blob: 8edb3a1881a5f6ac7ac9a15282f1d7ff1a685e16 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// See
// for documentation
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <any>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include <safemath/checked_math.h>
#include "attributes.h"
#include "experimental_flags.h"
#include "flat/name.h"
#include "flat/object.h"
#include "flat/types.h"
#include "flat/values.h"
#include "raw_ast.h"
#include "reporter.h"
#include "type_shape.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "virtual_source_file.h"
namespace fidl {
namespace flat {
constexpr uint32_t kHandleSameRights = 0x80000000; // ZX_HANDLE_SAME_RIGHTS
using diagnostics::Diagnostic;
using diagnostics::ErrorDef;
using reporter::Reporter;
template <typename T>
struct PtrCompare {
bool operator()(const T* left, const T* right) const { return *left < *right; }
class Typespace;
struct Decl;
class Library;
bool HasSimpleLayout(const Decl* decl);
// This is needed (for now) to work around declaration order issues.
std::string LibraryName(const Library* library, std::string_view separator);
struct Decl {
virtual ~Decl() {}
enum struct Kind {
Decl(Kind kind, std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name)
: kind(kind), attributes(std::move(attributes)), name(std::move(name)) {}
const Kind kind;
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes;
const Name name;
bool HasAttribute(std::string_view name) const;
std::string_view GetAttribute(std::string_view name) const;
std::string GetName() const;
bool compiling = false;
bool compiled = false;
struct TypeDecl : public Decl, public Object {
TypeDecl(Kind kind, std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name)
: Decl(kind, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)) {}
bool recursive = false;
// TODO( Remove the two type constructor versions and remove
// the New suffix.
struct TypeConstructorOld;
struct TypeConstructorNew;
using TypeConstructor =
std::variant<std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructorNew>, std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructorOld>>;
// Functions that recursively traverse a type constructor can't operate on
// const std::unique_ptr<T>& because the inner type constructors accessed through
// LayoutInvocation::element_type_raw are pointers. To get around this, the top
// level call must extract the pointers out, so that the function can be defined
// for and called recursively over pointers.
using TypeConstructorPtr = std::variant<const TypeConstructorNew*, const TypeConstructorOld*>;
TypeConstructorPtr GetTypeCtorAsPtr(const TypeConstructor& type_ctor);
template <typename T>
const Type* GetType(const T& type_ctor) {
return std::visit([](const auto& ptr) { return ptr->type; }, type_ctor);
template <typename T>
bool IsTypeConstructorDefined(const T& type_ctor) {
return std::visit([](const auto& ptr) { return ptr != nullptr; }, type_ctor);
template <typename T>
Name GetName(const T& type_ctor) {
return std::visit([](const auto& ptr) { return ptr->name; }, type_ctor);
template <typename T>
const LayoutInvocation& GetLayoutInvocation(const T& type_ctor) {
return std::visit([](const auto& ptr) -> const LayoutInvocation& { return ptr->resolved_params; },
struct TypeAlias;
// This is a struct used to group together all data produced during compilation
// that might be used by consumers that are downstream from type compilation
// (e.g. typeshape code, declaration sorting, JSON generator), that can't be
// obtained by looking at a type constructor's Type.
// Unlike TypeConstructor::Type which will always refer to the fully resolved/
// concrete (and eventually, canonicalized) type that the type constructor
// resolves to, this struct stores data about the actual parameters on this
// type constructor used to produce the type.
// This struct overlaps with CreateInvocation because they both store resolved
// parameters/constraints. This overlap will no longer exist after the old syntax
// and CreateInvocation are cleaned up - LayoutInvocation is in some sense the
// successor to CreateInvocation.
// These fields should be set in the same place where the parameters actually get
// resolved - for the new syntax, this is in Create (for layout parameters) and
// in ApplyConstraints (for type constraints) but in the old syntax they are all
// set in ResolveOldSyntaxArgs.
struct LayoutInvocation {
// set if this type constructor refers to a type alias
const TypeAlias* from_type_alias = nullptr;
// Parameter data below: if a foo_resolved form is set, then its corresponding
// foo_raw form must be defined as well (and vice versa).
// resolved form of this type constructor's arguments
const Type* element_type_resolved = nullptr;
const Size* size_resolved = nullptr;
// This has no users, probably because it's missing in the JSON IR (it is not
// yet generated for experimental_maybe_from_type_alias)
std::optional<uint32_t> subtype_resolved = std::nullopt;
// This has no users, probably because it's missing in the JSON IR (it is not
// yet generated for experimental_maybe_from_type_alias).
const HandleRights* rights_resolved = nullptr;
// raw form of this type constructor's arguments
TypeConstructorPtr element_type_raw = {};
const Constant* size_raw = nullptr;
// This has no users, probably because it's missing in the JSON IR (it is not
// yet generated for partial_type_ctors). Notably, this is probably because this
// is parsed as a Name in the old syntax but the consistent thing to do would
// be to emit it as a Constant, which made it awkward to implement (and thus
// was never done). This field is never set in the old syntax.
const Constant* subtype_raw = nullptr;
const Constant* rights_raw = nullptr;
// Nullability is represented differently because there's only one degree of
// freedom: if it was specified, this value is equal to kNullable
types::Nullability nullability = types::Nullability::kNonnullable;
struct TypeConstructorOld final {
TypeConstructorOld(Name name, std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructorOld> maybe_arg_type_ctor,
std::optional<Name> handle_subtype_identifier,
std::unique_ptr<Constant> handle_rights, std::unique_ptr<Constant> maybe_size,
types::Nullability nullability)
: name(std::move(name)),
nullability(nullability) {}
// Returns a type constructor for the size type (used for bounds).
static std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructorOld> CreateSizeType();
// Set during construction.
const Name name;
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructorOld> maybe_arg_type_ctor;
std::optional<Name> handle_subtype_identifier;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> handle_rights;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> maybe_size;
types::Nullability nullability;
// Set during compilation.
const Type* type = nullptr;
LayoutInvocation resolved_params;
struct LayoutParameterList;
struct TypeConstraints;
struct TypeConstructorNew final {
TypeConstructorNew(Name name, std::unique_ptr<LayoutParameterList> parameters,
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstraints> constraints)
: name(std::move(name)),
constraints(std::move(constraints)) {}
// Returns a type constructor for the size type (used for bounds).
static std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructorNew> CreateSizeType();
// Set during construction.
