagesContainer.
VmCowPages::~VmCowPages() {
// All the explicit cleanup happens in fbl_recycle(). Only asserts and implicit cleanup happens
// in the destructor.
// While use a ktl::optional<VmCowPages> in VmCowPagesContainer, we don't intend to reset() it
// early.
DEBUG_ASSERT(0 == ref_count_debug());
// We only intent to delete VmCowPages when the container is also deleting, and the container
// won't be deleting unless it's ref is 0.
DEBUG_ASSERT(0 == debug_retained_raw_container_->ref_count_debug());
bool VmCowPages::DedupZeroPage(vm_page_t* page, uint64_t offset) {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&lock_};
// TODO(fxb/85056): Formalize this.
// Forbid zero page deduping if this is latency sensitive.
if (is_latency_sensitive_) {
return false;
if (paged_ref_) {
if (!paged_ref_->CanDedupZeroPagesLocked()) {
return false;
// Check this page is still a part of this VMO. object.page_offset could be wrong, but there's no
// harm in looking up a random slot as we'll then notice it's the wrong page.
VmPageOrMarker* page_or_marker = page_list_.Lookup(offset);
if (!page_or_marker || !page_or_marker->IsPage() || page_or_marker->Page() != page ||
page->object.pin_count > 0) {
return false;
// We expect most pages to not be zero, as such we will first do a 'racy' zero page check where
// we leave write permissions on the page. If the page isn't zero, which is our hope, then we
// haven't paid the price of modifying page tables.
if (!IsZeroPage(page_or_marker->Page())) {
return false;
RangeChangeUpdateLocked(offset, PAGE_SIZE, RangeChangeOp::RemoveWrite);
if (IsZeroPage(page_or_marker->Page())) {
RangeChangeUpdateLocked(offset, PAGE_SIZE, RangeChangeOp::Unmap);
vm_page_t* released_page = page_or_marker->ReleasePage();
*page_or_marker = VmPageOrMarker::Marker();
return true;
return false;
uint32_t VmCowPages::ScanForZeroPagesLocked(bool reclaim) {
if (!can_decommit_zero_pages_locked()) {
// Even if !reclaim, we don't count zero pages in contiguous VMOs because we can't reclaim them
// anyway (at least not just due to them being zero; user mode can decommit). We also don't
// add contiguous VMO pages to the ZeroFork queue ever, so counting these would only create
// false hope that we could potentially loan the pages despite explicitly not wanting to
// auto-decommit zero pages as expressed by !can_decommit_zero_pages_locked(). In future we
// may relax this restriction on contiguous VMOs at which point it'd be fine to remove zero
// pages (assuming other criteria are met, like not being pinned).
return 0;
// Check if we have any slice children. Slice children may have writable mappings to our pages,
// and so we need to also remove any mappings from them. Non-slice children could only have
// read-only mappings, which is the state we already want, and so we don't need to touch them.
for (auto& child : children_list_) {
if (child.is_slice_locked()) {
// Slices are strict subsets of their parents so we don't need to bother looking at parent
// limits etc and can just operate on the entire range.
child.RangeChangeUpdateLocked(0, child.size_, RangeChangeOp::RemoveWrite);
list_node_t freed_list;
uint32_t count = 0;
[&count, &freed_list, reclaim, this](VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t off) {
// Pinned pages cannot be decommitted so do not consider them.
if (p->IsPage() && p->Page()->object.pin_count == 0 && IsZeroPage(p->Page())) {
if (reclaim) {
// Need to remove all mappings (include read) ones to this range before we remove the
// page.
RangeChangeUpdateLocked(off, PAGE_SIZE, RangeChangeOp::Unmap);
vm_page_t* page = p->ReleasePage();
list_add_tail(&freed_list, &page->queue_node);
*p = VmPageOrMarker::Marker();
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
0, VmPageList::MAX_SIZE);
if (reclaim && count > 0) {
// A batch free is counted as a single eviction event.
return count;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::Create(fbl::RefPtr<VmHierarchyState> root_lock, VmCowPagesOptions options,
uint32_t pmm_alloc_flags, uint64_t size,
fbl::RefPtr<VmCowPages>* cow_pages) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(!(options & VmCowPagesOptions::kInternalOnlyMask));
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
auto cow = NewVmCowPages(&ac, ktl::move(root_lock), options, pmm_alloc_flags, size, nullptr);
if (!ac.check()) {
*cow_pages = ktl::move(cow);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::CreateExternal(fbl::RefPtr<PageSource> src, VmCowPagesOptions options,
fbl::RefPtr<VmHierarchyState> root_lock, uint64_t size,
fbl::RefPtr<VmCowPages>* cow_pages) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(!(options & VmCowPagesOptions::kInternalOnlyMask));
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
auto cow =
NewVmCowPages(&ac, ktl::move(root_lock), options, PMM_ALLOC_FLAG_ANY, size, ktl::move(src));
if (!ac.check()) {
// If the page source preserves content, initialize supply_zero_offset_ to size. All initial
// content for a newly created VMO is provided by the page source, i.e. there is no content that
// the kernel implicitly supplies with zero.
Guard<Mutex> guard{&cow->lock_};
if (cow->is_source_preserving_page_content_locked()) {
cow->supply_zero_offset_ = size;
*cow_pages = ktl::move(cow);
return ZX_OK;
void VmCowPages::ReplaceChildLocked(VmCowPages* old, VmCowPages* new_child) {
children_list_.replace(*old, new_child);
void VmCowPages::DropChildLocked(VmCowPages* child) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(children_list_len_ > 0);
void VmCowPages::AddChildLocked(VmCowPages* child, uint64_t offset, uint64_t root_parent_offset,
uint64_t parent_limit) {
// As we do not want to have to return failure from this function we require root_parent_offset to
// be calculated and validated that it does not overflow externally, but we can still assert that
// it has been calculated correctly to prevent accidents.
DEBUG_ASSERT(CheckedAdd(root_parent_offset_, offset) == root_parent_offset);
// The child should definitely stop seeing into the parent at the limit of its size.
DEBUG_ASSERT(parent_limit <= child->size_);
// Write in the parent view values.
child->root_parent_offset_ = root_parent_offset;
child->parent_offset_ = offset;
child->parent_limit_ = parent_limit;
// This child should be in an initial state and these members should be clear.
DEBUG_ASSERT(child->parent_start_limit_ == 0);
child->page_list_.InitializeSkew(page_list_.GetSkew(), offset);
child->parent_ = fbl::RefPtr(this);
zx_status_t VmCowPages::CreateChildSliceLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t size,
fbl::RefPtr<VmCowPages>* cow_slice) {
LTRACEF("vmo %p offset %#" PRIx64 " size %#" PRIx64 "\n", this, offset, size);
DEBUG_ASSERT(CheckedAdd(offset, size) <= size_);
// If this is a slice re-home this on our parent. Due to this logic we can guarantee that any
// slice parent is, itself, not a slice.
// We are able to do this for two reasons:
// * Slices are subsets and so every position in a slice always maps back to the paged parent.
// * Slices are not permitted to be resized and so nothing can be done on the intermediate parent
// that requires us to ever look at it again.
if (is_slice_locked()) {
return parent_->CreateChildSliceLocked(offset + parent_offset_, size, cow_slice);
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
// Slices just need the slice option and default alloc flags since they will propagate any
// operation up to a parent and use their options and alloc flags.
auto slice = NewVmCowPages(&ac, hierarchy_state_ptr_, VmCowPagesOptions::kSlice,
PMM_ALLOC_FLAG_ANY, size, nullptr);
if (!ac.check()) {
// At this point slice must *not* be destructed in this function, as doing so would cause a
// deadlock. That means from this point on we *must* succeed and any future error checking needs
// to be added prior to creation.
// As our slice must be in range of the parent it is impossible to have the accumulated parent
// offset overflow.
uint64_t root_parent_offset = CheckedAdd(offset, root_parent_offset_);
CheckedAdd(root_parent_offset, size);
AddChildLocked(slice.get(), offset, root_parent_offset, size);
*cow_slice = slice;
return ZX_OK;
void VmCowPages::CloneParentIntoChildLocked(fbl::RefPtr<VmCowPages>& child) {
// This function is invalid to call if any pages are pinned as the unpin after we change the
// backlink will not work.
DEBUG_ASSERT(pinned_page_count_ == 0);
// We are going to change our linked VmObjectPaged to eventually point to our left child instead
// of us, so we need to make the left child look equivalent. To do this it inherits our
// children, attribution id and eviction count and is sized to completely cover us.
for (auto& c : children_list_) {
c.parent_ = child;
child->children_list_ = ktl::move(children_list_);
child->children_list_len_ = children_list_len_;
children_list_len_ = 0;
child->eviction_event_count_ = eviction_event_count_;
child->page_attribution_user_id_ = page_attribution_user_id_;
AddChildLocked(child.get(), 0, root_parent_offset_, size_);
// Time to change the VmCowPages that our paged_ref_ is point to.
if (paged_ref_) {
child->paged_ref_ = paged_ref_;
fbl::RefPtr<VmCowPages> __UNUSED previous =
// Validate that we replaced a reference to ourself as we expected, this ensures we can safely
// drop the refptr without triggering our own destructor, since we know someone else must be
// holding a refptr to us to be in this function.
DEBUG_ASSERT(previous.get() == this);
paged_ref_ = nullptr;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::CreateCloneLocked(CloneType type, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size,
fbl::RefPtr<VmCowPages>* cow_child) {
LTRACEF("vmo %p offset %#" PRIx64 " size %#" PRIx64 "\n", this, offset, size);
// All validation *must* be performed here prior to construction the VmCowPages, as the
// destructor for VmCowPages may acquire the lock, which we are already holding.
switch (type) {
case CloneType::Snapshot: {
if (!is_cow_clonable_locked()) {
// If this is non-zero, that means that there are pages which hardware can
// touch, so the vmo can't be safely cloned.
// TODO: consider immediately forking these pages.
if (pinned_page_count_locked()) {
case CloneType::PrivatePagerCopy:
if (!is_private_pager_copy_supported()) {
uint64_t new_root_parent_offset;
bool overflow;
overflow = add_overflow(offset, root_parent_offset_, &new_root_parent_offset);
if (overflow) {
uint64_t temp;
overflow = add_overflow(new_root_parent_offset, size, &temp);
if (overflow) {
uint64_t child_parent_limit = offset >= size_ ? 0 : ktl::min(size, size_ - offset);
// Invalidate everything the clone will be able to see. They're COW pages now,
// so any existing mappings can no longer directly write to the pages.
RangeChangeUpdateLocked(offset, size, RangeChangeOp::RemoveWrite);
if (type == CloneType::Snapshot) {
// We need two new VmCowPages for our two children. To avoid destructor of the first being
// invoked if the second fails we separately perform allocations and construction. It's fine
// for the destructor of VmCowPagesContainer to run since the optional VmCowPages isn't emplaced
// yet so the VmCowPages destructor doesn't run if the second fails allocation.
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
ktl::unique_ptr<VmCowPagesContainer> left_child_placeholder =
if (!ac.check()) {
ktl::unique_ptr<VmCowPagesContainer> right_child_placeholder =
if (!ac.check()) {
// At this point cow_pages must *not* be destructed in this function, as doing so would cause a
// deadlock. That means from this point on we *must* succeed and any future error checking needs
// to be added prior to creation.
fbl::RefPtr<VmCowPages> left_child =
NewVmCowPages(ktl::move(left_child_placeholder), hierarchy_state_ptr_,
VmCowPagesOptions::kNone, pmm_alloc_flags_, size_, nullptr);
fbl::RefPtr<VmCowPages> right_child =
NewVmCowPages(ktl::move(right_child_placeholder), hierarchy_state_ptr_,
VmCowPagesOptions::kNone, pmm_alloc_flags_, size, nullptr);
// The left child becomes a full clone of us, inheriting our children, paged backref etc.
// The right child is the, potential, subset view into the parent so has a variable offset. If
// this view would extend beyond us then we need to clip the parent_limit to our size_, which
// will ensure any pages in that range just get initialized from zeroes.
AddChildLocked(right_child.get(), offset, new_root_parent_offset, child_parent_limit);
// Transition into being the hidden node.
options_ |= VmCowPagesOptions::kHidden;
DEBUG_ASSERT(children_list_len_ == 2);
*cow_child = ktl::move(right_child);
return ZX_OK;
} else {
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
auto cow_pages = NewVmCowPages(&ac, hierarchy_state_ptr_, VmCowPagesOptions::kNone,
pmm_alloc_flags_, size, nullptr);
if (!ac.check()) {
// Walk up the parent chain until we find a good place to hang this new cow clone. A good place
// here means the first place that has committed pages that we actually need to snapshot. In
// doing so we need to ensure that the limits of the child we create do not end up seeing more
// of the final parent than it would have been able to see from here.
VmCowPages* cur = this;
while (cur->parent_) {
// There's a parent, check if there are any pages in the current range. Unless we've moved
// outside the range of our parent, in which case we can just walk up.
if (child_parent_limit > 0 &&
cur->page_list_.AnyPagesInRange(offset, offset + child_parent_limit)) {
// To move to the parent we need to translate our window into |cur|.
if (offset >= cur->parent_limit_) {
child_parent_limit = 0;
} else {
child_parent_limit = ktl::min(child_parent_limit, cur->parent_limit_ - offset);
offset += cur->parent_offset_;
cur = cur->parent_.get();
new_root_parent_offset = CheckedAdd(offset, cur->root_parent_offset_);
cur->AddChildLocked(cow_pages.get(), offset, new_root_parent_offset, child_parent_limit);
*cow_child = ktl::move(cow_pages);
return ZX_OK;
void VmCowPages::RemoveChildLocked(VmCowPages* removed) {
if (!is_hidden_locked()) {
// Hidden vmos always have 0 or 2 children, but we can't be here with 0 children.
DEBUG_ASSERT(children_list_len_ == 2);
bool removed_left = &left_child_locked() == removed;
VmCowPages* child = &children_list_.front();
MergeContentWithChildLocked(removed, removed_left);
// The child which removed itself and led to the invocation should have a reference
// to us, in addition to child.parent_ which we are about to clear.
DEBUG_ASSERT(ref_count_debug() >= 2);
if (child->page_attribution_user_id_ != page_attribution_user_id_) {
// If the attribution user id of this vmo doesn't match that of its remaining child,
// then the vmo with the matching attribution user id was just closed. In that case, we
// need to reattribute the pages of any ancestor hidden vmos to vmos that still exist.
// The syscall API doesn't specify how pages are to be attributed among a group of COW
// clones. One option is to pick a remaining vmo 'arbitrarily' and attribute everything to
// that vmo. However, it seems fairer to reattribute each remaining hidden vmo with
// its child whose user id doesn't match the vmo that was just closed. So walk up the
// clone chain and attribute each hidden vmo to the vmo we didn't just walk through.
auto cur = this;
uint64_t user_id_to_skip = page_attribution_user_id_;
while (cur->parent_ != nullptr) {
auto parent = cur->parent_.get();
if (parent->page_attribution_user_id_ == page_attribution_user_id_) {
uint64_t new_user_id = parent->left_child_locked().page_attribution_user_id_;
if (new_user_id == user_id_to_skip) {
new_user_id = parent->right_child_locked().page_attribution_user_id_;
// Although user IDs can be unset for VMOs that do not have a dispatcher, copy-on-write
// VMOs always have user level dispatchers, and should have a valid user-id set, hence we
// should never end up re-attributing a hidden parent with an unset id.
DEBUG_ASSERT(new_user_id != 0);
// The 'if' above should mean that the new_user_id isn't the ID we are trying to remove
// and isn't one we just used. For this to fail we either need a corrupt VMO hierarchy, or
// to have labeled two leaf nodes with the same user_id, which would also be incorrect as
// leaf nodes have unique dispatchers and hence unique ids.
DEBUG_ASSERT(new_user_id != page_attribution_user_id_ && new_user_id != user_id_to_skip);
parent->page_attribution_user_id_ = new_user_id;
user_id_to_skip = new_user_id;
cur = parent;
} else {
// Drop the child from our list, but don't recurse back into this function. Then
// remove ourselves from the clone tree.
if (parent_) {
parent_->ReplaceChildLocked(this, child);
child->parent_ = ktl::move(parent_);
void VmCowPages::MergeContentWithChildLocked(VmCowPages* removed, bool removed_left) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(children_list_len_ == 1);
VmCowPages& child = children_list_.front();
list_node freed_pages;
__UNINITIALIZED BatchPQRemove page_remover(&freed_pages);
const uint64_t visibility_start_offset = child.parent_offset_ + child.parent_start_limit_;
const uint64_t merge_start_offset = child.parent_offset_;
const uint64_t merge_end_offset = child.parent_offset_ + child.parent_limit_;
// Hidden parents are not supposed to have page sources, but we assert it here anyway because a
// page source would make the way we move pages between objects incorrect, as we would break any
// potential back links.
page_list_.RemovePages(page_remover.RemovePagesCallback(), 0, visibility_start_offset);
page_list_.RemovePages(page_remover.RemovePagesCallback(), merge_end_offset,
if (child.parent_offset_ + child.parent_limit_ > parent_limit_) {
// Update the child's parent limit to ensure that it won't be able to see more
// of its new parent than this hidden vmo was able to see.
if (parent_limit_ < child.parent_offset_) {
child.parent_limit_ = 0;
child.parent_start_limit_ = 0;
} else {
child.parent_limit_ = parent_limit_ - child.parent_offset_;
child.parent_start_limit_ = ktl::min(child.parent_start_limit_, child.parent_limit_);
} else {
// The child will be able to see less of its new parent than this hidden vmo was
// able to see, so release any parent pages in that range.
ReleaseCowParentPagesLocked(merge_end_offset, parent_limit_, &page_remover);
if (removed->parent_offset_ + removed->parent_start_limit_ < visibility_start_offset) {
// If the removed former child has a smaller offset, then there are retained
// ancestor pages that will no longer be visible and thus should be freed.
ReleaseCowParentPagesLocked(removed->parent_offset_ + removed->parent_start_limit_,
visibility_start_offset, &page_remover);
// Adjust the child's offset so it will still see the correct range.
bool overflow = add_overflow(parent_offset_, child.parent_offset_, &child.parent_offset_);
// Overflow here means that something went wrong when setting up parent limits.
if (child.is_hidden_locked()) {
// After the merge, either |child| can't see anything in parent (in which case
// the parent limits could be anything), or |child|'s first visible offset will be
// at least as large as |this|'s first visible offset.
DEBUG_ASSERT(child.parent_start_limit_ == child.parent_limit_ ||
parent_offset_ + parent_start_limit_ <=
child.parent_offset_ + child.parent_start_limit_);
} else {
// non-hidden vmos should always have zero parent_start_limit_
DEBUG_ASSERT(child.parent_start_limit_ == 0);
// As we are moving pages between objects we need to make sure no backlinks are broken. We know
// there's no page_source_ and hence no pages will be in the pager_backed queue, but we could
// have pages in the unswappable_zero_forked queue. We do know that pages in this queue cannot
// have been pinned, so we can just move (or re-move potentially) any page that is not pinned
// into the unswappable queue.
PageQueues* pq = pmm_page_queues();
Guard<CriticalMutex> guard{pq->get_lock()};
page_list_.ForEveryPage([pq](auto* p, uint64_t off) {
if (p->IsPage()) {
vm_page_t* page = p->Page();
if (page->object.pin_count == 0) {
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
// At this point, we need to merge |this|'s page list and |child|'s page list.
// In general, COW clones are expected to share most of their pages (i.e. to fork a relatively
// small number of pages). Because of this, it is preferable to do work proportional to the
// number of pages which were forked into |removed|. However, there are a few things that can
// prevent this:
// - If |child|'s offset is non-zero then the offsets of all of |this|'s pages will
// need to be updated when they are merged into |child|.
// - If there has been a call to ReleaseCowParentPagesLocked which was not able to
// update the parent limits, then there can exist pages in this vmo's page list
// which are not visible to |child| but can't be easily freed based on its parent
// limits. Finding these pages requires examining the split bits of all pages.
// - If |child| is hidden, then there can exist pages in this vmo which were split into
// |child|'s subtree and then migrated out of |child|. Those pages need to be freed, and
// the simplest way to find those pages is to examine the split bits.
bool fast_merge = merge_start_offset == 0 && !partial_cow_release_ && !child.is_hidden_locked();
if (fast_merge) {
// Only leaf vmos can be directly removed, so this must always be true. This guarantees
// that there are no pages that were split into |removed| that have since been migrated
// to its children.
// Before merging, find any pages that are present in both |removed| and |this|. Those
// pages are visibile to |child| but haven't been written to through |child|, so
// their split bits need to be cleared. Note that ::ReleaseCowParentPagesLocked ensures
// that pages outside of the parent limit range won't have their split bits set.
[removed_offset = removed->parent_offset_, this](auto* page, uint64_t offset) {
// Whether this is a true page, or a marker, we must check |this| for a page as either
// represents a potential fork, even if we subsequently changed it to a marker.
