blob: ad1285b2d0e139996df605732af8e70b1a9d1a5e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Utilities for safe zero-copy parsing and serialization.
//! This crate provides utilities which make it easy to perform zero-copy
//! parsing and serialization by allowing zero-copy conversion to/from byte
//! slices.
//! This is enabled by three core marker traits:
//! - [`FromBytes`] indicates that a type may safely be converted from an
//! arbitrary byte sequence
//! - [`AsBytes`] indicates that a type may safely be converted *to* a byte
//! sequence
//! - [`Unaligned`] indicates that a type's alignment requirement is 1
//! Types which implement a subset of these traits can then be converted to/from
//! byte sequences with little to no runtime overhead.
#![cfg_attr(not(test), no_std)]
pub use zerocopy_derive::*;
use core::cell::{Ref, RefMut};
use core::fmt::{self, Debug, Display, Formatter};
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::mem;
use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use core::slice;
// implement an unsafe trait for a range of container types
macro_rules! impl_for_composite_types {
($trait:ident) => {
unsafe impl<T> $trait for PhantomData<T> {
fn only_derive_is_allowed_to_implement_this_trait()
Self: Sized,
unsafe impl<T: $trait> $trait for [T] {
fn only_derive_is_allowed_to_implement_this_trait()
Self: Sized,
unsafe impl $trait for () {
fn only_derive_is_allowed_to_implement_this_trait()
Self: Sized,
// implement an unsafe trait for all signed and unsigned primitive types
macro_rules! impl_for_primitives {
($trait:ident) => (
impl_for_primitives!(@inner $trait, u8, i8, u16, i16, u32, i32, u64, i64, u128, i128, usize, isize);
(@inner $trait:ident, $type:ty) => (
unsafe impl $trait for $type {
fn only_derive_is_allowed_to_implement_this_trait() where Self: Sized {}
(@inner $trait:ident, $type:ty, $($types:ty),*) => (
unsafe impl $trait for $type {
fn only_derive_is_allowed_to_implement_this_trait() where Self: Sized {}
impl_for_primitives!(@inner $trait, $($types),*);
// implement an unsafe trait for all array lengths up to 32 with an element type
// which implements the trait
macro_rules! impl_for_array_sizes {
($trait:ident) => (
impl_for_array_sizes!(@inner $trait, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32);
(@inner $trait:ident, $n:expr) => (
unsafe impl<T: $trait> $trait for [T; $n] {
fn only_derive_is_allowed_to_implement_this_trait() where Self: Sized {}
(@inner $trait:ident, $n:expr, $($ns:expr),*) => (
unsafe impl<T: $trait> $trait for [T; $n] {
fn only_derive_is_allowed_to_implement_this_trait() where Self: Sized {}
impl_for_array_sizes!(@inner $trait, $($ns),*);
/// Types for which any byte pattern is valid.
/// WARNING: Do not implement this trait yourself! Instead, use
/// `#[derive(FromBytes)]`.
/// `FromBytes` types can safely be deserialized from an untrusted sequence of
/// bytes because any byte sequence corresponds to a valid instance of the type.
/// # Safety
/// If `T: FromBytes`, then unsafe code may assume that it is sound to treat any
/// initialized sequence of bytes of length `size_of::<T>()` as a `T`. If a type
/// is marked as `FromBytes` which violates this contract, it may cause
/// undefined behavior.
/// If a type has the following properties, then it is safe to implement
/// `FromBytes` for that type:
/// - If the type is a struct:
/// - It must have a defined representation (`repr(C)`, `repr(transparent)`,
/// or `repr(packed)`)
/// - All of its fields must implement `FromBytes`
/// - If the type is an enum:
/// - It must be a C-like enum (meaning that all variants have no fields)
/// - It must have a defined representation (`repr`s `C`, `u8`, `u16`, `u32`,
/// `u64`, `usize`, `i8`, `i16`, `i32`, `i64`, or `isize`).
/// - The maximum number of discriminants must be used (so that every possible
/// bit pattern is a valid one). Be very careful when using the `C`,
/// `usize`, or `isize` representations, as their size is
/// platform-dependent.
pub unsafe trait FromBytes {
// NOTE: The Self: Sized bound makes it so that FromBytes is still object
// safe.
fn only_derive_is_allowed_to_implement_this_trait()
Self: Sized;
/// Types which are safe to treat as an immutable byte slice.
/// WARNING: Do not implement this trait yourself! Instead, use
/// `#[derive(AsBytes)]`.
/// `AsBytes` types can be safely viewed as a slice of bytes. In particular,
/// this means that, in any valid instance of the type, none of the bytes of the
/// instance are uninitialized. This precludes the following types:
/// - Structs with internal padding
/// - Unions in which not all variants have the same length
/// # Safety
/// If `T: AsBytes`, then unsafe code may assume that it is sound to treat any
/// instance of the type as an immutable `[u8]` of length `size_of::<T>()`. If a
/// type is marked as `AsBytes` which violates this contract, it may cause
/// undefined behavior.
/// If a type has the following properties, then it is safe to implement
/// `AsBytes` for that type
/// - If the type is a struct:
/// - It must have a defined representation (`repr(C)`, `repr(transparent)`,
/// or `repr(packed)`).
/// - All of its fields must be `AsBytes`
/// - Its layout must have no inter-field padding. This is always true for
/// `repr(transparent)` and `repr(packed)`. For `repr(C)`, see the layout
/// algorithm described in the [Rust Reference].
/// - If the type is an enum:
/// - It must be a C-like enum (meaning that all variants have no fields)
/// - It must have a defined representation (`repr`s `C`, `u8`, `u16`, `u32`,
/// `u64`, `usize`, `i8`, `i16`, `i32`, `i64`, or `isize`).
/// [Rust Reference]:
pub unsafe trait AsBytes {
fn only_derive_is_allowed_to_implement_this_trait()
Self: Sized;
/// Get the bytes of this value.
/// `as_bytes` provides access to the bytes of this value as an immutable
/// byte slice.
fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
unsafe {
// NOTE: This function does not have a Self: Sized bound.
