blob: 46654c35d86c3328a598478c01b50a35de4b7ff8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::geometry::{Coord, IntCoord, IntPoint, IntRect, IntSize, Point, Rect, Size};
use core::ops::Range;
use euclid::rect;
use failure::Error;
use fidl_fuchsia_ui_gfx::ColorRgba;
use mapped_vmo::Mapping;
use rusttype::{Font, FontCollection, Scale};
use std::sync::Arc;
/// Struct representing an RGBA color value
#[derive(Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Color {
pub r: u8,
pub g: u8,
pub b: u8,
pub a: u8,
pub fn to_565(pixel: &[u8; 4]) -> [u8; 2] {
let red = pixel[0] >> 3;
let green = pixel[1] >> 2;
let blue = pixel[2] >> 3;
let b1 = (red << 3) | ((green & 0b11_1000) >> 3);
let b2 = ((green & 0b111) << 5) | blue;
[b2, b1]
impl Color {
pub fn new() -> Color {
Color { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 }
pub fn white() -> Color {
Color { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 255 }
pub fn extract_hex_slice(hash_code: &str, start_index: usize) -> Result<u8, Error> {
Ok(u8::from_str_radix(&hash_code[start_index..start_index + 2], 16)?)
pub fn to_float_color_component(component: u8) -> f64 {
(component as f64 * 100.0 / 255.0).round() / 100.0
pub fn from_hash_code(hash_code: &str) -> Result<Color, Error> {
let mut new_color = Color::new();
new_color.r = Color::extract_hex_slice(&hash_code, 1)?;
new_color.g = Color::extract_hex_slice(&hash_code, 3)?;
new_color.b = Color::extract_hex_slice(&hash_code, 5)?;
pub fn make_color_rgba(&self) -> ColorRgba {
ColorRgba { red: self.r, green: self.g, blue: self.b, alpha: self.a }
pub fn to_565(&self) -> [u8; 2] {
let pixel = [self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a];
/// Struct combining a foreground and background color.
#[derive(Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Paint {
pub fg: Color,
pub bg: Color,
impl Paint {
pub fn from_hash_codes(fg: &str, bg: &str) -> Result<Paint, Error> {
Ok(Paint { fg: Color::from_hash_code(fg)?, bg: Color::from_hash_code(bg)? })
/// Opaque type representing a glyph ID.
#[derive(Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Glyph(u16);
/// Struct representing a glyph at a specific size.
#[derive(Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct GlyphDescriptor {
size: u32,
glyph: Glyph,
/// Struct containing a font and a cache of rendered glyphs.
pub struct FontFace<'a> {
font: Font<'a>,
/// Struct containing font, size and baseline.
pub struct FontDescription<'a, 'b: 'a> {
pub face: &'a FontFace<'b>,
pub size: u32,
pub baseline: i32,
impl<'a> FontFace<'a> {
pub fn new(data: &'a [u8]) -> Result<FontFace<'a>, Error> {
let collection = FontCollection::from_bytes(data as &[u8])?;
let font = collection.into_font()?;
Ok(FontFace { font: font })
/// Trait abstracting a target to which pixels can be written.
pub trait PixelSink {
/// Write an RGBA pixel at a byte offset within the sink.
fn write_pixel_at_offset(&mut self, offset: usize, value: &[u8]);
/// Pixel sink targeting a shared buffer.
pub struct MappingPixelSink {
mapping: Arc<Mapping>,
impl PixelSink for MappingPixelSink {
fn write_pixel_at_offset(&mut self, offset: usize, value: &[u8]) {
self.mapping.write_at(offset, &value);
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
/// Struct representing one row of an update area. Right now
/// it only handles a contiguous row of pixels, but it could
/// be expanded to handle multiple discontiguous ranges of
/// pixels if that turns out to be a common enough case
/// to be worth the complexity.
enum UpdateAreaRow {
impl Default for UpdateAreaRow {
fn default() -> Self {
impl UpdateAreaRow {
pub fn covered_pixels(&self) -> IntCoord {
match self {
UpdateAreaRow::Empty => 0,
UpdateAreaRow::Single(range) => range.end - range.start,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct UpdateArea {
bounds: IntRect,
rows: Vec<UpdateAreaRow>,
impl UpdateArea {
/// Create an update area for the specified bounds.
