blob: 3eaccf10278397f4f66daca69fc3d60516b626c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/sys/fuzzing/testing/runner.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
namespace fuzzing {
const char* kPattern = "CRASH";
RunnerPtr SimpleFixedRunner::MakePtr(ExecutorPtr executor) {
return RunnerPtr(new SimpleFixedRunner(std::move(executor)));
SimpleFixedRunner::SimpleFixedRunner(ExecutorPtr executor) : Runner(executor), workflow_(this) {
start_ = zx::time::infinite();
pulse_at_ = zx::time::infinite();
void SimpleFixedRunner::AddDefaults(Options* options) {
if (!options->has_runs()) {
if (!options->has_seed()) {
if (!options->has_max_input_size()) {
zx_status_t SimpleFixedRunner::AddToCorpus(CorpusType corpus_type, Input input) {
auto* corpus = corpus_type == CorpusType::SEED ? &seed_corpus_ : &live_corpus_;
return ZX_OK;
Input SimpleFixedRunner::ReadFromCorpus(CorpusType corpus_type, size_t offset) {
auto* corpus = corpus_type == CorpusType::SEED ? &seed_corpus_ : &live_corpus_;
return offset < corpus->size() ? (*corpus)[offset].Duplicate() : Input();
zx_status_t SimpleFixedRunner::ParseDictionary(const Input& input) {
dictionary_ = input.Duplicate();
return ZX_OK;
Input SimpleFixedRunner::GetDictionaryAsInput() const { return dictionary_.Duplicate(); }
ZxPromise<> SimpleFixedRunner::Configure(const OptionsPtr& options) {
return fpromise::make_promise([this, options]() -> ZxResult<> {
options_ = options;
return fpromise::ok();
ZxPromise<FuzzResult> SimpleFixedRunner::Execute(Input input) {
return fpromise::make_promise([this, input = std::move(input)]() mutable -> ZxResult<FuzzResult> {
auto artifact = TestOne(std::move(input));
return fpromise::ok(artifact.fuzz_result());
ZxPromise<Input> SimpleFixedRunner::Minimize(Input input) {
return fpromise::make_promise([this, input = std::move(input)]() mutable -> ZxResult<Input> {
run_ = 1;
start_ = zx::clock::get_monotonic();
pulse_at_ = zx::deadline_after(zx::sec(1));
Input minimized = input.Duplicate();
auto* data =;
auto size = minimized.size();
auto max_runs = options_->runs();
// Minimize: just try to remove bytes and see if it still crashes.
for (; max_runs == 0 || run_ < max_runs; ++run_) {
bool found = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
Input next;
// Try to shrink the input by one byte.
next.Reserve(size - 1);
if (i > 0) {
next.Write(data, i);
if (i < size - 1) {
next.Write(&data[i + 1], size - (i + 1));
auto artifact = TestOne(std::move(next));
if (artifact.fuzz_result() != FuzzResult::NO_ERRORS) {
minimized = artifact.take_input();
data =;
size = minimized.size();
found = true;
if (pulse_at_ < zx::clock::get_monotonic()) {
pulse_at_ = zx::deadline_after(zx::sec(1));
if (!found) {
run_ = 0;
return fpromise::ok(std::move(minimized));
ZxPromise<Input> SimpleFixedRunner::Cleanse(Input input) {
return fpromise::make_promise([this, input = std::move(input)]() mutable -> ZxResult<Input> {
Input cleansed = input.Duplicate();
auto* data =;
auto size = cleansed.size();
// Cleanse: Just try to replace each byte with a space.
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
uint8_t original = data[i];
data[i] = 0x20;
auto artifact = TestOne(std::move(cleansed));
cleansed = artifact.take_input();
if (artifact.fuzz_result() == FuzzResult::NO_ERRORS) {
data[i] = original;
return fpromise::ok(std::move(cleansed));
ZxPromise<Artifact> SimpleFixedRunner::Fuzz() {
return fpromise::make_promise([this]() -> ZxResult<Artifact> {
run_ = 1;
matched_ = 0;
start_ = zx::clock::get_monotonic();
pulse_at_ = zx::deadline_after(zx::sec(1));
auto max_runs = options_->runs();
auto max_input_size = options_->max_input_size();
auto num_seed_inputs = seed_corpus_.size();
Artifact artifact;
// Accumulate seed corpus coverage.