VmPageOrMarker* page_or_mark = page_list_.Lookup(offset + removed_offset);
if (page_or_mark && page_or_mark->IsPage()) {
vm_page* p_page = page_or_mark->Page();
// The page was definitely forked into |removed|, but
// shouldn't be forked twice.
DEBUG_ASSERT(p_page->object.cow_left_split ^ p_page->object.cow_right_split);
p_page->object.cow_left_split = 0;
p_page->object.cow_right_split = 0;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
removed->parent_start_limit_, removed->parent_limit_);
// These will be freed, but accumulate them separately for use in asserts before adding these to
// freed_pages.
list_node covered_pages;
__UNINITIALIZED BatchPQRemove covered_remover(&covered_pages);
// Now merge |child|'s pages into |this|, overwriting any pages present in |this|, and
// then move that list to |child|.
[&covered_remover](vm_page_t* p) { covered_remover.Push(p); });
child.page_list_ = ktl::move(page_list_);
vm_page_t* p;
list_for_every_entry (&covered_pages, p, vm_page_t, queue_node) {
// The page was already present in |child|, so it should be split at least
// once. And being split twice is obviously bad.
ASSERT(p->object.cow_left_split ^ p->object.cow_right_split);
ASSERT(p->object.pin_count == 0);
list_splice_after(&covered_pages, &freed_pages);
} else {
// Merge our page list into the child page list and update all the necessary metadata.
page_list_, merge_start_offset, merge_end_offset,
[&page_remover](vm_page* page, uint64_t offset) { page_remover.Push(page); },
[&page_remover, removed_left](VmPageOrMarker* page_or_marker, uint64_t offset) {
vm_page_t* page = page_or_marker->Page();
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->object.pin_count == 0);
if (removed_left ? page->object.cow_right_split : page->object.cow_left_split) {
// This happens when the pages was already migrated into child but then
// was migrated further into child's descendants. The page can be freed.
page = page_or_marker->ReleasePage();
} else {
// Since we recursively fork on write, if the child doesn't have the
// page, then neither of its children do.
page->object.cow_left_split = 0;
page->object.cow_right_split = 0;
if (!list_is_empty(&freed_pages)) {
void VmCowPages::DumpLocked(uint depth, bool verbose) const {
size_t count = 0;
page_list_.ForEveryPage([&count](const auto* p, uint64_t) {
if (p->IsPage()) {
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
for (uint i = 0; i < depth; ++i) {
printf(" ");
printf("cow_pages %p size %#" PRIx64 " offset %#" PRIx64 " start limit %#" PRIx64
" limit %#" PRIx64 " pages %zu ref %d parent %p\n",
this, size_, parent_offset_, parent_start_limit_, parent_limit_, count, ref_count_debug(),
if (page_source_) {
for (uint i = 0; i < depth + 1; ++i) {
printf(" ");
if (verbose) {
auto f = [depth](const auto* p, uint64_t offset) {
for (uint i = 0; i < depth + 1; ++i) {
printf(" ");
if (p->IsMarker()) {
printf("offset %#" PRIx64 " zero page marker\n", offset);
} else {
vm_page_t* page = p->Page();
printf("offset %#" PRIx64 " page %p paddr %#" PRIxPTR "(%c%c%c)\n", offset, page,
page->paddr(), page->object.cow_left_split ? 'L' : '.',
page->object.cow_right_split ? 'R' : '.', page->object.always_need ? 'A' : '.');
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
size_t VmCowPages::AttributedPagesInRangeLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len) const {
if (is_hidden_locked()) {
return 0;
size_t page_count = 0;
// TODO: Decide who pages should actually be attribtued to.
[&page_count](const auto* p, uint64_t off) {
if (p->IsPage()) {
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
[this, &page_count](uint64_t gap_start, uint64_t gap_end) {
// If there's no parent, there's no pages to care about. If there is a non-hidden
// parent, then that owns any pages in the gap, not us.
if (!parent_) {
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
if (!parent_->is_hidden_locked()) {
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
// Count any ancestor pages that should be attributed to us in the range. Ideally the whole
// range gets processed in one attempt, but in order to prevent unbounded stack growth with
// recursion we instead process partial ranges and recalculate the intermediate results.
// As a result instead of being O(n) in the number of committed pages it could
// pathologically become O(nd) where d is our depth in the vmo hierarchy.
uint64_t off = gap_start;
while (off < parent_limit_ && off < gap_end) {
uint64_t local_count = 0;
uint64_t attributed =
CountAttributedAncestorPagesLocked(off, gap_end - off, &local_count);
// |CountAttributedAncestorPagesLocked| guarantees that it will make progress.
DEBUG_ASSERT(attributed > 0);
off += attributed;
page_count += local_count;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
offset, offset + len);
return page_count;
uint64_t VmCowPages::CountAttributedAncestorPagesLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t size,
uint64_t* count) const TA_REQ(lock_) {
// We need to walk up the ancestor chain to see if there are any pages that should be attributed
// to this vmo. We attempt operate on the entire range given to us but should we need to query
// the next parent for a range we trim our operating range. Trimming the range is necessary as
// we cannot recurse and otherwise have no way to remember where we were up to after processing
// the range in the parent. The solution then is to return all the way back up to the caller with
// a partial range and then effectively recompute the meta data at the point we were up to.
// Note that we cannot stop just because the page_attribution_user_id_ changes. This is because
// there might still be a forked page at the offset in question which should be attributed to
// this vmo. Whenever the attribution user id changes while walking up the ancestors, we need
// to determine if there is a 'closer' vmo in the sibling subtree to which the offset in
// question can be attributed, or if it should still be attributed to the current vmo.
DEBUG_ASSERT(offset < parent_limit_);
const VmCowPages* cur = this;
uint64_t cur_offset = offset;
uint64_t cur_size = size;
// Count of how many pages we attributed as being owned by this vmo.
uint64_t attributed_ours = 0;
// Count how much we've processed. This is needed to remember when we iterate up the parent list
// at an offset.
uint64_t attributed = 0;
while (cur_offset < cur->parent_limit_) {
// For cur->parent_limit_ to be non-zero, it must have a parent.
const auto parent = cur->parent_.get();
uint64_t parent_offset;
bool overflowed = add_overflow(cur->parent_offset_, cur_offset, &parent_offset);
DEBUG_ASSERT(!overflowed); // vmo creation should have failed
DEBUG_ASSERT(parent_offset <= parent->size_); // parent_limit_ prevents this
const bool left = cur == &parent->left_child_locked();
const auto& sib = left ? parent->right_child_locked() : parent->left_child_locked();
// Work out how much of the desired size is actually visible to us in the parent, we just use
// this to walk the correct amount of the page_list_
const uint64_t parent_size = ktl::min(cur_size, cur->parent_limit_ - cur_offset);
// By default we expect to process the entire range, hence our next_size is 0. Should we need to
// iterate up the stack then these will be set by one of the callbacks.
uint64_t next_parent_offset = parent_offset + cur_size;
uint64_t next_size = 0;
[&parent, &cur, &attributed_ours, &sib](const auto* p, uint64_t off) {
if (p->IsMarker()) {
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
vm_page* page = p->Page();
if (
// Page is explicitly owned by us
(parent->page_attribution_user_id_ == cur->page_attribution_user_id_) ||
// If page has already been split and we can see it, then we know
// the sibling subtree can't see the page and thus it should be
// attributed to this vmo.
(page->object.cow_left_split || page->object.cow_right_split) ||
// If the sibling cannot access this page then its ours, otherwise we know there's
// a vmo in the sibling subtree which is 'closer' to this offset, and to which we will
// attribute the page to.
!(sib.parent_offset_ + sib.parent_start_limit_ <= off &&
off < sib.parent_offset_ + sib.parent_limit_)) {
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
[&parent, &cur, &next_parent_offset, &next_size, &sib](uint64_t gap_start,
uint64_t gap_end) {
// Process a gap in the parent VMO.
// A gap in the parent VMO doesn't necessarily mean there are no pages
// in this range: our parent's ancestors may have pages, so we need to
// walk up the tree to find out.
// We don't always need to walk the tree though: in this this gap, both this VMO
// and our sibling VMO will share the same set of ancestor pages. However, the
// pages will only be accounted to one of the two VMOs.
// If the parent page_attribution_user_id is the same as us, we need to
// keep walking up the tree to perform a more accurate count.
// If the parent page_attribution_user_id is our sibling, however, we
// can just ignore the overlapping range: pages may or may not exist in
// the range --- but either way, they would be accounted to our sibling.
// Instead, we need only walk up ranges not visible to our sibling.
uint64_t gap_size = gap_end - gap_start;
if (parent->page_attribution_user_id_ == cur->page_attribution_user_id_) {
// don't need to consider siblings as we own this range, but we do need to
// keep looking up the stack to find any actual pages.
next_parent_offset = gap_start;
next_size = gap_size;
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
// For this entire range we know that the offset is visible to the current vmo, and there
// are no committed or migrated pages. We need to check though for what portion of this
// range we should attribute to the sibling. Any range that we can attribute to the
// sibling we can skip, otherwise we have to keep looking up the stack to see if there are
// any pages that could be attributed to us.
uint64_t sib_offset, sib_len;
if (!GetIntersect(gap_start, gap_size, sib.parent_offset_ + sib.parent_start_limit_,
sib.parent_limit_ - sib.parent_start_limit_, &sib_offset, &sib_len)) {
// No sibling ownership, so need to look at the whole range in the parent to find any
// pages.
next_parent_offset = gap_start;
next_size = gap_size;
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
// If the whole range is owned by the sibling, any pages that might be in
// it won't be accounted to us anyway. Skip the segment.
if (sib_len == gap_size) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(sib_offset == gap_start);
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
// Otherwise, inspect the range not visible to our sibling.
if (sib_offset == gap_start) {
next_parent_offset = sib_offset + sib_len;
next_size = gap_end - next_parent_offset;
} else {
next_parent_offset = gap_start;
next_size = sib_offset - gap_start;
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
parent_offset, parent_offset + parent_size);
if (next_size == 0) {
// If next_size wasn't set then we don't need to keep looking up the chain as we successfully
// looked at the entire range.
// Count anything up to the next starting point as being processed.
attributed += next_parent_offset - parent_offset;
// Size should have been reduced by at least the amount we just attributed
DEBUG_ASSERT(next_size <= cur_size &&
cur_size - next_size >= next_parent_offset - parent_offset);
cur = parent;
cur_offset = next_parent_offset;
cur_size = next_size;
// Exiting the loop means we either ceased finding a relevant parent for the range, or we were
// able to process the entire range without needing to look up to a parent, in either case we
// can consider the entire range as attributed.
// The cur_size can be larger than the value of parent_size from the last loop iteration. This is
// fine as that range we trivially know has zero pages in it, and therefore has zero pages to
// determine attributions off.
attributed += cur_size;
*count = attributed_ours;
return attributed;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::AddPageLocked(VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t offset,
CanOverwriteContent overwrite,
ktl::optional<vm_page_t*>* released_page,
bool do_range_update) {
if (p->IsPage()) {
LTRACEF("vmo %p, offset %#" PRIx64 ", page %p (%#" PRIxPTR ")\n", this, offset, p->Page(),
} else {
LTRACEF("vmo %p, offset %#" PRIx64 ", marker\n", this, offset);
if (released_page != nullptr) {
*released_page = ktl::nullopt;
if (offset >= size_) {
VmPageOrMarker* page = page_list_.LookupOrAllocate(offset);
if (!page) {
// We cannot overwrite any kind of content.
if (overwrite == CanOverwriteContent::None) {
// An anonymous VMO starts off with all its content set to zero, i.e. at no point can it have
// absence of content.
if (!page_source_) {
// This VMO is backed by a page source, so empty slots represent absence of content. Fail if the
// slot is not empty.
if (!page->IsEmpty()) {
// This VMO is backed by a page source and the slot is empty. Check if this empty slot
// represents zero content. For page sources that preserve content (pager backed VMOs), pages
// starting at the supply_zero_offset_ have an implicit initial content of zero. These pages are
// not supplied by the user pager, and are instead supplied by the kernel as zero pages. So for
// pager backed VMOs, we should not overwrite this zero content.
// TODO(rashaeqbal): Consider replacing supply_zero_offset_ with a single zero range in the page
// list itself, so that all content resides in the page list. This might require supporting
// custom sized ranges in the page list; we don't want to pay the cost of individual zero page
// markers per page or multiple fixed sized zero ranges.
if (is_source_preserving_page_content_locked() && offset >= supply_zero_offset_) {
// We're only permitted to overwrite zero content. This has different meanings based on the
// whether the VMO is anonymous or is backed by a pager.
// * For anonymous VMOs, the initial content for the entire VMO is implicitly all zeroes at the
// time of creation. So both zero page markers and empty slots represent zero content. Therefore
// the only content type that cannot be overwritten in this case is an actual page.
// * For pager backed VMOs, content is either explicitly supplied by the user pager before
// supply_zero_offset_, or implicitly supplied as zeros beyond supply_zero_offset_. So zero
// content is represented by either zero page markers before supply_zero_offset_ (supplied by the
// user pager), or by gaps after supply_zero_offset_ (supplied by the kernel). Therefore the only
// content type that cannot be overwritten in this case as well is an actual page.
if (overwrite == CanOverwriteContent::Zero && page->IsPage()) {
// If we have a page source, the page source should be able to validate the page.
DEBUG_ASSERT(!page_source_ || page_source_->DebugIsPageOk(page->Page(), offset));
// If the old entry is an actual page, release it.
if (page->IsPage()) {
// We should be permitted to overwrite any kind of content (zero or non-zero).
DEBUG_ASSERT(overwrite == CanOverwriteContent::NonZero);
// The caller should have passed in an optional to hold the released page.
DEBUG_ASSERT(released_page != nullptr);
*released_page = page->ReleasePage();
// If the new page is an actual page and we have a page source, the page source should be able to
// validate the page.
DEBUG_ASSERT(!p->IsPage() || !page_source_ || page_source_->DebugIsPageOk(p->Page(), offset));
// If this is actually a real page, we need to place it into the appropriate queue.
if (p->IsPage()) {
vm_page_t* low_level_page = p->Page();
DEBUG_ASSERT(low_level_page->state() == vm_page_state::OBJECT);
DEBUG_ASSERT(low_level_page->object.pin_count == 0);
SetNotWiredLocked(low_level_page, offset);
*page = ktl::move(*p);
if (do_range_update) {
// other mappings may have covered this offset into the vmo, so unmap those ranges
RangeChangeUpdateLocked(offset, PAGE_SIZE, RangeChangeOp::Unmap);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::AddNewPageLocked(uint64_t offset, vm_page_t* page,
CanOverwriteContent overwrite,
ktl::optional<vm_page_t*>* released_page, bool zero,
bool do_range_update) {
if (zero) {
// Pages being added to pager backed VMOs should have a valid dirty_state before being added to
// the page list, so that they can be inserted in the correct page queue. New pages start off
// clean.
if (has_pager_backlinks_locked()) {
// Only zero pages can be added as new pages to pager backed VMOs.
DEBUG_ASSERT(zero || IsZeroPage(page));
page->object.dirty_state = static_cast<uint8_t>(DirtyState::Clean);
VmPageOrMarker p = VmPageOrMarker::Page(page);
zx_status_t status = AddPageLocked(&p, offset, overwrite, released_page, do_range_update);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
// Release the page from 'p', as we are returning failure 'page' is still owned by the caller.
return status;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::AddNewPagesLocked(uint64_t start_offset, list_node_t* pages,
CanOverwriteContent overwrite,
list_node_t* released_pages, bool zero,
bool do_range_update) {
uint64_t offset = start_offset;
while (vm_page_t* p = list_remove_head_type(pages, vm_page_t, queue_node)) {
ktl::optional<vm_page_t*> released_page = ktl::nullopt;
// Defer the range change update by passing false as we will do it in bulk at the end if needed.
zx_status_t status = AddNewPageLocked(offset, p, overwrite, &released_page, zero, false);
if (released_page.has_value()) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(released_pages != nullptr);
vm_page_t* released = released_page.value();
list_add_tail(released_pages, &released->queue_node);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
// Put the page back on the list so that someone owns it and it'll get free'd.
list_add_head(pages, &p->queue_node);
// Decommit any pages we already placed.
if (offset > start_offset) {
DecommitRangeLocked(start_offset, offset - start_offset);
// Free all the pages back as we had ownership of them.
return status;
offset += PAGE_SIZE;
if (do_range_update) {
// other mappings may have covered this offset into the vmo, so unmap those ranges
RangeChangeUpdateLocked(start_offset, offset - start_offset, RangeChangeOp::Unmap);
return ZX_OK;
bool VmCowPages::IsUniAccessibleLocked(vm_page_t* page, uint64_t offset) const {
DEBUG_ASSERT(page_list_.Lookup(offset)->Page() == page);
if (page->object.cow_right_split || page->object.cow_left_split) {
return true;
if (offset < left_child_locked().parent_offset_ + left_child_locked().parent_start_limit_ ||
offset >= left_child_locked().parent_offset_ + left_child_locked().parent_limit_) {
return true;
if (offset < right_child_locked().parent_offset_ + right_child_locked().parent_start_limit_ ||
offset >= right_child_locked().parent_offset_ + right_child_locked().parent_limit_) {
return true;
return false;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::CloneCowPageLocked(uint64_t offset, list_node_t* alloc_list,
VmCowPages* page_owner, vm_page_t* page,
uint64_t owner_offset, LazyPageRequest* page_request,
vm_page_t** out_page) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(page != vm_get_zero_page());
// To avoid the need for rollback logic on allocation failure, we start the forking
// process from the root-most vmo and work our way towards the leaf vmo. This allows
// us to maintain the hidden vmo invariants through the whole operation, so that we
// can stop at any point.
// To set this up, walk from the leaf to |page_owner|, and keep track of the
// path via |stack_.dir_flag|.
VmCowPages* cur = this;
do {
VmCowPages* next = cur->parent_.get();
// We can't make COW clones of physical vmos, so this can only happen if we
// somehow don't find |page_owner| in the ancestor chain.
next->stack_.dir_flag = &next->left_child_locked() == cur ? StackDir::Left : StackDir::Right;
if (next->stack_.dir_flag == StackDir::Right) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(&next->right_child_locked() == cur);
cur = next;
} while (cur != page_owner);
uint64_t cur_offset = owner_offset;
// |target_page| is the page we're considering for migration. Cache it
// across loop iterations.
vm_page_t* target_page = page;
zx_status_t alloc_status = ZX_OK;
// As long as we're simply migrating |page|, there's no need to update any vmo mappings, since
// that means the other side of the clone tree has already covered |page| and the current side
// of the clone tree will still see |page|. As soon as we insert a new page, we'll need to
// update all mappings at or below that level.
bool skip_range_update = true;
do {
// |target_page| is always located at in |cur| at |cur_offset| at the start of the loop.
VmCowPages* target_page_owner = cur;
uint64_t target_page_offset = cur_offset;
cur = cur->stack_.dir_flag == StackDir::Left ? &cur->left_child_locked()
: &cur->right_child_locked();
DEBUG_ASSERT(cur_offset >= cur->parent_offset_);
cur_offset -= cur->parent_offset_;
if (target_page_owner->IsUniAccessibleLocked(target_page, target_page_offset)) {
// If the page we're covering in the parent is uni-accessible, then we
// can directly move the page.
// Assert that we're not trying to split the page the same direction two times. Either
// some tracking state got corrupted or a page in the subtree we're trying to
// migrate to got improperly migrated/freed. If we did this migration, then the
// opposite subtree would lose access to this page.
DEBUG_ASSERT(!(target_page_owner->stack_.dir_flag == StackDir::Left &&
DEBUG_ASSERT(!(target_page_owner->stack_.dir_flag == StackDir::Right &&
// For now, we won't see a loaned page here.
target_page->object.cow_left_split = 0;
target_page->object.cow_right_split = 0;
VmPageOrMarker removed = target_page_owner->page_list_.RemovePage(target_page_offset);
vm_page* removed_page = removed.ReleasePage();
DEBUG_ASSERT(removed_page == target_page);
} else {
// Otherwise we need to fork the page. The page has no writable mappings so we don't need to
// remove write or unmap before copying the contents.
vm_page_t* cover_page;
alloc_status = AllocateCopyPage(pmm_alloc_flags_, page->paddr(), alloc_list, &cover_page);
if (alloc_status != ZX_OK) {
// We're going to cover target_page with cover_page, so set appropriate split bit.
if (target_page_owner->stack_.dir_flag == StackDir::Left) {
target_page->object.cow_left_split = 1;
DEBUG_ASSERT(target_page->object.cow_right_split == 0);
} else {
target_page->object.cow_right_split = 1;
DEBUG_ASSERT(target_page->object.cow_left_split == 0);
target_page = cover_page;
skip_range_update = false;
// Skip the automatic range update so we can do it ourselves more efficiently.