// TODO( Until we settle on an approach, avoid premature
// optimization and do the simple thing of assuming all type constructors at
// this point have a named reference to an existing Decl.
const Name name;
std::unique_ptr<LayoutParameterList> parameters;
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstraints> constraints;
// Set during compilation.
const Type* type = nullptr;
LayoutInvocation resolved_params;
struct LayoutParameter {
virtual ~LayoutParameter() = default;
enum Kind {
explicit LayoutParameter(Kind kind, SourceSpan span) : kind(kind), span(span) {}
// TODO( Providing these virtual methods rather than handling
// each case individually in the caller makes it harder to provide more precise
// error messages. For example, using this pattern we'd only know that a parameter
// failed to be interpreted as a type and not the specifics about why it failed
// (was this actually a string literal? did it look like a type but fail to
// resolve? did it look like a type but actually point to a constant?).
// Addressing the bug might involve refactoring this part of the code to move
// more logic into the caller. This might be acceptable when the caller is
// type compilation (it probably needs to know these details anyways), but
// less so when it's a consumer of compiled results that needs to reconstruct
// details about the type constructor (e.g. during declaration sorting or
// JSON generation).
// TODO( The return types should be optional references
// Returns the interpretation of this layout parameter as a type if possible
// or nullptr otherwise. There are no guarantees that the returned type has
// been compiled or will actually successfully compile.
virtual TypeConstructorNew* AsTypeCtor() const = 0;
// Returns the interpretation of this layout parameter as a constant if possible
// or nullptr otherwise. There are no guarantees that the returned constant has
// been compiled or will actually successfully compile.
virtual Constant* AsConstant() const = 0;
const Kind kind;
SourceSpan span;
struct LiteralLayoutParameter final : public LayoutParameter {
explicit LiteralLayoutParameter(std::unique_ptr<LiteralConstant> literal, SourceSpan span)
: LayoutParameter(Kind::kLiteral, span), literal(std::move(literal)) {}
TypeConstructorNew* AsTypeCtor() const override;
Constant* AsConstant() const override;
std::unique_ptr<LiteralConstant> literal;
struct TypeLayoutParameter final : public LayoutParameter {
explicit TypeLayoutParameter(std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructorNew> type_ctor, SourceSpan span)
: LayoutParameter(Kind::kType, span), type_ctor(std::move(type_ctor)) {}
TypeConstructorNew* AsTypeCtor() const override;
Constant* AsConstant() const override;
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructorNew> type_ctor;
struct IdentifierLayoutParameter final : public LayoutParameter {
explicit IdentifierLayoutParameter(Name name, SourceSpan span)
: LayoutParameter(Kind::kIdentifier, span), name(std::move(name)) {}
TypeConstructorNew* AsTypeCtor() const override;
Constant* AsConstant() const override;
// Stores an interpretation of this layout as a TypeConstructor, if asked
// at some point (i.e. on demand by calling AsTypeCtor). We store this to
// store a reference to the compiled Type and LayoutInvocation
mutable std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructorNew> as_type_ctor;
// Stores an interpretation of this layout as a Constant, if asked at some
// point (i.e. on demand by calling AsConstant). We store this to store a
// reference to the compiled ConstantValue
mutable std::unique_ptr<Constant> as_constant;
const Name name;
struct LayoutParameterList {
explicit LayoutParameterList(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LayoutParameter>> items,
std::optional<SourceSpan> span)
: items(std::move(items)), span(span) {}
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LayoutParameter>> items;
const std::optional<SourceSpan> span;
struct TypeConstraints {
explicit TypeConstraints(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Constant>> items,
std::optional<SourceSpan> span)
: items(std::move(items)), span(span) {}
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Constant>> items;
const std::optional<SourceSpan> span;
struct Using final {
Using(Name name, const PrimitiveType* type) : name(std::move(name)), type(type) {}
const Name name;
const PrimitiveType* type;
// Const represents the _declaration_ of a constant. (For the _use_, see
// Constant. For the _value_, see ConstantValue.) A Const consists of a
// left-hand-side Name (found in Decl) and a right-hand-side Constant.
struct Const final : public Decl {
Const(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name, TypeConstructor type_ctor,
std::unique_ptr<Constant> value)
: Decl(Kind::kConst, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
value(std::move(value)) {}
TypeConstructor type_ctor;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> value;
struct Enum final : public TypeDecl {
struct Member {
Member(SourceSpan name, std::unique_ptr<Constant> value,
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes)
: name(name), value(std::move(value)), attributes(std::move(attributes)) {}
SourceSpan name;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> value;
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes;
Enum(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name, TypeConstructor subtype_ctor,
std::vector<Member> members, types::Strictness strictness)
: TypeDecl(Kind::kEnum, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
strictness(strictness) {}
// Set during construction.
TypeConstructor subtype_ctor;
std::vector<Member> members;
const types::Strictness strictness;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
// Set during compilation.
const PrimitiveType* type = nullptr;
// Set only for flexible enums, and either is set depending on signedness of
// underlying enum type.
std::optional<int64_t> unknown_value_signed;
std::optional<uint64_t> unknown_value_unsigned;
struct Bits final : public TypeDecl {
struct Member {
Member(SourceSpan name, std::unique_ptr<Constant> value,
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes)
: name(name), value(std::move(value)), attributes(std::move(attributes)) {}
SourceSpan name;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> value;
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes;
Bits(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name, TypeConstructor subtype_ctor,
std::vector<Member> members, types::Strictness strictness)
: TypeDecl(Kind::kBits, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
strictness(strictness) {}
// Set during construction.
