blob: f0072c6ff45421e632768f42ca5ded5ce3276f33 [file] [log] [blame]
// List of all directory capabilities that are exempt from the verify
// routes checker. Only add to this list if you cannot remove the
// unused route.
// Format:
// {
// capability_type: "directory",
// results: {
// errors: [ other lists below... ]
// }
// },
capability_type: "directory",
results: {
errors: [
using_node: "/bootstrap",
capability: "build-info",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
policy_error: {
capability_use_disallowed: {
cap: "build-info",
source_moniker: {
component_instance: {
path: [
name: "bootstrap",
collection: null,
rep: "bootstrap",
name: "fshost",
collection: null,
rep: "fshost",
target_moniker: {
path: [
name: "bootstrap",
collection: null,
rep: "bootstrap",
message: "security policy disallows \"build-info\" from \"/bootstrap/fshost\" being used at \"/bootstrap\"",
using_node: "/bootstrap",
capability: "deprecated-misc-storage",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
policy_error: {
capability_use_disallowed: {
cap: "deprecated-misc-storage",
source_moniker: {
component_instance: {
path: [
name: "bootstrap",
collection: null,
rep: "bootstrap",
name: "fshost",
collection: null,
rep: "fshost",
target_moniker: {
path: [
name: "bootstrap",
collection: null,
rep: "bootstrap",
message: "security policy disallows \"deprecated-misc-storage\" from \"/bootstrap/fshost\" being used at \"/bootstrap\"",
using_node: "/bootstrap/fshost",
capability: "build-info",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
policy_error: {
capability_use_disallowed: {
cap: "build-info",
source_moniker: {
component_instance: {
path: [
name: "bootstrap",
collection: null,
rep: "bootstrap",
name: "fshost",
collection: null,
rep: "fshost",
target_moniker: {
path: [
name: "bootstrap",
collection: null,
rep: "bootstrap",
name: "fshost",
collection: null,
rep: "fshost",
message: "security policy disallows \"build-info\" from \"/bootstrap/fshost\" being used at \"/bootstrap/fshost\"",
// List of all event capabilities that are exempt from the verify
// routes checker. Only add to this list if you cannot remove the
// unused route.
// This list is currently empty.
// List of all protocol capabilities that are exempt from the verify
// routes checker. Only add to this list if you cannot remove the
// unused route.
capability_type: "protocol",
results: {
errors: [
// TODO( remove.
using_node: "/core/full-resolver",
capability: "fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
use_from_parent_not_found: {
moniker: {
path: [
name: "core",
collection: null,
rep: "core",
name: "full-resolver",
collection: null,
rep: "full-resolver",
capability_id: "fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver",
message: "A `use from parent` declaration was found at `/core/full-resolver` for `fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver`, but no matching `offer` declaration was found in the parent",
// TODO( remove.
using_node: "/core/full-resolver",
capability: "fuchsia.sys2.ComponentResolver",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
use_from_parent_not_found: {
moniker: {
path: [
name: "core",
collection: null,
rep: "core",
name: "full-resolver",
collection: null,
rep: "full-resolver",
capability_id: "fuchsia.sys2.ComponentResolver",
message: "A `use from parent` declaration was found at `/core/full-resolver` for `fuchsia.sys2.ComponentResolver`, but no matching `offer` declaration was found in the parent",
// TODO( remove.
using_node: "/core/full-resolver",
capability: "fuchsia.logger.LogSink",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
use_from_parent_not_found: {
moniker: {
path: [
name: "core",
collection: null,
rep: "core",
name: "full-resolver",
collection: null,
rep: "full-resolver",
capability_id: "fuchsia.logger.LogSink",
message: "A `use from parent` declaration was found at `/core/full-resolver` for `fuchsia.logger.LogSink`, but no matching `offer` declaration was found in the parent",
using_node: "/bootstrap/console-launcher",
capability: "fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
policy_error: {
capability_use_disallowed: {
cap: "fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver",
source_moniker: {
component_instance: {
path: [
name: "core",
collection: null,
rep: "core",
name: "pkg-resolver",
collection: null,
rep: "pkg-resolver",
target_moniker: {
path: [
name: "bootstrap",
collection: null,
rep: "bootstrap",
name: "console-launcher",
collection: null,
rep: "console-launcher",
message: "security policy disallows \"fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver\" from \"/core/pkg-resolver\" being used at \"/bootstrap/console-launcher\"",
using_node: "/bootstrap/driver_manager",
capability: "fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
policy_error: {
capability_use_disallowed: {
cap: "fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver",
source_moniker: {
component_instance: {
path: [
name: "core",
collection: null,
rep: "core",
name: "pkg-resolver",
collection: null,
rep: "pkg-resolver",