VmPageOrMarker add_page = VmPageOrMarker::Page(target_page);
zx_status_t status =
cur->AddPageLocked(&add_page, cur_offset, CanOverwriteContent::Zero, nullptr, false);
DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(status == ZX_OK, "AddPageLocked returned %d\n", status);
if (!skip_range_update) {
if (cur != this) {
// In this case, cur is a hidden vmo and has no direct mappings. Also, its
// descendents along the page stack will be dealt with by subsequent iterations
// of this loop. That means that any mappings that need to be touched now are
// owned by the children on the opposite side of stack_.dir_flag.
VmCowPages& other = cur->stack_.dir_flag == StackDir::Left ? cur->right_child_locked()
: cur->left_child_locked();
RangeChangeList list;
other.RangeChangeUpdateFromParentLocked(cur_offset, PAGE_SIZE, &list);
RangeChangeUpdateListLocked(&list, RangeChangeOp::Unmap);
} else {
// In this case, cur is the last vmo being changed, so update its whole subtree.
DEBUG_ASSERT(offset == cur_offset);
RangeChangeUpdateLocked(offset, PAGE_SIZE, RangeChangeOp::Unmap);
} while (cur != this);
DEBUG_ASSERT(alloc_status != ZX_OK || cur_offset == offset);
if (unlikely(alloc_status != ZX_OK)) {
*out_page = nullptr;
// TODO: plumb through PageRequest once anonymous page source is implemented.
} else {
*out_page = target_page;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::CloneCowPageAsZeroLocked(uint64_t offset, list_node_t* freed_list,
VmCowPages* page_owner, vm_page_t* page,
uint64_t owner_offset) {
// Ensure we have a slot as we'll need it later.
VmPageOrMarker* slot = page_list_.LookupOrAllocate(offset);
if (!slot) {
// We cannot be forking a page to here if there's already something.
DEBUG_ASSERT(!page_source_ || page_source_->DebugIsPageOk(page, offset));
// Need to make sure the page is duplicated as far as our parent. Then we can pretend
// that we have forked it into us by setting the marker.
if (page_owner != parent_.get()) {
// Do not pass our freed_list here as this wants an alloc_list to allocate from.
zx_status_t result = parent_->CloneCowPageLocked(offset + parent_offset_, nullptr, page_owner,
page, owner_offset, nullptr, &page);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
return result;
bool left = this == &(parent_->left_child_locked());
// Page is in our parent. Check if its uni accessible, if so we can free it.
if (parent_->IsUniAccessibleLocked(page, offset + parent_offset_)) {
// Make sure we didn't already merge the page in this direction.
DEBUG_ASSERT(!(left && page->object.cow_left_split));
DEBUG_ASSERT(!(!left && page->object.cow_right_split));
vm_page* removed = parent_->page_list_.RemovePage(offset + parent_offset_).ReleasePage();
DEBUG_ASSERT(removed == page);
list_add_tail(freed_list, &removed->queue_node);
} else {
if (left) {
page->object.cow_left_split = 1;
} else {
page->object.cow_right_split = 1;
// Insert the zero marker.
*slot = VmPageOrMarker::Marker();
return ZX_OK;
VmPageOrMarker* VmCowPages::FindInitialPageContentLocked(uint64_t offset, VmCowPages** owner_out,
uint64_t* owner_offset_out,
uint64_t* owner_length) {
// Search up the clone chain for any committed pages. cur_offset is the offset
// into cur we care about. The loop terminates either when that offset contains
// a committed page or when that offset can't reach into the parent.
VmPageOrMarker* page = nullptr;
VmCowPages* cur = this;
uint64_t cur_offset = offset;
while (cur_offset < cur->parent_limit_) {
VmCowPages* parent = cur->parent_.get();
// If there's no parent, then parent_limit_ is 0 and we'll never enter the loop
uint64_t parent_offset;
bool overflowed = add_overflow(cur->parent_offset_, cur_offset, &parent_offset);
if (parent_offset >= parent->size_) {
// The offset is off the end of the parent, so cur is the VmObjectPaged
// which will provide the page.
if (owner_length) {
// Before we walk up, need to check to see if there's any forked pages that require us to
// restrict the owner length. Additionally need to restrict the owner length to the actual
// parent limit.
*owner_length = ktl::min(*owner_length, cur->parent_limit_ - cur_offset);
[owner_length, cur_offset](const VmPageOrMarker*, uint64_t off) {
*owner_length = off - cur_offset;
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
cur_offset, cur_offset + *owner_length);
cur = parent;
cur_offset = parent_offset;
VmPageOrMarker* p = cur->page_list_.Lookup(parent_offset);
if (p && !p->IsEmpty()) {
page = p;
*owner_out = cur;
*owner_offset_out = cur_offset;
return page;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::PrepareForWriteLocked(LazyPageRequest* page_request, uint64_t offset,
uint64_t len, uint64_t* dirty_len_out) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(InRange(offset, len, size_));
uint64_t dirty_len = 0;
const uint64_t start_offset = offset;
const uint64_t end_offset = offset + len;
// If the VMO does not require us to trap dirty transitions, simply mark the pages dirty, and move
// them to the dirty page queue. Do this only for the first consecutive run of committed pages
// within the range starting at offset. Any absent pages will need to be provided by the page
// source, which might fail and terminate the lookup early. Any zero page markers might need to be
// forked, which can fail too. Only mark those pages dirty that the lookup is guaranteed to return
// successfully.
if (!page_source_->ShouldTrapDirtyTransitions()) {
zx_status_t status = page_list_.ForEveryPageAndGapInRange(
[this, &dirty_len, start_offset](const VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t off) {
if (p->IsMarker()) {
// Found a marker. End the traversal.
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
vm_page_t* page = p->Page();
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->object.get_object() == this);
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->object.get_page_offset() == off);
// End the traversal if we encounter a loaned page. We reclaim loaned pages by evicting
// them, and dirty pages cannot be evicted.
if (pmm_is_loaned(page)) {
// If this is a loaned page, it should be clean.
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
// Mark the page dirty.
if (!is_page_dirty(page)) {
page->object.dirty_state = static_cast<uint8_t>(DirtyState::Dirty);
// Move the page to the Dirty queue.
pmm_page_queues()->MoveToPagerBackedDirty(page, this, off);
// The page was either already dirty, or we just marked it dirty. Proceed to the next one.
DEBUG_ASSERT(start_offset + dirty_len == off);
dirty_len += PAGE_SIZE;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
[](uint64_t start, uint64_t end) {
// We found a gap. End the traversal.
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
start_offset, end_offset);
*dirty_len_out = dirty_len;
return status;
// Otherwise, generate a DIRTY page request for pages in the range which need to transition to
// Dirty. The eligibility criteria is different depending on which side of supply_zero_offset_ the
// page lies.
// - For pages before supply_zero_offset_:
// Find a contiguous run of non-Dirty pages (committed pages as well as zero page markers).
// For the purpose of generating DIRTY requests, both Clean and AwaitingClean pages are
// considered equivalent. This is because pages that are in AwaitingClean will need another
// acknowledgment from the user pager before they can be made Dirty (the filesystem might need to
// reserve additional space for them etc.).
// - For pages at and after supply_zero_offset_:
// Any gaps are implicit zero pages, i.e. the kernel supplies zero pages when they are accessed.
// Since these pages are not supplied by the user pager via zx_pager_supply_pages, we will need
// to wait on a DIRTY request before the gap can be replaced by an actual page for writing (the
// filesystem might need to reserve additional space). There can exist actual pages beyond
// supply_zero_offset_ from previous writes, but these will be Dirty already, as we cannot mark a
// page Clean beyond supply_zero_offset_ without advancing supply_zero_offset_ after the Clean
// page. This is because the range after supply_zero_offset_ is supplied by the kernel, not the
// user pager, so the user pager must always be informed of the range (including gaps) after
// supply_zero_offset_ as Dirty so that it can be written back.
uint64_t pages_to_dirty_start = start_offset;
uint64_t pages_to_dirty_len = 0;
// First consider the portion of the range that ends before supply_zero_offset_.
// We don't have a range to consider here if offset was greater than supply_zero_offset_.
if (start_offset < supply_zero_offset_) {
const uint64_t end = ktl::min(supply_zero_offset_, end_offset);
zx_status_t status = page_list_.ForEveryPageAndGapInRange(
[&pages_to_dirty_start, &pages_to_dirty_len, &dirty_len, start_offset](
const VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t off) {
if (p->IsPage()) {
vm_page_t* page = p->Page();
// VMOs that trap dirty transitions should not have loaned pages.
// Page is already dirty.
if (is_page_dirty(page)) {
// Bail if we were tracking a non-zero run of pages to be dirtied as we cannot extend
// pages_to_dirty_len anymore.
if (pages_to_dirty_len > 0) {
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
} else {
// pages_to_dirty_len was zero, so all we've found so far are dirty pages. Add this
// page as well.
DEBUG_ASSERT(start_offset + dirty_len == off);
dirty_len += PAGE_SIZE;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
// If we weren't tracking a to-dirty range yet, begin one.
if (pages_to_dirty_len == 0) {
pages_to_dirty_start = off;
// This is a either a zero page marker (which represents a clean zero page) or a committed
// page which is not already Dirty. Increment pages_to_dirty_len.
DEBUG_ASSERT(pages_to_dirty_start + pages_to_dirty_len == off);
pages_to_dirty_len += PAGE_SIZE;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
[](uint64_t start, uint64_t end) {
// We found a gap. End the traversal.
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
start_offset, end);
// We don't expect an error from the traversal above. If an already dirty page or a gap is
// encountered, we will simply terminate early.
ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
// Now consider the portion of the range that starts at/after supply_zero_offset_, and see if we
// can extend an already existing to-dirty range, or start a new one.
// [offset, offset + len) might have fallen entirely before supply_zero_offset_, in which case we
// have no remaining portion to consider here.
if (supply_zero_offset_ < end_offset) {
const uint64_t start = ktl::max(start_offset, supply_zero_offset_);
zx_status_t status = page_list_.ForEveryPageAndGapInRange(
[&dirty_len, &pages_to_dirty_len, start_offset](const VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t off) {
// We can only find Dirty pages beyond supply_zero_offset_. There can be no markers as
// they represent Clean zero pages.
// Bail if we were tracking a non-zero run of pages to be dirtied as we cannot extend
// pages_to_dirty_len anymore.
if (pages_to_dirty_len > 0) {
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
// pages_to_dirty_len was zero, so all we could have found so far are dirty pages or
// gaps. Try to add this page to the contiguous run of dirty pages if possible.
if (start_offset + dirty_len == off) {
dirty_len += PAGE_SIZE;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
// Otherwise we cannot accumulate any more contiguous dirty pages. End the traversal.
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
[&pages_to_dirty_start, &pages_to_dirty_len](uint64_t start, uint64_t end) {
// The entire gap needs to request a transition to Dirty.
// If we weren't tracking a to-dirty range yet, begin one at the start of the gap.
if (pages_to_dirty_len == 0) {
pages_to_dirty_start = start;
// Append the gap to the range being tracked if it immediately follows it.
if (pages_to_dirty_start + pages_to_dirty_len == start) {
pages_to_dirty_len += (end - start);
// A gap can only be followed by a Dirty page. End the traversal.
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
start, end_offset);
// We don't expect an error from the traversal above. If an already dirty page is
// encountered, we will simply terminate early.
ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
// If we found any pages that need to transition to Dirty they should fall immediately after the
// end of the dirty pages run.
DEBUG_ASSERT(pages_to_dirty_len == 0 || start_offset + dirty_len == pages_to_dirty_start);
// Check that dirty_len and pages_to_dirty_len both specify valid ranges.
DEBUG_ASSERT(start_offset + dirty_len <= end_offset);
DEBUG_ASSERT(pages_to_dirty_len == 0 || pages_to_dirty_start + pages_to_dirty_len <= end_offset);
*dirty_len_out = dirty_len;
// No pages need to transition to Dirty.
if (pages_to_dirty_len == 0) {
return ZX_OK;
// Found a contiguous run of pages that need to transition to Dirty. There might be more such
// pages later in the range, but we will come into this call again for them via another
// LookupPagesLocked after the waiting caller is unblocked for this range.
VmoDebugInfo vmo_debug_info = {.vmo_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(paged_ref_),
.vmo_id = paged_ref_->user_id_locked()};
zx_status_t status = page_source_->RequestDirtyTransition(
page_request->get(), pages_to_dirty_start, pages_to_dirty_len, vmo_debug_info);
// The page source will never succeed synchronously.
DEBUG_ASSERT(status != ZX_OK);
return status;
void VmCowPages::UpdateOnAccessLocked(vm_page_t* page, uint pf_flags) {
// We only care about updating on access if we can evict pages. We can skip if eviction isn't
// possible.
if (!can_evict_locked()) {
// Don't make the page accessed for hardware faults. These accesses, if any actually end up
// happening, will be detected by the accessed bits in the page tables.
// For non hardware faults, the kernel might use the page directly through the physmap, which will
// not cause accessed information to be updated and so we consider it accessed at this point.
if (pf_flags & VMM_PF_FLAG_HW_FAULT) {
// Looks up the page at the requested offset, faulting it in if requested and necessary. If
// this VMO has a parent and the requested page isn't found, the parent will be searched.
// Both VMM_PF_FLAG_HW_FAULT and VMM_PF_FLAG_SW_FAULT are treated identically with respect to the
// values that get returned, they only differ with respect to internal meta-data that gets updated
// different. If SW or HW fault then unless there is some other error condition, a page of some kind
// will always be returned, performing allocations as required.
// The rules for non faults are:
// * A reference to the zero page will never be returned, be it because reading from an uncommitted
// offset or from a marker. Uncommitted offsets and markers will always result in
// * Writes to real committed pages (i.e. non markers) in parent VMOs will cause a copy-on-write
// fork to be allocated into this VMO and returned.
// This means that
// * Reads or writes to committed real (non marker) pages in this VMO will always succeed.
// * Reads to committed real (non marker) pages in parents will succeed
// * Writes to real pages in parents will trigger a COW fork and succeed
// * All other cases, that is reads or writes to markers in this VMO or the parent and uncommitted
// offsets, will not trigger COW forks or allocations and will fail.
// |alloc_list|, if not NULL, is a list of allocated but unused vm_page_t that
// this function may allocate from. This function will need at most one entry,
// and will not fail if |alloc_list| is a non-empty list, faulting in was requested,
// and offset is in range.
zx_status_t VmCowPages::LookupPagesLocked(uint64_t offset, uint pf_flags,
DirtyTrackingAction mark_dirty, uint64_t max_out_pages,
list_node* alloc_list, LazyPageRequest* page_request,
LookupInfo* out) {
VM_KTRACE_DURATION(2, "VmCowPages::LookupPagesLocked", page_attribution_user_id_, offset);
DEBUG_ASSERT(max_out_pages > 0);
DEBUG_ASSERT(page_request || !(pf_flags & VMM_PF_FLAG_FAULT_MASK));
if (offset >= size_) {
// This vmo was discarded and has not been locked yet after the discard. Do not return any pages.
if (discardable_state_ == DiscardableState::kDiscarded) {
offset = ROUNDDOWN(offset, PAGE_SIZE);
// Trim the number of output pages to the size of this VMO. This ensures any range calculation
// can never overflow.
max_out_pages = ktl::min(static_cast<uint64_t>(max_out_pages), ((size_ - offset) / PAGE_SIZE));
if (is_slice_locked()) {
uint64_t parent_offset = 0;
VmCowPages* parent = PagedParentOfSliceLocked(&parent_offset);
return parent->LookupPagesLocked(offset + parent_offset, pf_flags, mark_dirty, max_out_pages,
alloc_list, page_request, out);
// Ensure we're adding pages to an empty list so we don't risk overflowing it.
out->num_pages = 0;
// Helper to find contiguous runs of pages in a page list and add them to the output pages.
auto collect_pages = [out, pf_flags](VmCowPages* cow, uint64_t offset, uint64_t max_len,
bool skip_loaned) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(max_len > 0);
[out, cow, pf_flags, skip_loaned](const VmPageOrMarker* page, uint64_t off) {
if (page->IsMarker()) {
// Never pre-map in zero pages.
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
vm_page_t* p = page->Page();
if (skip_loaned && pmm_is_loaned(p)) {
// We were asked to skip loaned pages and we found a loaned page.
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
cow->UpdateOnAccessLocked(p, pf_flags);
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
[](uint64_t start, uint64_t end) {
// This is a gap, and we never want to pre-map in zero pages.
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
offset, CheckedAdd(offset, max_len));
// We perform an exact Lookup and not something more fancy as a trade off between three scenarios
// * Page is in this page list and max_out_pages == 1
// * Page is not in this page list
// * Page is in this page list and max_out_pages > 1
// In the first two cases an exact Lookup is the most optimal choice, and in the third scenario
// although we have to re-walk the page_list_ 'needlessly', we should somewhat amortize it by the
// fact we return multiple pages.
VmPageOrMarker* page_or_mark = page_list_.Lookup(offset);
if (page_or_mark && page_or_mark->IsPage()) {
// This is the common case where we have the page and don't need to do anything more, so
// return it straight away, collecting any additional pages if possible.
vm_page_t* p = page_or_mark->Page();
// If we're writing to a root VMO backed by a user pager, i.e. a VMO whose page source preserves
// page contents, we might need to mark pages Dirty so that they can be written back later. This
// is the only path that can result in a write to such a page; if the page was not present, we
// would have already blocked on a read request the first time, and ended up here when
// unblocked, at which point the page would be present.
uint64_t dirty_len = 0;
if ((pf_flags & VMM_PF_FLAG_WRITE) && is_source_preserving_page_content_locked() &&
mark_dirty == DirtyTrackingAction::DirtyAllPagesOnWrite) {
// If this page was loaned, it should be replaced with a non-loaned page, so that we can make
// progress with marking pages dirty. PrepareForWriteLocked terminates its page walk when it
// encounters a loaned page; loaned pages are reclaimed by evicting them and we cannot evict
// dirty pages.
if (pmm_is_loaned(p)) {
zx_status_t status = ReplacePageLocked(p, offset, /*with_loaned=*/false, &p);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Pass in max_out_pages for the requested length. If the VMO traps dirty transitions, this
// will allow extending the DIRTY request to also include other consecutive markers /
// non-dirty pages in the entire lookup range. This is an optimization to reduce the number of
// DIRTY page requests generated overall.
// Note that in the case where dirty transitions are not trapped and pages are directly marked
// dirty, this will not mark any extra pages dirty beyond out->num_pages, since we will stop
// at a marker or a gap or a loaned page, similar to how out->num_pages is updated by
// collect_pages below.
zx_status_t status =
PrepareForWriteLocked(page_request, offset, max_out_pages * PAGE_SIZE, &dirty_len);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
// Some pages must exist in the range that could not be dirtied.
DEBUG_ASSERT(dirty_len < max_out_pages * PAGE_SIZE);
// No pages to return.
out->num_pages = 0;
return status;
// PrepareForWriteLocked was successful, so we should have some dirty pages.
DEBUG_ASSERT(dirty_len > 0);
// This is writable if either of these conditions is true:
// 1) This is a write fault.
// 2) This is a read fault and we do not need to do dirty tracking, i.e. it is fine to retain
// the write permission on mappings since we don't need to generate a permission fault. We only
// need to dirty track pages owned by a root user-pager-backed VMO, i.e. a VMO with a page
// source that preserves page contents.
out->writable = pf_flags & VMM_PF_FLAG_WRITE || !is_source_preserving_page_content_locked();
UpdateOnAccessLocked(p, pf_flags);
if (max_out_pages > 1) {
// skip_loaned is passed in as true if dirty_len is non-zero. dirty_len can only be non-zero
// if we called PrepareForWriteLocked above. PrepareForWriteLocked terminates if it encounters
// a loaned page, so collect_pages should not collect any loaned pages either.
collect_pages(this, offset + PAGE_SIZE, (max_out_pages - 1) * PAGE_SIZE,
/*skip_loaned=*/dirty_len > 0);
// If dirtiness was applicable i.e. we reached here after calling PrepareForWriteLocked, we
// should have dirtied exactly the same number of pages that is being returned.
DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(dirty_len == 0 || dirty_len == out->num_pages * PAGE_SIZE,
"dirty pages %zu, looked up pages %zu\n", dirty_len / PAGE_SIZE,
return ZX_OK;
// The only time we will say something is writable when the fault is a read is if the page is
// already in this VMO. That scenario is the above if block, and so if we get here then writable
// mirrors the fault flag.
const bool writing = (pf_flags & VMM_PF_FLAG_WRITE) != 0;
out->writable = writing;
// If we are reading we track the visible length of pages in the owner. We don't bother tracking
// this for writing, since when writing we will fork the page into ourselves anyway.
uint64_t visible_length = writing ? PAGE_SIZE : PAGE_SIZE * max_out_pages;
// Get content from parent if available, otherwise accept we are the owner of the yet to exist
// page.