// size_of_val works for unsized values too.
let len = mem::size_of_val(self);
slice::from_raw_parts(self as *const Self as *const u8, len)
/// Get the bytes of this value mutably.
/// `as_bytes_mut` provides access to the bytes of this value as a mutable
/// byte slice.
fn as_bytes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8]
Self: FromBytes,
unsafe {
// NOTE: This function does not have a Self: Sized bound.
// size_of_val works for unsized values too.
let len = mem::size_of_val(self);
slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self as *mut Self as *mut u8, len)
/// Types with no alignment requirement.
/// WARNING: Do not implement this trait yourself! Instead, use
/// `#[derive(Unaligned)]`.
/// If `T: Unaligned`, then `align_of::<T>() == 1`.
/// # Safety
/// If `T: Unaligned`, then unsafe code may assume that it is sound to produce a
/// reference to `T` at any memory location regardless of alignment. If a type
/// is marked as `Unaligned` which violates this contract, it may cause
/// undefined behavior.
pub unsafe trait Unaligned {
// NOTE: The Self: Sized bound makes it so that Unaligned is still object
// safe.
fn only_derive_is_allowed_to_implement_this_trait()
Self: Sized;
unsafe impl Unaligned for u8 {
fn only_derive_is_allowed_to_implement_this_trait()
Self: Sized,
unsafe impl Unaligned for i8 {
fn only_derive_is_allowed_to_implement_this_trait()
Self: Sized,
/// A length- and alignment-checked reference to a byte slice which can safely
/// be reinterpreted as another type.
/// `LayoutVerified` is a byte slice reference (`&[u8]`, `&mut [u8]`,
/// `Ref<[u8]>`, `RefMut<[u8]>`, etc) with the invaraint that the slice's length
/// and alignment are each greater than or equal to the length and alignment of
/// `T`. Using this invariant, it implements `Deref` for `T` so long as `T:
/// FromBytes` and `DerefMut` so long as `T: FromBytes + AsBytes`.
/// # Examples
/// `LayoutVerified` can be used to treat a sequence of bytes as a structured
/// type, and to read and write the fields of that type as if the byte slice
/// reference were simply a reference to that type.
/// ```rust
/// use zerocopy::{AsBytes, ByteSlice, ByteSliceMut, FromBytes, LayoutVerified, Unaligned};
/// #[derive(FromBytes, AsBytes, Unaligned)]
/// #[repr(C)]
/// struct UdpHeader {
/// src_port: [u8; 2],
/// dst_port: [u8; 2],
/// length: [u8; 2],
/// checksum: [u8; 2],
/// }
/// struct UdpPacket<B> {
/// header: LayoutVerified<B, UdpHeader>,
/// body: B,
/// }
/// impl<B: ByteSlice> UdpPacket<B> {
/// pub fn parse(bytes: B) -> Option<UdpPacket<B>> {
/// let (header, body) = LayoutVerified::new_unaligned_from_prefix(bytes)?;
/// Some(UdpPacket { header, body })
/// }
/// pub fn get_src_port(&self) -> [u8; 2] {
/// self.header.src_port
/// }
/// }
/// impl<B: ByteSliceMut> UdpPacket<B> {
/// pub fn set_src_port(&mut self, src_port: [u8; 2]) {
/// self.header.src_port = src_port;
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub struct LayoutVerified<B, T: ?Sized>(B, PhantomData<T>);
impl<B, T> LayoutVerified<B, T>
B: ByteSlice,
/// Construct a new `LayoutVerified`.
/// `new` verifies that `bytes.len() == size_of::<T>()` and that `bytes` is
/// aligned to `align_of::<T>()`, and constructs a new `LayoutVerified`. If
/// either of these checks fail, it returns `None`.
pub fn new(bytes: B) -> Option<LayoutVerified<B, T>> {
if bytes.len() != mem::size_of::<T>() || !aligned_to(bytes.deref(), mem::align_of::<T>()) {
return None;
Some(LayoutVerified(bytes, PhantomData))
/// Construct a new `LayoutVerified` from the prefix of a byte slice.
/// `new_from_prefix` verifies that `bytes.len() >= size_of::<T>()` and that
/// `bytes` is aligned to `align_of::<T>()`. It consumes the first
/// `size_of::<T>()` bytes from `bytes` to construct a `LayoutVerified`, and
/// returns the remaining bytes to the caller. If either the length or
/// alignment checks fail, it returns `None`.
pub fn new_from_prefix(bytes: B) -> Option<(LayoutVerified<B, T>, B)> {
if bytes.len() < mem::size_of::<T>() || !aligned_to(bytes.deref(), mem::align_of::<T>()) {
return None;
let (bytes, suffix) = bytes.split_at(mem::size_of::<T>());
Some((LayoutVerified(bytes, PhantomData), suffix))
/// Construct a new `LayoutVerified` from the suffix of a byte slice.
/// `new_from_suffix` verifies that `bytes.len() >= size_of::<T>()` and that
/// the last `size_of::<T>()` bytes of `bytes` are aligned to
/// `align_of::<T>()`. It consumes the last `size_of::<T>()` bytes from
/// `bytes` to construct a `LayoutVerified`, and returns the preceding bytes
/// to the caller. If either the length or alignment checks fail, it returns
/// `None`.
pub fn new_from_suffix(bytes: B) -> Option<(B, LayoutVerified<B, T>)> {
let bytes_len = bytes.len();
if bytes_len < mem::size_of::<T>() {
return None;
let (prefix, bytes) = bytes.split_at(bytes_len - mem::size_of::<T>());
if !aligned_to(bytes.deref(), mem::align_of::<T>()) {
return None;
Some((prefix, LayoutVerified(bytes, PhantomData)))
impl<B, T> LayoutVerified<B, T>
B: ByteSlice,
T: ?Sized,
// Get the underlying bytes.
pub fn bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
impl<B, T> LayoutVerified<B, [T]>
B: ByteSlice,
/// Construct a new `LayoutVerified` of a slice type.