target_moniker: {
path: [
name: "bootstrap",
collection: null,
rep: "bootstrap",
name: "driver_manager",
collection: null,
rep: "driver_manager",
message: "security policy disallows \"fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver\" from \"/core/pkg-resolver\" being used at \"/bootstrap/driver_manager\"",
using_node: "/bootstrap/netsvc",
capability: "fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
policy_error: {
capability_use_disallowed: {
cap: "fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver",
source_moniker: {
component_instance: {
path: [
name: "core",
collection: null,
rep: "core",
name: "pkg-resolver",
collection: null,
rep: "pkg-resolver",
target_moniker: {
path: [
name: "bootstrap",
collection: null,
rep: "bootstrap",
name: "netsvc",
collection: null,
rep: "netsvc",
message: "security policy disallows \"fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver\" from \"/core/pkg-resolver\" being used at \"/bootstrap/netsvc\"",
capability: "fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
policy_error: {
capability_use_disallowed: {
cap: "fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver",
source_moniker: {
component_instance: {
path: [
collection: null,
name: "core",
rep: "core",
collection: null,
name: "pkg-resolver",
rep: "pkg-resolver",
target_moniker: {
path: [
collection: null,
name: "core",
rep: "core",
message: "security policy disallows \"fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver\" from \"/core/pkg-resolver\" being used at \"/core\"",
using_node: "/core",
capability: "fuchsia.amber.Control",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
expose_from_child_expose_not_found: {
capability_id: "fuchsia.amber.Control",
child_moniker: {
collection: null,
name: "appmgr",
rep: "appmgr",
moniker: {
path: [
collection: null,
name: "core",
rep: "core",
message: "An `expose from #appmgr` declaration was found at `/core` for `fuchsia.amber.Control`, but no matching `expose` declaration was found in the child",
using_node: "/core",
using_node: "/core/battery_manager",
capability: "fuchsia.hardware.power.Source",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
use_from_parent_not_found: {
moniker: {
path: [
name: "core",
collection: null,
rep: "core",
name: "battery_manager",
collection: null,
rep: "battery_manager",
capability_id: "fuchsia.hardware.power.Source",
message: "A `use from parent` declaration was found at `/core/battery_manager` for `fuchsia.hardware.power.Source`, but no matching `offer` declaration was found in the parent",
capability: "fuchsia.kernel.RootJobForInspect",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
policy_error: {
capability_use_disallowed: {
cap: "fuchsia.kernel.RootJobForInspect",
source_moniker: "component_manager",
target_moniker: {
path: [
collection: null,
name: "core",
rep: "core",
collection: null,
name: "mem",
rep: "mem",
message: "security policy disallows \"fuchsia.kernel.RootJobForInspect\" from \"<component_manager>\" being used at \"/core/mem\"",
using_node: "/core/mem",
using_node: "/core/system-metrics-logger",
capability: "fuchsia.device.Controller",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
use_from_parent_not_found: {
moniker: {
path: [
name: "core",
collection: null,
rep: "core",
name: "system-metrics-logger",
collection: null,
rep: "system-metrics-logger",
capability_id: "fuchsia.device.Controller",
message: "A `use from parent` declaration was found at `/core/system-metrics-logger` for `fuchsia.device.Controller`, but no matching `offer` declaration was found in the parent",
capability: "fuchsia.pkg.LocalMirror",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
use_from_parent_not_found: {
capability_id: "fuchsia.pkg.LocalMirror",
moniker: {
path: [
collection: null,
name: "core",
rep: "core",
collection: null,
name: "pkg-resolver",
rep: "pkg-resolver",
message: "A `use from parent` declaration was found at `/core/pkg-resolver` for `fuchsia.pkg.LocalMirror`, but no matching `offer` declaration was found in the parent",
using_node: "/core/pkg-resolver",
capability: "fuchsia.pkg.PackageCache",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
policy_error: {
capability_use_disallowed: {
cap: "fuchsia.pkg.PackageCache",
source_moniker: {
component_instance: {
path: [
collection: null,
name: "core",
rep: "core",
collection: null,
name: "pkg-cache",
rep: "pkg-cache",
target_moniker: {
path: [
collection: null,
name: "core",
rep: "core",
collection: null,
name: "pkg-cache",
rep: "pkg-cache",
message: "security policy disallows \"fuchsia.pkg.PackageCache\" from \"/core/pkg-cache\" being used at \"/core/pkg-cache\"",
using_node: "/core/pkg-cache",
capability: "fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
policy_error: {
capability_use_disallowed: {
cap: "fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver",
source_moniker: {
component_instance: {
path: [
collection: null,
name: "core",
rep: "core",
collection: null,
name: "pkg-resolver",
rep: "pkg-resolver",
target_moniker: {
path: [
collection: null,
name: "core",
rep: "core",