VmCowPages* page_owner = nullptr;
uint64_t owner_offset = 0;
if ((!page_or_mark || page_or_mark->IsEmpty()) && parent_) {
// Pass nullptr if visible_length is PAGE_SIZE to allow the lookup to short-circuit the length
// calculation, as the calculation involves additional page lookups at every level.
page_or_mark = FindInitialPageContentLocked(
offset, &page_owner, &owner_offset, visible_length > PAGE_SIZE ? &visible_length : nullptr);
} else {
page_owner = this;
owner_offset = offset;
// At this point we might not have an actual page, but we should at least have a notional owner.
__UNUSED char pf_string[5];
LTRACEF("vmo %p, offset %#" PRIx64 ", pf_flags %#x (%s)\n", this, offset, pf_flags,
vmm_pf_flags_to_string(pf_flags, pf_string));
// We need to turn this potential page or marker into a real vm_page_t. This means failing cases
// that we cannot handle, determining whether we can substitute the zero_page and potentially
// consulting a page_source.
vm_page_t* p = nullptr;
if (page_or_mark && page_or_mark->IsPage()) {
p = page_or_mark->Page();
} else {
// If we don't have a real page and we're not sw or hw faulting in the page, return not found.
if ((pf_flags & VMM_PF_FLAG_FAULT_MASK) == 0) {
// We need to get a real page as our initial content. At this point we are either starting from
// the zero page, or something supplied from a page source. The page source only fills in if we
// have a true absence of content.
// We treat a page source that always supplies zeroes (does not preserve page content) as an
// absence of content (given the lack of a page), but we can only use the zero page if we're not
// writing, since we can't (or in case of not providing specific physical pages, shouldn't) let
// an arbitrary physical page get added below - we need to only add the specific physical pages
// supplied by the source.
// In the case of a (hypothetical) page source that's both always providing zeroes and not
// suppying specific physical pages, we intentionally ask the page source to supply the pages
// here since otherwise there's no point in having such a page source. We have no such page
// sources currently.
// Contiguous VMOs don't use markers and always have a page source, so the first two conditions
// won't be true for a contiguous VMO.
if ((page_or_mark && page_or_mark->IsMarker()) || !page_owner->page_source_ ||
(!writing && !page_owner->is_source_preserving_page_content_locked())) {
// We case use the zero page, since we have a marker, or no page source, or we're not adding
// a page to the VmCowPages (due to !writing) and the page source always provides zeroes so
// reading zeroes is consistent with what the page source would provide.
p = vm_get_zero_page();
} else {
// We will attempt to get the page from the page source.
// Before requesting the page source, check if we can implicitly supply a zero page. Pages in
// the range [supply_zero_offset_, size_) can be supplied with zeros.
if (owner_offset >= page_owner->supply_zero_offset_) {
// The supply_zero_offset_ is only relevant for page sources preserving page content. For
// other types of VMOs, the supply_zero_offset_ will be set to UINT64_MAX, so we can never
// end up here.
DEBUG_ASSERT(page_owner->supply_zero_offset_ <= page_owner->size_);
// Set p to the zero page and fall through. We will correctly fork the zero page if we're
// writing to it.
p = vm_get_zero_page();
} else {
// Otherwise request the page from the page source.
uint64_t user_id = 0;
if (page_owner->paged_ref_) {
user_id = page_owner->paged_ref_->user_id_locked();
VmoDebugInfo vmo_debug_info = {
.vmo_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(page_owner->paged_ref_), .vmo_id = user_id};
zx_status_t status = page_owner->page_source_->GetPage(owner_offset, page_request->get(),
vmo_debug_info, &p, nullptr);
// Pager page sources will never synchronously return a page.
DEBUG_ASSERT(status != ZX_OK);
return status;
// If we made it this far we must have some valid vm_page in |p|. Although this may be the zero
// page, the rest of this function is tolerant towards correctly forking it.
// It's possible that we are going to fork the page, and the user isn't actually going to directly
// use `p`, but creating the fork still uses `p` so we want to consider it accessed.
page_owner->UpdateOnAccessLocked(p, pf_flags);
if (!writing) {
// If we're read-only faulting, return the page so they can map or read from it directly,
// grabbing any additional pages if visible.
if (visible_length > PAGE_SIZE) {
collect_pages(page_owner, owner_offset + PAGE_SIZE, visible_length - PAGE_SIZE,
LTRACEF("read only faulting in page %p, pa %#" PRIxPTR " from parent\n", p, p->paddr());
return ZX_OK;
// From here we must allocate additional pages, which we may only do if acting on a software or
// hardware fault.
if ((pf_flags & VMM_PF_FLAG_FAULT_MASK) == 0) {
vm_page_t* res_page;
if (!page_owner->is_hidden_locked() || p == vm_get_zero_page()) {
// If the page source is preserving content (is a PagerProxy), and is configured to trap dirty
// transitions, we first need to generate a DIRTY request *before* the zero page can be forked
// and marked dirty. If dirty transitions are not trapped, we will fall through to allocate the
// page and then mark it dirty below.
// Note that the check for ShouldTrapDirtyTransitions() is an optimization here.
// PrepareForWriteLocked() would do the right thing depending on ShouldTrapDirtyTransitions(),
// however we choose to avoid the extra work only to have it be a no-op if dirty transitions
// should not be trapped.
if (is_source_preserving_page_content_locked() && page_source_->ShouldTrapDirtyTransitions()) {
// The only page we can be forking here is the zero page. A non-slice child VMO does not
// support dirty page tracking.
DEBUG_ASSERT(p == vm_get_zero_page());
// This object directly owns the page.
DEBUG_ASSERT(page_owner == this);
// When generating the DIRTY request, try to extend the range beyond the immediate page, to
// include other non-dirty pages and markers within the requested range. This is an
// optimization aimed at reducing the number of distinct calls to LookupPagesLocked, and hence
// the number of distinct DIRTY page requests generated for consecutive pages that need DIRTY
// requests.
uint64_t dirty_len = 0;
zx_status_t status =
PrepareForWriteLocked(page_request, offset, max_out_pages * PAGE_SIZE, &dirty_len);
// The page source will never succeed synchronously.
DEBUG_ASSERT(status != ZX_OK);
// No pages will have been dirtied. The range starts with a marker, so we won't be able to
// accumulate any committed dirty pages.
DEBUG_ASSERT(dirty_len == 0);
// No pages to return yet.
out->num_pages = 0;
return status;
// If the vmo isn't hidden, we can't move the page. If the page is the zero
// page, there's no need to try to move the page. In either case, we need to
// allocate a writable page for this vmo.
zx_status_t alloc_status =
AllocateCopyPage(pmm_alloc_flags_, p->paddr(), alloc_list, &res_page);
if (unlikely(alloc_status != ZX_OK)) {
VmPageOrMarker insert = VmPageOrMarker::Page(res_page);
// We could be allocating a page to replace a zero page marker in a pager-backed VMO. We're
// going to write to the page, so mark it Dirty. AddPageLocked below will then insert the page
// into the appropriate page queue.
if (is_source_preserving_page_content_locked()) {
// The only page we can be forking here is the zero page. A non-slice child VMO does not
// support dirty page tracking.
DEBUG_ASSERT(p == vm_get_zero_page());
// This object directly owns the page.
DEBUG_ASSERT(page_owner == this);
// If the forked page is loaned, replace it with a non-loaned one before marking it dirty.
// Loaned pages are reclaimed by eviction, and we cannot evict dirty pages.
if (pmm_is_loaned(res_page)) {
// Free the loaned page.
// Find a non-loaned page for the replacement.
zx_status_t status =
pmm_alloc_page(pmm_alloc_flags_ & ~PMM_ALLOC_FLAG_CAN_BORROW, &res_page);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
insert = VmPageOrMarker::Page(res_page);
// Mark the forked page dirty.
res_page->object.dirty_state = static_cast<uint8_t>(DirtyState::Dirty);
zx_status_t status = AddPageLocked(&insert, offset, CanOverwriteContent::Zero, nullptr);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
// AddPageLocked failing for any other reason is a programming error.
DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(status == ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY, "status=%d\n", status);
return status;
// Interpret a software fault as an explicit desire to have potential zero pages and don't
// consider them for cleaning, this is an optimization.
// We explicitly must *not* place pages from a page_source_ that's using pager queues into the
// zero scanning queue, as the pager queues are already using the backlink.
// We don't need to scan for zeroes if on finding zeroes we wouldn't be able to remove the page
// anyway.
if (p == vm_get_zero_page() && !has_pager_backlinks_locked() &&
can_decommit_zero_pages_locked() && !(pf_flags & VMM_PF_FLAG_SW_FAULT)) {
pmm_page_queues()->MoveToUnswappableZeroFork(res_page, this, offset);
// This is the only path where we can allocate a new page without being a clone (clones are
// always cached). So we check here if we are not fully cached and if so perform a
// clean/invalidate to flush our zeroes. After doing this we will not touch the page via the
// physmap and so we can pretend there isn't an aliased mapping.
// There are three potential states that may exist
// * VMO is cached, paged_ref_ might be null, we might have children -> no cache op needed
// * VMO is uncached, paged_ref_ is not null, we have no children -> cache op needed
// * VMO is uncached, paged_ref_ is null, we have no children -> cache op not needed /
// state cannot happen
// In the uncached case we know we have no children, since it is by definition not valid to
// have copy-on-write children of uncached pages. The third case cannot happen, but even if it
// could with no children and no paged_ref_ the pages cannot actually be referenced so any
// cache operation is pointless.
if (paged_ref_) {
if (paged_ref_->GetMappingCachePolicyLocked() != ARCH_MMU_FLAG_CACHED) {
arch_clean_invalidate_cache_range((vaddr_t)paddr_to_physmap(res_page->paddr()), PAGE_SIZE);
} else {
// We need a writable page; let ::CloneCowPageLocked handle inserting one.
zx_status_t result =
CloneCowPageLocked(offset, alloc_list, page_owner, p, owner_offset, nullptr, &res_page);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
return result;
LTRACEF("faulted in page %p, pa %#" PRIxPTR "\n", res_page, res_page->paddr());
// If we made it here, we committed a new page in this VMO.
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::CommitRangeLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len, uint64_t* committed_len,
LazyPageRequest* page_request) {
LTRACEF("offset %#" PRIx64 ", len %#" PRIx64 "\n", offset, len);
DEBUG_ASSERT(InRange(offset, len, size_));
if (is_slice_locked()) {
uint64_t parent_offset;
VmCowPages* parent = PagedParentOfSliceLocked(&parent_offset);
// PagedParentOfSliceLocked will walk all of the way up the VMO hierarchy
// until it hits a non-slice VMO. This guarantees that we should only ever
// recurse once instead of an unbound number of times. DEBUG_ASSERT this so
// that we don't actually end up with unbound recursion just in case the
// property changes.
return parent->CommitRangeLocked(offset + parent_offset, len, committed_len, page_request);
fbl::RefPtr<PageSource> root_source = GetRootPageSourceLocked();
// If this vmo has a direct page source, then the source will provide the backing memory. For
// children that eventually depend on a page source, we skip preallocating memory to avoid
// potentially overallocating pages if something else touches the vmo while we're blocked on the
// request. Otherwise we optimize things by preallocating all the pages.
list_node page_list;
if (root_source == nullptr) {
// make a pass through the list to find out how many pages we need to allocate
size_t count = len / PAGE_SIZE;
[&count](const auto* p, auto off) {
if (p->IsPage()) {
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
offset, offset + len);
if (count == 0) {
*committed_len = len;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t status = pmm_alloc_pages(count, pmm_alloc_flags_, &page_list);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
auto list_cleanup = fit::defer([this, &page_list]() {
if (!list_is_empty(&page_list)) {
const uint64_t start_offset = offset;
const uint64_t end = offset + len;
bool have_page_request = false;
LookupInfo lookup_info;
while (offset < end) {
// Don't commit if we already have this page
VmPageOrMarker* p = page_list_.Lookup(offset);
if (!p || !p->IsPage()) {
// Check if our parent has the page
const uint flags = VMM_PF_FLAG_SW_FAULT | VMM_PF_FLAG_WRITE;
// A commit does not imply that pages are being dirtied, they are just being populated.
zx_status_t res = LookupPagesLocked(offset, flags, DirtyTrackingAction::None, 1, &page_list,
page_request, &lookup_info);
if (unlikely(res == ZX_ERR_SHOULD_WAIT)) {
// We can end up here in two cases:
// 1. We were in batch mode but had to terminate the batch early.
// 2. We hit the first missing page and we were not in batch mode.
// If we do have a page request, that means the batch was terminated early by pre-populated
// pages (case 1). Return immediately.
// Do not update the |committed_len| for case 1 as we are returning on encountering
// pre-populated pages while processing a batch. When that happens, we will terminate the
// batch we were processing and send out a page request for the contiguous range we've
// accumulated in the batch so far. And we will need to come back into this function again
// to reprocess the range the page request spanned, so we cannot claim any pages have been
// committed yet.
if (!have_page_request) {
// Not running in batch mode, and this is the first missing page (case 2). Update the
// committed length we have so far and return.
*committed_len = offset - start_offset;
} else if (unlikely(res == ZX_ERR_NEXT)) {
// In batch mode, will need to finalize the request later.
if (!have_page_request) {
// Stash how much we have committed right now, as we are going to have to reprocess this
// range so we do not want to claim it was committed.
*committed_len = offset - start_offset;
have_page_request = true;
} else if (unlikely(res != ZX_OK)) {
return res;
offset += PAGE_SIZE;
if (have_page_request) {
// commited_len was set when have_page_request was set so can just return.
return root_source->FinalizeRequest(page_request->get());
// Processed the full range successfully
*committed_len = len;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::PinRangeLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len) {
LTRACEF("offset %#" PRIx64 ", len %#" PRIx64 "\n", offset, len);
DEBUG_ASSERT(InRange(offset, len, size_));
if (is_slice_locked()) {
uint64_t parent_offset;
VmCowPages* parent = PagedParentOfSliceLocked(&parent_offset);
// PagedParentOfSliceLocked will walk all of the way up the VMO hierarchy
// until it hits a non-slice VMO. This guarantees that we should only ever
// recurse once instead of an unbound number of times. DEBUG_ASSERT this so
// that we don't actually end up with unbound recursion just in case the
// property changes.
return parent->PinRangeLocked(offset + parent_offset, len);
ever_pinned_ = true;
// Tracks our expected page offset when iterating to ensure all pages are present.
uint64_t next_offset = offset;
// Should any errors occur we need to unpin everything.
auto pin_cleanup = fit::defer([this, offset, &next_offset]() {
if (next_offset > offset) {
UnpinLocked(offset, next_offset - offset, /*allow_gaps=*/false);
// We stack-own loaned pages from SwapPageLocked() to pmm_free().
__UNINITIALIZED StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval raii_interval;
// This is separate from pin_cleanup because we never cancel this one.
list_node_t freed_list;
__UNINITIALIZED BatchPQRemove page_remover(&freed_list);
auto freed_pages_cleanup = fit::defer([&freed_list, &page_remover] {
zx_status_t status = page_list_.ForEveryPageInRange(
[this, &next_offset, &page_remover](const VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t page_offset) {
if (page_offset != next_offset || !p->IsPage()) {
vm_page_t* old_page = p->Page();
DEBUG_ASSERT(old_page->state() == vm_page_state::OBJECT);
vm_page_t* page = old_page;
if (pmm_is_loaned(old_page)) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(!is_page_dirty_tracked(old_page) || is_page_clean(old_page));
vm_page_t* new_page;
// It's possible for the old_page to become non-loaned by the time we call
// pmm_alloc_page(), but that's fine; we'll just replace anyway with new_page which we
// know isn't loaned.
zx_status_t status = pmm_alloc_page(pmm_alloc_flags_, &new_page);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
SwapPageLocked(page_offset, old_page, new_page);
page = new_page;
if (page->object.pin_count == VM_PAGE_OBJECT_MAX_PIN_COUNT) {
if (page->object.pin_count == 1) {
MoveToWiredLocked(page, page_offset);
// Pinning every page in the largest vmo possible as many times as possible can't overflow
next_offset += PAGE_SIZE;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
offset, offset + len);
const uint64_t actual = (next_offset - offset) / PAGE_SIZE;
// Count whatever pages we pinned, in the failure scenario this will get decremented on the unpin.
pinned_page_count_ += actual;
if (status == ZX_OK) {
// If the missing pages were at the end of the range (or the range was empty) then our iteration
// will have just returned ZX_OK. Perform one final check that we actually pinned the number of
// pages we expected to.
const uint64_t expected = len / PAGE_SIZE;
if (actual != expected) {
status = ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE;
} else {
return status;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::DecommitRangeLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len) {
// Trim the size and perform our zero-length hot-path check before we recurse
// up to our top-level ancestor. Size bounding needs to take place relative
// to the child the operation was originally targeted against.
uint64_t new_len;
if (!TrimRange(offset, len, size_, &new_len)) {
// was in range, just zero length
if (new_len == 0) {
return ZX_OK;
// If this is a child slice of a VMO, then find our way up to our root
// ancestor (taking our offset into account as we do), and then recurse,
// running the operation against our ancestor. Note that
// PagedParentOfSliceLocked will iteratively walk all the way up to our
// non-slice ancestor, not just our immediate parent, so we can guaranteed
// bounded recursion.
if (is_slice_locked()) {
uint64_t parent_offset;
VmCowPages* parent = PagedParentOfSliceLocked(&parent_offset);
DEBUG_ASSERT(!parent->is_slice_locked()); // assert bounded recursion.
return parent->DecommitRangeLocked(offset + parent_offset, new_len);
// Currently, we can't decommit if the absence of a page doesn't imply zeroes.
if (parent_ || is_source_preserving_page_content_locked()) {
// VmObjectPaged::DecommitRange() rejects is_contiguous() VMOs (for now).
// Demand offset and length be correctly aligned to not give surprising user semantics.
if (!IS_PAGE_ALIGNED(offset) || !IS_PAGE_ALIGNED(len)) {
list_node_t freed_list;
zx_status_t status = UnmapAndRemovePagesLocked(offset, new_len, &freed_list);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
return status;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::UnmapAndRemovePagesLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len,
list_node_t* freed_list,
uint64_t* pages_freed_out) {
if (AnyPagesPinnedLocked(offset, len)) {
LTRACEF("start offset %#" PRIx64 ", end %#" PRIx64 "\n", offset, offset + len);
// We've already trimmed the range in DecommitRangeLocked().
DEBUG_ASSERT(InRange(offset, len, size_));
// Verify page alignment.
DEBUG_ASSERT(IS_PAGE_ALIGNED(len) || (offset + len == size_));
// DecommitRangeLocked() will call this function only on a VMO with no parent. The only clone
// types that support OP_DECOMMIT are slices, for which we will recurse up to the root.
// The only other callsite, DetachSourceLocked(), can only be called on a root pager-backed VMO.
// unmap all of the pages in this range on all the mapping regions
RangeChangeUpdateLocked(offset, len, RangeChangeOp::Unmap);
__UNINITIALIZED BatchPQRemove page_remover(freed_list);
page_list_.RemovePages(page_remover.RemovePagesCallback(), offset, offset + len);
if (pages_freed_out) {
*pages_freed_out = page_remover.freed_count();
return ZX_OK;
bool VmCowPages::PageWouldReadZeroLocked(uint64_t page_offset) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(page_offset < size_);
VmPageOrMarker* slot = page_list_.Lookup(page_offset);
if (slot && slot->IsMarker()) {
// This is already considered zero as there's a marker.
return true;
// If we don't have a committed page we need to check our parent.
if (!slot || !slot->IsPage()) {
VmCowPages* page_owner;
uint64_t owner_offset;
if (!FindInitialPageContentLocked(page_offset, &page_owner, &owner_offset, nullptr)) {
// Parent doesn't have a page either, so would also read as zero, assuming no page source.
return GetRootPageSourceLocked() == nullptr;
// Content either locally or in our parent, assume it is non-zero and return false.
return false;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::ZeroPagesLocked(uint64_t page_start_base, uint64_t page_end_base) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(page_start_base <= page_end_base);
DEBUG_ASSERT(page_end_base <= size_);
// Forward any operations on slices up to the original non slice parent.
if (is_slice_locked()) {
uint64_t parent_offset;
VmCowPages* parent = PagedParentOfSliceLocked(&parent_offset);
return parent->ZeroPagesLocked(page_start_base + parent_offset, page_end_base + parent_offset);
// First try and do the more efficient decommit. We prefer/ decommit as it performs work in the
// order of the number of committed pages, instead of work in the order of size of the range. An
// error from DecommitRangeLocked indicates that the VMO is not of a form that decommit can safely
// be performed without exposing data that we shouldn't between children and parents, but no
// actual state will have been changed. Should decommit succeed we are done, otherwise we will
// have to handle each offset individually.