TypeConstructor subtype_ctor;
std::vector<Member> members;
const types::Strictness strictness;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
// Set during compilation.
uint64_t mask = 0;
struct Service final : public TypeDecl {
struct Member {
Member(TypeConstructor type_ctor, SourceSpan name,
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes)
: type_ctor(std::move(type_ctor)),
attributes(std::move(attributes)) {}
TypeConstructor type_ctor;
SourceSpan name;
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes;
Service(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name, std::vector<Member> members)
: TypeDecl(Kind::kService, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
members(std::move(members)) {}
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
std::vector<Member> members;
struct Struct;
// Historically, StructMember was a nested class inside Struct named Struct::Member. However, this
// was made a top-level class since it's not possible to forward-declare nested classes in C++. For
// backward-compatibility, Struct::Member is now an alias for this top-level StructMember.
// TODO( Move this to a nested class inside Struct.
struct StructMember : public Object {
StructMember(TypeConstructor type_ctor, SourceSpan name,
std::unique_ptr<Constant> maybe_default_value,
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes)
: type_ctor(std::move(type_ctor)),
attributes(std::move(attributes)) {}
TypeConstructor type_ctor;
SourceSpan name;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> maybe_default_value;
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
FieldShape fieldshape(WireFormat wire_format) const;
const Struct* parent = nullptr;
struct Struct final : public TypeDecl {
using Member = StructMember;
Struct(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name,
std::vector<Member> unparented_members, std::optional<types::Resourceness> resourceness,
bool is_request_or_response = false)
: TypeDecl(Kind::kStruct, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
is_request_or_response(is_request_or_response) {
for (auto& member : members) {
member.parent = this;
std::vector<Member> members;
// For user-defined structs, this is set during construction. For synthesized
// structs (requests/responses, error result success payload) it is set during
// compilation based on the struct's members.
std::optional<types::Resourceness> resourceness;
// This is true iff this struct is a method request/response in a transaction header.
const bool is_request_or_response;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
struct Table;
// See the comment on the StructMember class for why this is a top-level class.
// TODO( Move this to a nested class inside Table::Member.
struct TableMemberUsed : public Object {
TableMemberUsed(TypeConstructor type_ctor, SourceSpan name,
std::unique_ptr<Constant> maybe_default_value,
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes)
: type_ctor(std::move(type_ctor)),
attributes(std::move(attributes)) {}
TypeConstructor type_ctor;
SourceSpan name;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> maybe_default_value;
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
FieldShape fieldshape(WireFormat wire_format) const;
// See the comment on the StructMember class for why this is a top-level class.
// TODO( Move this to a nested class inside Table.
struct TableMember : public Object {
using Used = TableMemberUsed;
TableMember(std::unique_ptr<raw::Ordinal64> ordinal, TypeConstructor type, SourceSpan name,
std::unique_ptr<Constant> maybe_default_value,
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes)
: ordinal(std::move(ordinal)),
maybe_used(std::make_unique<Used>(std::move(type), name, std::move(maybe_default_value),
std::move(attributes))) {}
TableMember(std::unique_ptr<raw::Ordinal64> ordinal, TypeConstructor type, SourceSpan name,
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes)
: ordinal(std::move(ordinal)),
maybe_used(std::make_unique<Used>(std::move(type), name, nullptr, std::move(attributes))) {}
TableMember(std::unique_ptr<raw::Ordinal64> ordinal, SourceSpan span)
: ordinal(std::move(ordinal)), span(span) {}
std::unique_ptr<raw::Ordinal64> ordinal;
// The span for reserved table members.
std::optional<SourceSpan> span;
std::unique_ptr<Used> maybe_used;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
struct Table final : public TypeDecl {
using Member = TableMember;
Table(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name, std::vector<Member> members,
types::Strictness strictness, types::Resourceness resourceness)
: TypeDecl(Kind::kTable, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
resourceness(resourceness) {}
std::vector<Member> members;
const types::Strictness strictness;
const types::Resourceness resourceness;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
struct Union;
// See the comment on the StructMember class for why this is a top-level class.
// TODO( Move this to a nested class inside Union.
struct UnionMemberUsed : public Object {
UnionMemberUsed(TypeConstructor type_ctor, SourceSpan name,
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes)
: type_ctor(std::move(type_ctor)), name(name), attributes(std::move(attributes)) {}
TypeConstructor type_ctor;
SourceSpan name;
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
FieldShape fieldshape(WireFormat wire_format) const;
const Union* parent = nullptr;
// See the comment on the StructMember class for why this is a top-level class.
// TODO( Move this to a nested class inside Union.
struct UnionMember : public Object {
using Used = UnionMemberUsed;
UnionMember(std::unique_ptr<raw::Ordinal64> ordinal, TypeConstructor type_ctor, SourceSpan name,
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes)
: ordinal(std::move(ordinal)),
maybe_used(std::make_unique<Used>(std::move(type_ctor), name, std::move(attributes))) {}
UnionMember(std::unique_ptr<raw::Ordinal64> ordinal, SourceSpan span)
: ordinal(std::move(ordinal)), span(span) {}
std::unique_ptr<raw::Ordinal64> ordinal;
// The span for reserved members.
std::optional<SourceSpan> span;
std::unique_ptr<Used> maybe_used;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
struct Union final : public TypeDecl {
using Member = UnionMember;
Union(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name,
std::vector<Member> unparented_members, types::Strictness strictness,
std::optional<types::Resourceness> resourceness)
: TypeDecl(Kind::kUnion, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
resourceness(resourceness) {
for (auto& member : members) {
if (member.maybe_used) {
member.maybe_used->parent = this;
std::vector<Member> members;
const types::Strictness strictness;
// For user-defined unions, this is set on construction. For synthesized
// unions (in error result responses) it is set during compilation based on
// the unions's members.
std::optional<types::Resourceness> resourceness;
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<const Member>> MembersSortedByXUnionOrdinal() const;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
struct Protocol final : public TypeDecl {
struct Method {
Method(Method&&) = default;
Method& operator=(Method&&) = default;
Method(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes,
std::unique_ptr<raw::Ordinal64> generated_ordinal64, SourceSpan name,
Struct* maybe_request, Struct* maybe_response)
: attributes(std::move(attributes)),
maybe_response(maybe_response) {
assert(this->maybe_request != nullptr || this->maybe_response != nullptr);
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes;
std::unique_ptr<raw::Ordinal64> generated_ordinal64;
SourceSpan name;
Struct* maybe_request;
Struct* maybe_response;
// This is set to the |Protocol| instance that owns this |Method|,
// when the |Protocol| is constructed.