fn new(bounds: &IntRect) -> UpdateArea {
let row_count = bounds.size.height.max(0) as usize;
let mut update_area = UpdateArea { bounds: *bounds, rows: Vec::with_capacity(row_count) };
update_area.rows.resize(row_count, Default::default());
/// Creator function for the default case where the update area
/// is the entire bounds. Useful for cases where the Canvas user
/// is not interested in maintaining update areas.
fn new_with_bounds_patch(bounds: &IntRect) -> UpdateArea {
let mut update_area = UpdateArea::new(bounds);
/// Adds a rectangular patch to the area of the canvas where
/// drawing will be allowed to change pixels.
fn add_patch(&mut self, patch: &IntRect) {
if let Some(clipped_patch) = self.bounds.intersection(patch) {
for y in clipped_patch.min_y()..clipped_patch.max_y() {
let index = y as usize;
let row = &mut self.rows[index];
match row {
UpdateAreaRow::Empty => {
*row = UpdateAreaRow::Single(clipped_patch.min_x()..clipped_patch.max_x());
UpdateAreaRow::Single(range) => {
let left = clipped_patch.min_x().min(range.start);
let right = clipped_patch.max_x().max(range.end);
*row = UpdateAreaRow::Single(left..right);
/// Resets the update area to empty, allowing no drawing.
fn reset(&mut self) {
self.rows.iter_mut().for_each(|a| *a = Default::default());
/// Function used for unit tests
fn covered_pixels(&self) -> i32 {
struct UpdateAreaIter<'a> {
area: &'a UpdateArea,
target: IntRect,
y: IntCoord,
y_limit: IntCoord,
impl<'a> UpdateAreaIter<'a> {
fn new(area: &'a UpdateArea, target: &IntRect) -> UpdateAreaIter<'a> {
UpdateAreaIter { area, target: *target, y: target.min_y(), y_limit: target.max_y() }
impl<'a> Iterator for UpdateAreaIter<'a> {
type Item = (IntCoord, Range<IntCoord>);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
while self.y < self.y_limit {
let y = self.y;
self.y += 1;
let row = &self.area.rows[y as usize];
match row {
UpdateAreaRow::Empty => (),
UpdateAreaRow::Single(range) => {
let target_range =;
if range.contains(&target_range.start) || target_range.contains(&range.start) {
let min_x = target_range.start.max(range.start);
let max_x = target_range.end.min(range.end);
if min_x != max_x {
return Some((y, min_x..max_x));
mod update_area_tests {
use super::{UpdateArea, UpdateAreaIter};
use crate::{IntCoord, IntPoint, IntRect, IntSize};
use core::ops::Range;
use euclid::rect;
use itertools::assert_equal;
struct UpdateAreaExpectedIter {
expected: Box<Iterator<Item = (IntCoord, Range<IntCoord>)>>,
impl UpdateAreaExpectedIter {
pub fn new_from_rect(rect: &IntRect) -> UpdateAreaExpectedIter {
let mut expected = Vec::new();
for y in rect.min_y()..rect.max_y() {
expected.push((y, rect.min_x()..rect.max_x()));
UpdateAreaExpectedIter { expected: Box::new(expected.into_iter()) }
pub fn new_from_rects(rects: &[IntRect]) -> UpdateAreaExpectedIter {
let mut expected = Vec::new();
for rect in rects {
for y in rect.min_y()..rect.max_y() {
expected.push((y, rect.min_x()..rect.max_x()));
UpdateAreaExpectedIter { expected: Box::new(expected.into_iter()) }
impl Iterator for UpdateAreaExpectedIter {
type Item = (IntCoord, Range<IntCoord>);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
fn update_area_test_bounds() -> IntRect {
IntRect::new(IntPoint::zero(), IntSize::new(800, 600))
fn test_update_area() {