// Zeroing doesn't decommit pages of contiguous VMOs.
if (can_decommit_zero_pages_locked()) {
zx_status_t status = DecommitRangeLocked(page_start_base, page_end_base - page_start_base);
if (status == ZX_OK) {
return ZX_OK;
// Unmap any page that is touched by this range in any of our, or our childrens, mapping
// regions. We do this on the assumption we are going to be able to free pages either completely
// or by turning them into markers and it's more efficient to unmap once in bulk here.
RangeChangeUpdateLocked(page_start_base, page_end_base - page_start_base, RangeChangeOp::Unmap);
// We stack-own loaned pages from when they're removed until they're freed.
__UNINITIALIZED StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval raii_interval;
list_node_t freed_list;
// See also free_any_pages below, which intentionally frees incrementally.
auto auto_free = fit::defer([this, &freed_list]() {
if (!list_is_empty(&freed_list)) {
// Give us easier names for our range.
uint64_t start = page_start_base;
uint64_t end = page_end_base;
// If we're zeroing at the end of our parent range we can update to reflect this similar to a
// resize. This does not work if we are a slice, but we checked for that earlier. Whilst this does
// not actually zero the range in question, it makes future zeroing of the range far more
// efficient, which is why we do it first.
// parent_limit_ is a page aligned offset and so we can only reduce it to a rounded up value of
// start.
uint64_t rounded_start = ROUNDUP_PAGE_SIZE(start);
if (rounded_start < parent_limit_ && end >= parent_limit_) {
bool hidden_parent = false;
if (parent_) {
hidden_parent = parent_->is_hidden_locked();
if (hidden_parent) {
// Release any COW pages that are no longer necessary. This will also
// update the parent limit.
__UNINITIALIZED BatchPQRemove page_remover(&freed_list);
ReleaseCowParentPagesLocked(rounded_start, parent_limit_, &page_remover);
} else {
parent_limit_ = rounded_start;
for (uint64_t offset = start; offset < end; offset += PAGE_SIZE) {
VmPageOrMarker* slot = page_list_.Lookup(offset);
DEBUG_ASSERT(!direct_source_supplies_zero_pages_locked() || (!slot || !slot->IsMarker()));
if (direct_source_supplies_zero_pages_locked() && (!slot || slot->IsEmpty())) {
// Already logically zero - don't commit pages to back the zeroes if they're not already
// committed. This is important for contiguous VMOs, as we don't use markers for contiguous
// VMOs, and allocating a page below to hold zeroes would not be asking the page_source_ for
// the proper physical page. This prevents allocating an arbitrary physical page to back the
// zeroes.
const bool can_see_parent = parent_ && offset < parent_limit_;
// This is a lambda as it only makes sense to talk about parent mutability when we have a parent
// for this offset.
auto parent_immutable = [can_see_parent, this]() TA_REQ(lock_) {
return parent_->is_hidden_locked();
// Finding the initial page content is expensive, but we only need to call it
// under certain circumstances scattered in the code below. The lambda
// get_initial_page_content() will lazily fetch and cache the details. This
// avoids us calling it when we don't need to, or calling it more than once.
struct InitialPageContent {
bool inited = false;
VmCowPages* page_owner;
uint64_t owner_offset;
vm_page_t* page;
} initial_content_;
auto get_initial_page_content = [&initial_content_, can_see_parent, this, offset]()
TA_REQ(lock_) -> const InitialPageContent& {
if (!initial_content_.inited) {
VmPageOrMarker* page_or_marker = FindInitialPageContentLocked(
offset, &initial_content_.page_owner, &initial_content_.owner_offset, nullptr);
// We only care about the parent having a 'true' vm_page for content. If the parent has a
// marker then it's as if the parent has no content since that's a zero page anyway, which
// is what we are trying to achieve. =
page_or_marker && page_or_marker->IsPage() ? page_or_marker->Page() : nullptr;
initial_content_.inited = true;
return initial_content_;
auto parent_has_content = [get_initial_page_content]() TA_REQ(lock_) {
return get_initial_page_content().page != nullptr;
// Ideally we just collect up pages and hand them over to the pmm all at the end, but if we need
// to allocate any pages then we would like to ensure that we do not cause total memory to peak
// higher due to squirreling these pages away.
auto free_any_pages = [this, &freed_list] {
if (!list_is_empty(&freed_list)) {
// If there's already a marker then we can avoid any second guessing and leave the marker alone.
if (slot && slot->IsMarker()) {
// In the ideal case we can zero by making there be an Empty slot in our page list, so first
// see if we can do that. This is true when we're not specifically avoiding decommit on zero and
// there is nothing pinned and either:
// * This offset does not relate to our parent
// * This offset does relate to our parent, but our parent is immutable and is currently zero
// at this offset.
if (can_decommit_zero_pages_locked() && !SlotHasPinnedPage(slot) &&
(!can_see_parent || (parent_immutable() && !parent_has_content()))) {
if (slot && slot->IsPage()) {
vm_page_t* page = page_list_.RemovePage(offset).ReleasePage();
list_add_tail(&freed_list, &page->queue_node);
// The only time we would reach here and *not* have a parent is if the page is pinned, or if we
// specifically don't want to decommit a page when zeroing.
DEBUG_ASSERT((SlotHasPinnedPage(slot) || !can_decommit_zero_pages_locked()) || parent_);
// Now we know that we need to do something active to make this zero, either through a marker or
// a page. First make sure we have a slot to modify.
if (!slot) {
slot = page_list_.LookupOrAllocate(offset);
if (unlikely(!slot)) {
// Ideally we will use a marker, but we can only do this if we can point to a committed page
// to justify the allocation of the marker (i.e. we cannot allocate infinite markers with no
// committed pages). A committed page in this case exists if the parent has any content.
if (!can_decommit_zero_pages_locked() || SlotHasPinnedPage(slot) || !parent_has_content()) {
if (slot->IsPage()) {
// Zero the existing page.
// Re. contiguous VMOs, we've already peeled off !slot above, and slot->IsPage() just above,
// and there are no other possible page states for contiguous VMOs, so we know we're not
// handling a contiguous VMO at this point.
// Allocate a new page, it will be zeroed in the process.
vm_page_t* p;
// Do not pass our freed_list here as this takes an |alloc_list| list to allocate from.
zx_status_t alloc_status =
AllocateCopyPage(pmm_alloc_flags_, vm_get_zero_page_paddr(), nullptr, &p);
if (alloc_status != ZX_OK) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(!page_source_ || page_source_->DebugIsPageOk(p, offset));
SetNotWiredLocked(p, offset);
*slot = VmPageOrMarker::Page(p);
DEBUG_ASSERT(parent_ && parent_has_content());
// We are able to insert a marker, but if our page content is from a hidden owner we need to
// perform slightly more complex cow forking.
const InitialPageContent& content = get_initial_page_content();
if (slot->IsEmpty() && content.page_owner->is_hidden_locked()) {
zx_status_t result = CloneCowPageAsZeroLocked(offset, &freed_list, content.page_owner,, content.owner_offset);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
return result;
// Remove any page that could be hanging around in the slot before we make it a marker.
if (slot->IsPage()) {
vm_page_t* page = slot->ReleasePage();
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->object.pin_count == 0);
list_add_tail(&freed_list, &page->queue_node);
*slot = VmPageOrMarker::Marker();
return ZX_OK;
void VmCowPages::MoveToWiredLocked(vm_page_t* page, uint64_t offset) {
// If pager backlinks are supported, retain the backlink information when moving to the wired
// queue. The backlink information should be valid as long as the page is owned by this object,
// irrespective of the page queue the page gets moved to.
if (has_pager_backlinks_locked()) {
pmm_page_queues()->MoveToWired(page, this, offset);
} else {
void VmCowPages::MoveToNotWiredLocked(vm_page_t* page, uint64_t offset) {
if (has_pager_backlinks_locked()) {
// We can only move Clean pages to the pager backed queues as they track age information for
// eviction; only Clean pages can be evicted. Pages in AwaitingClean and Dirty are protected
// from eviction in the Dirty queue.
if (is_page_clean(page)) {
pmm_page_queues()->MoveToPagerBacked(page, this, offset);
} else {
pmm_page_queues()->MoveToPagerBackedDirty(page, this, offset);
} else {
void VmCowPages::SetNotWiredLocked(vm_page_t* page, uint64_t offset) {
if (has_pager_backlinks_locked()) {
// We can only move Clean pages to the pager backed queues as they track age information for
// eviction; only Clean pages can be evicted. Pages in AwaitingClean and Dirty are protected
// from eviction in the Dirty queue.
if (is_page_clean(page)) {
pmm_page_queues()->SetPagerBacked(page, this, offset);
} else {
pmm_page_queues()->SetPagerBackedDirty(page, this, offset);
} else {
void VmCowPages::UnpinPageLocked(vm_page_t* page, uint64_t offset) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->state() == vm_page_state::OBJECT);
ASSERT(page->object.pin_count > 0);
if (page->object.pin_count == 0) {
MoveToNotWiredLocked(page, offset);
void VmCowPages::PromoteRangeForReclamationLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len) {
// Hints only apply to pager backed VMOs.
if (!can_root_source_evict_locked()) {
// Walk up the tree to get to the root parent. A raw pointer is fine as we're holding the lock and
// won't drop it in this function.
// We need the root to check if the pages are owned by the root below. Hints only apply to pages
// in the root that are visible to this child, not to pages the child might have forked.
const VmCowPages* const root = GetRootLocked();
uint64_t start_offset = ROUNDDOWN(offset, PAGE_SIZE);
uint64_t end_offset = ROUNDUP(offset + len, PAGE_SIZE);
__UNINITIALIZED LookupInfo lookup;
while (start_offset < end_offset) {
// Don't pass in any fault flags. We only want to lookup an existing page. Note that we do want
// to look up the page in the child, instead of just forwarding the entire range lookup to the
// parent, because we do NOT want to hint pages in the parent that have already been forked in
// the child. That is, we need to first lookup the page and then check for ownership.
zx_status_t status =
LookupPagesLocked(start_offset, 0, DirtyTrackingAction::None, 1, nullptr, nullptr, &lookup);
// Successfully found an existing page.
if (status == ZX_OK) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(lookup.num_pages == 1);
vm_page_t* page = paddr_to_vm_page(lookup.paddrs[0]);
// Check to see if the page is owned by the root VMO. Hints only apply to the root.
// Don't move a pinned page or a dirty page to the DontNeed queue.
// Note that this does not unset the always_need bit if it has been previously set. The
// always_need hint is sticky.
if (page->object.get_object() == root && page->object.pin_count == 0 && is_page_clean(page)) {
// Can't really do anything in case an error is encountered while looking up the page. Simply
// ignore it and move on to the next page. Hints are best effort anyway.
start_offset += PAGE_SIZE;
void VmCowPages::ProtectRangeFromReclamationLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len,
Guard<Mutex>* guard) {
// Hints only apply to pager backed VMOs.
if (!can_root_source_evict_locked()) {
uint64_t cur_offset = ROUNDDOWN(offset, PAGE_SIZE);
uint64_t end_offset = ROUNDUP(offset + len, PAGE_SIZE);
__UNINITIALIZED LookupInfo lookup;
__UNINITIALIZED LazyPageRequest page_request;
for (; cur_offset < end_offset; cur_offset += PAGE_SIZE) {
// Simulate a read fault. We simply want to lookup the page in the parent (if visible from the
// child), without forking the page in the child. Note that we do want to look up the page in
// the child, instead of just forwarding the entire range lookup to the parent, because we do
// NOT want to hint pages in the parent that have already been forked in the child. That is, we
// need to first lookup the page and then check for ownership.
zx_status_t status =
LookupPagesLocked(cur_offset, VMM_PF_FLAG_SW_FAULT, DirtyTrackingAction::None, 1, nullptr,
&page_request, &lookup);
// We need to wait for the page to be faulted in. We will drop the lock as we wait.
if (status == ZX_ERR_SHOULD_WAIT) {
guard->CallUnlocked([&status, &page_request]() { status = page_request->Wait(); });
// The size might have changed since we dropped the lock. Adjust the range if required.
if (cur_offset >= size_locked()) {
// No more pages to hint.
// Shrink the range if required. Proceed with hinting on the remaining pages in the range;
// we've already hinted on the preceding pages, so just go on ahead instead of returning an
// error. The range was valid at the time we started hinting.
if (end_offset > size_locked()) {
end_offset = size_locked();
// If the wait succeeded, cur_offset will now have a backing page, so we need to try the
// same offset again. Move back a page so the loop increment keeps us at the same offset. In
// case of failure, simply continue on to the next page, as hints are best effort only.
if (status == ZX_OK) {
cur_offset -= PAGE_SIZE;
// Can't really do anything in case an error is encountered while looking up the page. Simply
// ignore it and move on to the next page. Hints are best effort anyway.
if (status != ZX_OK) {
// If we reached here, we successfully found a page at the current offset.
DEBUG_ASSERT(lookup.num_pages == 1);
vm_page_t* page = paddr_to_vm_page(lookup.paddrs[0]);
// The root might have gone away when the lock was dropped while waiting above. Compute the root
// again and check if we still have a page source backing it before applying the hint.
if (!can_root_source_evict_locked()) {
// Hinting is not applicable anymore. No more pages to hint.
// Check to see if the page is owned by the root VMO. Hints only apply to the root.
VmCowPages* owner = reinterpret_cast<VmCowPages*>(page->object.get_object());
if (owner != GetRootLocked()) {
// Hinting is not applicable to this page, but it might apply to following ones.
// If the page is loaned, replace it with a non-loaned page. Loaned pages are reclaimed by
// eviction, and hinted pages should not be evicted.
if (pmm_is_loaned(page)) {
status = owner->ReplacePageLocked(page, page->object.get_page_offset(), /*with_loaned=*/false,
if (status != ZX_OK) {
// Ignore the failure. Hints are best effort. We can't mark a loaned page always_need true.
page->object.always_need = 1;
// Nothing more to do beyond marking the page always_need true. The lookup must have already
// marked the page accessed, moving it to the head of the first page queue.
void VmCowPages::MarkAsLatencySensitiveLocked() {
// Mark this and all our parents as latency sensitive if they haven't already been.
VmCowPages* cur = this;
while (cur && !cur->is_latency_sensitive_) {
cur->is_latency_sensitive_ = true;
cur = cur->parent_.get();
void VmCowPages::UnpinLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len, bool allow_gaps) {
// verify that the range is within the object
ASSERT(InRange(offset, len, size_));
// forbid zero length unpins as zero length pins return errors.
ASSERT(len != 0);
if (is_slice_locked()) {
uint64_t parent_offset;
VmCowPages* parent = PagedParentOfSliceLocked(&parent_offset);
return parent->UnpinLocked(offset + parent_offset, len, allow_gaps);
const uint64_t start_page_offset = ROUNDDOWN(offset, PAGE_SIZE);
const uint64_t end_page_offset = ROUNDUP(offset + len, PAGE_SIZE);
uint64_t unpin_count = 0;
zx_status_t status = page_list_.ForEveryPageAndGapInRange(
[this, &unpin_count, allow_gaps](const auto* page, uint64_t off) {
if (page->IsMarker()) {
// So far, allow_gaps is only used on contiguous VMOs which have no markers. We'd need
// to decide if a marker counts as a gap to allow before removing this assert.
UnpinPageLocked(page->Page(), off);
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
[allow_gaps](uint64_t gap_start, uint64_t gap_end) {
if (!allow_gaps) {
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
start_page_offset, end_page_offset);
ASSERT_MSG(status == ZX_OK, "Tried to unpin an uncommitted page with allow_gaps false");
bool overflow = sub_overflow(pinned_page_count_, unpin_count, &pinned_page_count_);
bool VmCowPages::AnyPagesPinnedLocked(uint64_t offset, size_t len) {
const uint64_t start_page_offset = offset;
const uint64_t end_page_offset = offset + len;
if (pinned_page_count_ == 0) {
return false;
bool found_pinned = false;
[&found_pinned, start_page_offset, end_page_offset](const auto* p, uint64_t off) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(off >= start_page_offset && off < end_page_offset);
if (p->IsPage() && p->Page()->object.pin_count > 0) {
found_pinned = true;
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
start_page_offset, end_page_offset);
return found_pinned;
// Helper function which processes the region visible by both children.
void VmCowPages::ReleaseCowParentPagesLockedHelper(uint64_t start, uint64_t end,
bool sibling_visible,
BatchPQRemove* page_remover) {
// Compute the range in the parent that cur no longer will be able to see.
const uint64_t parent_range_start = CheckedAdd(start, parent_offset_);
const uint64_t parent_range_end = CheckedAdd(end, parent_offset_);
bool skip_split_bits = true;
if (parent_limit_ <= end) {
parent_limit_ = ktl::min(start, parent_limit_);
if (parent_limit_ <= parent_start_limit_) {
// Setting both to zero is cleaner and makes some asserts easier.
parent_start_limit_ = 0;
parent_limit_ = 0;
} else if (start == parent_start_limit_) {
parent_start_limit_ = end;
} else if (sibling_visible) {
// Split bits and partial cow release are only an issue if this range is also visible to our
// sibling. If it's not visible then we will always be freeing all pages anyway, no need to
// worry about split bits. Otherwise if the vmo limits can't be updated, this function will need
// to use the split bits to release pages in the parent. It also means that ancestor pages in
// the specified range might end up being released based on their current split bits, instead of
// through subsequent calls to this function. Therefore parent and all ancestors need to have
// the partial_cow_release_ flag set to prevent fast merge issues in ::RemoveChildLocked.
auto cur = this;
uint64_t cur_start = start;
uint64_t cur_end = end;
while (cur->parent_ && cur_start < cur_end) {
auto parent = cur->parent_.get();
parent->partial_cow_release_ = true;
cur_start = ktl::max(CheckedAdd(cur_start, cur->parent_offset_), parent->parent_start_limit_);
cur_end = ktl::min(CheckedAdd(cur_end, cur->parent_offset_), parent->parent_limit_);
cur = parent;
skip_split_bits = false;
// Free any pages that either aren't visible, or were already split into the other child. For
// pages that haven't been split into the other child, we need to ensure they're univisible.
[skip_split_bits, sibling_visible, page_remover,
left = this == &parent_->left_child_locked()](VmPageOrMarker* page_or_mark,
uint64_t offset) {
if (page_or_mark->IsMarker()) {
// If this marker is in a range still visible to the sibling then we just leave it, no
// split bits or anything to be updated. If the sibling cannot see it, then we can clear
// it.
if (!sibling_visible) {
*page_or_mark = VmPageOrMarker::Empty();
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
vm_page* page = page_or_mark->Page();
// If the sibling can still see this page then we need to keep it around, otherwise we can
// free it. The sibling can see the page if this range is |sibling_visible| and if the
// sibling hasn't already forked the page, which is recorded in the split bits.
if (!sibling_visible || left ? page->object.cow_right_split : page->object.cow_left_split) {
page = page_or_mark->ReleasePage();
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
if (skip_split_bits) {
// If we were able to update this vmo's parent limit, that made the pages
// uniaccessible. We clear the split bits to allow ::RemoveChildLocked to efficiently
// merge vmos without having to worry about pages above parent_limit_.
page->object.cow_left_split = 0;
page->object.cow_right_split = 0;
} else {
// Otherwise set the appropriate split bit to make the page uniaccessible.
if (left) {
page->object.cow_left_split = 1;
} else {
page->object.cow_right_split = 1;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
parent_range_start, parent_range_end);
void VmCowPages::ReleaseCowParentPagesLocked(uint64_t start, uint64_t end,
BatchPQRemove* page_remover) {
// This function releases |this| references to any ancestor vmo's COW pages.
// To do so, we divide |this| parent into three (possibly 0-length) regions: the region
// which |this| sees but before what the sibling can see, the region where both |this|
// and its sibling can see, and the region |this| can see but after what the sibling can
// see. Processing the 2nd region only requires touching the direct parent, since the sibling
// can see ancestor pages in the region. However, processing the 1st and 3rd regions requires
// recursively releasing |this| parent's ancestor pages, since those pages are no longer
// visible through |this| parent.
// This function processes region 3 (incl. recursively processing the parent), then region 2,
// then region 1 (incl. recursively processing the parent). Processing is done in reverse order
// to ensure parent_limit_ is reduced correctly. When processing either regions of type 1 or 3 we
// 1. walk up the parent and find the largest common slice that all nodes in the hierarchy see
// as being of the same type.
// 2. walk back down (using stack_ direction flags) applying the range update using that final
// calculated size
// 3. reduce the range we are operating on to not include the section we just processed
// 4. repeat steps 1-3 until range is empty
// In the worst case it is possible for this algorithm then to be O(N^2) in the depth of the tree.
// More optimal algorithms probably exist, but this algorithm is sufficient for at the moment as
// these suboptimal scenarios do not occur in practice.
