blob: 6bfe7e82e39b823c30803710feac8d640c6f04dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Error},
fidl_fuchsia_space::ManagerProxy as SpaceManagerProxy,
fidl_fuchsia_update_installer_ext::{Options, State, UpdateInfo},
fuchsia_syslog::{fx_log_err, fx_log_info},
futures::{prelude::*, stream::FusedStream},
std::{pin::Pin, sync::Arc},
update_package::{Image, UpdateMode, UpdatePackage},
mod channel;
mod config;
mod environment;
mod genutil;
mod history;
mod images;
mod metrics;
mod paver;
mod reboot;
mod resolver;
mod state;
pub(super) use {
BuildInfo, CobaltConnector, Environment, EnvironmentConnector,
history::{UpdateAttempt, UpdateHistory},
reboot::{ControlRequest, RebootController},
pub(super) use {
environment::{NamespaceBuildInfo, NamespaceCobaltConnector},
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum CommitAction {
/// A reboot is required to apply the update, which should be performed by the system updater.
/// A reboot is required to apply the update, but the initiator of the update requested to
/// perform the reboot themselves.
/// A trait to update the system in the given `Environment` using the provided config options.
pub trait Updater {
type UpdateStream: FusedStream<Item = State>;
async fn update(
&mut self,
config: Config,
env: Environment,
reboot_controller: Option<RebootController>,
) -> (String, Self::UpdateStream);
pub struct RealUpdater {
history: Arc<Mutex<UpdateHistory>>,
impl RealUpdater {
pub fn new(history: Arc<Mutex<UpdateHistory>>) -> Self {
Self { history }
impl Updater for RealUpdater {
type UpdateStream = Pin<Box<dyn FusedStream<Item = State>>>;
async fn update(
&mut self,
config: Config,
env: Environment,
reboot_controller: Option<RebootController>,
) -> (String, Self::UpdateStream) {
let (attempt_id, attempt) =
update(config, env, Arc::clone(&self.history), reboot_controller).await;
(attempt_id, Box::pin(attempt))
/// Updates the system in the given `Environment` using the provided config options.
/// Reboot vs RebootDeferred behavior is determined in the following priority order:
/// * is mode ForceRecovery? If so, reboot.
/// * is there a reboot controller? If so, yield reboot to the controller.
/// * if none of the above are true, reboot depending on the value of `Config::should_reboot`.
/// If a reboot is deferred, the initiator of the update is responsible for triggering
/// the reboot.
async fn update(
config: Config,
env: Environment,
history: Arc<Mutex<UpdateHistory>>,
reboot_controller: Option<RebootController>,
) -> (String, impl FusedStream<Item = State>) {
let attempt_fut = history.lock().start_update_attempt(
Options {
initiator: config.initiator.into(),
allow_attach_to_existing_attempt: config.allow_attach_to_existing_attempt,
should_write_recovery: config.should_write_recovery,
let attempt = attempt_fut.await;
let source_version = attempt.source_version().clone();
let power_state_control = env.power_state_control.clone();
let history_clone = Arc::clone(&history);
let attempt_id = attempt.attempt_id().to_string();
let stream = async_generator::generate(move |mut co| async move {
let history = history_clone;
// The only operation allowed to fail in this function is update_attempt. The rest of the
// functionality here sets up the update attempt and takes the appropriate actions based on
// whether the update attempt succeeds or fails.
let mut phase = metrics::Phase::Tufupdate;
let (mut cobalt, cobalt_forwarder_task) = env.cobalt_connector.connect();
let cobalt_forwarder_task = Task::spawn(cobalt_forwarder_task);
fx_log_info!("starting system update with config: {:?}", config);
cobalt.log_ota_start(&config.target_version, config.initiator, config.start_time);
let mut target_version = history::Version::default();
let attempt_res = Attempt { config: &config, env: &env }
.run(&mut co, &mut phase, &mut target_version)
let status_code = metrics::result_to_status_code(attempt_res.as_ref().map(|_| ()));
history.lock().attempts_for(&source_version, &target_version) + 1,
if attempt_res.is_ok() {
// wait for all cobalt events to be flushed to the service.
let () = cobalt_forwarder_task.await;
let (state, mode, _packages) = match attempt_res {
Ok(ok) => ok,
Err(e) => {
fx_log_err!("system update failed: {:#}", anyhow!(e));
return target_version;
// Figure out if we should reboot.
match (mode, reboot_controller, config.should_reboot) {
// First priority: Always reboot on ForceRecovery success, even if the caller
// asked to defer the reboot.