Protocol* owning_protocol = nullptr;
// Used to keep track of a all methods (i.e. including composed methods).
// Method pointers here are set after composed_protocols are compiled, and
// are owned by the corresponding composed_protocols.
struct MethodWithInfo {
MethodWithInfo(const Method* method, bool is_composed)
: method(method), is_composed(is_composed) {}
const Method* method;
const bool is_composed;
Protocol(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name,
std::set<Name> composed_protocols, std::vector<Method> methods)
: TypeDecl(Kind::kProtocol, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
methods(std::move(methods)) {
for (auto& method : this->methods) {
method.owning_protocol = this;
std::set<Name> composed_protocols;
std::vector<Method> methods;
std::vector<MethodWithInfo> all_methods;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
struct Resource final : public Decl {
struct Property {
Property(TypeConstructor type_ctor, SourceSpan name,
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes)
: type_ctor(std::move(type_ctor)),
attributes(std::move(attributes)) {}
TypeConstructor type_ctor;
SourceSpan name;
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes;
Resource(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name, TypeConstructor subtype_ctor,
std::vector<Property> properties)
: Decl(Kind::kResource, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
properties(std::move(properties)) {}
// Set during construction.
TypeConstructor subtype_ctor;
std::vector<Property> properties;
Property* LookupProperty(std::string_view name);
struct TypeAlias final : public Decl {
TypeAlias(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name,
TypeConstructor partial_type_ctor)
: Decl(Kind::kTypeAlias, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
partial_type_ctor(std::move(partial_type_ctor)) {}
// The shape of this type constructor is more constrained than just being a
// "partial" type constructor - it is either a normal type constructor
// referring directly to a non-type-alias with all layout parameters fully
// specified (e.g. alias foo = array<T, 3>), or it is a type constructor
// referring to another type alias that has no layout parameters (e.g. alias
// bar = foo).
// The constraints on the other hand are indeed "partial" - any type alias
// at any point in a "type alias chain" can specify a constraint, but any
// constraint can only specified once. This behavior will change in
TypeConstructor partial_type_ctor;
// Wrapper class around a Library to provide specific methods to TypeTemplates.
// Unlike making a direct friend relationship, this approach:
// 1. avoids having to declare every TypeTemplate subclass as a friend
// 2. only exposes the methods that are needed from the Library to the TypeTemplate.
class LibraryMediator {
explicit LibraryMediator(Library* library) : library_(library) {}
// Top level methods for resolving layout parameters. These are used by
// TypeTemplates.
bool ResolveParamAsType(const flat::TypeTemplate* layout,
const std::unique_ptr<LayoutParameter>& param,
const Type** out_type) const;
bool ResolveParamAsSize(const flat::TypeTemplate* layout,
const std::unique_ptr<LayoutParameter>& param,
const Size** out_size) const;
// Top level methods for resolving constraints. These are used by Types
enum class ConstraintKind {
struct ResolvedConstraint {
ConstraintKind kind;
union Value {
uint32_t handle_subtype;
const HandleRights* handle_rights;
const Size* size;
// Storing a value for nullability is redundant, since there's only one possible value - if we
// resolved to optional, then the caller knows that the resulting value is
// types::Nullability::kNullable.
} value;
// Convenience method to iterate through the possible interpretations, returning the first one
// that succeeds. This is valid because the interpretations are mutually exclusive, since a Name
// can only ever refer to one kind of thing.
bool ResolveConstraintAs(const std::unique_ptr<Constant>& constraint,
const std::vector<ConstraintKind>& interpretations,
Resource* resource_decl, ResolvedConstraint* out) const;
// These methods forward their implementation to the library_. They are used
// by the top level methods above, as well as directly by ResolveOldSyntaxArgs
bool ResolveType(TypeConstructorOld* type) const;
bool ResolveType(TypeConstructorNew* type) const;
bool ResolveSizeBound(Constant* size_constant, const Size** out_size) const;
bool ResolveAsOptional(Constant* constant) const;
bool ResolveAsHandleSubtype(Resource* resource, const std::unique_ptr<Constant>& constant,
uint32_t* out_obj_type) const;
bool ResolveAsHandleRights(Resource* resource, Constant* constant,
const HandleRights** out_rights) const;
template <typename... Args>
bool Fail(const ErrorDef<Args...>& err, const std::optional<SourceSpan>& span,
const Args&... args) const;
// This is unrelated to resolving arguments: it is required in the workaround for
// the special handling of handles, and can be removed once resources are fully
// generalized (see HandleTypeTemplate::GetResource)
Decl* LookupDeclByName(Name::Key name) const;
// Used specifically in TypeAliasTypeTemplates to recursively compile the next
// type alias.
bool CompileDecl(Decl* decl) const;
Library* library_;
// CreateInvocation represents a set of resolved layout parameters/constraints.
// It is only used in the old syntax path.
struct CreateInvocation {
CreateInvocation(const Name& name, const Type* arg_type, std::optional<uint32_t> obj_type,
std::optional<types::HandleSubtype> handle_subtype,
const HandleRights* handle_rights, const Size* size,
const types::Nullability nullability)
: name(name),
nullability(nullability) {}
const Name& name;
const Type* arg_type;
std::optional<uint32_t> obj_type;
std::optional<types::HandleSubtype> handle_subtype;
const HandleRights* handle_rights;
const Size* size;
const types::Nullability nullability;
class TypeTemplate {
TypeTemplate(Name name, Typespace* typespace, Reporter* reporter)
: typespace_(typespace), name_(std::move(name)), reporter_(reporter) {}
TypeTemplate(TypeTemplate&& type_template) = default;
virtual ~TypeTemplate() = default;
const Name& name() const { return name_; }
// The set of unresolved layout arguments and constraints as they appear in the
// old syntax, i.e. coming directly from flat::TypeConstructor.