collection: null,
name: "pkg-resolver",
rep: "pkg-resolver",
message: "security policy disallows \"fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver\" from \"/core/pkg-resolver\" being used at \"/core/pkg-resolver\"",
using_node: "/core/pkg-resolver",
capability: "fuchsia.pkg.RetainedPackages",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
policy_error: {
capability_use_disallowed: {
cap: "fuchsia.pkg.RetainedPackages",
source_moniker: {
component_instance: {
path: [
collection: null,
name: "core",
rep: "core",
collection: null,
name: "pkg-cache",
rep: "pkg-cache",
target_moniker: {
path: [
collection: null,
name: "core",
rep: "core",
collection: null,
name: "pkg-cache",
rep: "pkg-cache",
message: "security policy disallows \"fuchsia.pkg.RetainedPackages\" from \"/core/pkg-cache\" being used at \"/core/pkg-cache\"",
using_node: "/core/pkg-cache",
using_node: "/core/temperature-logger",
capability: "fuchsia.device.Controller",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
offer_from_parent_not_found: {
moniker: {
path: [
name: "core",
collection: null,
rep: "core",
capability_id: "fuchsia.device.Controller",
message: "An `offer from parent` declaration was found at `/core` for `fuchsia.device.Controller`, but no matching `offer` declaration was found in the parent",
using_node: "/core/temperature-logger",
capability: "fuchsia.hardware.temperature.Device",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
offer_from_parent_not_found: {
moniker: {
path: [
name: "core",
collection: null,
rep: "core",
capability_id: "fuchsia.hardware.temperature.Device",
message: "An `offer from parent` declaration was found at `/core` for `fuchsia.hardware.temperature.Device`, but no matching `offer` declaration was found in the parent",
using_node: "/core/test_manager/starnix_test_runner/starnix_runner",
capability: "fuchsia.component.runner.ComponentRunner",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
use_from_parent_not_found: {
moniker: {
path: [
name: "core",
collection: null,
rep: "core",
name: "test_manager",
collection: null,
rep: "test_manager",
name: "starnix_test_runner",
collection: null,
rep: "starnix_test_runner",
name: "starnix_runner",
collection: null,
rep: "starnix_runner",
capability_id: "fuchsia.component.runner.ComponentRunner",
message: "A `use from parent` declaration was found at `/core/test_manager/starnix_test_runner/starnix_runner` for `fuchsia.component.runner.ComponentRunner`, but no matching `offer` declaration was found in the parent",
using_node: "/core/test_manager/starnix_test_runner/starnix_runner",
capability: "fuchsia.component.Realm",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
use_from_parent_not_found: {
moniker: {
path: [
name: "core",
collection: null,
rep: "core",
name: "test_manager",
collection: null,
rep: "test_manager",
name: "starnix_test_runner",
collection: null,
rep: "starnix_test_runner",
name: "starnix_runner",
collection: null,
rep: "starnix_runner",
capability_id: "fuchsia.component.Realm",
message: "A `use from parent` declaration was found at `/core/test_manager/starnix_test_runner/starnix_runner` for `fuchsia.component.Realm`, but no matching `offer` declaration was found in the parent",
capability: "fuchsia.kernel.VmexResource",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
policy_error: {
capability_use_disallowed: {
cap: "fuchsia.kernel.VmexResource",
source_moniker: "component_manager",
target_moniker: {
path: [
collection: null,
name: "core",
rep: "core",
collection: null,
name: "test_manager",
rep: "test_manager",
collection: null,
name: "starnix_unit_test_runner",
rep: "starnix_unit_test_runner",
message: "security policy disallows \"fuchsia.kernel.VmexResource\" from \"<component_manager>\" being used at \"/core/test_manager/starnix_unit_test_runner\"",
using_node: "/core/test_manager/starnix_unit_test_runner",
// `BatteryManager` is not present in all products.
using_node: "/core/bt-a2dp",
capability: "fuchsia.power.battery.BatteryManager",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
use_from_parent_not_found: {
moniker: {
path: [
name: "core",
collection: null,
rep: "core",
name: "bt-a2dp",
collection: null,
rep: "bt-a2dp",
capability_id: "fuchsia.power.battery.BatteryManager",
message: "A `use from parent` declaration was found at `/core/bt-a2dp` for `fuchsia.power.battery.BatteryManager`, but no matching `offer` declaration was found in the parent",
// `BatteryManager` is not present in all products.
using_node: "/core/bt-a2dp/bt-avrcp-target",
capability: "fuchsia.power.battery.BatteryManager",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
offer_from_parent_not_found: {
moniker: {
path: [
name: "core",
collection: null,
rep: "core",
name: "bt-a2dp",
collection: null,
rep: "bt-a2dp",
capability_id: "fuchsia.power.battery.BatteryManager",
message: "An `offer from parent` declaration was found at `/core/bt-a2dp` for `fuchsia.power.battery.BatteryManager`, but no matching `offer` declaration was found in the parent",
// `BatteryManager` is not present in all products.
