blob: d9c8278c9117f15400f1a14c63e3f070e9883d74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/hw/gpt.h>
#include <array>
#include <charconv>
#include <iostream>
#include <system_error>
#include <utility>
#include "lib/stdcompat/array.h"
#include "src/storage/fvm/format.h"
#include "src/storage/volume_image/adapter/commands.h"
#include "src/storage/volume_image/options.h"
namespace storage::volume_image {
namespace {
// Returns the first matching argument in |arguments| with |name|.
std::optional<size_t> FindArgumentByName(cpp20::span<std::string_view> arguments,
std::string_view name) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i) {
if (arguments[i] == name) {
return i;
return std::nullopt;
// Given an arguments |name| look for it in |arguments|. If it exists, get its value.
// Expecting a value, of an argument, and such value not being present is considered a malformed
// argument.
// If presence is required, then |FindArgumentByName| should be called instead.
fpromise::result<std::optional<size_t>, std::string> FindArgumentValueByName(
cpp20::span<std::string_view> arguments, std::string_view name) {
auto argument_index = FindArgumentByName(arguments, name);
if (!argument_index.has_value()) {
return fpromise::ok(std::nullopt);
size_t maybe_value_index = argument_index.value() + 1;
if (maybe_value_index >= arguments.size()) {
return fpromise::error("No value for argument " + std::string(name));
auto arg = arguments[maybe_value_index];
if (arg.substr(0, 2) == "--") {
return fpromise::error("No value for argument " + std::string(name));
return fpromise::ok(maybe_value_index);
// Parses a size string, to the appropiate unit.
fpromise::result<uint64_t, std::string> ParseSize(std::string_view size_str) {
// Maybe it has a special size.
uint64_t result = 0;
auto [p, ec] = std::from_chars(size_str.begin(), size_str.end(), result);
if (ec != std::errc{}) {
return fpromise::error("Failed to parse " + std::string(size_str) + " as size.");
if (static_cast<size_t>(p - != size_str.size()) {
size_t offset = p -;
auto size_unit = size_str.substr(offset);
switch (size_unit[0]) {
case 'G':
case 'g':
result *= 1024;
case 'M':
case 'm':
result *= 1024;
case 'K':
case 'k':
result *= 1024;
return fpromise::error("Failed to parse value" + std::string(size_str) +
" as size but unit " + std::string(size_unit) +
" is not recognized.");
return fpromise::ok(result);
// If |arguments| contains |argument| and |argument| has a value, then |target| is updated to the
// converted value.
template <typename T>
fpromise::result<void, std::string> GetArgumentValue(cpp20::span<std::string_view> arguments,
std::string_view argument, T& target) {
auto index_or = FindArgumentValueByName(arguments, argument);
if (index_or.is_error()) {
return index_or.take_error_result();
auto index = index_or.take_value();
if (index.has_value()) {
target = arguments[index.value()];
return fpromise::ok();
// Templated so optionals can be passed as well.
// If |arguments| contains |argument| and |argument|'s value is a valid representation of a size
// value, then |target| is updated to the converted value.
template <typename T>
fpromise::result<void, std::string> GetSizeArgumentValue(cpp20::span<std::string_view> arguments,
std::string_view argument, T& target) {
std::optional<std::string> size_str;
if (auto result = GetArgumentValue(arguments, argument, size_str); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
if (size_str.has_value()) {
auto size_or = ParseSize(*size_str);
if (size_or.is_error()) {
return size_or.take_error_result();
target = size_or.value();
return fpromise::ok();
} // namespace
fpromise::result<std::vector<PartitionParams>, std::string> PartitionParams::FromArguments(
cpp20::span<std::string_view> arguments, const FvmOptions& options) {
constexpr std::array<std::string_view, 5> kPartitionArgs = {"--blob", "--data", "--data-unsafe",
"--system", "--default"};
std::vector<size_t> partition_args_indexes;
std::vector<PartitionParams> partitions;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i) {
auto it = std::find(kPartitionArgs.begin(), kPartitionArgs.end(), arguments[i]);
if (it != kPartitionArgs.end()) {
// For each partition arg.