for (size_t offset = 0; offset < num_seed_inputs; ++offset) {
auto input = ReadFromCorpus(CorpusType::SEED, offset);
artifact = TestOne(std::move(input));
if (artifact.fuzz_result() != FuzzResult::NO_ERRORS) {
// Set |run_| to fall through the subsequent loop.
run_ = max_runs;
input = artifact.take_input();
Measure(input, /* accumulate */ true);
// Generate fuzzing inputs and test them.
for (; max_runs == 0 || run_ < max_runs; ++run_) {
Input original;
// Avoid double-counting the empty input that appears in each corpus.
auto num_inputs = num_seed_inputs + live_corpus_.size() - 1;
auto offset = prng_() % num_inputs;
if (offset < num_seed_inputs) {
original = ReadFromCorpus(CorpusType::SEED, offset);
} else {
original = ReadFromCorpus(CorpusType::LIVE, (offset + 1) - num_seed_inputs);
auto* data =;
auto size = original.size();
// Mutate: each time either insert or replace one byte with an uppercase letter.
bool insert = (size == 0) || (size < max_input_size && (prng_() % 2) == 0);
Input next;
size_t i = prng_() % (insert ? size + 1 : size);
if (i != 0) {
next.Write(data, i);
next.Write(static_cast<uint8_t>('A' + (prng_() % 26)));
if (i < size) {
if (insert) {
next.Write(&data[i], size - i);
} else {
next.Write(&data[i + 1], size - (i + 1));
artifact = TestOne(std::move(next));
if (artifact.fuzz_result() != FuzzResult::NO_ERRORS) {
next = artifact.take_input();
if (Measure(next, /* accumulate */ true)) {
AddToCorpus(CorpusType::LIVE, std::move(next));
pulse_at_ = zx::deadline_after(zx::sec(1));
} else if (pulse_at_ < zx::clock::get_monotonic()) {
pulse_at_ = zx::deadline_after(zx::sec(1));
run_ = 0;
return fpromise::ok(std::move(artifact));
ZxPromise<> SimpleFixedRunner::Merge() {
return fpromise::make_promise([this]() -> ZxResult<> {
matched_ = 0;
for (const auto& input : seed_corpus_) {
Measure(input, /* accumulate */ true);
for (auto& input : live_corpus_) {
input.set_num_features(Measure(input, /* accumulate */ false));
std::sort(live_corpus_.begin(), live_corpus_.end());
std::vector<Input> kept(1); // Include the empty input.
for (const auto& input : live_corpus_) {
if (Measure(input, /* accumulate */ true)) {
live_corpus_ = std::move(kept);
return fpromise::ok();
ZxPromise<> SimpleFixedRunner::Stop() { return workflow_.Stop(); }
Status SimpleFixedRunner::CollectStatus() {
status_.set_running(run_ != 0);
if (run_ != 0) {
auto elapsed = zx::clock::get_monotonic() - start_;
size_t total_size = 0;
size_t max_features = 0;
for (auto& input : seed_corpus_) {
total_size += input.size();
max_features = std::max(max_features, input.num_features());
for (auto& input : live_corpus_) {
total_size += input.size();
max_features = std::max(max_features, input.num_features());
// Only count the empty input once.
status_.set_corpus_num_inputs(seed_corpus_.size() + live_corpus_.size() - 1);
return CopyStatus(status_);
Artifact SimpleFixedRunner::TestOne(Input input) {
auto* data =;
auto size = input.size();
auto pat_size = strlen(kPattern);
auto num_candidates = size >= pat_size ? (size - pat_size + 1) : 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_candidates; ++i) {
// Crash if the pattern is found in the data.
if (memcmp(&data[i], kPattern, pat_size) == 0) {
return Artifact(FuzzResult::CRASH, std::move(input));
return Artifact(FuzzResult::NO_ERRORS, std::move(input));
size_t SimpleFixedRunner::Measure(const Input& input, bool accumulate) {
const auto* data = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(;
auto size = input.size();
size_t matched = 0;
// Just measure the number of consecutive correct characters.
for (size_t i = 0; i < size && matched < strlen(kPattern); ++i) {
if (data[i] == kPattern[matched]) {
} else if (matched) {
if (matched < matched_) {
return 0;
auto new_features = matched - matched_;
if (accumulate) {
matched_ = matched;
return new_features;
} // namespace fuzzing