using_node: "/core/bt-hfp-audio-gateway",
capability: "fuchsia.power.battery.BatteryManager",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
use_from_parent_not_found: {
moniker: {
path: [
name: "core",
collection: null,
rep: "core",
name: "bt-hfp-audio-gateway",
collection: null,
rep: "bt-hfp-audio-gateway",
capability_id: "fuchsia.power.battery.BatteryManager",
message: "A `use from parent` declaration was found at `/core/bt-hfp-audio-gateway` for `fuchsia.power.battery.BatteryManager`, but no matching `offer` declaration was found in the parent",
using_node: "/core/vulkan_loader",
capability: "fuchsia.memorypressure.Provider",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
use_from_parent_not_found: {
moniker: {
path: [
name: "core",
collection: null,
rep: "core",
name: "vulkan_loader",
collection: null,
rep: "vulkan_loader",
capability_id: "fuchsia.memorypressure.Provider",
message: "A `use from parent` declaration was found at `/core/vulkan_loader` for `fuchsia.memorypressure.Provider`, but no matching `offer` declaration was found in the parent",
// Emergency location is not present in all products.
using_node: "/core/wlancfg",
capability: "fuchsia.location.sensor.WlanBaseStationWatcher",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
use_from_parent_not_found: {
moniker: {
path: [
name: "core",
collection: null,
rep: "core",
name: "wlancfg",
collection: null,
rep: "wlancfg",
capability_id: "fuchsia.location.sensor.WlanBaseStationWatcher",
message: "A `use from parent` declaration was found at `/core/wlancfg` for `fuchsia.location.sensor.WlanBaseStationWatcher`, but no matching `offer` declaration was found in the parent",
// system-update-configurator is not present in all products.
using_node: "/core/omaha-client-service",
capability: "fuchsia.update.config.OptOut",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
use_from_parent_not_found: {
moniker: {
path: [
name: "core",
collection: null,
rep: "core",
name: "omaha-client-service",
collection: null,
rep: "omaha-client-service",
capability_id: "fuchsia.update.config.OptOut",
message: "A `use from parent` declaration was found at `/core/omaha-client-service` for `fuchsia.update.config.OptOut`, but no matching `offer` declaration was found in the parent",
// List of all resolver capabilities that are exempt from the verify
// routes checker. Only add to this list if you cannot remove the
// unused route.
// This list is currently empty.
// List of all runner capabilities that are exempt from the verify
// routes checker. Only add to this list if you cannot remove the
// unused route.
// This list is currently empty.
// List of all service capabilities that are exempt from the verify
// routes checker. Only add to this list if you cannot remove the
// unused route.
// This list is currently empty.
// List of all storage capabilities that are exempt from the verify
// routes checker. Only add to this list if you cannot remove the
// unused route.
capability_type: "storage",
results: {
errors: [
capability: "data",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
use_from_parent_not_found: {
capability_id: "data",
moniker: {
path: [
collection: null,
name: "core",
rep: "core",
collection: null,
name: "test_manager",
rep: "test_manager",
collection: null,
name: "go_test_runner",
rep: "go_test_runner",
message: "A `use from parent` declaration was found at `/core/test_manager/go_test_runner` for `data`, but no matching `offer` declaration was found in the parent",
using_node: "/core/test_manager/go_test_runner",
capability: "data",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
use_from_parent_not_found: {
capability_id: "data",
moniker: {
path: [
collection: null,
name: "core",
rep: "core",
collection: null,
name: "test_manager",
rep: "test_manager",
collection: null,
name: "starnix_test_runner",
rep: "starnix_test_runner",
collection: null,
name: "starnix_test_runner",
rep: "starnix_test_runner",
message: "A `use from parent` declaration was found at `/core/test_manager/starnix_test_runner/starnix_test_runner` for `data`, but no matching `offer` declaration was found in the parent",
using_node: "/core/test_manager/starnix_test_runner/starnix_test_runner",
capability: "tmp",
error: {
error: {
analyzer_model_error: {
routing_error: {
use_from_parent_not_found: {
capability_id: "tmp",
moniker: {
path: [
collection: null,
name: "core",
rep: "core",
collection: null,
name: "test_manager",
rep: "test_manager",
collection: null,
name: "starnix_test_runner",
rep: "starnix_test_runner",
collection: null,
name: "starnix_test_runner",
rep: "starnix_test_runner",
message: "A `use from parent` declaration was found at `/core/test_manager/starnix_test_runner/starnix_test_runner` for `tmp`, but no matching `offer` declaration was found in the parent",
using_node: "/core/test_manager/starnix_test_runner/starnix_test_runner",