blob: 4ef47200253443533e4c9cb18a591854f4862f1e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/ref_counted.h"
namespace callback {
namespace internal {
template <typename S, typename T>
class ResultAccumulator {
explicit ResultAccumulator(S success_status)
: success_status_(success_status), result_status_(success_status_) {}
size_t PrepareCall() {
return results_.size() - 1;
bool Update(size_t index, S status, T result) {
if (status != success_status_) {
result_status_ = status;
return false;
results_[index] = std::move(result);
return true;
std::pair<S, std::vector<T>> Result() {
return std::make_pair(result_status_, std::move(results_));
size_t current_index_ = 0;
std::vector<T> results_;
S success_status_;
S result_status_;
template <typename S>
class StatusAccumulator {
explicit StatusAccumulator(S success_status)
: success_status_(success_status), result_status_(success_status_) {}
bool PrepareCall() { return true; }
bool Update(bool /*token*/, S status) {
result_status_ = status;
return success_status_ == result_status_;
S Result() { return result_status_; }
S success_status_;
S result_status_;
// AnyAccumulator is the accumulator for the AnyWaiter class.
// It continues until an |Update| call matches |success_status|.
template <typename S, typename V>
class AnyAccumulator {
AnyAccumulator(S success_status, S default_status, V default_value)
: success_status_(success_status),
value_(std::move(default_value)) {}
bool PrepareCall() { return true; }
bool Update(bool /*token*/, S status, V value) {
if (status == success_status_) {
value_ = std::move(value);
result_status_ = std::move(status);
// Continue until we get a success.
return result_status_ != success_status_;
std::pair<S, V> Result() {
return std::make_pair(result_status_, std::move(value_));
const S success_status_;
S result_status_;
V value_;
template <typename S, typename V>
class PromiseAccumulator {
PromiseAccumulator(S default_status, V default_value)
: status_(default_status), value_(std::move(default_value)) {}
bool PrepareCall() { return true; }
bool Update(bool /*token*/, S status, V value) {
status_ = std::move(status);
value_ = std::move(value);
return false;
std::pair<S, V> Result() {
return std::make_pair(status_, std::move(value_));
S status_;
V value_;
class CompletionAccumulator {
bool PrepareCall() { return true; }
bool Update(bool /*token*/) { return true; }
bool Result() { return true; }
} // namespace internal
// Base implementation for all specialized waiters.
// A waiter is in one of the following states:
// - STARTED: initial state. Creates new waiting callbacks, and accumulates
// their results (see |Accumulator| below). Moves to FINISHED if the waiter is
// finalized and all callbacks have completed successfully, as reported by
// |Accumulator::Update|. Moves to DONE immediately if one of the waiting
// callbacks fails. Moves to CANCELLED immediately if the waiter is cancelled.
// - DONE: ignores all future waiting callback completions. Waits until the
// waiter is either finalized or cancelled, then moves to FINISHED or CANCELLED
// respectively.
// - CANCELLED: ignores all future waiting callback completions, never calls the
// finalization callback.
// - FINISHED: calls the finalization callback with the accumulated result of
// all unignored waiting callbacks. Ignores all future waiting callback
// completions.
// The base implementation is specialized through an Accumulator abstraction to
// aggregate results from the different callbacks. |A| is the accumulator, |R|
// is the final return type and |Args| are the arguments of the callbacks. The
// accumulator must have the following interface:
// class Accumulator {
// public:
// // Called once upon creation of each waiting callback. Returns a TOKEN
// // passed to Update() with the result of the call.
// TOKEN PrepareCall();
// // Called once upon completion of each waiting callback. Returns true on
// // success, false on failure. In case of failure, the waiter is done
// // immediately and will ignore subsequent waiting callbacks.
// bool Update(TOKEN token, Args... args);
// // Returns the result of the aggregation, passed to the finalization
// // callback of the waiter.