for (size_t i = 0; i < partition_args_indexes.size(); ++i) {
size_t argument_index = partition_args_indexes[i];
size_t next_argument_index =
(i + 1 == partition_args_indexes.size()) ? arguments.size() : partition_args_indexes[i + 1];
auto argument_range = arguments.subspan(argument_index, next_argument_index - argument_index);
auto arg = argument_range[0];
PartitionParams params;
params.encrypted = arg == "--data";
params.format = arg == "--blob" ? PartitionImageFormat::kBlobfs : PartitionImageFormat::kMinfs;
auto potential_label = arg.substr(2);
params.label = potential_label == "blob" ? "" : potential_label;
if (auto result = GetArgumentValue(argument_range, arg, params.source_image_path);
result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
if (auto result = GetSizeArgumentValue(argument_range, "--minimum-inodes",
result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
if (auto result = GetSizeArgumentValue(argument_range, "--minimum-data-bytes",
result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
if (auto result =
GetSizeArgumentValue(argument_range, "--maximum-bytes", params.options.max_bytes);
result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
// One-off empty partition with a label of "data". This will later be reformatted.
// TODO( Have assembly pass in an empty file and remove this flag.
if (auto index = FindArgumentByName(arguments, "--with-empty-minfs"); index.has_value()) {
PartitionParams empty_data_partition;
empty_data_partition.format = PartitionImageFormat::kEmptyPartition;
empty_data_partition.label = "data";
empty_data_partition.type_guid = GUID_DATA_VALUE;
// Doesn't need to be encrypted, it will be found by GUID and label and reformated.
empty_data_partition.encrypted = false;
// Need 2 slices - one for zxcrypt and one for minfs.
empty_data_partition.options.max_bytes = options.slice_size + 1;
// One-off empty partition with a label of "account". This will later be reformatted.
// TODO( Have assembly pass in an empty file and remove this flag.
if (auto index = FindArgumentByName(arguments, "--with-empty-account-partition");
index.has_value()) {
PartitionParams empty_account_partition;
empty_account_partition.format = PartitionImageFormat::kEmptyPartition;
empty_account_partition.label = "account";
empty_account_partition.type_guid = GUID_DATA_VALUE;
// Doesn't need to be encrypted, it will be found by GUID and label and reformated.
empty_account_partition.encrypted = false;
// Need 2 slices - one for zxcrypt and one for minfs.
empty_account_partition.options.max_bytes = options.slice_size + 1;
// One off reserved partition.
std::optional<uint64_t> reserved_slices;
if (auto result = GetSizeArgumentValue(arguments, "--reserve-slices", reserved_slices);
result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
if (reserved_slices.has_value() && *reserved_slices > 0) {
PartitionParams empty_metadata_partition;
empty_metadata_partition.format = PartitionImageFormat::kEmptyPartition;
empty_metadata_partition.label = "internal";
empty_metadata_partition.type_guid = fvm::kReservedPartitionTypeGuid;
empty_metadata_partition.encrypted = false;
empty_metadata_partition.options.max_bytes = reserved_slices.value() * options.slice_size;
return fpromise::ok(partitions);
fpromise::result<CreateParams, std::string> CreateParams::FromArguments(
cpp20::span<std::string_view> arguments) {
// Create takes an output path, and is of the form:
// bin output_path create/sparse args
if (arguments.size() < 3) {
return fpromise::error("Not enough arguments for 'create' or 'sparse' command.");
CreateParams params;
auto command = CommandFromString(arguments[2]);
switch (command) {
case Command::kCreate:
params.format = FvmImageFormat::kBlockImage;
case Command::kCreateSparse:
params.format = FvmImageFormat::kSparseImage;
return fpromise::error("Malformed 'create' command. Found " + std::string(arguments[2]) +
" and expected 'create' or 'sparse'.");
params.output_path = arguments[1];
if (auto result = GetSizeArgumentValue(arguments, "--offset", params.offset); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
params.is_output_embedded = params.offset.has_value();
if (auto result = GetSizeArgumentValue(arguments, "--length", params.length); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
params.fvm_options.target_volume_size = params.length;
if (auto result = GetSizeArgumentValue(arguments, "--slice", params.fvm_options.slice_size);
result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
if (FindArgumentByName(arguments, "--resize-image-file-to-fit")) {
params.trim_image = true;
if (auto result =
GetSizeArgumentValue(arguments, "--max-disk-size", params.fvm_options.max_volume_size);
result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
std::optional<std::string> compression_type;
if (auto result = GetArgumentValue(arguments, "--compress", compression_type);
result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
if (compression_type.has_value()) {
if (compression_type.value() != "lz4") {
return fpromise::error("Unsupported compression type'" + compression_type.value() +
"'. Currently only 'lz4' compression type is supported.");
params.fvm_options.compression.schema = CompressionSchema::kLz4;
auto partition_params_or = PartitionParams::FromArguments(arguments, params.fvm_options);
if (partition_params_or.is_error()) {
return partition_params_or.take_error_result();
params.partitions = partition_params_or.take_value();
// We cant generate an image with encrypted contents.