/// `new_slice` verifies that `bytes.len()` is a multiple of
/// `size_of::<T>()` and that `bytes` is aligned to `align_of::<T>()`, and
/// constructs a new `LayoutVerified`. If either of these checks fail, it
/// returns `None`.
/// # Panics
/// `new_slice` panics if `T` is a zero-sized type.
pub fn new_slice(bytes: B) -> Option<LayoutVerified<B, [T]>> {
assert_ne!(mem::size_of::<T>(), 0);
if bytes.len() % mem::size_of::<T>() != 0
|| !aligned_to(bytes.deref(), mem::align_of::<T>())
return None;
Some(LayoutVerified(bytes, PhantomData))
fn map_zeroed<B: ByteSliceMut, T: ?Sized>(
opt: Option<LayoutVerified<B, T>>,
) -> Option<LayoutVerified<B, T>> {
match opt {
Some(mut lv) => {
for b in lv.0.iter_mut() {
*b = 0;
None => None,
fn map_prefix_tuple_zeroed<B: ByteSliceMut, T: ?Sized>(
opt: Option<(LayoutVerified<B, T>, B)>,
) -> Option<(LayoutVerified<B, T>, B)> {
match opt {
Some((mut lv, rest)) => {
for b in lv.0.iter_mut() {
*b = 0;
Some((lv, rest))
None => None,
fn map_suffix_tuple_zeroed<B: ByteSliceMut, T: ?Sized>(
opt: Option<(B, LayoutVerified<B, T>)>,
) -> Option<(B, LayoutVerified<B, T>)> {
map_prefix_tuple_zeroed(|(a, b)| (b, a))).map(|(a, b)| (b, a))
impl<B, T> LayoutVerified<B, T>
B: ByteSliceMut,
/// Construct a new `LayoutVerified` after zeroing the bytes.
/// `new_zeroed` verifies that `bytes.len() == size_of::<T>()` and that
/// `bytes` is aligned to `align_of::<T>()`, and constructs a new
/// `LayoutVerified`. If either of these checks fail, it returns `None`.
/// If the checks succeed, then `bytes` will be initialized to zero. This
/// can be useful when re-using buffers to ensure that sensitive data
/// previously stored in the buffer is not leaked.
pub fn new_zeroed(bytes: B) -> Option<LayoutVerified<B, T>> {
/// Construct a new `LayoutVerified` from the prefix of a byte slice,
/// zeroing the prefix.
/// `new_from_prefix_zeroed` verifies that `bytes.len() >= size_of::<T>()`
/// and that `bytes` is aligned to `align_of::<T>()`. It consumes the first
/// `size_of::<T>()` bytes from `bytes` to construct a `LayoutVerified`, and
/// returns the remaining bytes to the caller. If either the length or
/// alignment checks fail, it returns `None`.
/// If the checks succeed, then the prefix which is consumed will be
/// initialized to zero. This can be useful when re-using buffers to ensure
/// that sensitive data previously stored in the buffer is not leaked.
pub fn new_from_prefix_zeroed(bytes: B) -> Option<(LayoutVerified<B, T>, B)> {
/// Construct a new `LayoutVerified` from the suffix of a byte slice,
/// zeroing the suffix.
/// `new_from_suffix_zeroed` verifies that `bytes.len() >= size_of::<T>()` and that
/// the last `size_of::<T>()` bytes of `bytes` are aligned to
/// `align_of::<T>()`. It consumes the last `size_of::<T>()` bytes from
/// `bytes` to construct a `LayoutVerified`, and returns the preceding bytes
/// to the caller. If either the length or alignment checks fail, it returns
/// `None`.
/// If the checks succeed, then the suffix which is consumed will be
/// initialized to zero. This can be useful when re-using buffers to ensure
/// that sensitive data previously stored in the buffer is not leaked.
pub fn new_from_suffix_zeroed(bytes: B) -> Option<(B, LayoutVerified<B, T>)> {
impl<B, T> LayoutVerified<B, [T]>
B: ByteSliceMut,
/// Construct a new `LayoutVerified` of a slice type after zeroing the
/// bytes.
/// `new_slice_zeroed` verifies that `bytes.len()` is a multiple of
/// `size_of::<T>()` and that `bytes` is aligned to `align_of::<T>()`, and
/// constructs a new `LayoutVerified`. If either of these checks fail, it
/// returns `None`.
/// If the checks succeed, then `bytes` will be initialized to zero. This
/// can be useful when re-using buffers to ensure that sensitive data
/// previously stored in the buffer is not leaked.
/// # Panics
/// `new_slice` panics if `T` is a zero-sized type.
pub fn new_slice_zeroed(bytes: B) -> Option<LayoutVerified<B, [T]>> {
impl<B, T> LayoutVerified<B, T>
B: ByteSlice,
T: Unaligned,
/// Construct a new `LayoutVerified` for a type with no alignment
/// requirement.
/// `new_unaligned` verifies that `bytes.len() == size_of::<T>()` and
/// constructs a new `LayoutVerified`. If the check fails, it returns
/// `None`.
pub fn new_unaligned(bytes: B) -> Option<LayoutVerified<B, T>> {
if bytes.len() != mem::size_of::<T>() {
return None;
Some(LayoutVerified(bytes, PhantomData))
/// Construct a new `LayoutVerified` from the prefix of a byte slice for a
/// type with no alignment requirement.
/// `new_unaligned_from_prefix` verifies that `bytes.len() >=
/// size_of::<T>()`. It consumes the first `size_of::<T>()` bytes from
/// `bytes` to construct a `LayoutVerified`, and returns the remaining bytes
/// to the caller. If the length check fails, it returns `None`.
pub fn new_unaligned_from_prefix(bytes: B) -> Option<(LayoutVerified<B, T>, B)> {
if bytes.len() < mem::size_of::<T>() {
return None;
let (bytes, suffix) = bytes.split_at(mem::size_of::<T>());
Some((LayoutVerified(bytes, PhantomData), suffix))
/// Construct a new `LayoutVerified` from the suffix of a byte slice for a
/// type with no alignment requirement.
