blob: 744f578930dbf9e9a55d258dcd5e44db542e9ad7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.developer.bridge;
using fuchsia.developer.remotecontrol as rc;
using fuchsia.device;
using zx;
enum DaemonError {
/// A generic timeout error.
protocol Daemon {
/// Crashes the daemon. Primarily used for testing.
Crash() -> ();
/// Returns the input.
EchoString(string:256 value) -> (string:256 response);
/// Lists targets by nodename.
/// TODO( Use an iterator instead of a limited vector.
ListTargets(string:fuchsia.device.DEVICE_NAME_MAX value) -> (vector<Target>:512 response);
/// Make the daemon exit.
Quit() -> (bool success);
/// Gets a remote control proxy for the given target.
/// The target param expects an exact match with a target's
/// nodename.
string:fuchsia.device.DEVICE_NAME_MAX target,
request<rc.RemoteControl> remote) -> () error DaemonError;
/// Gets a fastboot proxy for the given target.
/// The target param expects an exact match with a target's
/// nodename.
string:fuchsia.device.DEVICE_NAME_MAX target,
request<Fastboot> fastboot) -> () error FastbootError;
/// Attempts to get the SSH address for a given target.
/// Waits for:
/// 1.) A target of the given nodename to appear (if it hasn't already).
/// 2.) For the target to have an SSH-friendly address.
/// Returns:
/// * First address found for the target that satisfies step 2.
/// Errors:
/// * Timeout error if steps 1 and 2 don't happen in time.
/// * Cache error if a target has appeared but suddenly disappears before
/// running the function to completion.
GetSshAddress(string:fuchsia.device.DEVICE_NAME_MAX target, zx.duration timeout)
-> (TargetAddrInfo ip) error DaemonError;