(UpdateMode::ForceRecovery, _, _) => {
fx_log_info!("system update in ForceRecovery mode complete, rebooting...");
// Second priority: Use the attached reboot controller.
(UpdateMode::Normal, Some(reboot_controller), _) => {
fx_log_info!("system update complete, waiting for initiator to signal reboot.");
match reboot_controller.wait_to_reboot().await {
CommitAction::Reboot => {
fx_log_info!("initiator ready to reboot, rebooting...");
CommitAction::RebootDeferred => {
fx_log_info!("initiator deferred reboot to caller.");
state.enter_defer_reboot(&mut co).await;
return target_version;
// Last priority: Reboot depending on the config.
(UpdateMode::Normal, None, true) => {
fx_log_info!("system update complete, rebooting...");
(UpdateMode::Normal, None, false) => {
fx_log_info!("system update complete, reboot to new version deferred to caller.");
state.enter_defer_reboot(&mut co).await;
return target_version;
state.enter_reboot(&mut co).await;
.when_done(move |last_state: Option<State>, target_version| async move {
let last_state = last_state.unwrap_or(State::Prepare);
let should_reboot = matches!(last_state, State::Reboot{ .. });
let attempt = attempt.finish(target_version, last_state);
let save_fut = history.lock().save();
if should_reboot {
(attempt_id, stream)
struct Attempt<'a> {
config: &'a Config,
env: &'a Environment,
impl<'a> Attempt<'a> {
async fn run(
mut self,
co: &mut async_generator::Yield<State>,
phase: &mut metrics::Phase,
target_version: &mut history::Version,
) -> Result<(state::WaitToReboot, UpdateMode, Vec<DirectoryProxy>), Error> {
// Prepare
let state = state::Prepare::enter(co).await;
let (update_pkg, mode, packages_to_fetch, current_configuration) =
match self.prepare(target_version).await {
Ok((update_pkg, mode, packages_to_fetch, current_configuration)) => {
(update_pkg, mode, packages_to_fetch, current_configuration)
Err(e) => {;
return Err(e);
// Fetch packages
let mut state = state
packages_to_fetch.len() as u64 + 1,
*phase = metrics::Phase::PackageDownload;
let packages = match self.fetch_packages(co, &mut state, packages_to_fetch, mode).await {
Ok(packages) => packages,
Err(e) => {;
return Err(e);
// Write images
let mut state = state.enter_stage(co).await;
*phase = metrics::Phase::ImageWrite;
let () =
match self.stage_images(co, &mut state, &update_pkg, mode, current_configuration).await
Ok(()) => (),
Err(e) => {;
return Err(e);
// Success!
let state = state.enter_wait_to_reboot(co).await;
*phase = metrics::Phase::SuccessPendingReboot;
Ok((state, mode, packages))
/// Acquire the necessary data to perform the update.
/// This includes fetching the update package, which contains the list of packages in the
/// target OS and kernel images that need written.
async fn prepare(
&mut self,
target_version: &mut history::Version,
) -> Result<(UpdatePackage, UpdateMode, Vec<PkgUrl>, paver::CurrentConfiguration), Error> {
// Ensure that the current configuration is also the active configuration.
// We do this here rather than just before we write images because this location allows us
// to "unstage" a previously staged OS in the non-current configuration that would
// otherwise become active on next reboot.
// If we moved this to just before writing images, we would be susceptible to a bug of
// the form:
// - A is active/current running system version 1.
// - Stage an OTA of version 2 to B, B is now marked active. Defer reboot.
// - Start to stage a new OTA (version 3). Fetch packages encounters an error after
// fetching half of the updated packages.
// - Retry the attempt for the new OTA (version 3). This GC may delete packages from the
// not-yet-booted system (version 2).
// - Interrupt the update attempt, reboot.
// - System attempts to boot to B (version 2), but the packages are not all present
// anymore
let current_config = paver::query_current_configuration(&self.env.boot_manager)
.context("while querying current partition")?;
if let Err(e) =
paver::ensure_current_partition_active(&self.env.boot_manager, current_config).await
// If we continue after this error, we can no longer guarantee (in the presence of
// later errors) that the active configuration always contains a working system
// (assuming that the build itself works), but we do so anyway so that paver errors
// that are not critical to updating do not make a device un-updatable.
