blob: f61b164446cdb15c56b8436de9bd7a7bcc075846 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:detect_api_changes/analyze.dart';
import 'package:detect_api_changes/diff.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
// TODO( Parse the JSON file into an intermediate format, and check a few
// pieces of the data instead of verifying a large block of text.
void main() async {
test('Public elements are included in the tree', () async {
var sourceAPI = await analyze("""
int examplePublicFileVariable = 3;
void examplePublicFileFunction() {};
enum PublicEnum {
apple, banana
class ExampleClass implements Cat, Bird, Horse {
enum AnotherPublicEnum {
peach, orange
String examplePublicField = "testing";
void examplePublicMethod() {}
var expectedAPI = '{\n'
' "files": {\n'
' "example.dart": {\n'
' "ClassDeclarationImpl": {\n'
' "ExampleClass": {\n'
' "ImplementsClause": {\n'
' "Bird": {\n'
' "name": "Bird",\n'
' "type": "interface"\n'
' },\n'
' "Cat": {\n'
' "name": "Cat",\n'
' "type": "interface"\n'
' },\n'
' "Horse": {\n'
' "name": "Horse",\n'
' "type": "interface"\n'
' }\n'
' },\n'
' "MethodDeclarationImpl": {\n'
' "examplePublicMethod": {\n'
' "isAbstract": false,\n'
' "isGetter": false,\n'
' "isOperator": false,\n'
' "isSetter": false,\n'
' "isStatic": false,\n'
' "name": "examplePublicMethod",\n'
' "returnType": "void",\n'
' "type": "MethodDeclarationImpl"\n'
' }\n'
' },\n'
' "VariableDeclarationImpl": {\n'
' "examplePublicField": {\n'
' "isConst": false,\n'
' "isFinal": false,\n'
' "isLate": false,\n'
' "name": "examplePublicField",\n'
' "type": "VariableDeclarationImpl",\n'
' "varType": "String"\n'
' }\n'
' },\n'
' "name": "ExampleClass",\n'
' "type": "ClassDeclarationImpl"\n'
' }\n'
' },\n'
' "EnumDeclarationImpl": {\n'
' "PublicEnum": {\n'
' "EnumConstantDeclarationImpl": {\n'
' "apple": {\n'
' "name": "apple",\n'
' "type": "EnumConstantDeclarationImpl"\n'
' },\n'
' "banana": {\n'
' "name": "banana",\n'
' "type": "EnumConstantDeclarationImpl"\n'
' }\n'
' },\n'
' "name": "PublicEnum",\n'
' "type": "EnumDeclarationImpl"\n'
' }\n'
' },\n'
' "FunctionDeclarationImpl": {\n'
' "examplePublicFileFunction": {\n'
' "isGetter": false,\n'
' "isSetter": false,\n'
' "name": "examplePublicFileFunction",\n'
' "returnType": "void",\n'
' "type": "FunctionDeclarationImpl"\n'
' }\n'
' },\n'
' "VariableDeclarationImpl": {\n'
' "examplePublicFileVariable": {\n'
' "isConst": false,\n'
' "isFinal": false,\n'
' "isLate": false,\n'
' "name": "examplePublicFileVariable",\n'
' "type": "VariableDeclarationImpl",\n'
' "varType": "int"\n'
' }\n'
' },\n'
' "name": "example.dart",\n'
' "type": "file"\n'
' }\n'
' },\n'
' "name": "test.dart",\n'
' "type": "package"\n'
expect(sourceAPI, expectedAPI);
test('Private elements are not included in the tree', () async {
var sourceAPI = await analyze("""
int _examplePrivateFileVariable = 3;
void _examplePrivateFileFunction() {};
enum _PrivateEnum {
apple, banana
class ExampleClass {
enum _AnotherPrivateEnum {
peach, orange
String _examplePrivateField = "testing";
void _examplePrivateMethod() {}
class _ExamplePrivateClass {
enum PublicEnum {
pear, pineapple
String examplePublicField = "testing";
void examplePublicMethod() {}
var expectedAPI = '{\n'
' "files": {\n'
' "example.dart": {\n'
' "ClassDeclarationImpl": {\n'
' "ExampleClass": {\n'
' "name": "ExampleClass",\n'
' "type": "ClassDeclarationImpl"\n'
' }\n'
' },\n'
' "name": "example.dart",\n'
' "type": "file"\n'
' }\n'
' },\n'
' "name": "test.dart",\n'
' "type": "package"\n'
expect(sourceAPI, expectedAPI);
Future<String> analyze(String source) async {
JsonEncoder encoder = new JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ');
String path = (await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp()).path;
File file = new File(p.join(path, "example.dart"));
await file.writeAsString(source);
return await analyzeAPI("test.dart", [path]);