// Unlike in the more general form ArgsAndConstraintsNew, this representation
// can be resolved to a CreateInvocation before determining what the layout is.
struct OldSyntaxParamsAndConstraints {
const Name& name;
const std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructorOld>& maybe_arg_type_ctor;
const std::optional<Name>& handle_subtype_identifier;
const std::unique_ptr<Constant>& handle_rights;
const std::unique_ptr<Constant>& maybe_size;
const types::Nullability nullability;
virtual bool Create(const LibraryMediator& lib, const OldSyntaxParamsAndConstraints& args,
std::unique_ptr<Type>* out_type, LayoutInvocation* out_params) const = 0;
bool ResolveOldSyntaxArgs(const LibraryMediator& lib, const OldSyntaxParamsAndConstraints& args,
std::unique_ptr<CreateInvocation>* out_args,
LayoutInvocation* out_params) const;
struct NewSyntaxParamsAndConstraints {
// Type templates should not need to know the name of the layout and should
// only require a span for reporting errors, since any logic related to the
// name itself should be encapsulated in the layout resolution process. However,
// currently an exception must be made for handles so that we can double check
// whether the name actual refers to a Resource at runtime (see
// TypeTemplate::GetResource for details).
const Name& name;
const std::unique_ptr<LayoutParameterList>& parameters;
const std::unique_ptr<TypeConstraints>& constraints;
virtual bool Create(const LibraryMediator& lib, const NewSyntaxParamsAndConstraints& args,
std::unique_ptr<Type>* out_type, LayoutInvocation* out_params) const = 0;
virtual bool GetResource(const LibraryMediator& lib, const Name& name,
Resource** out_resource) const;
template <typename... Args>
bool Fail(const ErrorDef<const TypeTemplate*, Args...>& err,
const std::optional<SourceSpan>& span, const Args&... args) const;
template <typename... Args>
bool Fail(const ErrorDef<Args...>& err, const Args&... args) const;
Typespace* typespace_;
Name name_;
Reporter* reporter_;
// Typespace provides builders for all types (e.g. array, vector, string), and
// ensures canonicalization, i.e. the same type is represented by one object,
// shared amongst all uses of said type. For instance, while the text
// `vector<uint8>:7` may appear multiple times in source, these all indicate
// the same type.
class Typespace {
explicit Typespace(Reporter* reporter) : reporter_(reporter) {}
bool Create(const LibraryMediator& lib, const flat::Name& name,
const std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructorOld>& maybe_arg_type_ctor,
const std::optional<Name>& handle_subtype_identifier,
const std::unique_ptr<Constant>& handle_rights,
const std::unique_ptr<Constant>& maybe_size, types::Nullability nullability,
const Type** out_type, LayoutInvocation* out_params);
bool Create(const LibraryMediator& lib, const flat::Name& name,
const std::unique_ptr<LayoutParameterList>& parameters,
const std::unique_ptr<TypeConstraints>& constraints, const Type** out_type,
LayoutInvocation* out_params);
void AddTemplate(std::unique_ptr<TypeTemplate> type_template);
// TODO( this method has been made public solely for the
// benefit of fidlconv. Once the conversion using that tool has been
// completed and tool has been removed, this method should be re-privatized.
const TypeTemplate* LookupTemplate(const flat::Name& name) const;
// RootTypes creates a instance with all primitive types. It is meant to be
// used as the top-level types lookup mechanism, providing definitional
// meaning to names such as `int64`, or `bool`.
static Typespace RootTypes(Reporter* reporter);
friend class TypeAliasTypeTemplate;
bool CreateNotOwned(const LibraryMediator& lib, const flat::Name& name,
const std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructorOld>& maybe_arg_type_ctor,
const std::optional<Name>& handle_subtype_identifier,
const std::unique_ptr<Constant>& handle_rights,
const std::unique_ptr<Constant>& maybe_size, types::Nullability nullability,
std::unique_ptr<Type>* out_type, LayoutInvocation* out_params);
bool CreateNotOwned(const LibraryMediator& lib, const flat::Name& name,
const std::unique_ptr<LayoutParameterList>& parameters,
const std::unique_ptr<TypeConstraints>& constraints,
std::unique_ptr<Type>* out_type, LayoutInvocation* out_params);
std::map<Name::Key, std::unique_ptr<TypeTemplate>> templates_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Type>> types_;
Reporter* reporter_;
// AttributeSchema defines a schema for attributes. This includes:
// - The allowed placement of an attribute (e.g. on a method, on a struct
// declaration);
// - The allowed values which an attribute can take.
// For attributes which may be placed on declarations (e.g. protocol, struct,
// union, table), a schema may additionally include:
// - A constraint which must be met by the declaration.
class AttributeSchema {
using Constraint =
fit::function<bool(Reporter* reporter, const raw::Attribute& attribute, const Decl* decl)>;
// Placement indicates the placement of an attribute, e.g. whether an
// attribute is placed on an enum declaration, method, or union
// member.
enum class Placement {
AttributeSchema(const std::set<Placement>& allowed_placements,
const std::set<std::string> allowed_values,
Constraint constraint = NoOpConstraint);
AttributeSchema(AttributeSchema&& schema) = default;
static AttributeSchema Deprecated();
void ValidatePlacement(Reporter* reporter, const raw::Attribute& attribute,
Placement placement) const;
void ValidateValue(Reporter* reporter, const raw::Attribute& attribute) const;
void ValidateConstraint(Reporter* reporter, const raw::Attribute& attribute,
const Decl* decl) const;
static bool NoOpConstraint(Reporter* reporter, const raw::Attribute& attribute,
const Decl* decl) {
return true;
std::set<Placement> allowed_placements_;
std::set<std::string> allowed_values_;
Constraint constraint_;
class Libraries {
// Insert |library|.
bool Insert(std::unique_ptr<Library> library);
// Lookup a library by its |library_name|.
bool Lookup(const std::vector<std::string_view>& library_name, Library** out_library) const;
void AddAttributeSchema(const std::string& name, AttributeSchema schema) {
[[maybe_unused]] auto iter = attribute_schemas_.emplace(name, std::move(schema));
assert(iter.second && "do not add schemas twice");
const AttributeSchema* RetrieveAttributeSchema(Reporter* reporter,
const raw::Attribute& attribute) const;
std::set<std::vector<std::string_view>> Unused(const Library* target_library) const;
std::map<std::vector<std::string_view>, std::unique_ptr<Library>> all_libraries_;
std::map<std::string, AttributeSchema> attribute_schemas_;
class Dependencies {
// Register a dependency to a library. The newly recorded dependent library
// will be referenced by its name, and may also be optionally be referenced
// by an alias.
bool Register(const SourceSpan& span, std::string_view filename, Library* dep_library,
const std::unique_ptr<raw::Identifier>& maybe_alias);
// Returns true if this dependency set contains a library with the given name and filename.
bool Contains(std::string_view filename, const std::vector<std::string_view>& name);
enum class LookupMode {
// Looks up a dependent library by |filename| and |name|, and optionally marks
// it as used or not.
bool Lookup(std::string_view filename, const std::vector<std::string_view>& name, LookupMode mode,
Library** out_library) const;
// VerifyAllDependenciesWereUsed verifies that all regisered dependencies
// were used, i.e. at least one lookup was made to retrieve them.