let bounds = update_area_test_bounds();
let mut area = UpdateArea::new(&bounds);
let covered_pixels = area.covered_pixels();
let expected_covered_pixels = 0;
covered_pixels, expected_covered_pixels,
"Expected {} pixels covered, got {}",
expected_covered_pixels, covered_pixels
let patch_bounds = rect(30, 30, 10, 10);
let covered_pixels = area.covered_pixels();
"Expected {} pixels covered, got {}",
let patch_bounds2 = rect(10, 10, 10, 10);
let patch_bounds3 = rect(-10, -10, 20, 20);
let covered_pixels = area.covered_pixels();
let expected_covered_pixels = 300;
expected_covered_pixels, covered_pixels,
"Expected {} pixels covered, got {}",
expected_covered_pixels, covered_pixels,
fn test_update_area_iter() {
let bounds = update_area_test_bounds();
let mut area = UpdateArea::new(&bounds);
let patch = rect(20, 20, 80, 80);
let target = rect(30, 30, 20, 20);
let area_iter = UpdateAreaIter::new(&area, &target);
let overlapping = patch.intersection(&target).expect("bounds and target should overlap");
let expected_are_iter = UpdateAreaExpectedIter::new_from_rect(&overlapping);
assert_equal(area_iter, expected_are_iter);
fn test_update_area_iter_multiple_patch() {
let bounds = update_area_test_bounds();
let mut area = UpdateArea::new(&bounds);
let patch = rect(20, 20, 80, 80);
let patch2 = rect(100, 100, 80, 80);
let area_iter = UpdateAreaIter::new(&area, &bounds);
let overlapping1 = patch.intersection(&bounds).expect("bounds and target should overlap");
let overlapping2 = patch2.intersection(&bounds).expect("bounds and target should overlap");
let expected_are_iter =
UpdateAreaExpectedIter::new_from_rects(&[overlapping1, overlapping2]);
assert_equal(area_iter, expected_are_iter);
fn test_update_area_iter_multiple_patch_same_row() {
let bounds = update_area_test_bounds();
let mut area = UpdateArea::new(&bounds);
let patch = rect(20, 20, 80, 80);
let patch2 = rect(100, 20, 80, 80);
let area_iter = UpdateAreaIter::new(&area, &bounds);
let combined = patch.union(&patch2);
let expected_are_iter = UpdateAreaExpectedIter::new_from_rects(&[combined]);
assert_equal(area_iter, expected_are_iter);
/// Canvas is used to do simple graphics and text rendering into a
/// SharedBuffer that can then be displayed using Scenic or
/// Display Manager.
pub struct Canvas<T: PixelSink> {
// Assumes a pixel format of BGRA8 and a color space of sRGB.
pixel_sink: T,
row_stride: u32,
col_stride: u32,
bounds: IntRect,
current_clip: Option<IntRect>,
update_area: UpdateArea,
impl<T: PixelSink> Canvas<T> {
/// Create a canvas targeting a shared buffer with stride.
pub fn new(
size: IntSize,
mapping: Arc<Mapping>,
row_stride: u32,
col_stride: u32,
) -> Canvas<MappingPixelSink> {
let pixel_sink = MappingPixelSink { mapping };
let bounds = IntRect::new(IntPoint::zero(), size);
Canvas {
bounds: bounds,
current_clip: None,
update_area: UpdateArea::new_with_bounds_patch(&bounds),
/// Create a canvas targeting a particular pixel sink and
/// with a specific row stride in bytes.
pub fn new_with_sink(
size: IntSize,
pixel_sink: T,
row_stride: u32,
col_stride: u32,
) -> Canvas<T> {
let bounds = IntRect::new(IntPoint::zero(), size);
Canvas {
current_clip: None,
update_area: UpdateArea::new_with_bounds_patch(&bounds),
/// Update the pixel at a particular byte offset with a particular
/// color.