/// `new_unaligned_from_suffix` verifies that `bytes.len() >=
/// size_of::<T>()`. It consumes the last `size_of::<T>()` bytes from
/// `bytes` to construct a `LayoutVerified`, and returns the preceding bytes
/// to the caller. If the length check fails, it returns `None`.
pub fn new_unaligned_from_suffix(bytes: B) -> Option<(B, LayoutVerified<B, T>)> {
let bytes_len = bytes.len();
if bytes_len < mem::size_of::<T>() {
return None;
let (prefix, bytes) = bytes.split_at(bytes_len - mem::size_of::<T>());
Some((prefix, LayoutVerified(bytes, PhantomData)))
impl<B, T> LayoutVerified<B, [T]>
B: ByteSlice,
T: Unaligned,
/// Construct a new `LayoutVerified` of a slice type with no alignment
/// requirement.
/// `new_slice_unaligned` verifies that `bytes.len()` is a multiple of
/// `size_of::<T>()` and constructs a new `LayoutVerified`. If the check
/// fails, it returns `None`.
/// # Panics
/// `new_slice` panics if `T` is a zero-sized type.
pub fn new_slice_unaligned(bytes: B) -> Option<LayoutVerified<B, [T]>> {
assert_ne!(mem::size_of::<T>(), 0);
if bytes.len() % mem::size_of::<T>() != 0 {
return None;
Some(LayoutVerified(bytes, PhantomData))
impl<B, T> LayoutVerified<B, T>
B: ByteSliceMut,
T: Unaligned,
/// Construct a new `LayoutVerified` for a type with no alignment
/// requirement, zeroing the bytes.
/// `new_unaligned_zeroed` verifies that `bytes.len() == size_of::<T>()` and
/// constructs a new `LayoutVerified`. If the check fails, it returns
/// `None`.
/// If the check succeeds, then `bytes` will be initialized to zero. This
/// can be useful when re-using buffers to ensure that sensitive data
/// previously stored in the buffer is not leaked.
pub fn new_unaligned_zeroed(bytes: B) -> Option<LayoutVerified<B, T>> {
/// Construct a new `LayoutVerified` from the prefix of a byte slice for a
/// type with no alignment requirement, zeroing the prefix.
/// `new_unaligned_from_prefix_zeroed` verifies that `bytes.len() >=
/// size_of::<T>()`. It consumes the first `size_of::<T>()` bytes from
/// `bytes` to construct a `LayoutVerified`, and returns the remaining bytes
/// to the caller. If the length check fails, it returns `None`.
/// If the check succeeds, then the prefix which is consumed will be
/// initialized to zero. This can be useful when re-using buffers to ensure
/// that sensitive data previously stored in the buffer is not leaked.
pub fn new_unaligned_from_prefix_zeroed(bytes: B) -> Option<(LayoutVerified<B, T>, B)> {
/// Construct a new `LayoutVerified` from the suffix of a byte slice for a
/// type with no alignment requirement, zeroing the suffix.
/// `new_unaligned_from_suffix_zeroed` verifies that `bytes.len() >=
/// size_of::<T>()`. It consumes the last `size_of::<T>()` bytes from
/// `bytes` to construct a `LayoutVerified`, and returns the preceding bytes
/// to the caller. If the length check fails, it returns `None`.
/// If the check succeeds, then the suffix which is consumed will be
/// initialized to zero. This can be useful when re-using buffers to ensure
/// that sensitive data previously stored in the buffer is not leaked.
pub fn new_unaligned_from_suffix_zeroed(bytes: B) -> Option<(B, LayoutVerified<B, T>)> {
impl<B, T> LayoutVerified<B, [T]>
B: ByteSliceMut,
T: Unaligned,
/// Construct a new `LayoutVerified` for a slice type with no alignment
/// requirement, zeroing the bytes.
/// `new_slice_unaligned_zeroed` verifies that `bytes.len()` is a multiple
/// of `size_of::<T>()` and constructs a new `LayoutVerified`. If the check
/// fails, it returns `None`.
/// If the check succeeds, then `bytes` will be initialized to zero. This
/// can be useful when re-using buffers to ensure that sensitive data
/// previously stored in the buffer is not leaked.
/// # Panics
/// `new_slice` panics if `T` is a zero-sized type.
pub fn new_slice_unaligned_zeroed(bytes: B) -> Option<LayoutVerified<B, [T]>> {
impl<'a, B, T> LayoutVerified<B, T>
B: 'a + ByteSlice,
T: FromBytes,
/// Convert this `LayoutVerified` into a reference.
/// `into_ref` consumes the `LayoutVerified`, and returns a reference to
/// `T`.
pub fn into_ref(self) -> &'a T {
// NOTE: This is safe because `B` is guaranteed to live for the lifetime
// `'a`, meaning that a) the returned reference cannot outlive the `B`
// from which `self` was constructed and, b) no mutable methods on that
// `B` can be called during the lifetime of the returned reference. See
// the documentation on `deref_helper` for what invariants we are
// required to uphold.
unsafe { self.deref_helper() }
impl<'a, B, T> LayoutVerified<B, T>
B: 'a + ByteSliceMut,
T: FromBytes + AsBytes,
/// Convert this `LayoutVerified` into a mutable reference.
/// `into_mut` consumes the `LayoutVerified`, and returns a mutable
/// reference to `T`.
pub fn into_mut(mut self) -> &'a mut T {
// NOTE: This is safe because `B` is guaranteed to live for the lifetime
// `'a`, meaning that a) the returned reference cannot outlive the `B`
// from which `self` was constructed and, b) no other methods - mutable
// or immutable - on that `B` can be called during the lifetime of the
// returned reference. See the documentation on `deref_mut_helper` for
// what invariants we are required to uphold.
unsafe { self.deref_mut_helper() }
impl<'a, B, T> LayoutVerified<B, [T]>
B: 'a + ByteSlice,
T: FromBytes,
/// Convert this `LayoutVerified` into a slice reference.