fx_log_err!("unable to set current partition active: {:#}", anyhow!(e));
if let Err(e) = gc(&self.env.space_manager).await {
fx_log_err!("unable to gc packages (1/2): {:#}", anyhow!(e));
let update_pkg =
resolver::resolve_update_package(&self.env.pkg_resolver, &self.config.update_url)
*target_version = history::Version::for_update_package(&update_pkg).await;
let () = update_pkg.verify_name().await?;
if let Err(e) = gc(&self.env.space_manager).await {
fx_log_err!("unable to gc packages (2/2): {:#}", anyhow!(e));
let mode = update_mode(&update_pkg).await.context("while determining update mode")?;
match mode {
UpdateMode::Normal => {}
UpdateMode::ForceRecovery => {
if !self.config.should_write_recovery {
bail!("force-recovery mode is incompatible with skip-recovery option");
verify_board(&self.env.build_info, &update_pkg).await?;
let packages_to_fetch = match mode {
UpdateMode::Normal => {
update_pkg.packages().await.context("while determining packages to fetch")?
UpdateMode::ForceRecovery => vec![],
Ok((update_pkg, mode, packages_to_fetch, current_config))
/// Fetch all base packages needed by the target OS.
async fn fetch_packages(
&mut self,
co: &mut async_generator::Yield<State>,
state: &mut state::Fetch,
packages_to_fetch: Vec<PkgUrl>,
mode: UpdateMode,
) -> Result<Vec<DirectoryProxy>, Error> {
let mut packages = Vec::with_capacity(packages_to_fetch.len());
let package_dir_futs =
resolver::resolve_packages(&self.env.pkg_resolver, packages_to_fetch.iter());
while let Some(package_dir) =
package_dir_futs.try_next().await.context("while fetching packages")?
state.add_progress(co, 1).await;
match mode {
UpdateMode::Normal => sync_package_cache(&self.env.pkg_cache).await?,
UpdateMode::ForceRecovery => {}
/// Pave the various raw images (zbi, bootloaders, vbmeta), and configure the non-current
/// configuration as active for the next boot.
async fn stage_images(
&mut self,
co: &mut async_generator::Yield<State>,
state: &mut state::Stage,
update_pkg: &UpdatePackage,
mode: UpdateMode,
current_configuration: paver::CurrentConfiguration,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let image_list = images::load_image_list().await?;
let images = update_pkg
.context("while determining which images to write")?;
let images = images
.context("while ensuring the target images are compatible with this update mode")?
.filter(|image| {
if self.config.should_write_recovery {
} else {
if image.classify().map(|class| class.targets_recovery()).unwrap_or(false) {
fx_log_info!("Skipping recovery image: {}", image.filename());
} else {
fx_log_info!("Images to write: {:?}", images);
let desired_config = current_configuration.to_non_current_configuration();
fx_log_info!("Targeting configuration: {:?}", desired_config);
write_images(&self.env.data_sink, &update_pkg, desired_config, images.iter()).await?;
match mode {
UpdateMode::Normal => {
let () =
paver::set_configuration_active(&self.env.boot_manager, desired_config).await?;
UpdateMode::ForceRecovery => {
let () = paver::set_recovery_configuration_active(&self.env.boot_manager).await?;
let () = paver::flush(&self.env.data_sink, &self.env.boot_manager, desired_config).await?;
state.add_progress(co, 1).await;
async fn write_images<'a, I>(
data_sink: &DataSinkProxy,
update_pkg: &UpdatePackage,
desired_config: paver::NonCurrentConfiguration,
images: I,
) -> Result<(), Error>
I: Iterator<Item = &'a Image>,
for image in images {
paver::write_image(data_sink, update_pkg, image, desired_config)
.context("while writing images")?;
async fn sync_package_cache(pkg_cache: &PackageCacheProxy) -> Result<(), Error> {
async move {
.context("while performing sync call")?
.context("sync responded with")
.context("while flushing packages to persistent storage")
async fn gc(space_manager: &SpaceManagerProxy) -> Result<(), Error> {
let () = space_manager
.context("while performing gc call")?
.map_err(|e| anyhow!("garbage collection responded with {:?}", e))?;
async fn verify_board<B>(build_info: &B, pkg: &UpdatePackage) -> Result<(), Error>
B: BuildInfo,
let current_board = build_info.board().await.context("while determining current board")?;
if let Some(current_board) = current_board {
let () = pkg.verify_board(&current_board).await.context("while verifying target board")?;
async fn update_mode(
pkg: &UpdatePackage,
) -> Result<UpdateMode, update_package::ParseUpdateModeError> {
pkg.update_mode()|opt| {
opt.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let mode = UpdateMode::default();
fx_log_info!("update-mode file not found, using default mode: {:?}", mode);