// Reports errors directly, and returns true if one error or more was
// reported.
bool VerifyAllDependenciesWereUsed(const Library& for_library, Reporter* reporter);
const std::set<Library*>& dependencies() const { return dependencies_aggregate_; }
struct LibraryRef {
LibraryRef(const SourceSpan span, Library* library) : span_(span), library_(library) {}
const SourceSpan span_;
Library* library_;
bool used_ = false;
bool InsertByName(std::string_view filename, const std::vector<std::string_view>& name,
LibraryRef* ref);
using ByName = std::map<std::vector<std::string_view>, LibraryRef*>;
using ByFilename = std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ByName>>;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LibraryRef>> refs_;
ByFilename dependencies_;
std::set<Library*> dependencies_aggregate_;
class StepBase;
class ConsumeStep;
class CompileStep;
class VerifyResourcenessStep;
class VerifyAttributesStep;
using MethodHasher = fit::function<raw::Ordinal64(
const std::vector<std::string_view>& library_name, const std::string_view& protocol_name,
const std::string_view& selector_name, const raw::SourceElement& source_element)>;
class Library {
friend StepBase;
friend ConsumeStep;
friend CompileStep;
friend VerifyResourcenessStep;
friend VerifyAttributesStep;
Library(const Libraries* all_libraries, Reporter* reporter, Typespace* typespace,
MethodHasher method_hasher, ExperimentalFlags experimental_flags)
: all_libraries_(all_libraries),
experimental_flags_(experimental_flags) {}
bool ConsumeFile(std::unique_ptr<raw::File> file);
bool Compile();
const std::vector<std::string_view>& name() const { return library_name_; }
const raw::AttributeList* attributes() const { return attributes_.get(); }
bool Fail(std::unique_ptr<Diagnostic> err);
template <typename... Args>
bool Fail(const ErrorDef<Args...>& err, const Args&... args);
template <typename... Args>
bool Fail(const ErrorDef<Args...>& err, const std::optional<SourceSpan>& span,
const Args&... args);
template <typename... Args>
bool Fail(const ErrorDef<Args...>& err, const Name& name, const Args&... args) {
return Fail(err, name.span(), args...);
template <typename... Args>
bool Fail(const ErrorDef<Args...>& err, const Decl& decl, const Args&... args) {
return Fail(err,, args...);
void ValidateAttributesPlacement(AttributeSchema::Placement placement,
const raw::AttributeList* attributes);
void ValidateAttributesConstraints(const Decl* decl, const raw::AttributeList* attributes);
// TODO( Rationalize the use of names. Here, a simple name is
// one that is not scoped, it is just text. An anonymous name is one that
// is guaranteed to be unique within the library, and a derived name is one
// that is library scoped but derived from the concatenated components using
// underscores as delimiters.
SourceSpan GeneratedSimpleName(const std::string& name);
std::string NextAnonymousName();
// Attempts to compile a compound identifier, and resolve it to a name
// within the context of a library. On success, the name is returned.
// On failure, no name is returned, and a failure is emitted, i.e. the
// caller is not responsible for reporting the resolution error.
std::optional<Name> CompileCompoundIdentifier(const raw::CompoundIdentifier* compound_identifier);
bool RegisterDecl(std::unique_ptr<Decl> decl);
ConsumeStep StartConsumeStep(fidl::utils::Syntax syntax);
CompileStep StartCompileStep();
VerifyResourcenessStep StartVerifyResourcenessStep();
VerifyAttributesStep StartVerifyAttributesStep();
bool ConsumeConstant(std::unique_ptr<raw::Constant> raw_constant,
std::unique_ptr<Constant>* out_constant);
void ConsumeLiteralConstant(raw::LiteralConstant* raw_constant,
std::unique_ptr<LiteralConstant>* out_constant);
bool ConsumeTypeConstructorOld(std::unique_ptr<raw::TypeConstructorOld> raw_type_ctor,
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructorOld>* out_type);
void ConsumeUsing(std::unique_ptr<raw::Using> using_directive);
bool ConsumeTypeAlias(std::unique_ptr<raw::AliasDeclaration> alias_declaration);
void ConsumeBitsDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::BitsDeclaration> bits_declaration);
void ConsumeConstDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::ConstDeclaration> const_declaration);
void ConsumeEnumDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::EnumDeclaration> enum_declaration);
void ConsumeProtocolDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::ProtocolDeclaration> protocol_declaration);
bool ConsumeResourceDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::ResourceDeclaration> resource_declaration);
bool ConsumeParameterList(Name name, std::unique_ptr<raw::ParameterList> parameter_list,
bool anonymous, Struct** out_struct_decl);
bool CreateMethodResult(const Name& protocol_name, SourceSpan response_span,
raw::ProtocolMethod* method, Struct* in_response, Struct** out_response);
void ConsumeServiceDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::ServiceDeclaration> service_decl);
void ConsumeStructDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::StructDeclaration> struct_declaration);
void ConsumeTableDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::TableDeclaration> table_declaration);
void ConsumeUnionDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::UnionDeclaration> union_declaration);
// start new syntax
void ConsumeTypeDecl(std::unique_ptr<raw::TypeDecl> type_decl);
// TODO( The context parameter is currently unused, but exists
// to help generate a name when implementing anonymous layouts
bool ConsumeTypeConstructorNew(std::unique_ptr<raw::TypeConstructorNew> raw_type_ctor,
const Name& context,
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructorNew>* out_type);
bool ConsumeTypeConstructor(raw::TypeConstructor raw_type_ctor, const Name& context,
TypeConstructor* out_type);
// Here, T is expected to be an ordinal-carrying flat AST class (ie, Table or
// Union), while M is its "Member" sub-class.