/// `into_slice` consumes the `LayoutVerified`, and returns a reference to
/// `[T]`.
pub fn into_slice(self) -> &'a [T] {
// NOTE: This is safe because `B` is guaranteed to live for the lifetime
// `'a`, meaning that a) the returned reference cannot outlive the `B`
// from which `self` was constructed and, b) no mutable methods on that
// `B` can be called during the lifetime of the returned reference. See
// the documentation on `deref_slice_helper` for what invariants we are
// required to uphold.
unsafe { self.deref_slice_helper() }
impl<'a, B, T> LayoutVerified<B, [T]>
B: 'a + ByteSliceMut,
T: FromBytes + AsBytes,
/// Convert this `LayoutVerified` into a mutable slice reference.
/// `into_mut_slice` consumes the `LayoutVerified`, and returns a mutable reference to
/// `[T]`.
pub fn into_mut_slice(mut self) -> &'a mut [T] {
// NOTE: This is safe because `B` is guaranteed to live for the lifetime
// `'a`, meaning that a) the returned reference cannot outlive the `B`
// from which `self` was constructed and, b) no other methods - mutable
// or immutable - on that `B` can be called during the lifetime of the
// returned reference. See the documentation on `deref_mut_slice_helper`
// for what invariants we are required to uphold.
unsafe { self.deref_mut_slice_helper() }
impl<B, T> LayoutVerified<B, T>
B: ByteSlice,
T: FromBytes,
/// Create an immutable reference to `T` with a specific lifetime.
/// # Safety
/// The type bounds on this method guarantee that it is safe to create an
/// immutable reference to `T` from `self`. However, since the lifetime `'a`
/// is not required to be shorter than the lifetime of the reference to
/// `self`, the caller must guarantee that the lifetime `'a` is valid for
/// this reference. In particular, the referent must exist for all of `'a`,
/// and no mutable references to the same memory may be constructed during
/// `'a`.
unsafe fn deref_helper<'a>(&self) -> &'a T {
&*(self.0.as_ptr() as *const T)
impl<B, T> LayoutVerified<B, T>
B: ByteSliceMut,
T: FromBytes + AsBytes,
/// Create a mutable reference to `T` with a specific lifetime.
/// # Safety
/// The type bounds on this method guarantee that it is safe to create a
/// mutable reference to `T` from `self`. However, since the lifetime `'a`
/// is not required to be shorter than the lifetime of the reference to
/// `self`, the caller must guarantee that the lifetime `'a` is valid for
/// this reference. In particular, the referent must exist for all of `'a`,
/// and no other references - mutable or immutable - to the same memory may
/// be constructed during `'a`.
unsafe fn deref_mut_helper<'a>(&mut self) -> &'a mut T {
&mut *(self.0.as_mut_ptr() as *mut T)
impl<B, T> LayoutVerified<B, [T]>
B: ByteSlice,
T: FromBytes,
/// Create an immutable reference to `[T]` with a specific lifetime.
/// # Safety
/// `deref_slice_helper` has the same safety requirements as `deref_helper`.
unsafe fn deref_slice_helper<'a>(&self) -> &'a [T] {
let len = self.0.len();
let elem_size = mem::size_of::<T>();
debug_assert_ne!(elem_size, 0);
debug_assert_eq!(len % elem_size, 0);
let elems = len / elem_size;
slice::from_raw_parts(self.0.as_ptr() as *const T, elems)
impl<B, T> LayoutVerified<B, [T]>
B: ByteSliceMut,
T: FromBytes + AsBytes,
/// Create a mutable reference to `[T]` with a specific lifetime.
/// # Safety
/// `deref_mut_slice_helper` has the same safety requirements as
/// `deref_mut_helper`.
unsafe fn deref_mut_slice_helper<'a>(&mut self) -> &'a mut [T] {
let len = self.0.len();
let elem_size = mem::size_of::<T>();
debug_assert_ne!(elem_size, 0);
debug_assert_eq!(len % elem_size, 0);
let elems = len / elem_size;
slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.0.as_mut_ptr() as *mut T, elems)
fn aligned_to(bytes: &[u8], align: usize) -> bool {
(bytes as *const _ as *const () as usize) % align == 0
impl<B, T> LayoutVerified<B, T>
B: ByteSliceMut,
T: ?Sized,
// Get the underlying bytes mutably.
pub fn bytes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
&mut self.0
impl<B, T> Deref for LayoutVerified<B, T>
B: ByteSlice,
T: FromBytes,
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
// NOTE: This is safe because the lifetime of `self` is the same as the
// lifetime of the return value, meaning that a) the returned reference
// cannot outlive `self` and, b) no mutable methods on `self` can be
// called during the lifetime of the returned reference. See the
// documentation on `deref_helper` for what invariants we are required
// to uphold.
unsafe { self.deref_helper() }
impl<B, T> DerefMut for LayoutVerified<B, T>
B: ByteSliceMut,
T: FromBytes + AsBytes,
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
// NOTE: This is safe because the lifetime of `self` is the same as the
// lifetime of the return value, meaning that a) the returned reference
// cannot outlive `self` and, b) no other methods on `self` can be
// called during the lifetime of the returned reference. See the
// documentation on `deref_mut_helper` for what invariants we are
// required to uphold.
unsafe { self.deref_mut_helper() }
impl<B, T> Deref for LayoutVerified<B, [T]>
B: ByteSlice,
T: FromBytes,
type Target = [T];
fn deref(&self) -> &[T] {
// NOTE: This is safe because the lifetime of `self` is the same as the
// lifetime of the return value, meaning that a) the returned reference
// cannot outlive `self` and, b) no mutable methods on `self` can be
// called during the lifetime of the returned reference. See the
// documentation on `deref_slice_helper` for what invariants we are
// required to uphold.
unsafe { self.deref_slice_helper() }
impl<B, T> DerefMut for LayoutVerified<B, [T]>
B: ByteSliceMut,
T: FromBytes + AsBytes,
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [T] {
// NOTE: This is safe because the lifetime of `self` is the same as the
// lifetime of the return value, meaning that a) the returned reference
// cannot outlive `self` and, b) no other methods on `self` can be
// called during the lifetime of the returned reference. See the
// documentation on `deref_mut_slice_helper` for what invariants we are
// required to uphold.