fn write_color_at_offset(&mut self, offset: usize, color: Color) {
if self.col_stride == 2 {
let pixel = color.to_565();
self.pixel_sink.write_pixel_at_offset(offset, &pixel);
} else {
let pixel = [color.b, color.g, color.r, color.a];
self.pixel_sink.write_pixel_at_offset(offset, &pixel);
fn offset_from_x_y(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> usize {
(y * self.row_stride as i32 + x * self.col_stride as i32) as usize
fn set_pixel_at_location(&mut self, location: &Point, value: u8, paint: &Paint) {
let location = location.floor().to_i32();
if self.bounds.contains(&location) {
let offset = self.offset_from_x_y(location.x, location.y);
self.set_pixel_at_offset(offset, value, paint);
fn set_pixel_at_offset(&mut self, offset: usize, value: u8, paint: &Paint) {
match value {
0 => (),
255 => self.write_color_at_offset(offset, paint.fg),
_ => {
let fg = &paint.fg;
let bg = &;
let a = ((value as u32) * (fg.a as u32)) >> 8;
let blend_factor = ((bg.a as u32) * (255 - a)) >> 8;
let pixel = [
(((bg.b as u32) * blend_factor + (fg.b as u32) * a) >> 8) as u8,
(((bg.g as u32) * blend_factor + (fg.g as u32) * a) >> 8) as u8,
(((bg.r as u32) * blend_factor + (fg.r as u32) * a) >> 8) as u8,
(blend_factor + (fg.a as u32)) as u8,
if self.col_stride == 2 {
let pixel = to_565(&pixel);
self.pixel_sink.write_pixel_at_offset(offset, &pixel);
} else {
self.pixel_sink.write_pixel_at_offset(offset, &pixel);
fn clipped_target_rect(&self, rect: &Rect) -> Option<IntRect> {
let i_rect = rect.round_out().to_i32();
if let Some(clipping_rect) = self.current_clip {
} else {
/// reset_update_area
pub fn reset_update_area(&mut self) {
/// add to update area
pub fn add_to_update_area(&mut self, rect: &Rect) {
let i_rect = rect.round_out().to_i32();
/// Fill a rectangle with a particular color.
pub fn fill_rect(&mut self, rect: &Rect, color: Color) {
if rect.is_empty() {
let clipped_target = self.clipped_target_rect(&rect);
if let Some(clipped_rect) = clipped_target {
let area = self.update_area.clone();
let iter = UpdateAreaIter::new(&area, &clipped_rect);
for (y, row_iter) in iter {
for x in row_iter {
let offset = self.offset_from_x_y(x, y);
self.write_color_at_offset(offset as usize, color);
/// Fill a circle with a particular color.
pub fn fill_circle(&mut self, center: &Point, radius: Coord, color: Color) {
let radius = radius.max(0.0);
if radius == 0.0 {
let diameter = radius * 2.0;
let radius_squared = radius * radius;
let top_left = *center - Point::new(radius, radius);
let circle_bounds = Rect::new(top_left.to_point(), Size::new(diameter, diameter));
let clipped_target = self.clipped_target_rect(&circle_bounds);
if let Some(clipped_rect) = clipped_target {
let area = self.update_area.clone();
let iter = UpdateAreaIter::new(&area, &clipped_rect);
for (y, row_iter) in iter {
let delta_y = y as Coord - center.y;
let delta_y_2 = delta_y * delta_y;
for x in row_iter {
let delta_x = x as Coord - center.x;
let delta_x_2 = delta_x * delta_x;
if delta_x_2 + delta_y_2 < radius_squared {
let offset = self.offset_from_x_y(x, y);
self.write_color_at_offset(offset as usize, color);
fn point_in_circle(x: i32, y: i32, center: &Point, radius_squared: Coord) -> bool {
let delta_y = y as Coord - center.y;
let delta_y_2 = delta_y * delta_y;
let delta_x = x as Coord - center.x;
let delta_x_2 = delta_x * delta_x;
delta_x_2 + delta_y_2 < radius_squared
/// Fill a rounded rectangle with a particular color.