template <typename T, typename M>
bool ConsumeOrdinaledLayout(std::unique_ptr<raw::Layout>, const Name&);
bool ConsumeStructLayout(std::unique_ptr<raw::Layout>, const Name&);
// Here, T is expected to be an value-carrying flat AST class (ie, Bits or
// Enum), while M is its "Member" sub-class.
template <typename T, typename M>
bool ConsumeValueLayout(std::unique_ptr<raw::Layout>, const Name&);
bool ConsumeLayout(std::unique_ptr<raw::Layout>, const Name&);
// end new syntax
bool TypeCanBeConst(const Type* type);
const Type* TypeResolve(const Type* type);
// Return true if this constant refers to the built in `optional` constraint,
// false otherwise.
bool ResolveAsOptional(Constant* constant) const;
bool TypeIsConvertibleTo(const Type* from_type, const Type* to_type);
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructorOld> IdentifierTypeForDecl(const Decl* decl,
types::Nullability nullability);
bool AddConstantDependencies(const Constant* constant, std::set<const Decl*>* out_edges);
bool DeclDependencies(const Decl* decl, std::set<const Decl*>* out_edges);
bool SortDeclarations();
bool CompileBits(Bits* bits_declaration);
bool CompileConst(Const* const_declaration);
bool CompileEnum(Enum* enum_declaration);
bool CompileProtocol(Protocol* protocol_declaration);
bool CompileResource(Resource* resource_declaration);
bool CompileService(Service* service_decl);
bool CompileStruct(Struct* struct_declaration);
bool CompileTable(Table* table_declaration);
bool CompileUnion(Union* union_declaration);
bool CompileTypeAlias(TypeAlias* type_alias);
// This top level function switches behavior depending on what syntax is
// being read
bool CompileTypeConstructor(TypeConstructor* type_ctor);
bool CompileTypeConstructorOld(TypeConstructorOld* type_ctor);
bool CompileTypeConstructorNew(TypeConstructorNew* type_ctor);
enum class AllowedCategories {
// Note: there's currently no scenario where we expect a service.
// Returns true if the provided type falls into one of the specified categories,
// and false otherwise. A span can be provided for error reporting.
bool VerifyTypeCategory(const Type* type, std::optional<SourceSpan> span,
AllowedCategories category);
ConstantValue::Kind ConstantValuePrimitiveKind(const types::PrimitiveSubtype primitive_subtype);
bool ResolveHandleRightsConstant(Resource* resource, Constant* constant,
const HandleRights** out_rights);
bool ResolveHandleSubtypeIdentifier(Resource* resource, const std::unique_ptr<Constant>& constant,
uint32_t* out_obj_type);
bool ResolveSizeBound(Constant* size_constant, const Size** out_size);
bool ResolveOrOperatorConstant(Constant* constant, const Type* type,
const ConstantValue& left_operand,
const ConstantValue& right_operand);
bool ResolveConstant(Constant* constant, const Type* type);
bool ResolveIdentifierConstant(IdentifierConstant* identifier_constant, const Type* type);
bool ResolveLiteralConstant(LiteralConstant* literal_constant, const Type* type);
// Validates a single member of a bits or enum. On success, returns nullptr,
// and on failure returns an error.
template <typename MemberType>
using MemberValidator = fit::function<std::unique_ptr<Diagnostic>(
const MemberType& member, const raw::AttributeList* attributes)>;
template <typename DeclType, typename MemberType>
bool ValidateMembers(DeclType* decl, MemberValidator<MemberType> validator);
template <typename MemberType>
bool ValidateBitsMembersAndCalcMask(Bits* bits_decl, MemberType* out_mask);
template <typename MemberType>
bool ValidateEnumMembersAndCalcUnknownValue(Enum* enum_decl, MemberType* out_unknown_value);
void VerifyDeclAttributes(const Decl* decl);
bool VerifyInlineSize(const Struct* decl);
bool CompileDecl(Decl* decl);
// Returns nullptr when the |name| cannot be resolved to a
// Name. Otherwise it returns the declaration.
Decl* LookupDeclByName(Name::Key name) const;
// TODO( this method has been created solely for the benefit
// of fidlconv. Once the conversion using that tool has been completed and
// and the tool has been removed, this method should be removed as well.
// Looks up a dependent library by |filename| and |name|.
bool LookupDependency(std::string_view filename, const std::vector<std::string_view>& name,
Library** out_library) const;
template <typename NumericType>
bool ParseNumericLiteral(const raw::NumericLiteral* literal, NumericType* out_value) const;
bool HasAttribute(std::string_view name) const;
const std::set<Library*>& dependencies() const;
std::vector<std::string_view> library_name_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Bits>> bits_declarations_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Const>> const_declarations_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Enum>> enum_declarations_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Protocol>> protocol_declarations_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Resource>> resource_declarations_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Service>> service_declarations_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Struct>> struct_declarations_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Table>> table_declarations_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Union>> union_declarations_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TypeAlias>> type_alias_declarations_;
// All Decl pointers here are non-null and are owned by the
// various foo_declarations_.
std::vector<const Decl*> declaration_order_;
// TODO( Remove when canonicalizing types.
const Name kSizeTypeName = Name::CreateIntrinsic("uint32");
const PrimitiveType kSizeType = PrimitiveType(kSizeTypeName, types::PrimitiveSubtype::kUint32);
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes_;
Dependencies dependencies_;
const Libraries* all_libraries_;
// All Decl pointers here are non-null. They are owned by the various
// foo_declarations_ members of this Library object, or of one of the Library
// objects in dependencies_.
std::map<Name::Key, Decl*> declarations_;
// This map contains a subset of declarations_ (no imported declarations)
// keyed by `utils::canonicalize(name.decl_name())` rather than `name.key()`.