unsafe { self.deref_mut_slice_helper() }
impl<T, B> Display for LayoutVerified<B, T>
B: ByteSlice,
T: FromBytes + Display,
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let inner: &T = self;
impl<T, B> Debug for LayoutVerified<B, T>
B: ByteSlice,
T: FromBytes + Debug,
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let inner: &T = self;
impl<T, B> Display for LayoutVerified<B, [T]>
B: ByteSlice,
T: FromBytes,
[T]: Display,
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let inner: &[T] = self;
impl<T, B> Debug for LayoutVerified<B, [T]>
B: ByteSlice,
T: FromBytes + Debug,
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let inner: &[T] = self;
mod sealed {
use core::cell::{Ref, RefMut};
pub trait Sealed {}
impl<'a> Sealed for &'a [u8] {}
impl<'a> Sealed for &'a mut [u8] {}
impl<'a> Sealed for Ref<'a, [u8]> {}
impl<'a> Sealed for RefMut<'a, [u8]> {}
// ByteSlice and ByteSliceMut abstract over [u8] references (&[u8], &mut [u8],
// Ref<[u8]>, RefMut<[u8]>, etc). We rely on various behaviors of these
// references such as that a given reference will never changes its length
// between calls to deref() or deref_mut(), and that split_at() works as
// expected. If ByteSlice or ByteSliceMut were not sealed, consumers could
// implement them in a way that violated these behaviors, and would break our
// unsafe code. Thus, we seal them and implement it only for known-good
// reference types. For the same reason, they're unsafe traits.
/// A mutable or immutable reference to a byte slice.
/// `ByteSlice` abstracts over the mutability of a byte slice reference, and is
/// implemented for various special reference types such as `Ref<[u8]>` and
/// `RefMut<[u8]>`.
pub unsafe trait ByteSlice: Deref<Target = [u8]> + Sized + self::sealed::Sealed {
fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const u8;
fn split_at(self, mid: usize) -> (Self, Self);
/// A mutable reference to a byte slice.
/// `ByteSliceMut` abstracts over various ways of storing a mutable reference to
/// a byte slice, and is implemented for various special reference types such as
/// `RefMut<[u8]>`.
pub unsafe trait ByteSliceMut: ByteSlice + DerefMut {
fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut u8;
unsafe impl<'a> ByteSlice for &'a [u8] {
fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const u8 {
fn split_at(self, mid: usize) -> (Self, Self) {
<[u8]>::split_at(self, mid)
unsafe impl<'a> ByteSlice for &'a mut [u8] {
fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const u8 {
fn split_at(self, mid: usize) -> (Self, Self) {
<[u8]>::split_at_mut(self, mid)
unsafe impl<'a> ByteSlice for Ref<'a, [u8]> {
fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const u8 {
fn split_at(self, mid: usize) -> (Self, Self) {
Ref::map_split(self, |slice| <[u8]>::split_at(slice, mid))
unsafe impl<'a> ByteSlice for RefMut<'a, [u8]> {
fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const u8 {
fn split_at(self, mid: usize) -> (Self, Self) {
RefMut::map_split(self, |slice| <[u8]>::split_at_mut(slice, mid))
unsafe impl<'a> ByteSliceMut for &'a mut [u8] {
fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut u8 {
unsafe impl<'a> ByteSliceMut for RefMut<'a, [u8]> {
fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut u8 {
mod tests {
use core::ops::Deref;
use core::ptr;
use super::*;
// B should be [u8; N]. T will require that the entire structure is aligned
// to the alignment of T.
struct AlignedBuffer<T, B> {
buf: B,
_t: T,
impl<T, B: Default> AlignedBuffer<T, B> {
fn clear_buf(&mut self) {
self.buf = B::default();
// convert a u64 to bytes using this platform's endianness
fn u64_to_bytes(u: u64) -> [u8; 8] {
unsafe { ptr::read(&u as *const u64 as *const [u8; 8]) }
// convert a u128 to bytes using this platform's endianness
fn u128_to_bytes(u: u128) -> [u8; 16] {
unsafe { ptr::read(&u as *const u128 as *const [u8; 16]) }
fn test_address() {
// test that the Deref and DerefMut implementations return a reference which
// points to the right region of memory
let buf = [0];
let lv = LayoutVerified::<_, u8>::new(&buf[..]).unwrap();
let buf_ptr = buf.as_ptr();
let deref_ptr = lv.deref() as *const u8;
assert_eq!(buf_ptr, deref_ptr);
let buf = [0];
let lv = LayoutVerified::<_, [u8]>::new_slice(&buf[..]).unwrap();
let buf_ptr = buf.as_ptr();
let deref_ptr = lv.deref().as_ptr();
assert_eq!(buf_ptr, deref_ptr);
// verify that values written to a LayoutVerified are properly shared
// between the typed and untyped representations
fn test_new_helper<'a>(mut lv: LayoutVerified<&'a mut [u8], u64>) {
// assert that the value starts at 0
assert_eq!(*lv, 0);
// assert that values written to the typed value are reflected in the
// byte slice
const VAL1: u64 = 0xFF00FF00FF00FF00;
*lv = VAL1;
assert_eq!(lv.bytes(), &u64_to_bytes(VAL1));
// assert that values written to the byte slice are reflected in the
// typed value
const VAL2: u64 = !VAL1; // different from VAL1
assert_eq!(*lv, VAL2);
// verify that values written to a LayoutVerified are properly shared
// between the typed and untyped representations; pass a value with
// byte length 16/typed length 2
fn test_new_helper_slice<'a>(mut lv: LayoutVerified<&'a mut [u8], [u64]>) {
// assert that the value starts at [0, 0]
assert_eq!(*lv, [0, 0]);
// assert that values written to the typed value are reflected in the
// byte slice
const VAL1: u64 = 0xFF00FF00FF00FF00;
const VAL1_DOUBLED: u128 = 0xFF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00;
lv[0] = VAL1;
lv[1] = VAL1;
assert_eq!(lv.bytes(), &u128_to_bytes(VAL1_DOUBLED));
// assert that values written to the byte slice are reflected in the
// typed value
const VAL2: u64 = !VAL1; // different from VAL1
const VAL2_DOUBLED: u128 = !VAL1_DOUBLED;
assert_eq!(*lv, [VAL2, VAL2]);
// verify that values written to a LayoutVerified are properly shared
// between the typed and untyped representations
fn test_new_helper_unaligned<'a>(mut lv: LayoutVerified<&'a mut [u8], [u8; 8]>) {
// assert that the value starts at 0
assert_eq!(*lv, [0; 8]);
// assert that values written to the typed value are reflected in the
// byte slice