if (params.format == FvmImageFormat::kBlockImage) {
for (auto& partition : params.partitions) {
partition.encrypted = false;
return fpromise::ok(params);
fpromise::result<PaveParams, std::string> PaveParams::FromArguments(
cpp20::span<std::string_view> arguments) {
PaveParams params;
if (arguments.size() < 3) {
return fpromise::error("Not enough arguments for 'pave' command.");
auto command = CommandFromString(arguments[2]);
if (command != Command::kPave) {
return fpromise::error("Pave must be invoked with comman 'pave'.");
params.output_path = arguments[1];
if (auto result = GetSizeArgumentValue(arguments, "--offset", params.offset); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
params.is_output_embedded = params.offset.has_value();
if (auto result = GetSizeArgumentValue(arguments, "--length", params.length); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
params.fvm_options.target_volume_size = params.length;
if (auto result =
GetSizeArgumentValue(arguments, "--max-disk-size", params.fvm_options.max_volume_size);
result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
if (auto result = GetArgumentValue(arguments, "--sparse", params.input_path); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
std::optional<std::string> target_type;
if (auto result = GetArgumentValue(arguments, "--disk-type", target_type); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
if (auto result = GetSizeArgumentValue(arguments, "--max-bad-blocks", params.max_bad_blocks);
result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
// Default is |File|.
if (!target_type.has_value() || target_type.value() == "file") {
params.type = TargetType::kFile;
} else if (target_type.value() == "mtd") {
params.type = TargetType::kMtd;
} else if (target_type.value() == "block_device") {
params.type = TargetType::kBlockDevice;
return fpromise::ok(params);
fpromise::result<ExtendParams, std::string> ExtendParams::FromArguments(
cpp20::span<std::string_view> arguments) {
ExtendParams params;
if (arguments.size() < 3) {
return fpromise::error("Not enough arguments for 'extend' command.");
auto command = CommandFromString(arguments[2]);
if (command != Command::kExtend) {
return fpromise::error("Extend must be invoked with command 'extend'.");
params.image_path = arguments[1];
if (auto result = GetSizeArgumentValue(arguments, "--length", params.length); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
params.should_use_max_partition_size =
FindArgumentByName(arguments, "--length-is-lowerbound").has_value();
params.should_trim = FindArgumentByName(arguments, "--resize-image-file-to-fit").has_value();
return fpromise::ok(params);
fpromise::result<SizeParams, std::string> SizeParams::FromArguments(
cpp20::span<std::string_view> arguments) {
SizeParams params;
if (arguments.size() < 3) {
return fpromise::error("Not enough arguments for 'size' command.");
auto command = CommandFromString(arguments[2]);
if (command != Command::kSize) {
return fpromise::error("Size must be invoked with command 'size'.");
params.image_path = arguments[1];
if (auto result = GetSizeArgumentValue(arguments, "--disk", params.length); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
return fpromise::ok(params);
Command CommandFromString(std::string_view command_str) {
static constexpr auto kCommandStringToCommand = cpp20::to_array({
std::make_pair("create", Command::kCreate),
std::make_pair("sparse", Command::kCreateSparse),
std::make_pair("pave", Command::kPave),
std::make_pair("extend", Command::kExtend),
std::make_pair("size", Command::kSize),
for (const auto& [str, command] : kCommandStringToCommand) {
if (str == command_str) {
return command;
return Command::kUnsupported;
} // namespace storage::volume_image