pub fn fill_roundrect(&mut self, rect: &Rect, corner_radius: Coord, color: Color) {
let clipped_target = self.clipped_target_rect(&rect);
if let Some(clipped_rect) = clipped_target {
let corner_radius = corner_radius.max(0.0);
if corner_radius == 0.0 {
self.fill_rect(rect, color);
let center_min_x = rect.min_x() + corner_radius;
let center_max_x = rect.max_x() - corner_radius;
let center_min_y = rect.min_y() + corner_radius;
let center_max_y = rect.max_y() - corner_radius;
let top_left = Point::new(center_min_x, center_min_y);
let bottom_left = Point::new(center_min_x, center_max_y);
let top_right = Point::new(center_max_x, center_min_y);
let bottom_right = Point::new(center_max_x, center_max_y);
let corner_radius2 = corner_radius * corner_radius;
let area = self.update_area.clone();
let iter = UpdateAreaIter::new(&area, &clipped_rect);
for (y, row_iter) in iter {
let y_f = y as Coord;
for x in row_iter {
let x_f = x as Coord;
let offset = self.offset_from_x_y(x, y);
if x_f < center_min_x && y_f < center_min_y {
if Self::point_in_circle(x, y, &top_left, corner_radius2) {
self.write_color_at_offset(offset as usize, color);
} else if x_f > center_max_x && y_f < center_min_y {
if Self::point_in_circle(x, y, &top_right, corner_radius2) {
self.write_color_at_offset(offset as usize, color);
} else if x_f < center_min_x && y_f > center_max_y {
if Self::point_in_circle(x, y, &bottom_left, corner_radius2) {
self.write_color_at_offset(offset as usize, color);
} else if x_f > center_max_x && y_f > center_max_y {
if Self::point_in_circle(x, y, &bottom_right, corner_radius2) {
self.write_color_at_offset(offset as usize, color);
} else {
self.write_color_at_offset(offset as usize, color);
/// Draw line of text `text` at location `point` with foreground and background colors specified
/// by `paint` and with the typographic characteristics in `font`. This method uses
/// fixed size cells of size `size` for each character.
pub fn fill_text_cells(
&mut self,
text: &str,
location: Point,
size: Size,
font: &mut FontDescription,
paint: &Paint,
) {
let mut x = location.x;
let advance = size.width;
let scale = Scale::uniform(font.size as f32);
for scalar in text.chars() {
let cell = rect(x, location.y, advance, size.height);
if scalar != ' ' {
let glyph =
font.face.font.glyph(scalar).scaled(scale).positioned(rusttype::Point {
x: x,
y: (location.y + font.baseline as f32),
if let Some(bounding_box) = glyph.pixel_bounding_box() {
glyph.draw(|pixel_x, pixel_y, v| {
let value = (v * 255.0) as u8;
let glyph_location = Point::new(
(pixel_x as i32 + bounding_box.min.x) as Coord,
(pixel_y as i32 + bounding_box.min.y) as Coord,
self.set_pixel_at_location(&glyph_location, value, paint);
x += advance;
/// Draw line of text `text` at location `point` with foreground and background colors specified
/// by `paint` and with the typographic characteristics in `font`.
pub fn fill_text(
&mut self,
text: &str,
location: Point,
font: &mut FontDescription,
paint: &Paint,
) {
let scale = Scale::uniform(font.size as f32);
let v_metrics = font.face.font.v_metrics(scale);
let offset = rusttype::point(location.x as f32, location.y as f32 + v_metrics.ascent);
let glyphs: Vec<rusttype::PositionedGlyph<'_>> =
font.face.font.layout(text, scale, offset).collect();
for glyph in glyphs {
if let Some(bounding_box) = glyph.pixel_bounding_box() {
glyph.draw(|pixel_x, pixel_y, v| {
let value = (v * 255.0) as u8;
let glyph_location = Point::new(
(pixel_x as i32 + bounding_box.min.x) as Coord,
(pixel_y as i32 + bounding_box.min.y) as Coord,
self.set_pixel_at_location(&glyph_location, value, paint);
/// Reduces the clip region to the intersection of the current clip and the given rectangle.
pub fn intersect_clip_with_rect(&mut self, rect: &Rect) {
let rect_i = rect.round_in().to_i32();
if let Some(clipped_rect) = rect_i.intersection(&self.bounds) {
if self.current_clip.is_none() {
self.current_clip = Some(clipped_rect);
} else {
panic!("unhandled case");
} else {
self.current_clip = Some(IntRect::zero());
/// Measure a line of text `text` and with the typographic characteristics in `font`.