const VAL1: [u8; 8] = [0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00];
*lv = VAL1;
assert_eq!(lv.bytes(), &VAL1);
// assert that values written to the byte slice are reflected in the
// typed value
const VAL2: [u8; 8] = [0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF]; // different from VAL1
assert_eq!(*lv, VAL2);
// verify that values written to a LayoutVerified are properly shared
// between the typed and untyped representations; pass a value with
// length 16
fn test_new_helper_slice_unaligned<'a>(mut lv: LayoutVerified<&'a mut [u8], [u8]>) {
// assert that the value starts at [0; 16]
assert_eq!(*lv, [0u8; 16][..]);
// assert that values written to the typed value are reflected in the
// byte slice
const VAL1: [u8; 16] = [
0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00,
0xFF, 0x00,
assert_eq!(lv.bytes(), &VAL1);
// assert that values written to the byte slice are reflected in the
// typed value
const VAL2: [u8; 16] = [
0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF,
0x00, 0xFF,
assert_eq!(*lv, VAL2);
fn test_new_aligned_sized() {
// Test that a properly-aligned, properly-sized buffer works for new,
// new_from_preifx, and new_from_suffix, and that new_from_prefix and
// new_from_suffix return empty slices. Test that a properly-aligned
// buffer whose length is a multiple of the element size works for
// new_slice. Test that xxx_zeroed behaves the same, and zeroes the
// memory.
// a buffer with an alignment of 8
let mut buf = AlignedBuffer::<u64, [u8; 8]>::default();
// buf.buf should be aligned to 8, so this should always succeed
test_new_helper(LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new(&mut buf.buf[..]).unwrap());
buf.buf = [0xFFu8; 8];
test_new_helper(LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[..]).unwrap());
// in a block so that lv and suffix don't live too long
let (lv, suffix) = LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_from_prefix(&mut buf.buf[..]).unwrap();
buf.buf = [0xFFu8; 8];
let (lv, suffix) =
LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_from_prefix_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[..]).unwrap();
let (prefix, lv) = LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_from_suffix(&mut buf.buf[..]).unwrap();
buf.buf = [0xFFu8; 8];
let (prefix, lv) =
LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_from_suffix_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[..]).unwrap();
// a buffer with alignment 8 and length 16
let mut buf = AlignedBuffer::<u64, [u8; 16]>::default();
// buf.buf should be aligned to 8 and have a length which is a multiple
// of size_of::<u64>(), so this should always succeed
test_new_helper_slice(LayoutVerified::<_, [u64]>::new_slice(&mut buf.buf[..]).unwrap());
buf.buf = [0xFFu8; 16];
LayoutVerified::<_, [u64]>::new_slice_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[..]).unwrap(),
fn test_new_unaligned_sized() {
// Test that an unaligned, properly-sized buffer works for
// new_unaligned, new_unaligned_from_prefix, and
// new_unaligned_from_suffix, and that new_unaligned_from_prefix
// new_unaligned_from_suffix return empty slices. Test that an unaligned
// buffer whose length is a multiple of the element size works for
// new_slice. Test that xxx_zeroed behaves the same, and zeroes the
// memory.
let mut buf = [0u8; 8];
LayoutVerified::<_, [u8; 8]>::new_unaligned(&mut buf[..]).unwrap(),
buf = [0xFFu8; 8];
LayoutVerified::<_, [u8; 8]>::new_unaligned_zeroed(&mut buf[..]).unwrap(),
// in a block so that lv and suffix don't live too long
buf = [0u8; 8];
let (lv, suffix) =
LayoutVerified::<_, [u8; 8]>::new_unaligned_from_prefix(&mut buf[..]).unwrap();
buf = [0xFFu8; 8];
let (lv, suffix) =
LayoutVerified::<_, [u8; 8]>::new_unaligned_from_prefix_zeroed(&mut buf[..])
buf = [0u8; 8];
let (prefix, lv) =
LayoutVerified::<_, [u8; 8]>::new_unaligned_from_suffix(&mut buf[..]).unwrap();
buf = [0xFFu8; 8];
let (prefix, lv) =
LayoutVerified::<_, [u8; 8]>::new_unaligned_from_suffix_zeroed(&mut buf[..])
let mut buf = [0u8; 16];
// buf.buf should be aligned to 8 and have a length which is a multiple
// of size_of::<u64>(), so this should always succeed
LayoutVerified::<_, [u8]>::new_slice(&mut buf[..]).unwrap(),
buf = [0xFFu8; 16];
LayoutVerified::<_, [u8]>::new_slice_zeroed(&mut buf[..]).unwrap(),
fn test_new_oversized() {
// Test that a properly-aligned, overly-sized buffer works for
// new_from_prefix and new_from_suffix, and that they return the
// remainder and prefix of the slice respectively. Test that xxx_zeroed
// behaves the same, and zeroes the memory.
let mut buf = AlignedBuffer::<u64, [u8; 16]>::default();
// in a block so that lv and suffix don't live too long
// buf.buf should be aligned to 8, so this should always succeed
let (lv, suffix) = LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_from_prefix(&mut buf.buf[..]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(suffix.len(), 8);
buf.buf = [0xFFu8; 16];
// buf.buf should be aligned to 8, so this should always succeed
let (lv, suffix) =
LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_from_prefix_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[..]).unwrap();
// assert that the suffix wasn't zeroed
assert_eq!(suffix, &[0xFFu8; 8]);
// buf.buf should be aligned to 8, so this should always succeed
let (prefix, lv) = LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_from_suffix(&mut buf.buf[..]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(prefix.len(), 8);
buf.buf = [0xFFu8; 16];
// buf.buf should be aligned to 8, so this should always succeed
let (prefix, lv) =
LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_from_suffix_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[..]).unwrap();
// assert that the prefix wasn't zeroed
assert_eq!(prefix, &[0xFFu8; 8]);
fn test_new_unaligned_oversized() {
// Test than an unaligned, overly-sized buffer works for
// new_unaligned_from_prefix and new_unaligned_from_suffix, and that
// they return the remainder and prefix of the slice respectively. Test
// that xxx_zeroed behaves the same, and zeroes the memory.
