blob: 4a653b83d28cdd6d64232d04d252fb4b4a0f33d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file represents the interface used by the allocator to interact with
// the underlying storage medium.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/zx/status.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <storage/operation/operation.h>
#include "src/lib/storage/vfs/cpp/transaction/buffered_operations_builder.h"
#include "src/storage/minfs/format.h"
#include "src/storage/minfs/superblock.h"
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
#include <storage/buffer/owned_vmoid.h>
#include "src/lib/storage/block_client/cpp/block_device.h"
#include "src/storage/minfs/allocator/metadata.h"
namespace minfs {
using GrowMapCallback = fit::function<zx::status<size_t>(size_t pool_size)>;
// Interface for an Allocator's underlying storage.
class AllocatorStorage {
AllocatorStorage() = default;
AllocatorStorage(const AllocatorStorage&) = delete;
AllocatorStorage& operator=(const AllocatorStorage&) = delete;
virtual ~AllocatorStorage() {}
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
virtual zx::status<> AttachVmo(const zx::vmo& vmo, storage::OwnedVmoid* vmoid) = 0;
// Loads data from disk into |data| using |builder|.
// The implementation of this class is expected to use the builder to complete
// the request, which means that it should provide the type of data expected
// by the builder. Specifically, all that should be needed from |data| on host
// code is access to a raw pointer, and all that should be needed on Fuchsia
// code is the vmoid that identifies the buffer.
// For more details consult the BufferedOperationsBuilder documentation.
virtual void Load(fs::BufferedOperationsBuilder* builder, storage::BlockBuffer* data) = 0;
// Extend the on-disk extent containing map_.
virtual zx::status<> Extend(PendingWork* transaction, WriteData data,
GrowMapCallback grow_map) = 0;
// Returns the number of unallocated elements.
virtual uint32_t PoolAvailable() const = 0;
// Returns the total number of elements.
virtual uint32_t PoolTotal() const = 0;
// The number of blocks necessary to store |PoolTotal()| elements.
uint32_t PoolBlocks() const;
// Persists the map at range |index| - |index + count|.
virtual void PersistRange(PendingWork* transaction, WriteData data, size_t index,
size_t count) = 0;
// Marks |count| elements allocated and persists the latest data.
virtual void PersistAllocate(PendingWork* transaction, size_t count) = 0;
// Marks |count| elements released and persists the latest data.
virtual void PersistRelease(PendingWork* transaction, size_t count) = 0;
// A type of storage which represents a persistent disk.
class PersistentStorage : public AllocatorStorage {
// Callback invoked after the data portion of the allocator grows.
using GrowHandler = fit::function<zx_status_t(uint32_t pool_size)>;
PersistentStorage() = delete;
PersistentStorage(const PersistentStorage&) = delete;
PersistentStorage& operator=(const PersistentStorage&) = delete;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// |grow_cb| is an optional callback to increase the size of the allocator.
PersistentStorage(block_client::BlockDevice* device, SuperblockManager* sb, size_t unit_size,
GrowHandler grow_cb, AllocatorMetadata metadata, uint32_t block_size);
// |grow_cb| is an optional callback to increase the size of the allocator.
PersistentStorage(SuperblockManager* sb, size_t unit_size, GrowHandler grow_cb,
AllocatorMetadata metadata, uint32_t block_size);
~PersistentStorage() {}
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
zx::status<> AttachVmo(const zx::vmo& vmo, storage::OwnedVmoid* vmoid) override;
void Load(fs::BufferedOperationsBuilder* builder, storage::BlockBuffer* data) final;
zx::status<> Extend(PendingWork* transaction, WriteData data, GrowMapCallback grow_map) final;
uint32_t PoolAvailable() const final { return metadata_.PoolAvailable(); }
uint32_t PoolTotal() const final { return metadata_.PoolTotal(); }
void PersistRange(PendingWork* transaction, WriteData data, size_t index, size_t count) final;
void PersistAllocate(PendingWork* transaction, size_t count) final;
void PersistRelease(PendingWork* transaction, size_t count) final;
// Returns the number of blocks necessary to store a pool containing |size| bits.
static blk_t BitmapBlocksForSize(size_t size);
uint32_t BlockSize() const { return block_size_; }
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
block_client::BlockDevice* device_;
size_t unit_size_;
SuperblockManager* sb_;
GrowHandler grow_cb_;
AllocatorMetadata metadata_;
uint32_t block_size_ = {};
} // namespace minfs