/// Returns the measured width and height.
pub fn measure_text(text: &str, font: &FontDescription) -> Size {
let scale = Scale::uniform(font.size as f32);
let v_metrics = font.face.font.v_metrics(scale);
let offset = rusttype::point(0.0, v_metrics.ascent);
let g_opt = font.face.font.layout(text, scale, offset).last();
let width = g_opt
.map(|g| g.position().x as f32 + g.unpositioned().h_metrics().advance_width)
Size::new(width, font.size as Coord)
mod tests {
use crate::{Canvas, Color, Coord, IntSize, PixelSink, Point, Rect, Size};
use fuchsia_framebuffer::{Config, PixelFormat};
use std::collections::HashSet;
fn test_canvas_size() -> IntSize {
IntSize::new(800, 600)
struct TestPixelSink {
pub max_offset: usize,
pub touched_offsets: HashSet<usize>,
impl TestPixelSink {
pub fn new(size: IntSize) -> TestPixelSink {
Self {
max_offset: (size.width * size.height) as usize * 4,
touched_offsets: HashSet::new(),
impl PixelSink for TestPixelSink {
fn write_pixel_at_offset(&mut self, offset: usize, _value: &[u8]) {
offset < self.max_offset,
"attempted to write pixel at an offset {} exceeding limit of {}",
fn make_test_canvas(size: IntSize) -> Canvas<TestPixelSink> {
let config = Config {
display_id: 0,
width: size.width as u32,
height: size.height as u32,
linear_stride_pixels: size.width as u32,
format: PixelFormat::Argb8888,
pixel_size_bytes: 4,
let sink = TestPixelSink::new(size);
config.linear_stride_bytes() as u32,
fn test_draw_empty_rects() {
let mut canvas = make_test_canvas(test_canvas_size());
let r = Rect::new(Point::new(0.0, 0.0), Size::new(0.0, 0.0));
let color = Color::from_hash_code("#EBD5B3").expect("color failed to parse");
canvas.fill_rect(&r, color);
assert!(canvas.pixel_sink.touched_offsets.is_empty(), "Expected no pixles touched");
fn test_draw_out_of_bounds() {
let mut canvas = make_test_canvas(test_canvas_size());
let color = Color::from_hash_code("#EBD5B3").expect("color failed to parse");
let r = Rect::new(Point::new(10000.0, 10000.0), Size::new(20.0, 20.0));
println!("### about to do fill_roundrect");
canvas.fill_roundrect(&r, 4.0, color);
println!("### about to do fill_circle");
canvas.fill_circle(&Point::new(20000.0, -10000.0), 204.0, color);
assert!(canvas.pixel_sink.touched_offsets.is_empty(), "Expected no pixles touched");
let r = Rect::new(Point::new(-10.0, -10.0), Size::new(20.0, 20.0));
println!("### about to do fill_rect");
canvas.fill_rect(&r, color);
assert!(canvas.pixel_sink.touched_offsets.len() > 0, "Expected some pixles touched");
fn test_clip() {
let canvas_size = test_canvas_size();
let mut canvas = make_test_canvas(canvas_size);
let top_left = Rect::new(Point::new(20.0, 20.0), Size::new(20.0, 20.0));
let fill_rect = Rect::new(Point::new(0.0, 0.0), canvas_size.to_f32());
let color = Color::from_hash_code("#EBD5B3").expect("color failed to parse");
canvas.fill_rect(&fill_rect, color);
let expected_pixels = top_left.to_usize().area();
"Expected {} pixels touched, got {}",
let mut canvas = make_test_canvas(canvas_size);
let out_of_bounds = Rect::new(
Point::new(canvas_size.width as Coord + 2000.0, canvas_size.height as Coord + 2000.0),
Size::new(20.0, 20.0),
canvas.fill_rect(&fill_rect, color);
"Expected 0 pixels touched, got {}",