let mut buf = [0u8; 16];
// in a block so that lv and suffix don't live too long
let (lv, suffix) =
LayoutVerified::<_, [u8; 8]>::new_unaligned_from_prefix(&mut buf[..]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(suffix.len(), 8);
buf = [0xFFu8; 16];
let (lv, suffix) =
LayoutVerified::<_, [u8; 8]>::new_unaligned_from_prefix_zeroed(&mut buf[..])
// assert that the suffix wasn't zeroed
assert_eq!(suffix, &[0xFF; 8]);
buf = [0u8; 16];
let (prefix, lv) =
LayoutVerified::<_, [u8; 8]>::new_unaligned_from_suffix(&mut buf[..]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(prefix.len(), 8);
buf = [0xFFu8; 16];
let (prefix, lv) =
LayoutVerified::<_, [u8; 8]>::new_unaligned_from_suffix_zeroed(&mut buf[..])
// assert that the prefix wasn't zeroed
assert_eq!(prefix, &[0xFF; 8]);
fn test_new_fail() {
// fail because the buffer is too large
// a buffer with an alignment of 8
let mut buf = AlignedBuffer::<u64, [u8; 16]>::default();
// buf.buf should be aligned to 8, so only the length check should fail
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new(&buf.buf[..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, [u8; 8]>::new_unaligned(&buf.buf[..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, [u8; 8]>::new_unaligned_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[..]).is_none());
// fail because the buffer is too small
// a buffer with an alignment of 8
let mut buf = AlignedBuffer::<u64, [u8; 4]>::default();
// buf.buf should be aligned to 8, so only the length check should fail
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new(&buf.buf[..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, [u8; 8]>::new_unaligned(&buf.buf[..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, [u8; 8]>::new_unaligned_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_from_prefix(&buf.buf[..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_from_prefix_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_from_suffix(&buf.buf[..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_from_suffix_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, [u8; 8]>::new_unaligned_from_prefix(&buf.buf[..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, [u8; 8]>::new_unaligned_from_prefix_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[..])
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, [u8; 8]>::new_unaligned_from_suffix(&buf.buf[..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, [u8; 8]>::new_unaligned_from_suffix_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[..])
// fail because the length is not a multiple of the element size
let mut buf = AlignedBuffer::<u64, [u8; 12]>::default();
// buf.buf has length 12, but element size is 8
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, [u64]>::new_slice(&buf.buf[..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, [u64]>::new_slice_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, [[u8; 8]]>::new_slice_unaligned(&buf.buf[..]).is_none());
LayoutVerified::<_, [[u8; 8]]>::new_slice_unaligned_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[..]).is_none()
// fail because the alignment is insufficient
// a buffer with an alignment of 8
let mut buf = AlignedBuffer::<u64, [u8; 12]>::default();
// slicing from 4, we get a buffer with size 8 (so the length check
// should succeed) but an alignment of only 4, which is insufficient
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new(&buf.buf[4..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[4..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_from_prefix(&buf.buf[4..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_from_prefix_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[4..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, [u64]>::new_slice(&buf.buf[4..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, [u64]>::new_slice_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[4..]).is_none());
// slicing from 4 should be unnecessary because new_from_suffix[_zeroed]
// use the suffix of the slice
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_from_suffix(&buf.buf[..]).is_none());
assert!(LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new_from_suffix_zeroed(&mut buf.buf[..]).is_none());
fn test_new_slice_zst_panics() {
LayoutVerified::<_, [()]>::new_slice(&[0u8][..]);
fn test_new_slice_zeroed_zst_panics() {
LayoutVerified::<_, [()]>::new_slice_zeroed(&mut [0u8][..]);
fn test_new_slice_unaligned_zst_panics() {
LayoutVerified::<_, [()]>::new_slice_unaligned(&[0u8][..]);
fn test_new_slice_unaligned_zeroed_zst_panics() {
LayoutVerified::<_, [()]>::new_slice_unaligned_zeroed(&mut [0u8][..]);
fn test_as_bytes_methods() {
// This is a hack to get the derives below to work. They assume that
// zerocopy is linked as an extern crate, so they access items from it
// as `zerocopy::Xxx`. This makes that still work.
mod zerocopy {
pub use crate::*;
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, FromBytes, AsBytes)]
struct Foo {
a: u32,
b: u32,
let mut foo = Foo { a: 1, b: 2 };
// Test that we can access the underlying bytes, and that we get the
// right bytes and the right number of bytes.
assert_eq!(foo.as_bytes(), [1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0]);
// Test that changes to the underlying byte slices are reflected in the
// original object.
foo.as_bytes_mut()[0] = 3;
assert_eq!(foo, Foo { a: 3, b: 2 });
// Do the same tests for a slice, which ensures that this logic works
// for unsized types as well.
let foo = &mut [Foo { a: 1, b: 2 }, Foo { a: 3, b: 4 }];
assert_eq!(foo.as_bytes(), [1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0]);
foo.as_bytes_mut()[8] = 5;
assert_eq!(foo, &mut [Foo { a: 1, b: 2 }, Foo { a: 5, b: 4 }]);
fn test_display_debug() {
let buf = AlignedBuffer::<u64, [u8; 8]>::default();
let lv = LayoutVerified::<_, u64>::new(&buf.buf[..]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(format!("{}", lv), "0");
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", lv), "LayoutVerified(0)");
let buf = AlignedBuffer::<u64, [u8; 8]>::default();
let lv = LayoutVerified::<_, [u64]>::new_slice(&buf.buf[..]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", lv), "LayoutVerified([0])");