// R Result();
// };
template <typename A, typename R, typename... Args>
class BaseWaiter : public fxl::RefCountedThreadSafe<BaseWaiter<A, R, Args...>> {
// Returns a callback for the waiter to wait on. This method must not be
// called once |Finalize| or |Cancel| have been called.
// If the waiter is done already when |NewCallback| is called, the callback is
// a no-op. If the waiter is not done, the callback will pass its parameters
// to the accumulator (unless the waiter has become done in the meantime
// because one of the waiting callbacks failed).
fit::function<void(Args...)> NewCallback() {
FXL_DCHECK(!result_callback_) << "Waiter was already finalized.";
FXL_DCHECK(state_ != State::CANCELLED) << "Waiter has been cancelled.";
if (state_ != State::STARTED) {
return [](Args...) {};
return [waiter_ref = fxl::RefPtr<BaseWaiter<A, R, Args...>>(this),
token = accumulator_.PrepareCall()](Args&&... args) mutable {
waiter_ref->ReturnResult(std::move(token), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Finalizes the waiter. Must be called at most once. The |callback| must be
// valid until called or until the waiter is cancelled.
void Finalize(fit::function<void(R)> callback) {
if (state_ == State::CANCELLED) {
// This is a programmer error.
<< "Waiter already finalized, can't finalize more!";
// This should never happen: FINISHED can only be reached after having
// called Finalize, and Finalize can only be called once.
FXL_DCHECK(state_ != State::FINISHED) << "Waiter already finished.";
result_callback_ = std::move(callback);
// Cancels the waiter.
void Cancel() {
state_ = State::CANCELLED;
// Ensure the callback is not retained.
result_callback_ = nullptr;
explicit BaseWaiter(A&& accumulator) : accumulator_(std::move(accumulator)) {}
virtual ~BaseWaiter() {}
// The waiter state. See class comment for allowed transitions.
// Receives the result of a |NewCallback| callback and accumulates it if not
// already done, cancelled or finished. Then executes the finalization
// callback if necessary.
template <typename T>
void ReturnResult(T token, Args... args) {
FXL_DCHECK(pending_callbacks_ > 0);
if (state_ != State::STARTED) {
const bool success =
accumulator_.Update(std::move(token), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
if (!success) {
state_ = State::DONE;
// Executes the finalization callback if the waiter is finalized, and there
// are no more pending callbacks or the waiter is done.
// Must only be called in STARTED or DONE state.
void ExecuteCallbackIfFinished() {
FXL_DCHECK(state_ != State::FINISHED) << "Waiter already finished.";
FXL_DCHECK(state_ != State::CANCELLED)
<< "Cancelled waiter tried to execute the finalization callback.";
if (!result_callback_ ||
(state_ == State::STARTED && pending_callbacks_ > 0)) {
state_ = State::FINISHED;
// Ensure the callback does not live after finalization. Since it might
// delete this class, we move it to the stack first.
auto result_callback = std::move(result_callback_);
result_callback_ = nullptr;
A accumulator_;
State state_ = State::STARTED;
// Number of callbacks returned by NewCallback() that have not yet completed.
size_t pending_callbacks_ = 0;
// Finalization callback. Must be set before moving to state FINISHED. Must
// be unset in states CANCELLED and FINISHED: we should not retain callbacks
// that will not be called.
fit::function<void(R)> result_callback_;
// Waiter can be used to collate the results of many asynchronous calls into one
// callback. A typical usage example would be:
// auto waiter = fxl::MakeRefCounted<callback::Waiter<Status,
// std::unique_ptr<Object>>>(Status::OK);
// storage->GetObject(object_digest1, waiter->NewCallback());
// storage->GetObject(object_digest2, waiter->NewCallback());
// storage->GetObject(object_digest3, waiter->NewCallback());
// ...
