blob: 854e08a297991abdb9e305823d8a305b571adbe0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.ui.input3;
using fuchsia.input;
using zx;
/// Type of the keyboard key input event.
type KeyEventType = strict enum {
/// Key is pressed down.
/// Key is released.
/// Key was pressed while the client wasn't able to receive it, e.g new device connected
/// with a key held down or before system was started.
/// Client should not handle this as a key press.
SYNC = 3;
/// Key was released while the client wasn't able to receive it, e.g device was disconnected
/// or focus lost.
/// Client should not handle this as a key release.
/// NonPrintableKey represents the meaning of a non-symbolic key on a keyboard.
/// The definition of each key is derived from W3C named values of a key attribute:
/// The space of the arrow keys is subdivided roughly to correspond to the
/// subsections of section 3 of that document. The choice for the section
/// values is arbitrary, so long as blocks of values are allocated at once, and
/// the keys with similar purpose are kept together.
type NonPrintableKey = flexible enum : uint32 {
// Whitespace keys
// Reserved range: 0x00000031 - 0x00000040
/// The Enter or ↵ key, to activate current selection or accept current input.
/// This key value is also used for the Return (Macintosh numpad) key.
ENTER = 0x31;
/// The Horizontal Tabulation Tab key.
TAB = 0x32;
// Editing keys
// Reserved range: 0x00000041 - 0x00000060
/// Delete the character immediately preceding the cursor (i.e. the
/// character to the left for LTR languages).
// Navigation keys
// Range reserved for navigation keys: 0x61-0x81.
// Arrow keys are named for consistency with keys in `fuchsia.ui.input`,
// althought W3C name them ArrowUp for example, and not Up.
/// The down arrow navigation key.
DOWN = 0x61;
/// The left arrow navigation key.
LEFT = 0x62;
/// The right arrow navigation key.
RIGHT = 0x63;
/// The up arrow navigation key.
UP = 0x64;
/// The "End" key.
END = 0x65;
/// The "Home" key.
HOME = 0x66;
/// The "Page Down" key.
PAGE_DOWN = 0x67;
/// The "Page Up" key.
PAGE_UP = 0x68;
/// The meaning of the key press. This is typically the Unicode codepoint inserted
/// by this event, or an enum representing a key that corresponds to whitespace or
/// is otherwise unprintable.
type KeyMeaning = strict union {
/// The Unicode codepoint representing character typed, if any.
/// * In Dart and Go, this corresponds to a `rune`.
/// * In Rust, this corresponds to a `char`.
/// * In C and C++, this corresponds to ICU's UChar32.
1: codepoint uint32;
/// The meaning of the key for key events with no corresponding symbol.
2: non_printable_key NonPrintableKey;
/// A Keyboard event generated to reflect key input. `timestamp` and `type` are required.
/// At least one of `key` and `key_meaning` must be set for a valid event.
type KeyEvent = table {
/// Time in nanoseconds when the event was recorded, in the `CLOCK_MONOTONIC` time base.
/// The timestamp is **required** on every key event, and users can expect that it
/// will always be present.
1: timestamp zx.time;
/// Type of event.
2: type KeyEventType;
/// Identifies the key ignoring modifiers, layout, prior key events, etc. This is called
/// the "physical key" on some platforms. In cases where the key event did not originate
/// from a physical keyboard (e.g. onscreen keyboard) this field may be empty.
3: key fuchsia.input.Key;
/// Modifiers in effect at the time of the event.
/// Example:
/// CapsLock is off, user presses CapsLock, then A, then releases both.
/// Event sequence is as follows:
/// 1. type: Pressed, key: CapsLock, modifiers: None
/// 2. type: Pressed, key: A, modifiers: CapsLock
/// 3. type: Released, key: CapsLock, modifiers: CapsLock
/// 4. type: Released, key: A, modifiers: CapsLock
/// CapsLock is on, user presses CapsLock, then A, then releases both.
/// 1. type: Pressed, key: CapsLock, modifiers: CapsLock
/// 2. type: Pressed, key: A, modifiers: None
/// 3. type: Released, key: CapsLock, modifiers: None
/// 4. type: Released, key: A, modifiers: None
4: modifiers Modifiers;
/// Meaning of the key.
5: key_meaning KeyMeaning;
/// The sequence number of this `KeyEvent` in the sequence of autorepeated
/// keys.
/// Unset if this event has been generated in the immediate response to an
/// input from the keyboard driver. If the `KeyEvent` has been generated
/// through the autorepeat mechanism, this property is set and is
/// incremented by one for each successive generated key event.
6: repeat_sequence uint32;
/// The lock state in effect at the time of the event.
/// For example, if CapsLock effect is turned on (pressing 'a' results in
/// the effect 'A'), the corresponding bit in the lock state is set.
/// NOTE: `LockState` is different from whether the CapsLock modifier key
/// is actuated or not. `LockState.CAPS_LOCK` can be active even if the
/// Caps Lock key is not currently actuated.
7: lock_state LockState;