// At the top level we continuously attempt to process the range until it is empty.
while (end > start) {
// cur_start / cur_end get adjusted as cur moves up/down the parent chain.
uint64_t cur_start = start;
uint64_t cur_end = end;
VmCowPages* cur = this;
// First walk up the parent chain as long as there is a visible parent that does not overlap
// with its sibling.
while (cur->parent_ && cur->parent_start_limit_ < cur_end && cur_start < cur->parent_limit_) {
if (cur_end > cur->parent_limit_) {
// Part of the range sees the parent, and part of it doesn't. As we only process ranges of
// a single type we first trim the range down to the portion that doesn't see the parent,
// then next time around the top level loop we will process the portion that does see
cur_start = cur->parent_limit_;
DEBUG_ASSERT(cur_start < cur_end);
// Trim the start to the portion of the parent it can see.
cur_start = ktl::max(cur_start, cur->parent_start_limit_);
DEBUG_ASSERT(cur_start < cur_end);
// Work out what the overlap with our sibling is
auto parent = cur->parent_.get();
bool left = cur == &parent->left_child_locked();
auto& other = left ? parent->right_child_locked() : parent->left_child_locked();
// Project our operating range into our parent.
const uint64_t our_parent_start = CheckedAdd(cur_start, cur->parent_offset_);
const uint64_t our_parent_end = CheckedAdd(cur_end, cur->parent_offset_);
// Project our siblings full range into our parent.
const uint64_t other_parent_start =
CheckedAdd(other.parent_offset_, other.parent_start_limit_);
const uint64_t other_parent_end = CheckedAdd(other.parent_offset_, other.parent_limit_);
if (other_parent_end >= our_parent_end && other_parent_start < our_parent_end) {
// At least some of the end of our range overlaps with the sibling. First move up our start
// to ensure our range is 100% overlapping.
if (other_parent_start > our_parent_start) {
cur_start = CheckedAdd(cur_start, other_parent_start - our_parent_start);
DEBUG_ASSERT(cur_start < cur_end);
// Free the range that overlaps with the sibling, then we are done walking up as this is the
// type 2 kind of region. It is safe to process this right now since we are in a terminal
// state and are leaving the loop, thus we know that this is the final size of the region.
cur->ReleaseCowParentPagesLockedHelper(cur_start, cur_end, true, page_remover);
// End of our range does not see the sibling. First move up our start to ensure we are dealing
// with a range that is 100% no sibling, and then keep on walking up.
if (other_parent_end > our_parent_start && other_parent_end < our_parent_end) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(other_parent_end < our_parent_end);
cur_start = CheckedAdd(cur_start, other_parent_end - our_parent_start);
DEBUG_ASSERT(cur_start < cur_end);
// Record the direction so we can walk about down later.
parent->stack_.dir_flag = left ? StackDir::Left : StackDir::Right;
// Don't use our_parent_start as we may have updated cur_start
cur_start = CheckedAdd(cur_start, cur->parent_offset_);
cur_end = our_parent_end;
DEBUG_ASSERT(cur_start < cur_end);
cur = parent;
// Every parent that we walked up had no overlap with its siblings. Now that we know the size
// of the range that we can process we just walk back down processing.
while (cur != this) {
// Although we free pages in the parent we operate on the *child*, as that is whose limits
// we will actually adjust. The ReleaseCowParentPagesLockedHelper will then reach backup to
// the parent to actually free any pages.
cur = cur->stack_.dir_flag == StackDir::Left ? &cur->left_child_locked()
: &cur->right_child_locked();
DEBUG_ASSERT(cur_start >= cur->parent_offset_);
DEBUG_ASSERT(cur_end >= cur->parent_offset_);
cur_start -= cur->parent_offset_;
cur_end -= cur->parent_offset_;
cur->ReleaseCowParentPagesLockedHelper(cur_start, cur_end, false, page_remover);
// Update the end with the portion we managed to do. Ensuring some basic sanity of the range,
// most importantly that we processed a non-zero portion to ensure progress.
DEBUG_ASSERT(cur_start >= start);
DEBUG_ASSERT(cur_start < end);
DEBUG_ASSERT(cur_end == end);
end = cur_start;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::ResizeLocked(uint64_t s) {
LTRACEF("vmcp %p, size %" PRIu64 "\n", this, s);
// make sure everything is aligned before we get started
// We stack-own loaned pages from removal until freed.
__UNINITIALIZED StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval raii_interval;
list_node_t freed_list;
__UNINITIALIZED BatchPQRemove page_remover(&freed_list);
// see if we're shrinking or expanding the vmo
if (s < size_) {
// shrinking
const uint64_t start = s;
const uint64_t end = size_;
const uint64_t len = end - start;
// bail if there are any pinned pages in the range we're trimming
if (AnyPagesPinnedLocked(start, len)) {
// unmap all of the pages in this range on all the mapping regions
RangeChangeUpdateLocked(start, len, RangeChangeOp::Unmap);
// Resolve any outstanding page requests tracked by the page source that are now out-of-bounds.
if (page_source_) {
// Tell the page source that any non-resident pages that are now out-of-bounds
// were supplied, to ensure that any reads of those pages get woken up.
zx_status_t status = page_list_.ForEveryPageAndGapInRange(
[](const auto* p, uint64_t off) { return ZX_ERR_NEXT; },
[this](uint64_t gap_start, uint64_t gap_end) {
page_source_->OnPagesSupplied(gap_start, gap_end);
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
start, end);
DEBUG_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
// If DIRTY requests are supported, also tell the page source that any non-Dirty pages that
// are now out-of-bounds were dirtied (without actually dirtying them), to ensure that any
// threads blocked on DIRTY requests for those pages get woken up.
if (is_source_preserving_page_content_locked() &&
page_source_->ShouldTrapDirtyTransitions()) {
// First resolve requests in the range before supply_zero_offset_.
if (start < supply_zero_offset_) {
const uint64_t end_offset = ktl::min(supply_zero_offset_, end);
status = page_list_.ForEveryPageAndContiguousRunInRange(
[](const VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t off) {
// A marker is a clean zero page and might have an outstanding DIRTY request. An
// actual page that is not Dirty already might have an outstanding DIRTY request.
if (p->IsMarker() || !is_page_dirty(p->Page())) {
return true;
// Otherwise the page should already be Dirty.
return false;
[](const VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t off) {
// Nothing to update for the page as we're not actually marking it Dirty.
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
[this](uint64_t start, uint64_t end) {
// Resolve any DIRTY requests in this contiguous range.
page_source_->OnPagesDirtied(start, end - start);
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
start, end_offset);
// We don't expect an error from the traversal.
DEBUG_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
// Now resolve requests starting at supply_zero_offset_.
if (supply_zero_offset_ < end) {
const uint64_t start_offset = ktl::max(start, supply_zero_offset_);
status = page_list_.ForEveryPageAndGapInRange(
[](const VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t off) {
// No markers exist beyond supply_zero_offset_.
// Any committed page beyond supply_zero_offset_ should already be Dirty.
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
[this](uint64_t gap_start, uint64_t gap_end) {
// Resolve any DIRTY requests in this gap.
page_source_->OnPagesDirtied(gap_start, gap_end - gap_start);
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
start_offset, end);
// We don't expect an error from the traversal.
DEBUG_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
// If the page source is preserving content, supply_zero_offset_ might need updating.
if (is_source_preserving_page_content_locked()) {
// If the new size is smaller than supply_zero_offset_, supply_zero_offset_ can be clipped to
// the new size. The supply_zero_offset_ is used to supply zero pages at the tail end of the
// VMO and must therefore fall within the VMO size.
supply_zero_offset_ = ktl::min(supply_zero_offset_, s);
bool hidden_parent = false;
if (parent_) {
hidden_parent = parent_->is_hidden_locked();
if (hidden_parent) {
// Release any COW pages that are no longer necessary. This will also
// update the parent limit.
ReleaseCowParentPagesLocked(start, end, &page_remover);
// Validate that the parent limit was correctly updated as it should never remain larger than
// our actual size.
DEBUG_ASSERT(parent_limit_ <= s);
} else {
parent_limit_ = ktl::min(parent_limit_, s);
// If the tail of a parent disappears, the children shouldn't be able to see that region
// again, even if the parent is later reenlarged. So update the child parent limits.
page_list_.RemovePages(page_remover.RemovePagesCallback(), start, end);
} else if (s > size_) {
uint64_t temp;
// Check that this VMOs new size would not cause it to overflow if projected onto the root.
bool overflow = add_overflow(root_parent_offset_, s, &temp);
if (overflow) {
// expanding
// figure the starting and ending page offset that is affected
const uint64_t start = size_;
const uint64_t end = s;
const uint64_t len = end - start;
// inform all our children or mapping that there's new bits
RangeChangeUpdateLocked(start, len, RangeChangeOp::Unmap);
// save bytewise size
size_ = s;
return ZX_OK;
void VmCowPages::UpdateChildParentLimitsLocked(uint64_t new_size) {
// Note that a child's parent_limit_ will limit that child's descendants' views into
// this vmo, so this method only needs to touch the direct children.
for (auto& child : children_list_) {
if (new_size < child.parent_offset_) {
child.parent_limit_ = 0;
} else {
child.parent_limit_ = ktl::min(child.parent_limit_, new_size - child.parent_offset_);
zx_status_t VmCowPages::LookupLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len,
VmObject::LookupFunction lookup_fn) {
if (unlikely(len == 0)) {
// verify that the range is within the object
if (unlikely(!InRange(offset, len, size_))) {
if (is_slice_locked()) {
// Slices are always hung off a non-slice parent, so we know we only need to walk up one level.
return parent_->LookupLocked(
offset + parent_offset_, len,
[&lookup_fn, parent_offset = parent_offset_](uint64_t offset, paddr_t pa) {
// Need to undo the parent_offset before forwarding to the lookup_fn, who is ignorant of
// slices.
return lookup_fn(offset - parent_offset, pa);
const uint64_t start_page_offset = ROUNDDOWN(offset, PAGE_SIZE);
const uint64_t end_page_offset = ROUNDUP(offset + len, PAGE_SIZE);
return page_list_.ForEveryPageInRange(
[&lookup_fn](const auto* p, uint64_t off) {
if (!p->IsPage()) {
// Skip non pages.
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
paddr_t pa = p->Page()->paddr();
return lookup_fn(off, pa);
start_page_offset, end_page_offset);
zx_status_t VmCowPages::LookupReadableLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len,
LookupReadableFunction lookup_fn) {
if (unlikely(len == 0)) {
// verify that the range is within the object
if (unlikely(!InRange(offset, len, size_))) {
if (is_slice_locked()) {
// Slices are always hung off a non-slice parent, so we know we only need to walk up one level.
return parent_->LookupReadableLocked(
offset + parent_offset_, len,
[&lookup_fn, parent_offset = parent_offset_](uint64_t offset, paddr_t pa) {
// Need to undo the parent_offset before forwarding to the lookup_fn, who is ignorant of
// slices.
return lookup_fn(offset - parent_offset, pa);
uint64_t current_page_offset = ROUNDDOWN(offset, PAGE_SIZE);
const uint64_t end_page_offset = ROUNDUP(offset + len, PAGE_SIZE);
while (current_page_offset != end_page_offset) {
// Attempt to process any pages we have first.
zx_status_t status = page_list_.ForEveryPageAndGapInRange(
[&lookup_fn, &current_page_offset](const VmPageOrMarker* page_or_marker, uint64_t offset) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(offset == current_page_offset);
current_page_offset += PAGE_SIZE;
if (!page_or_marker->IsPage()) {
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
return lookup_fn(offset, page_or_marker->Page()->paddr());
[](uint64_t gap_start, uint64_t gap_end) { return ZX_ERR_STOP; }, current_page_offset,
// Check if we've processed the whole range.
if (current_page_offset == end_page_offset) {
// See if any of our parents have the content.
VmCowPages* owner = nullptr;
uint64_t owner_offset = 0;
uint64_t owner_length = end_page_offset - current_page_offset;
// We do not care about the return value, all we are interested in is the populated out
// variables that we pass in.
FindInitialPageContentLocked(current_page_offset, &owner, &owner_offset, &owner_length);
// This should always get filled out.
DEBUG_ASSERT(owner_length > 0);
// Iterate over any potential content.
status = owner->page_list_.ForEveryPageInRange(
[&lookup_fn, current_page_offset, owner_offset](const VmPageOrMarker* page_or_marker,
uint64_t offset) {
if (!page_or_marker->IsPage()) {
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
return lookup_fn(offset - owner_offset + current_page_offset,
owner_offset, owner_offset + owner_length);
if (status != ZX_OK || status != ZX_ERR_NEXT) {
return status;
current_page_offset += owner_length;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::TakePagesLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len, VmPageSpliceList* pages) {
if (!InRange(offset, len, size_)) {
if (AnyPagesPinnedLocked(offset, len) || parent_ || page_source_) {
// This is only used by the userpager API, which has significant restrictions on
// what sorts of vmos are acceptable. If splice starts being used in more places,
// then this restriction might need to be lifted.
// TODO: Check that the region is locked once locking is implemented
if (children_list_len_) {
[](const auto* p, uint64_t off) {
if (p->IsPage()) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(p->Page()->object.pin_count == 0);
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
offset, offset + len);
*pages = page_list_.TakePages(offset, len);
RangeChangeUpdateLocked(offset, len, RangeChangeOp::Unmap);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::SupplyPages(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len, VmPageSpliceList* pages,
bool new_zeroed_pages) {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&lock_};
return SupplyPagesLocked(offset, len, pages, new_zeroed_pages);
zx_status_t VmCowPages::SupplyPagesLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len, VmPageSpliceList* pages,
bool new_zeroed_pages) {
if (!InRange(offset, len, size_)) {
uint64_t end = offset + len;
// We stack-own loaned pages below from allocation for page replacement to AddPageLocked().
__UNINITIALIZED StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval raii_interval;
list_node freed_list;
// [new_pages_start, new_pages_start + new_pages_len) tracks the current run of
// consecutive new pages added to this vmo.
uint64_t new_pages_start = offset;
uint64_t new_pages_len = 0;
zx_status_t status = ZX_OK;
while (!pages->IsDone()) {
VmPageOrMarker src_page = pages->Pop();
// The pager API does not allow the source VMO of supply pages to have a page source, so we can
// assume that any empty pages are zeroes and insert explicit markers here. We need to insert
// explicit markers to actually resolve the pager fault.
if (src_page.IsEmpty()) {
src_page = VmPageOrMarker::Marker();
// A newly supplied page starts off as Clean.
if (src_page.IsPage()) {
src_page.Page()->object.dirty_state = uint8_t(DirtyState::Clean);
if (can_borrow_locked() && src_page.IsPage() &&
pmm_physical_page_borrowing_config()->is_borrowing_in_supplypages_enabled()) {
// Assert some things we implicitly know are true (currently). We can avoid explicitly
// checking these in the if condition for now.
// Try to replace src_page with a loaned page. We allocate the loaned page one page at a time
// to avoid failing the allocation due to asking for more loaned pages than there are free
// loaned pages.
uint32_t pmm_alloc_flags = pmm_alloc_flags_;
vm_page_t* new_page;
zx_status_t alloc_status = pmm_alloc_page(pmm_alloc_flags, &new_page);
// If we got a loaned page, replace the page in src_page, else just continue with src_page
// unmodified since pmm has no more loaned free pages or
// !is_borrowing_in_supplypages_enabled().
if (alloc_status == ZX_OK) {
CopyPageForReplacementLocked(new_page, src_page.Page());
vm_page_t* old_page = src_page.ReleasePage();
list_add_tail(&freed_list, &old_page->queue_node);
src_page = VmPageOrMarker::Page(new_page);
// Defer individual range updates so we can do them in blocks.
if (new_zeroed_pages) {
// When new_zeroed_pages is true, we need to call InitializeVmPage(), which AddNewPageLocked()
// will do.
// We only want to populate offsets that have true absence of content, so do not overwrite
// anything in the page list.
status = AddNewPageLocked(offset, src_page.Page(), CanOverwriteContent::None, nullptr,
/*zero=*/false, /*do_range_update=*/false);
if (status == ZX_OK) {
} else {
// When new_zeroed_pages is false, we don't need InitializeVmPage(), so we use
// AddPageLocked().
// We only want to populate offsets that have true absence of content, so do not overwrite
// anything in the page list.
status = AddPageLocked(&src_page, offset, CanOverwriteContent::None, nullptr,
if (status == ZX_OK) {
new_pages_len += PAGE_SIZE;
} else {
if (src_page.IsPage()) {
vm_page_t* page = src_page.ReleasePage();
list_add_tail(&freed_list, &page->queue_node);
if (likely(status == ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS)) {
status = ZX_OK;
// We hit the end of a run of absent pages, so notify the page source
// of any new pages that were added and reset the tracking variables.
if (new_pages_len) {
RangeChangeUpdateLocked(new_pages_start, new_pages_len, RangeChangeOp::Unmap);
page_source_->OnPagesSupplied(new_pages_start, new_pages_len);
new_pages_start = offset + PAGE_SIZE;
new_pages_len = 0;
} else {
offset += PAGE_SIZE;
DEBUG_ASSERT(new_pages_start + new_pages_len <= end);
if (new_pages_len) {
RangeChangeUpdateLocked(new_pages_start, new_pages_len, RangeChangeOp::Unmap);
page_source_->OnPagesSupplied(new_pages_start, new_pages_len);
if (!list_is_empty(&freed_list)) {
return status;
// This is a transient operation used only to fail currently outstanding page requests. It does not
// alter the state of the VMO, or any pages that might have already been populated within the
// specified range.
// If certain pages in this range are populated, we must have done so via a previous SupplyPages()
// call that succeeded. So it might be fine for clients to continue accessing them, despite the
// larger range having failed.
// TODO(rashaeqbal): If we support a more permanent failure mode in the future, we will need to free
// populated pages in the specified range, and possibly detach the VMO from the page source.
zx_status_t VmCowPages::FailPageRequestsLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len,
zx_status_t error_status) {
if (!PageSource::IsValidInternalFailureCode(error_status)) {
if (!InRange(offset, len, size_)) {
page_source_->OnPagesFailed(offset, len, error_status);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::DirtyPagesLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len) {
if (!InRange(offset, len, size_)) {
if (!page_source_->ShouldTrapDirtyTransitions()) {
const uint64_t start_offset = offset;
const uint64_t end_offset = offset + len;
// If any of the pages in the range are zero page markers (Clean zero pages), they need to be
// forked in order to be dirtied (written to). Find the number of such pages that need to be
// allocated. We might also need to allocate zero pages to replace empty slots starting at
// supply_zero_offset_. See comment near DIRTY request generation in PrepareForWriteLocked for
// more details.
size_t zero_pages_count = 0;
// First consider the portion of the range that ends before supply_zero_offset_.
// We don't have a range to consider here if offset was greater than supply_zero_offset_.
if (start_offset < supply_zero_offset_) {
const uint64_t end = ktl::min(supply_zero_offset_, end_offset);
zx_status_t status = page_list_.ForEveryPageInRange(
[&zero_pages_count](const VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t off) {
if (p->IsMarker()) {
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
start_offset, end);
// We don't expect an error from the traversal.
ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
// Now consider the portion of the range that starts at/after supply_zero_offset_.
// [offset, offset + len) might have fallen entirely before supply_zero_offset_, in which case we
// have no remaining portion to consider here.
if (supply_zero_offset_ < end_offset) {
const uint64_t start = ktl::max(start_offset, supply_zero_offset_);
zx_status_t status = page_list_.ForEveryPageAndGapInRange(
[](const VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t off) {
// Nothing to do if a page is found except assert a few things we know.
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
[&zero_pages_count](uint64_t start, uint64_t end) {
zero_pages_count += ((end - start) / PAGE_SIZE);
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
start, end_offset);
// We don't expect an error from the traversal.
ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
if (zero_pages_count > 0) {
// Allocate the number of zero pages required upfront, so that we can fail the call early if the
// page allocation fails.
list_node zero_pages_list;
zx_status_t status = pmm_alloc_pages(zero_pages_count, pmm_alloc_flags_, &zero_pages_list);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
auto zero_pages_cleanup = fit::defer([this, &zero_pages_list]() {
if (!list_is_empty(&zero_pages_list)) {
// Increment the generation count as we're going to be inserting new pages.
// Install newly allocated pages in place of the zero page markers before supply_zero_offset_.
if (start_offset < supply_zero_offset_) {
const uint64_t end = ktl::min(supply_zero_offset_, end_offset);
status = page_list_.ForEveryPageInRange(
[this, &zero_pages_list](const VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t off) {
if (p->IsMarker()) {
// AddNewPageLocked will also zero the page and update any mappings.
// TODO(rashaeqbal): Depending on how often we end up forking zero markers, we might
// want to pass do_range_udpate = false, and defer updates until later, so we can
// perform a single batch update.
zx_status_t status = AddNewPageLocked(
off, list_remove_head_type(&zero_pages_list, vm_page, queue_node),
CanOverwriteContent::Zero, nullptr);
// AddNewPageLocked will not fail with ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS as we can overwrite
// markers with OverwriteInitialContent, nor with ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY as we don't need to
// allocate a new slot in the page list, we're simply replacing its content.
ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
start_offset, end);
// We don't expect an error from the traversal.
ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
// Install zero pages in gaps starting at supply_zero_offset_.
for (uint64_t off = ktl::max(start_offset, supply_zero_offset_); off < end_offset;
off += PAGE_SIZE) {
auto slot = page_list_.Lookup(off);
if (slot && !slot->IsEmpty()) {
// We can only find Dirty pages beyond supply_zero_offset_.
// AddNewPageLocked will also zero the page and update any mappings.
status = AddNewPageLocked(off, list_remove_head_type(&zero_pages_list, vm_page, queue_node),
CanOverwriteContent::Zero, nullptr);
// We know that there was no page here so AddNewPageLocked will not fail with
// ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS. The only possible error is ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY if we failed to allocate
// the slot.
if (status == ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY) {
return status;
ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
return page_list_.ForEveryPageAndContiguousRunInRange(
[](const VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t off) {
if (p->IsPage()) {
vm_page_t* page = p->Page();
DEBUG_ASSERT(is_page_clean(page) || !pmm_is_loaned(page));
return !is_page_dirty(page);
return false;
[this](const VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t off) {
vm_page_t* page = p->Page();
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->object.get_object() == this);
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->object.get_page_offset() == off);
// VMOs that trap dirty transitions should never have loaned pages.
page->object.dirty_state = static_cast<uint8_t>(DirtyState::Dirty);
// Move the page to the Dirty queue, which does not track page age. While the page is in the
// Dirty queue, age information is not required (yet). It will be required when the page
// becomes Clean (and hence evictable) again, at which point it will get moved to the MRU
// pager backed queue and will age as normal.
// TODO(rashaeqbal): We might want age tracking for the Dirty queue in the future when the
// kernel generates writeback pager requests.
pmm_page_queues()->MoveToPagerBackedDirty(page, this, off);
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
[this](uint64_t start, uint64_t end) {
page_source_->OnPagesDirtied(start, end - start);
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
start_offset, end_offset);
zx_status_t VmCowPages::EnumerateDirtyRangesLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len,
DirtyRangeEnumerateFunction&& dirty_range_fn) {
// Dirty pages are only tracked if the page source preserves content.
if (!is_source_preserving_page_content_locked()) {
if (!InRange(offset, len, size_)) {
const uint64_t start_offset = ROUNDDOWN(offset, PAGE_SIZE);
const uint64_t end_offset = ROUNDUP(offset + len, PAGE_SIZE);
// If supply_zero_offset_ falls in the range being enumerated, try to advance supply_zero_offset_
// over any pages that might have been committed immediately after it. This gives us the
// opportunity to coalesce committed pages across supply_zero_offset_ into a single dirty range.
// Cap the amount of work by only considering advancing supply_zero_offset_ until end_offset. We
// will be iterating over the range [start_offset, end_offset) to enumerate dirty ranges anyway,
// so attempting to advance supply_zero_offset_ within this range still keeps the order of work
// performed in this call the same.
if (supply_zero_offset_ >= start_offset && supply_zero_offset_ < end_offset) {
uint64_t new_zero_offset = supply_zero_offset_;
zx_status_t status = page_list_.ForEveryPageAndGapInRange(
[&new_zero_offset](const VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t off) {
new_zero_offset += PAGE_SIZE;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
[](uint64_t start, uint64_t end) {
// Bail if we found a gap.
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
supply_zero_offset_, end_offset);
// We don't expect a failure from the traversal.
ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
// Advance supply_zero_offset_.
supply_zero_offset_ = new_zero_offset;
// First consider the portion of the range that ends before supply_zero_offset_.
// We don't have a range to consider here if offset was greater than supply_zero_offset_.
if (start_offset < supply_zero_offset_) {
const uint64_t end = ktl::min(supply_zero_offset_, end_offset);
zx_status_t status = page_list_.ForEveryPageAndContiguousRunInRange(
[](const VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t off) {
// Enumerate both AwaitingClean and Dirty pages, i.e. anything that is not Clean.
// AwaitingClean pages are "dirty" too for the purposes of this enumeration, since their
// modified contents are still in the process of being written back.
if (p->IsPage()) {
vm_page_t* page = p->Page();
DEBUG_ASSERT(is_page_clean(page) || !pmm_is_loaned(page));
return !is_page_clean(page);
return false;
[](const VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t off) {
vm_page_t* page = p->Page();
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->object.get_page_offset() == off);
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
[&dirty_range_fn](uint64_t start, uint64_t end) {
return dirty_range_fn(start, end - start, /*range_is_zero=*/false);
start_offset, end);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Now consider the portion of the range that starts at/after supply_zero_offset_. All pages
// beyond supply_zero_offset_ must be reported Dirty so that they can be written back. Gaps must
// be reported as zero so that writing them back may be optimized.
// [offset, offset + len) might have fallen entirely before supply_zero_offset_, in which case we
// have no remaining portion to consider here.
if (supply_zero_offset_ < end_offset) {
const uint64_t start = ktl::max(start_offset, supply_zero_offset_);
// Counters to track a potential run of committed pages.
uint64_t committed_start = start;
uint64_t committed_len = 0;
zx_status_t status = page_list_.ForEveryPageAndGapInRange(
[&committed_start, &committed_len](const VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t off) {
// We can only find Dirty pages beyond supply_zero_offset_. There can be no markers as
// they represent Clean zero pages.
// Start a run of committed pages if we are not tracking one yet.
if (committed_len == 0) {
committed_start = off;
// Add this page to the committed run and proceed to the next one.
DEBUG_ASSERT(committed_start + committed_len == off);
committed_len += PAGE_SIZE;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
[&committed_start, &committed_len, &dirty_range_fn](uint64_t start, uint64_t end) {
// If we were tracking a committed run, process it first.
if (committed_len > 0) {
// This gap should immediately follow the previous run of committed pages.
DEBUG_ASSERT(committed_start + committed_len == start);
zx_status_t status =
dirty_range_fn(committed_start, committed_len, /*range_is_zero=*/false);
// Only proceed to the next range if the return status indicates we can.
if (status != ZX_ERR_NEXT) {
return status;
// Reset committed_len for tracking another committed run later.
committed_len = 0;
// Process this gap now. Indicate that this range is zero.
return dirty_range_fn(start, end - start, /*range_is_zero=*/true);
start, end_offset);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Process any last remaining committed run.
if (committed_len > 0) {
status = dirty_range_fn(committed_start, committed_len, /*range_is_zero=*/false);
if (status != ZX_ERR_STOP && status != ZX_ERR_NEXT) {
return status;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::WritebackBeginLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len) {
if (!InRange(offset, len, size_)) {
if (!page_source_->properties().is_preserving_page_content) {
// TODO(rashaeqbal): Do not process beyond supply_zero_offset_ until we can advance
// supply_zero_offset_ on writeback. We cannot have any non-Dirty pages beyond supply_zero_offset_
// yet.
if (offset >= supply_zero_offset_) {
return ZX_OK;
const uint64_t start = offset;
const uint64_t end = ktl::min(offset + len, supply_zero_offset_);
zx_status_t status = page_list_.ForEveryPageInRange(
[](auto* p, uint64_t off) {
// Transition pages from Dirty to AwaitingClean.
if (p->IsPage() && is_page_dirty(p->Page())) {
vm_page_t* page = p->Page();
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->object.get_page_offset() == off);
page->object.dirty_state = static_cast<uint8_t>(DirtyState::AwaitingClean);
// Leave the page in the Dirty queue for now as it is not clean yet; move it out on
// WritebackEnd.
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
start, end);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Set any mappings for this range to read-only, so that a permission fault is triggered the next
// time the page is written to in order for us to track it as dirty. This might cover more pages
// than the Dirty pages found in the page list traversal above, but we choose to do this once for
// the entire range instead of per page; pages in the AwaitingClean and Clean states will already
// have their write permission removed, so this is a no-op for them.
RangeChangeUpdateLocked(start, end - start, RangeChangeOp::RemoveWrite);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::WritebackEndLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len) {
if (!InRange(offset, len, size_)) {
if (!page_source_->properties().is_preserving_page_content) {
// TODO(rashaeqbal): Do not process beyond supply_zero_offset_ until we can advance
// supply_zero_offset_ on writeback. We cannot have any non-Dirty pages beyond supply_zero_offset_
// yet.
if (offset >= supply_zero_offset_) {
return ZX_OK;
return page_list_.ForEveryPageInRange(
[this](auto* p, uint64_t off) {
// Transition pages from AwaitingClean to Clean.
if (p->IsPage() && is_page_awaiting_clean(p->Page())) {
vm_page_t* page = p->Page();
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->object.get_object() == this);
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->object.get_page_offset() == off);
page->object.dirty_state = static_cast<uint8_t>(DirtyState::Clean);
// Move the page back out to the evictable pager queues and start tracking age
// information.
pmm_page_queues()->MoveToPagerBacked(page, this, off);
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
offset, ktl::min(offset + len, supply_zero_offset_));
const VmCowPages* VmCowPages::GetRootLocked() const {
auto cow_pages = this;
while (cow_pages->parent_) {
cow_pages = cow_pages->parent_.get();
// We just checked that this is not null in the loop conditional.
return cow_pages;
fbl::RefPtr<PageSource> VmCowPages::GetRootPageSourceLocked() const {
auto root = GetRootLocked();
// The root will never be null. It will either point to a valid parent, or |this| if there's no
// parent.
return root->page_source_;
void VmCowPages::DetachSourceLocked() {
// We stack-own loaned pages from UnmapAndRemovePagesLocked() to FreePages().
__UNINITIALIZED StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval raii_interval;
list_node_t freed_list;
// Remove committed pages so that all future page faults on this VMO and its clones can fail.
zx_status_t status = UnmapAndRemovePagesLocked(0, size_, &freed_list);
DEBUG_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
VmCowPages* VmCowPages::PagedParentOfSliceLocked(uint64_t* offset) {
// Slices never have a slice parent, as there is no need to nest them.
*offset = parent_offset_;
return parent_.get();
void VmCowPages::RangeChangeUpdateFromParentLocked(const uint64_t offset, const uint64_t len,
RangeChangeList* list) {
LTRACEF("offset %#" PRIx64 " len %#" PRIx64 " p_offset %#" PRIx64 " size_ %#" PRIx64 "\n", offset,
len, parent_offset_, size_);
// our parent is notifying that a range of theirs changed, see where it intersects
// with our offset into the parent and pass it on
uint64_t offset_new;
uint64_t len_new;
if (!GetIntersect(parent_offset_, size_, offset, len, &offset_new, &len_new)) {
// if they intersect with us, then by definition the new offset must be >= parent_offset_
DEBUG_ASSERT(offset_new >= parent_offset_);
// subtract our offset
offset_new -= parent_offset_;
// verify that it's still within range of us
DEBUG_ASSERT(offset_new + len_new <= size_);
LTRACEF("new offset %#" PRIx64 " new len %#" PRIx64 "\n", offset_new, len_new);
// pass it on. to prevent unbounded recursion we package up our desired offset and len and add
// ourselves to the list. UpdateRangeLocked will then get called on it later.
// TODO: optimize by not passing on ranges that are completely covered by pages local to this vmo
range_change_offset_ = offset_new;
range_change_len_ = len_new;
void VmCowPages::RangeChangeUpdateListLocked(RangeChangeList* list, RangeChangeOp op) {
while (!list->is_empty()) {
VmCowPages* object = list->pop_front();
// Check if there is an associated backlink, and if so pass the operation over.
if (object->paged_ref_) {
object->range_change_len_, op);
// inform all our children this as well, so they can inform their mappings
for (auto& child : object->children_list_) {
object->range_change_len_, list);
void VmCowPages::RangeChangeUpdateLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len, RangeChangeOp op) {
if (len == 0) {
RangeChangeList list;
this->range_change_offset_ = offset;
this->range_change_len_ = len;
RangeChangeUpdateListLocked(&list, op);
// This method can be called on a VmCowPages whose refcount is 0, but whose VmCowPagesContainer
// refcount is still >= 1. This can be running concurrently with VmCowPages::fbl_recycle(), but
// we know that ~VmCowPagesContainer won't run until after this call is over because the caller
// holds a refcount tally on the container.
bool VmCowPages::RemovePageForEviction(vm_page_t* page, uint64_t offset,
EvictionHintAction hint_action) {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&lock_};
// Without a page source to bring the page back in we cannot even think about eviction.
if (!can_evict_locked()) {
return false;
// Check this page is still a part of this VMO.
VmPageOrMarker* page_or_marker = page_list_.Lookup(offset);
if (!page_or_marker || !page_or_marker->IsPage() || page_or_marker->Page() != page) {
return false;
// Pinned pages could be in use by DMA so we cannot safely evict them.
if (page->object.pin_count != 0) {
return false;
// We cannot evict the page unless it is clean. If the page is dirty, it will already have been
// moved to the dirty page queue.
if (!is_page_clean(page)) {
return false;
// Do not evict if the |always_need| hint is set, unless we are told to ignore the eviction hint.
if (page->object.always_need == 1 && hint_action == EvictionHintAction::Follow) {
// We still need to move the page from the tail of the LRU page queue(s) so that the eviction
// loop can make progress. Since this page is always needed, move it out of the way and into the
// MRU queue. Do this here while we hold the lock, instead of at the callsite.
// TODO(rashaeqbal): Since we're essentially simulating an access here, this page may not
// qualify for eviction if we do decide to override the hint soon after (i.e. if an OOM follows
// shortly after). Investigate adding a separate queue once we have some more data around hints
// usage. A possible approach might involve moving to a separate queue when we skip the page for
// eviction. Pages move out of said queue when accessed, and continue aging as other pages.
// Pages in the queue are considered for eviction pre-OOM, but ignored otherwise.
UpdateOnAccessLocked(page, VMM_PF_FLAG_SW_FAULT);
return false;
// Remove any mappings to this page before we remove it.
RangeChangeUpdateLocked(offset, PAGE_SIZE, RangeChangeOp::Unmap);
// Use RemovePage over just writing to page_or_marker so that the page list has the opportunity
// to release any now empty intermediate nodes.
vm_page_t* p = page_list_.RemovePage(offset).ReleasePage();
DEBUG_ASSERT(p == page);
// |page| is now owned by the caller.
return true;
void VmCowPages::SwapPageLocked(uint64_t offset, vm_page_t* old_page, vm_page_t* new_page) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(new_page->state() == vm_page_state::ALLOC);
// unmap before removing old page
RangeChangeUpdateLocked(offset, PAGE_SIZE, RangeChangeOp::Unmap);
// Some of the fields initialized by this call get overwritten by CopyPageForReplacementLocked(),
// and some don't (such as state()).
VmPageOrMarker* p = page_list_.Lookup(offset);
CopyPageForReplacementLocked(new_page, old_page);
// Add replacement page in place of old page.
// We could optimize this by doing what's needed to *p directly, but for now call this
// common code.
VmPageOrMarker new_vm_page = VmPageOrMarker::Page(new_page);
ktl::optional<vm_page_t*> released_page = ktl::nullopt;
zx_status_t status = AddPageLocked(&new_vm_page, offset, CanOverwriteContent::NonZero,
&released_page, /*do_range_update=*/false);
// Absent bugs, AddPageLocked() can only return ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY, but that failure can only occur
// if page_list_ had to allocate. Here, page_list_ hasn't yet had a chance to clean up any
// internal structures, so AddPageLocked() didn't need to allocate, so we know that
// AddPageLocked() will succeed.
DEBUG_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
// The page released was the old page.
DEBUG_ASSERT(released_page.has_value() && released_page.value() == old_page);
zx_status_t VmCowPages::ReplacePage(vm_page_t* before_page, uint64_t offset, bool with_loaned) {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&lock_};
return ReplacePageLocked(before_page, offset, with_loaned, nullptr);
zx_status_t VmCowPages::ReplacePageLocked(vm_page_t* before_page, uint64_t offset, bool with_loaned,
vm_page_t** after_page) {
VmPageOrMarker* p = page_list_.Lookup(offset);
if (!p) {
if (!p->IsPage()) {
vm_page_t* old_page = p->Page();
if (old_page != before_page) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(old_page != vm_get_zero_page());
if (old_page->object.pin_count != 0) {
if (old_page->object.always_need) {
uint32_t pmm_alloc_flags = pmm_alloc_flags_;
if (with_loaned) {
if (!can_borrow_locked()) {
if (is_page_dirty_tracked(old_page) && !is_page_clean(old_page)) {
} else {
pmm_alloc_flags &= ~PMM_ALLOC_FLAG_CAN_BORROW;
// We stack-own a loaned page from pmm_alloc_page() to SwapPageLocked() OR from SwapPageLocked()
// until pmm_free_page().
__UNINITIALIZED StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval raii_interval;
vm_page_t* new_page;
zx_status_t status = pmm_alloc_page(pmm_alloc_flags, &new_page);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
SwapPageLocked(offset, old_page, new_page);
if (after_page) {
*after_page = new_page;
return ZX_OK;
bool VmCowPages::DebugValidatePageSplitsHierarchyLocked() const {
const VmCowPages* cur = this;
const VmCowPages* parent_most = cur;
do {
if (!cur->DebugValidatePageSplitsLocked()) {
return false;
cur = cur->parent_.get();
if (cur) {
parent_most = cur;
} while (cur);
// Iterate whole hierarchy; the iteration order doesn't matter. Since there are cases with
// >2 children, in-order isn't well defined, so we choose pre-order, but post-order would also
// be fine.
const VmCowPages* prev = nullptr;
cur = parent_most;
while (cur) {
uint32_t children = cur->children_list_len_;
if (!prev || prev == cur->parent_.get()) {
// Visit cur
if (!cur->DebugValidateBacklinksLocked()) {
dprintf(INFO, "cur: %p this: %p\n", cur, this);
return false;
if (!children) {
// no children; move to parent (or nullptr)
prev = cur;
cur = cur->parent_.get();
} else {
// move to first child
prev = cur;
cur = &cur->children_list_.front();
// At this point we know we came up from a child, not down from the parent.
DEBUG_ASSERT(prev && prev != cur->parent_.get());
// The children are linked together, so we can move from one child to the next.
auto iterator = cur->children_list_.make_iterator(*prev);
if (iterator == cur->children_list_.end()) {
// no more children; move back to parent
prev = cur;
cur = cur->parent_.get();
// descend to next child
prev = cur;
cur = &(*iterator);
return true;
bool VmCowPages::DebugValidatePageSplitsLocked() const {
// Assume this is valid until we prove otherwise.
bool valid = true;
page_list_.ForEveryPage([this, &valid](const VmPageOrMarker* page, uint64_t offset) {
if (!page->IsPage()) {
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
vm_page_t* p = page->Page();
// All pages in non-hidden VMOs should not be split, as this is a meaningless thing to talk
// about and indicates a book keeping error somewhere else.
if (!this->is_hidden_locked()) {
if (p->object.cow_left_split || p->object.cow_right_split) {
printf("Found split page %p (off %p) in non-hidden node %p\n", p, (void*)offset, this);
this->DumpLocked(1, true);
valid = false;
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
// Nothing else to test for non-hidden VMOs.
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
// We found a page in the hidden VMO, if it has been forked in either direction then we
// expect that if we search down that path we will find that the forked page and that no
// descendant can 'see' back to this page.
const VmCowPages* expected = nullptr;
if (p->object.cow_left_split) {
expected = &left_child_locked();
} else if (p->object.cow_right_split) {
expected = &right_child_locked();
} else {
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
// We know this must be true as this is a hidden vmo and so left_child_locked and
// right_child_locked will never have returned null.
// No leaf VMO in expected should be able to 'see' this page and potentially re-fork it. To
// validate this we need to walk the entire sub tree.
const VmCowPages* cur = expected;
uint64_t off = offset;
// We start with cur being an immediate child of 'this', so we can preform subtree traversal
// until we end up back in 'this'.
while (cur != this) {
// Check that we can see this page in the parent. Importantly this first checks if
// |off < cur->parent_offset_| allowing us to safely perform that subtraction from then on.
if (off < cur->parent_offset_ || off - cur->parent_offset_ < cur->parent_start_limit_ ||
off - cur->parent_offset_ >= cur->parent_limit_) {
// This blank case is used to capture the scenario where current does not see the target
// offset in the parent, in which case there is no point traversing into the children.
