blob: 99bf27808a2808b8f5a949983998b2d5b888f264 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include "src/storage/fvm/format.h"
#include "src/storage/fvm/fvm_sparse.h"
#include "src/storage/fvm/metadata.h"
#include "src/storage/volume_image/address_descriptor.h"
#include "src/storage/volume_image/fvm/fvm_descriptor.h"
#include "src/storage/volume_image/options.h"
#include "src/storage/volume_image/utils/compressor.h"
#include "src/storage/volume_image/utils/decompressor.h"
#include "src/storage/volume_image/utils/reader.h"
#include "src/storage/volume_image/utils/writer.h"
namespace storage::volume_image {
namespace fvm_sparse_internal {
// Returns a bit set representing the suported options in the |fvm::SparseImage| that are equivalent
// in |FvmOptions|.
uint32_t GetImageFlags(const FvmOptions& options);
// Returns a bit set representing the suported options in the |fvm::PartitionDescriptor| that are
// equivalent in |Partition|.
uint32_t GetPartitionFlags(const Partition& partition);
// Represents a |Partition| in the |fvm::SparseImage| format.
struct PartitionEntry {
// Describes a partition, with things like name, guid and flags.
fvm::PartitionDescriptor descriptor;
// Describes each extent individually.
std::vector<fvm::ExtentDescriptor> extents;
// Returns the compressions options stored in |header|.
CompressionOptions GetCompressionOptions(const fvm::SparseImage& header);
// On success, returns the valid |fvm::SparseImage| header contained in |reader| starting at
// |offset|.
// On failure, returns the error which caused the header to be invalid.
fit::result<fvm::SparseImage, std::string> GetHeader(uint64_t offset, const Reader& reader);
// On success, returns the valid collection of |FvmSparsePartitionEntry| as described by |header|
// and contained in |reader| as starting at |offset|. That is, the partition descriptors start
// at |offset| in |reader|.
fit::result<std::vector<PartitionEntry>, std::string> GetPartitions(uint64_t offset,
const Reader& reader,
const fvm::SparseImage& header);
// Returns a non sparse |fvm::Header| from a sparse |header| with supported |options| overriden,
// and with a known number of initial slices.
// Supported options can be supplied for overriding those stored in the original header.
// Supported options:
// - |max_volume_size|
// - |target_volume_size
fit::result<fvm::Header, std::string> ConvertToFvmHeader(const fvm::SparseImage& sparse_header,
uint64_t slice_count,
const std::optional<FvmOptions>& options);
// Overload with no options by default.
inline fit::result<fvm::Header, std::string> ConvertToFvmHeader(
const fvm::SparseImage& sparse_header, uint64_t slice_count) {
return ConvertToFvmHeader(sparse_header, slice_count, std::nullopt);
fit::result<fvm::Metadata, std::string> ConvertToFvmMetadata(
const fvm::Header& header, fbl::Span<const PartitionEntry> partition_entries);
// Returns a |fvm::SparseImage| representation of |descriptor| on success.
fvm::SparseImage GenerateHeader(const FvmDescriptor& descriptor);
// Returns a |FvmSparsePartitionEntry| representation of |partition| on success.
// If |extents_are_filled| is set to true, for each mapping in |partition| that has
// |AddressMapOption::kFill| set, the extent length will match the size of the extent, since the
// data will be expanded to include such values.
fit::result<PartitionEntry, std::string> GeneratePartitionEntry(uint64_t slice_size,
const Partition& partition,
bool extents_are_filled = false);
// Returns the size in bytes of the generated sparse image for |descriptor|.
uint64_t CalculateUncompressedImageSize(const FvmDescriptor& descriptor);
} // namespace fvm_sparse_internal
// Returns the size of the written image in bytes when successfully writing a |SparseImage| and
// its data with |writer|.
fit::result<uint64_t, std::string> FvmSparseWriteImage(const FvmDescriptor& descriptor,
Writer* writer,
Compressor* compressor = nullptr);
// Returns true if |reader| is a compressed |fvm::SparseImage|, and has been successfully
// decompressed into |writer|. If not compressed returns false, and this is not considered an error.
// On error, returns a description of the error condition.
fit::result<bool, std::string> FvmSparseDecompressImage(uint64_t offset, const Reader& reader,
Writer& writer);
// Returns a |FvmDescriptor| representing the contained data in sparse image contained in |reader|
// starting at |offset|. |reader| must contain an uncompressed fvm sparse image, or an error is
// returned.
// On error, returns a description of the error condition.
fit::result<FvmDescriptor, std::string> FvmSparseReadImage(uint64_t offset,
std::unique_ptr<Reader> reader);
} // namespace storage::volume_image