std::map<std::string, Decl*> declarations_by_canonical_name_;
Reporter* reporter_;
Typespace* typespace_;
const MethodHasher method_hasher_;
const ExperimentalFlags experimental_flags_;
uint32_t anon_counter_ = 0;
VirtualSourceFile generated_source_file_{"generated"};
friend class LibraryMediator;
class StepBase {
StepBase(Library* library)
: library_(library), checkpoint_(library->reporter_->Checkpoint()), done_(false) {}
~StepBase() { assert(done_ && "Step must be completed before destructor is called"); }
bool Done() {
done_ = true;
return checkpoint_.NoNewErrors();
Library* library_; // link to library for which this step was created
Reporter::Counts checkpoint_;
bool done_;
// The input to the consume step (raw::File) stores the syntax that it is written
// in. This syntax needs to get propagated through the two paths that the consume
// step consists of:
// * decls that go through RegisterDecl
// * flat::TypeConstructors that get created in ConsumeTypeConstructor
// To do so, ConsumeFile passes the raw::File's syntax to the ConsumeStep class,
// which then passes it through to the various ConsumeFooDecl as necessary. Note
// that only the Consume functions that correspond to nodes present in both the
// old and new syntax (e.g. Service, Resource) need the extra Syntax parameter -
// nodes that only appear in the old or new syntax (e.g. UnionDeclaration for
// old, Layout for new), don't need the parameter because they can hardcode the
// syntax inside the implementation.
class ConsumeStep : public StepBase {
ConsumeStep(Library* library, fidl::utils::Syntax syntax) : StepBase(library) {}
void ForAliasDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::AliasDeclaration> alias_declaration) {
void ForUsing(std::unique_ptr<raw::Using> using_directive) {
void ForBitsDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::BitsDeclaration> bits_declaration) {
void ForConstDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::ConstDeclaration> const_declaration) {
void ForEnumDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::EnumDeclaration> enum_declaration) {
void ForProtocolDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::ProtocolDeclaration> protocol_declaration) {
void ForResourceDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::ResourceDeclaration> resource_declaration) {
void ForServiceDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::ServiceDeclaration> service_decl) {
void ForStructDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::StructDeclaration> struct_declaration) {
void ForTableDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::TableDeclaration> table_declaration) {
void ForUnionDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::UnionDeclaration> union_declaration) {
void ForTypeDecl(std::unique_ptr<raw::TypeDecl> type_decl) {
class CompileStep : public StepBase {
CompileStep(Library* library) : StepBase(library) {}
void ForDecl(Decl* decl) { library_->CompileDecl(decl); }
class VerifyResourcenessStep : public StepBase {
VerifyResourcenessStep(Library* library) : StepBase(library) {}
void ForDecl(const Decl* decl);
// Returns the effective resourceness of |type|. The set of effective resource
// types includes (1) nominal resource types per the FTP-057 definition, and
// (2) declarations that have an effective resource member (or equivalently,
// transitively contain a nominal resource).
types::Resourceness EffectiveResourceness(const Type* type);
// Map from struct/table/union declarations to their effective resourceness. A
// value of std::nullopt indicates that the declaration has been visited, used
// to prevent infinite recursion.
std::map<const Decl*, std::optional<types::Resourceness>> effective_resourceness_;
class VerifyAttributesStep : public StepBase {
VerifyAttributesStep(Library* library) : StepBase(library) {}
void ForDecl(const Decl* decl) { library_->VerifyDeclAttributes(decl); }
// See the comment on Object::Visitor<T> for more details.
struct Object::VisitorAny {
virtual std::any Visit(const ArrayType&) = 0;
virtual std::any Visit(const VectorType&) = 0;
virtual std::any Visit(const StringType&) = 0;
virtual std::any Visit(const HandleType&) = 0;
virtual std::any Visit(const PrimitiveType&) = 0;
virtual std::any Visit(const IdentifierType&) = 0;
virtual std::any Visit(const RequestHandleType&) = 0;
virtual std::any Visit(const Enum&) = 0;
virtual std::any Visit(const Bits&) = 0;
virtual std::any Visit(const Service&) = 0;
virtual std::any Visit(const Struct&) = 0;
virtual std::any Visit(const Struct::Member&) = 0;
virtual std::any Visit(const Table&) = 0;
virtual std::any Visit(const Table::Member&) = 0;
virtual std::any Visit(const Table::Member::Used&) = 0;
virtual std::any Visit(const Union&) = 0;
virtual std::any Visit(const Union::Member&) = 0;
virtual std::any Visit(const Union::Member::Used&) = 0;
virtual std::any Visit(const Protocol&) = 0;
// This Visitor<T> class is useful so that Object.Accept() can enforce that its return type
// matches the template type of Visitor. See the comment on Object::Visitor<T> for more
// details.
template <typename T>
struct Object::Visitor : public VisitorAny {};
template <typename T>
T Object::Accept(Visitor<T>* visitor) const {
return std::any_cast<T>(AcceptAny(visitor));
inline std::any ArrayType::AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const { return visitor->Visit(*this); }
inline std::any VectorType::AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const { return visitor->Visit(*this); }
inline std::any StringType::AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const { return visitor->Visit(*this); }
inline std::any HandleType::AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const { return visitor->Visit(*this); }
inline std::any PrimitiveType::AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const {
return visitor->Visit(*this);
inline std::any IdentifierType::AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const {
return visitor->Visit(*this);
inline std::any RequestHandleType::AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const {
return visitor->Visit(*this);
inline std::any Enum::AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const { return visitor->Visit(*this); }
inline std::any Bits::AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const { return visitor->Visit(*this); }
inline std::any Service::AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const { return visitor->Visit(*this); }
inline std::any Struct::AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const { return visitor->Visit(*this); }
inline std::any Struct::Member::AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const {
return visitor->Visit(*this);
inline std::any Table::AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const { return visitor->Visit(*this); }
inline std::any Table::Member::AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const {
return visitor->Visit(*this);
inline std::any Table::Member::Used::AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const {
return visitor->Visit(*this);
inline std::any Union::AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const { return visitor->Visit(*this); }
inline std::any Union::Member::AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const {
return visitor->Visit(*this);
inline std::any Union::Member::Used::AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const {
return visitor->Visit(*this);
inline std::any Protocol::AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const { return visitor->Visit(*this); }
} // namespace flat
} // namespace fidl