// waiter->Finalize([](Status s, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Object>> v) {
// do something with the returned objects
// });
template <class S, class T>
class Waiter : public BaseWaiter<internal::ResultAccumulator<S, T>,
std::pair<S, std::vector<T>>, S, T> {
void Finalize(fit::function<void(S, std::vector<T>)> callback) {
BaseWaiter<internal::ResultAccumulator<S, T>, std::pair<S, std::vector<T>>,
S, T>::Finalize([callback =
std::pair<S, std::vector<T>> result) {
callback(result.first, std::move(result.second));
~Waiter() override{};
explicit Waiter(S success_status)
: BaseWaiter<internal::ResultAccumulator<S, T>,
std::pair<S, std::vector<T>>, S, T>(
internal::ResultAccumulator<S, T>(success_status)) {}
// StatusWaiter can be used to collate the results of many asynchronous calls
// into one callback. It is different from Waiter in that the callbacks only use
// S (e.g. Status) as an argument.
template <class S>
class StatusWaiter : public BaseWaiter<internal::StatusAccumulator<S>, S, S> {
explicit StatusWaiter(S success_status)
: BaseWaiter<internal::StatusAccumulator<S>, S, S>(
internal::StatusAccumulator<S>(success_status)) {}
~StatusWaiter() override{};
// AnyWaiter is used to wait many asynchronous calls and returns the first
// successful result. It will return |default_status| and |default_value| only
// if no callback was called with a |success_status| status.
template <class S, class V>
class AnyWaiter
: public BaseWaiter<internal::AnyAccumulator<S, V>, std::pair<S, V>, S, V> {
void Finalize(fit::function<void(S, V)> callback) {
BaseWaiter<internal::AnyAccumulator<S, V>, std::pair<S, V>, S, V>::Finalize(
[callback = std::move(callback)](std::pair<S, V> result) {
callback(result.first, std::move(result.second));
// Creates a new waiter. |success_status| and |default_value| will be
// returned to the callback in |Finalize| if |NewCallback| is not called.
AnyWaiter(S success_status, S default_status, V default_value = V())
: BaseWaiter<internal::AnyAccumulator<S, V>, std::pair<S, V>, S, V>(
internal::AnyAccumulator<S, V>(success_status, default_status,
std::move(default_value))) {}
~AnyWaiter() override{};
// Promise is used to wait on a single asynchronous call. A typical usage
// example is:
// auto promise =
// fxl::MakeRefCounted<callback::Promise<Status, std::unique_ptr<Object>>>(
// Status::ILLEGAL_STATE);
// storage->GetObject(object_digest1, promise->NewCallback());
// ...
// promise->Finalize([](Status s, std::unique_ptr<Object> o) {
// do something with the returned object
// });
template <class S, class V>
class Promise : public BaseWaiter<internal::PromiseAccumulator<S, V>,
std::pair<S, V>, S, V> {
void Finalize(fit::function<void(S, V)> callback) {
BaseWaiter<internal::PromiseAccumulator<S, V>, std::pair<S, V>, S,
V>::Finalize([callback =
std::move(callback)](std::pair<S, V> result) {
callback(result.first, std::move(result.second));
// Creates a new promise. |default_status| and |default_value| will be
// returned to the callback in |Finalize| if |NewCallback| is not called.
Promise(S default_status, V default_value = V())
: BaseWaiter<internal::PromiseAccumulator<S, V>, std::pair<S, V>, S, V>(
internal::PromiseAccumulator<S, V>(default_status,
std::move(default_value))) {}
~Promise() override{};
// CompletionWaiter can be used to be notified on completion of a computation.
class CompletionWaiter
: public BaseWaiter<internal::CompletionAccumulator, bool> {
void Finalize(fit::function<void()> callback) {
BaseWaiter<internal::CompletionAccumulator, bool>::Finalize(
[callback = std::move(callback)](bool result) { callback(); });
: BaseWaiter<internal::CompletionAccumulator, bool>(
internal::CompletionAccumulator()) {}
~CompletionWaiter() override{};
} // namespace callback