} else if (cur->is_hidden_locked()) {
// A hidden VMO *may* have the page, but not necessarily if both children forked it out.
const VmPageOrMarker* l = cur->page_list_.Lookup(off - cur->parent_offset_);
if (!l || l->IsEmpty()) {
// Page not found, we need to recurse down into our children.
off -= cur->parent_offset_;
cur = &cur->left_child_locked();
} else {
// We already checked in the first 'if' branch that this offset was visible, and so this
// leaf VMO *must* have a page or marker to prevent it 'seeing' the already forked original.
const VmPageOrMarker* l = cur->page_list_.Lookup(off - cur->parent_offset_);
if (!l || l->IsEmpty()) {
printf("Failed to find fork of page %p (off %p) from %p in leaf node %p (off %p)\n", p,
(void*)offset, this, cur, (void*)(off - cur->parent_offset_));
cur->DumpLocked(1, true);
this->DumpLocked(1, true);
valid = false;
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
// Find our next node by walking up until we see we have come from a left path, then go right.
do {
VmCowPages* next = cur->parent_.get();
off += next->parent_offset_;
if (next == this) {
cur = next;
// If we came from the left, go back down on the right, otherwise just keep going up.
if (cur == &next->left_child_locked()) {
off -= next->parent_offset_;
cur = &next->right_child_locked();
cur = next;
} while (1);
// The inverse case must also exist where the side that hasn't forked it must still be able to
// see it. It can either be seen by a leaf vmo that does not have a page, or a hidden vmo that
// has partial_cow_release_ set.
// No leaf VMO in expected should be able to 'see' this page and potentially re-fork it. To
// validate this we need to walk the entire sub tree.
if (p->object.cow_left_split) {
cur = &right_child_locked();
} else if (p->object.cow_right_split) {
cur = &left_child_locked();
} else {
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
off = offset;
// Initially we haven't seen the page, unless this VMO itself has done a partial cow release, in
// which case we ourselves can see it. Logic is structured this way to avoid indenting this
// whole code block in an if, whilst preserving the ability to add future checks below.
bool seen = partial_cow_release_;
// We start with cur being an immediate child of 'this', so we can preform subtree traversal
// until we end up back in 'this'.
while (cur != this && !seen) {
// Check that we can see this page in the parent. Importantly this first checks if
// |off < cur->parent_offset_| allowing us to safely perform that subtraction from then on.
if (off < cur->parent_offset_ || off - cur->parent_offset_ < cur->parent_start_limit_ ||
off - cur->parent_offset_ >= cur->parent_limit_) {
// This blank case is used to capture the scenario where current does not see the target
// offset in the parent, in which case there is no point traversing into the children.
} else if (cur->is_hidden_locked()) {
// A hidden VMO can see the page if it performed a partial cow release.
if (cur->partial_cow_release_) {
seen = true;
// Otherwise recurse into the children.
off -= cur->parent_offset_;
cur = &cur->left_child_locked();
} else {
// We already checked in the first 'if' branch that this offset was visible, and so if this
// leaf has no committed page then it is able to see it.
const VmPageOrMarker* l = cur->page_list_.Lookup(off - cur->parent_offset_);
if (!l || l->IsEmpty()) {
seen = true;
// Find our next node by walking up until we see we have come from a left path, then go right.
do {
VmCowPages* next = cur->parent_.get();
off += next->parent_offset_;
if (next == this) {
cur = next;
// If we came from the left, go back down on the right, otherwise just keep going up.
if (cur == &next->left_child_locked()) {
off -= next->parent_offset_;
cur = &next->right_child_locked();
cur = next;
} while (1);
if (!seen) {
"Failed to find any child who could fork the remaining split page %p (off %p) in node "
p, (void*)offset, this);
this->DumpLocked(1, true);
left_child_locked().DumpLocked(1, true);
right_child_locked().DumpLocked(1, true);
valid = false;
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
return valid;
bool VmCowPages::DebugValidateBacklinksLocked() const {
if (!has_pager_backlinks_locked()) {
// If not directly user pager backed, we don't need valid backlinks (for now).
return true;
bool result = true;
page_list_.ForEveryPage([this, &result](const auto* p, uint64_t offset) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(p->IsPage() || p->IsMarker());
if (!p->IsPage()) {
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
vm_page_t* page = p->Page();
vm_page_state state = page->state();
if (state != vm_page_state::OBJECT) {
dprintf(INFO, "unexpected page state: %u\n", static_cast<uint32_t>(state));
result = false;
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
const VmCowPages* object = reinterpret_cast<VmCowPages*>(page->object.get_object());
if (!object) {
dprintf(INFO, "missing object\n");
result = false;
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
if (object != this) {
dprintf(INFO, "incorrect object - object: %p this: %p\n", object, this);
result = false;
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
uint64_t page_offset = page->object.get_page_offset();
if (page_offset != offset) {
dprintf(INFO, "incorrect offset - page_offset: %" PRIx64 " offset: %" PRIx64 "\n",
page_offset, offset);
result = false;
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
return result;
bool VmCowPages::DebugValidateVmoPageBorrowingLocked() const {
// Skip checking larger VMOs to avoid slowing things down too much, since the things being
// verified will typically assert from incorrect behavior on smaller VMOs (and we can always
// remove this filter if we suspect otherwise).
if (size_ >= 2 * 1024 * 1024) {
return true;
bool result = true;
page_list_.ForEveryPage([this, &result](const auto* p, uint64_t offset) {
if (!p->IsPage()) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(!direct_source_supplies_zero_pages_locked() || !p->IsMarker());
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
vm_page_t* page = p->Page();
if (pmm_is_loaned(page)) {
if (!can_borrow_locked()) {
dprintf(INFO, "!can_borrow_locked() but page is loaned?? - offset: 0x%" PRIx64 "\n",
result = false;
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
if (page->object.pin_count) {
dprintf(INFO, "pinned page is loaned?? - offset: 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", offset);
result = false;
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
if (page->object.always_need) {
dprintf(INFO, "always_need page is loaned?? - offset: 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", offset);
result = false;
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
if (is_page_dirty_tracked(page) && !is_page_clean(page)) {
dprintf(INFO, "!clean page is loaned?? - offset: 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", offset);
result = false;
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
if (!result) {
dprintf(INFO, "DebugValidateVmoPageBorrowingLocked() failing - slice: %d\n", is_slice_locked());
return result;
bool VmCowPages::IsLockRangeValidLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len) const {
return offset == 0 && len == size_locked();
zx_status_t VmCowPages::LockRangeLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len,
zx_vmo_lock_state_t* lock_state_out) {
if (!IsLockRangeValidLocked(offset, len)) {
if (!lock_state_out) {
lock_state_out->offset = offset;
lock_state_out->size = len;
if (discardable_state_ == DiscardableState::kDiscarded) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(lock_count_ == 0);
lock_state_out->discarded_offset = 0;
lock_state_out->discarded_size = size_locked();
} else {
lock_state_out->discarded_offset = 0;
lock_state_out->discarded_size = 0;
if (lock_count_ == 0) {
// Lock count transition from 0 -> 1. Change state to unreclaimable.
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::TryLockRangeLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len) {
if (!IsLockRangeValidLocked(offset, len)) {
if (discardable_state_ == DiscardableState::kDiscarded) {
if (lock_count_ == 0) {
// Lock count transition from 0 -> 1. Change state to unreclaimable.
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t VmCowPages::UnlockRangeLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len) {
if (!IsLockRangeValidLocked(offset, len)) {
if (lock_count_ == 0) {
if (lock_count_ == 1) {
// Lock count transition from 1 -> 0. Change state to reclaimable.
return ZX_OK;
void VmCowPages::UpdateDiscardableStateLocked(DiscardableState state) {
Guard<Mutex> guard{DiscardableVmosLock::Get()};
DEBUG_ASSERT(state != DiscardableState::kUnset);
if (state == discardable_state_) {
switch (state) {
case DiscardableState::kReclaimable:
// The only valid transition into reclaimable is from unreclaimable (lock count 1 -> 0).
DEBUG_ASSERT(discardable_state_ == DiscardableState::kUnreclaimable);
DEBUG_ASSERT(lock_count_ == 1);
// Update the last unlock timestamp.
last_unlock_timestamp_ = current_time();
// Move to reclaim candidates list.
case DiscardableState::kUnreclaimable:
// The vmo could be reclaimable OR discarded OR not on any list yet. In any case, the lock
// count should be 0.
DEBUG_ASSERT(lock_count_ == 0);
DEBUG_ASSERT(discardable_state_ != DiscardableState::kUnreclaimable);
if (discardable_state_ == DiscardableState::kDiscarded) {
// Should already be on the non reclaim candidates list.
DEBUG_ASSERT(discardable_non_reclaim_candidates_.find_if([this](auto& cow) -> bool {
return &cow == this;
}) != discardable_non_reclaim_candidates_.end());
} else {
// Move to non reclaim candidates list.
MoveToNonReclaimCandidatesListLocked(discardable_state_ == DiscardableState::kUnset);
case DiscardableState::kDiscarded:
// The only valid transition into discarded is from reclaimable (lock count is 0).
DEBUG_ASSERT(discardable_state_ == DiscardableState::kReclaimable);
DEBUG_ASSERT(lock_count_ == 0);
// Move from reclaim candidates to non reclaim candidates list.
// Update the state.
discardable_state_ = state;
void VmCowPages::RemoveFromDiscardableListLocked() {
Guard<Mutex> guard{DiscardableVmosLock::Get()};
if (discardable_state_ == DiscardableState::kUnset) {
Cursor::AdvanceCursors(discardable_vmos_cursors_, this);
if (discardable_state_ == DiscardableState::kReclaimable) {
} else {
discardable_state_ = DiscardableState::kUnset;
void VmCowPages::MoveToReclaimCandidatesListLocked() {
Cursor::AdvanceCursors(discardable_vmos_cursors_, this);
void VmCowPages::MoveToNonReclaimCandidatesListLocked(bool new_candidate) {
if (new_candidate) {
} else {
Cursor::AdvanceCursors(discardable_vmos_cursors_, this);
bool VmCowPages::DebugIsInDiscardableListLocked(bool reclaim_candidate) const {
Guard<Mutex> guard{DiscardableVmosLock::Get()};
// Not on any list yet. Nothing else to verify.
if (discardable_state_ == DiscardableState::kUnset) {
return false;
auto iter_c =
discardable_reclaim_candidates_.find_if([this](auto& cow) -> bool { return &cow == this; });
auto iter_nc = discardable_non_reclaim_candidates_.find_if(
[this](auto& cow) -> bool { return &cow == this; });
if (reclaim_candidate) {
// Verify that the vmo is in the |discardable_reclaim_candidates_| list and NOT in the
// |discardable_non_reclaim_candidates_| list.
if (iter_c != discardable_reclaim_candidates_.end() &&
iter_nc == discardable_non_reclaim_candidates_.end()) {
return true;
} else {
// Verify that the vmo is in the |discardable_non_reclaim_candidates_| list and NOT in the
// |discardable_reclaim_candidates_| list.
if (iter_nc != discardable_non_reclaim_candidates_.end() &&
iter_c == discardable_reclaim_candidates_.end()) {
return true;
return false;
uint64_t VmCowPages::DebugGetPageCountLocked() const {
uint64_t page_count = 0;
zx_status_t status = page_list_.ForEveryPage([&page_count](auto* p, uint64_t offset) {
if (!p->IsPage()) {
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
// We never stop early in lambda above.
DEBUG_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
return page_count;
bool VmCowPages::DebugIsReclaimable() const {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&lock_};
if (discardable_state_ != DiscardableState::kReclaimable) {
return false;
return DebugIsInDiscardableListLocked(/*reclaim_candidate=*/true);
bool VmCowPages::DebugIsUnreclaimable() const {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&lock_};
if (discardable_state_ != DiscardableState::kUnreclaimable) {
return false;
return DebugIsInDiscardableListLocked(/*reclaim_candidate=*/false);
bool VmCowPages::DebugIsDiscarded() const {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&lock_};
if (discardable_state_ != DiscardableState::kDiscarded) {
return false;
return DebugIsInDiscardableListLocked(/*reclaim_candidate=*/false);
bool VmCowPages::DebugIsPage(uint64_t offset) const {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&lock_};
const VmPageOrMarker* p = page_list_.Lookup(offset);
return p && p->IsPage();
bool VmCowPages::DebugIsMarker(uint64_t offset) const {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&lock_};
const VmPageOrMarker* p = page_list_.Lookup(offset);
return p && p->IsMarker();
bool VmCowPages::DebugIsEmpty(uint64_t offset) const {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&lock_};
const VmPageOrMarker* p = page_list_.Lookup(offset);
return !p || p->IsEmpty();
vm_page_t* VmCowPages::DebugGetPage(uint64_t offset) const {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&lock_};
return DebugGetPageLocked(offset);
vm_page_t* VmCowPages::DebugGetPageLocked(uint64_t offset) const {
const VmPageOrMarker* p = page_list_.Lookup(offset);
if (p && p->IsPage()) {
return p->Page();
return nullptr;
uint64_t VmCowPages::DebugGetSupplyZeroOffset() const {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&lock_};
return supply_zero_offset_;
VmCowPages::DiscardablePageCounts VmCowPages::GetDiscardablePageCounts() const {
DiscardablePageCounts counts = {};
Guard<Mutex> guard{&lock_};
if (discardable_state_ == DiscardableState::kUnset) {
return counts;
uint64_t pages = 0;
page_list_.ForEveryPage([&pages](const auto* p, uint64_t) {
if (p->IsPage()) {
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
switch (discardable_state_) {
case DiscardableState::kReclaimable:
counts.unlocked = pages;
case DiscardableState::kUnreclaimable:
counts.locked = pages;
case DiscardableState::kDiscarded:
DEBUG_ASSERT(pages == 0);
return counts;
VmCowPages::DiscardablePageCounts VmCowPages::DebugDiscardablePageCounts() {
DiscardablePageCounts total_counts = {};
Guard<Mutex> guard{DiscardableVmosLock::Get()};
// The union of the two lists should give us a list of all discardable vmos.
DiscardableList* lists_to_process[] = {&discardable_reclaim_candidates_,
for (auto list : lists_to_process) {
Cursor cursor(DiscardableVmosLock::Get(), *list, discardable_vmos_cursors_);
VmCowPages* cow;
while ((cow = cursor.Next())) {
fbl::RefPtr<VmCowPages> cow_ref = fbl::MakeRefPtrUpgradeFromRaw(cow, guard);
if (cow_ref) {
// Get page counts for each vmo outside of the |DiscardableVmosLock|, since
// GetDiscardablePageCounts() will acquire the VmCowPages lock. Holding the
// |DiscardableVmosLock| while acquiring the VmCowPages lock will violate lock ordering
// constraints between the two.
// Since we upgraded the raw pointer to a RefPtr under the |DiscardableVmosLock|, we know
// that the object is valid. We will call Next() on our cursor after re-acquiring the
// |DiscardableVmosLock| to safely iterate to the next element on the list.
guard.CallUnlocked([&total_counts, cow_ref = ktl::move(cow_ref)]() mutable {
DiscardablePageCounts counts = cow_ref->GetDiscardablePageCounts();
total_counts.locked += counts.locked;
total_counts.unlocked += counts.unlocked;
// Explicitly reset the RefPtr to force any destructor to run right now and not in the
// cleanup of the lambda, which might happen after the |DiscardableVmosLock| has been
// re-acquired.
return total_counts;
uint64_t VmCowPages::DiscardPages(zx_duration_t min_duration_since_reclaimable,
list_node_t* freed_list) {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&lock_};
// Either this vmo is not discardable, or we've raced with a lock operation. Bail without doing
// anything. If this was a discardable vmo, the lock operation will have already moved it to the
// unreclaimable list.
if (discardable_state_ != DiscardableState::kReclaimable) {
return 0;
// If the vmo was unlocked less than |min_duration_since_reclaimable| in the past, do not discard
// from it yet.
if (zx_time_sub_time(current_time(), last_unlock_timestamp_) < min_duration_since_reclaimable) {
return 0;
// We've verified that the state is |kReclaimable|, so the lock count should be zero.
DEBUG_ASSERT(lock_count_ == 0);
uint64_t pages_freed = 0;
// Remove all pages.
zx_status_t status = UnmapAndRemovePagesLocked(0, size_, freed_list, &pages_freed);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
printf("Failed to remove pages from discardable vmo %p: %d\n", this, status);
return pages_freed;
// Update state to discarded.
return pages_freed;
uint64_t VmCowPages::ReclaimPagesFromDiscardableVmos(uint64_t target_pages,
zx_duration_t min_duration_since_reclaimable,
list_node_t* freed_list) {
uint64_t total_pages_discarded = 0;
Guard<Mutex> guard{DiscardableVmosLock::Get()};
Cursor cursor(DiscardableVmosLock::Get(), discardable_reclaim_candidates_,
while (total_pages_discarded < target_pages) {
VmCowPages* cow = cursor.Next();
// No vmos to reclaim pages from.
if (cow == nullptr) {
fbl::RefPtr<VmCowPages> cow_ref = fbl::MakeRefPtrUpgradeFromRaw(cow, guard);
if (cow_ref) {
// We obtained the RefPtr above under the |DiscardableVmosLock|, so we know the object is
// valid. We could not have raced with destruction, since the object is removed from the
// discardable list on the destruction path, which requires the |DiscardableVmosLock|.
// DiscardPages() will acquire the VmCowPages |lock_|, so it needs to be called outside of
// the |DiscardableVmosLock|. This preserves lock ordering constraints between the two locks
// - |DiscardableVmosLock| can be acquired while holding the VmCowPages |lock_|, but not the
// other way around.
guard.CallUnlocked([&total_pages_discarded, min_duration_since_reclaimable, &freed_list,
cow_ref = ktl::move(cow_ref)]() mutable {
total_pages_discarded += cow_ref->DiscardPages(min_duration_since_reclaimable, freed_list);
// Explicitly reset the RefPtr to force any destructor to run right now and not in the
// cleanup of the lambda, which might happen after the |DiscardableVmosLock| has been
// re-acquired.
return total_pages_discarded;
void VmCowPages::CopyPageForReplacementLocked(vm_page_t* dst_page, vm_page_t* src_page) {
void* src = paddr_to_physmap(src_page->paddr());
void* dst = paddr_to_physmap(dst_page->paddr());
memcpy(dst, src, PAGE_SIZE);
if (paged_ref_) {
if (paged_ref_->GetMappingCachePolicyLocked() != ARCH_MMU_FLAG_CACHED) {
arch_clean_invalidate_cache_range((vaddr_t)dst, PAGE_SIZE);
dst_page->object.cow_left_split = src_page->object.cow_left_split;
dst_page->object.cow_right_split = src_page->object.cow_right_split;
dst_page->object.always_need = src_page->object.always_need;
DEBUG_ASSERT(!dst_page->object.always_need ||
(!pmm_is_loaned(dst_page) && !pmm_is_loaned(src_page)));
dst_page->object.dirty_state = src_page->object.dirty_state;
VmCowPagesContainer* VmCowPages::raw_container() {
return container_.get();
// This takes all the constructor parameters including the VmCowPagesContainer, which avoids any
// possiblity of allocation failure.
template <class... Args>
fbl::RefPtr<VmCowPages> VmCowPages::NewVmCowPages(
ktl::unique_ptr<VmCowPagesContainer> cow_container, Args&&... args) {
VmCowPagesContainer* raw_cow_container = cow_container.get();
cow_container->EmplaceCow(ktl::move(cow_container), ktl::forward<Args>(args)...);
auto cow = fbl::AdoptRef<VmCowPages>(&raw_cow_container->cow());
return cow;
// This takes all the constructor parameters except for the VmCowPagesContainer which is allocated.
// The AllocChecker will reflect whether allocation was successful.
template <class... Args>
fbl::RefPtr<VmCowPages> VmCowPages::NewVmCowPages(fbl::AllocChecker* ac, Args&&... args) {
auto cow_container = ktl::make_unique<VmCowPagesContainer>(ac);
// Don't check via the AllocChecker so that the caller is still forced to check via the
// AllocChecker.
if (!cow_container) {
return nullptr;
return NewVmCowPages(ktl::move(cow_container), ktl::forward<Args>(args)...);
VmCowPagesContainer::~VmCowPagesContainer() {
if (is_cow_present_) {
is_cow_present_ = false;
bool VmCowPagesContainer::RemovePageForEviction(vm_page_t* page, uint64_t offset,
VmCowPages::EvictionHintAction hint_action) {
// While the caller must have a ref on VmCowPagesContainer, the caller doesn't need to have a ref
// on VmCowPages, for RemovePageForEviction() in particular.
DEBUG_ASSERT(ref_count_debug() >= 1);
return cow().RemovePageForEviction(page, offset, hint_action);
zx_status_t VmCowPagesContainer::ReplacePage(vm_page_t* page, uint64_t offset, bool with_loaned) {
// While the caller must have a ref on VmCowPagesContainer, the caller doesn't need to have a ref
// on VmCowPages, for ReplacePage() in particular.
DEBUG_ASSERT(ref_count_debug() >= 1);
return cow().ReplacePage(page, offset, with_loaned);
template <class... Args>
void VmCowPagesContainer::EmplaceCow(Args&&... args) {
new (reinterpret_cast<VmCowPages*>(&cow_space_)) VmCowPages(ktl::forward<Args>(args)...);
is_cow_present_ = true;
VmCowPages& VmCowPagesContainer::cow() {
return *reinterpret_cast<VmCowPages*>(&cow_space_);