blob: 2a5a200fa51e67bce6661495996be1562639c7a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <fbl/span.h>
#include "src/storage/volume_image/adapter/adapter_options.h"
#include "src/storage/volume_image/address_descriptor.h"
#include "src/storage/volume_image/fvm/options.h"
#include "src/storage/volume_image/utils/guid.h"
// This header provides an entry point for CLI tools, such that CLI's job is just mapping arguments
// to parameters.
// This functions add support for FVM legacy host tool. Eventually all of this should be removed,
// and rely on the json schema described on serialization, allowing for a full plug in method.
namespace storage::volume_image {
enum class Command {
// For a given string returns the associated |Command|.
Command CommandFromString(std::string_view command_str);
// Output image format.
enum class FvmImageFormat {
// Produces a fvm image that can be mounted as a block device.
// Produces a sparse image for the FVM, that needs to be paved into a container(file, device)
// in order to be mounted. Useful for transmitting.
// Supported image formats.
enum PartitionImageFormat {
struct PartitionParams {
static fit::result<std::vector<PartitionParams>, std::string> FromArguments(
fbl::Span<std::string_view> arguments, const FvmOptions& options);
// The image path for the partition.
std::string source_image_path;
// Label to be used by the volume. If not the default one.
std::string label;
// Sets the type guide of the generated partition.
// Only supported for
std::optional<std::array<uint8_t, kGuidLength>> type_guid;
// Whether the volume should be flagged as encrypted.
// Only supported for Format::Sparse.
bool encrypted = false;
// Custom partition options.
PartitionOptions options;
// For empty partitions, describes the range of slices to allocate.
PartitionImageFormat format;
struct CreateParams {
// Returns arguments from |index| as a |CreateParam| instance. Validation is done by the
// |CreateParam| consumers.
static fit::result<CreateParams, std::string> FromArguments(
fbl::Span<std::string_view> arguments);
// Path to the output file where the FVM image should be written to.
std::string output_path;
// Embedded output.
// The contents are written into an embedded image, this just enforced
// a maximum size and strict bound checking when writing. If the image would
// exceed the provided length at any point, it will be treated as a hard failure.
bool is_output_embedded = false;
// When in an embedded output, this is the starting point of the image.
std::optional<uint64_t> offset;
// When set provides a hard maximum on the generated image 'expanded' size, that is
// a sparse image when paved, cannot exceed such length. This consists on a limit
// to the metadata and allocated slices size.
std::optional<uint64_t> length;
// Output fvm image format.
FvmImageFormat format;
// Information about the partitons to be created.
std::vector<PartitionParams> partitions;
// Information about the FVM.
FvmOptions fvm_options;
// When set the image will be trimmed to remove all unallocated slices from the tail.
bool trim_image = false;
// Creates an fvm image according to |params| and |options|.
fit::result<void, std::string> Create(const CreateParams& params);
} // namespace storage::volume_image