blob: 7705c4476cde008dfe4d199560cc99f7e2e2a665 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use futures::future::FutureObj;
use futures::task::Context;
use futures::{FutureExt, Poll};
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::{AcqRel, Relaxed};
/// A lock-free thread-safe future.
pub struct AtomicFuture {
state: AtomicUsize,
// `future` is safe to access only after a successful
// compare-and-swap from INACTIVE to ACTIVE, and before
// a transition from ACTIVE or NOTIFIED to INACTIVE or DONE.
// INVARIANT: this value must be `Some(...)` so long as
// `state` != `DONE`.
future: UnsafeCell<Option<FutureObj<'static, ()>>>,
/// `AtomicFuture` is safe to access from multiple threads at once.
/// Its only method is `try_poll`, which itself is thread-safe.
/// (See comments on method implementation for details)
unsafe impl Sync for AtomicFuture {}
trait AssertSend: Send {}
impl AssertSend for AtomicFuture {}
/// No thread is currently polling the future.
const INACTIVE: usize = 0;
/// A thread is currently polling the future.
const ACTIVE: usize = 1;
/// A thread is currently polling the future, and will poll again once it completes.
const NOTIFIED: usize = 2;
/// The future has been completed and should not be polled again.
const DONE: usize = 3;
// Valid transitions are:
// INACTIVE => ACTIVE: a thread took control of the future
// ACTIVE => INACTIVE: a thread released control of the future
// ACTIVE => NOTIFIED: a thread is currently in control of the future
// and has been notified to poll again
// ACTIVE => DONE: the future has been completed
// NOTIFIED => ACTIVE: a thread saw "NOTIFIED" and is going to poll again
// NOTIFIED => DONE: the future has been completed
/// The result of a call to `try_poll`.
/// This indicates the result of attempting to `poll` the future.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum AttemptPollResult {
/// The future was being polled by another thread, but it was notified
/// to poll at least once more before yielding.
/// The future was polled, but did not complete.
/// The future was polled and finished by this thread.
/// This result is normally used to trigger garbage-collection of the future.
/// The future was already completed by another thread.
impl AtomicFuture {
/// Create a new `AtomicFuture`.
pub fn new(future: FutureObj<'static, ()>) -> Self {
AtomicFuture {
state: AtomicUsize::new(INACTIVE),
future: UnsafeCell::new(Some(future)),
/// Attempt to poll the underlying future.
/// `try_poll` ensures that the future is polled at least once more
/// unless it has already finished.
pub fn try_poll(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> AttemptPollResult {
// AcqRel is used instead of SeqCst in the following code.
// AcqRel behaves like Acquire on loads and Release on stores.
// This means that a successful compare-and-swap will observe reads and
// writes from other threads that happened before their successful
// compare and swap operations.
// Prior to reading *or* mutating `self.future`, we must have
// performed a successful transition from INACTIVE to ACTIVE.
// After any mutation to `self.future`, no other threads will read
// `self.future` until the following two operations have occurred:
// - The mutating thread has transitioned from ACTIVE to (INACTIVE or DONE)
// - The new reader has transitioned from INACTIVE to ACTIVE.
// This guarantees that any writes written by the mutating thread will
// be observable by the reading thread.
loop {
// Attempt to acquire sole responsibility for polling the future
match self.state.compare_and_swap(INACTIVE, ACTIVE, AcqRel) {
// we are now the (only) active worker. proceed to poll!
loop {
let poll_res = {
// This `UnsafeCell` access is valid because `self.future.get()`
// is only called here, inside the critical section where
// we performed the transition from INACTIVE to ACTIVE.
let opt: &mut Option<
FutureObj<'static, ()>,
> = unsafe { &mut *self.future.get() };
// We know that the future is still there and hasn't completed
// because `state` != `DONE`
let future = opt.as_mut().expect("Missing future in AtomicFuture");
match poll_res {
Poll::Ready(()) => {
// Take the future so that its innards can be dropped
let future_opt: &mut Option<
FutureObj<'static, ()>,
> = unsafe { &mut *self.future.get() };
// No one else will read `future` unless they see
// `INACTIVE`, which will never happen again., Relaxed);
return AttemptPollResult::IFinished;
Poll::Pending => {
// Continue on
match self.state.compare_and_swap(ACTIVE, INACTIVE, AcqRel) {
return AttemptPollResult::Pending;
// We were notified to poll again while we were busy.
// We are still the sole owner of the memory in `future`,
// so we don't need any specific memory ordering guarantees., Relaxed);
panic!("Invalid data contention in AtomicFuture");
_ => {
panic!("Unexpected AtomicFuture state");
// Someone else was already working on this.
// notify them to make sure they poll at least one more time
// We're not acquiring access to memory or releasing any writes,
// so we can use `Relaxed` memory ordering.
match self.state.compare_and_swap(ACTIVE, NOTIFIED, Relaxed) {
// Ooh, the worker finished before we could notify.
// Let's start over and try and become the new worker.
// Either we CAS'd to NOTIFIED or someone else did.
// Since this is a relaxed read, you might wonder how we know
// that our read of NOTIFIED isn't stale.
// Note that the event which triggered the call to `try_poll` must
// have occurred prior to the initial (failed) CAS from INACTIVE to
// ACTIVE. That event itself must have introduced a memory fence in
// order to ensure visibility on successive calls to `try_poll` on
// another thread. Common events include syscalls and mutex writes.
// Since this CAS cannot be reordered with the initial CAS of
// the same variable, we have following definite order:
// event (syscall, mutex write, etc.) happens before
// read of ACTIVE happens before
// read of NOTIFIED
// This means `state` was definitely NOTIFIED at some point
// after the initial EVENT.
return AttemptPollResult::Busy;
DONE => {
// The worker completed this future already
return AttemptPollResult::SomeoneElseFinished;
_ => {
panic!("Unexpected AtomicFuture state");
// The worker is already going to poll at least one more time.
return AttemptPollResult::Busy;
DONE => {
// Someone else completed this future already
return AttemptPollResult::SomeoneElseFinished;
_ => {
panic!("Unexpected AtomicFuture state");