blob: bd544bc3be89f1cfa5048ea5fdaffcc683551a06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <assert.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <ktl/optional.h>
namespace cpu_id {
struct Registers {
enum {
EAX = 0,
EBX = 1,
ECX = 2,
EDX = 3,
inline uint32_t eax() const { return reg[EAX]; }
inline uint32_t ebx() const { return reg[EBX]; }
inline uint32_t edx() const { return reg[EDX]; }
inline uint32_t ecx() const { return reg[ECX]; }
uint32_t reg[4];
template <size_t count>
struct SubLeaves {
Registers subleaf[count];
static constexpr size_t size = count;
// Extracts the manufacturer id string from call with EAX=0.
class ManufacturerInfo {
enum Manufacturer { INTEL, AMD, OTHER };
// How many chars are in a manufacturer id.
static constexpr size_t kManufacturerIdLength = 12;
ManufacturerInfo(Registers leaf0, Registers leaf8_0);
Manufacturer manufacturer() const;
// Reads the manufacturer id and writes it into the buffer, buffer should be
// at least kManufacturerIdLength in length. This will not null-terminate the
// string.
void manufacturer_id(char* buffer) const;
// Highest leaf (EAX parameter to cpuid) that this processor supports.
size_t highest_cpuid_leaf() const;
// Highest leaf (EAX parameter to cpuid) that this processor supports in the
// extended range (> 0x80000000);
size_t highest_extended_cpuid_leaf() const;
const Registers leaf0_;
const Registers leaf8_0_;
// Extracts the processor signature/id from call with EAX=1.
class ProcessorId {
ProcessorId(Registers registers);
// Stepping, or revision, of this model.
uint8_t stepping() const;
// Model inside of the given family.
uint16_t model() const;
// Family of processors to which this chip belongs.
uint16_t family() const;
// Return the full 32-bit identifier of this chip.
uint32_t signature() const;
// APIC ID of the processor on which this object was generated. Note this
// class uses a cached copy of registers so if this object was generated on
// a differnet processor this value could be misleading.
uint8_t local_apic_id() const;
const Registers registers_;
// Extracts feature flags from EAX=1 call and extended feature flags calls.
// See docs for full listing of possible features, this class is not
// comprehensive, things are added as they are required.
// The most recent Intel CPUID bit assignments are in the
// "IntelĀ® Architecture Instruction Set Extensions and Future Features Programming Reference",
class Features {
enum LeafIndex {
LEAF1, // Feature Information
LEAF6, // Thermal and Power Management Leaf
LEAF7, // Structured Extended Feature Flags
struct Feature {
uint8_t leaf = INVALID_SET;
uint8_t reg;
uint8_t bit;
// Feature "enum".
static constexpr Feature FPU = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 0};
static constexpr Feature VME = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 1};
static constexpr Feature DE = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 2};
static constexpr Feature PSE = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 3};
static constexpr Feature TSC = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 4};
static constexpr Feature MSR = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 5};
static constexpr Feature PAE = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 6};
static constexpr Feature MCE = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 7};
static constexpr Feature CX8 = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 8};
static constexpr Feature APIC = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 9};
static constexpr Feature SEP = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 11};
static constexpr Feature MTRR = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 12};
static constexpr Feature PGE = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 13};
static constexpr Feature MCA = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 14};
static constexpr Feature CMOV = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 15};
static constexpr Feature PAT = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 16};
static constexpr Feature PSE36 = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 17};
static constexpr Feature PSN = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 18};
static constexpr Feature CLFSH = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 19};
static constexpr Feature DS = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 21};
static constexpr Feature ACPI = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 22};
static constexpr Feature MMX = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 23};
static constexpr Feature FXSR = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 24};
static constexpr Feature SSE = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 25};
static constexpr Feature SSE2 = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 26};
static constexpr Feature SS = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 27};
static constexpr Feature HTT = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 28};
static constexpr Feature TM = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 29};
static constexpr Feature PBE = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 31};
static constexpr Feature SSE3 = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 0};
static constexpr Feature PCLMULQDQ = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 1};
static constexpr Feature DTES64 = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 2};
static constexpr Feature MONITOR = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 3};
static constexpr Feature DS_CPL = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 4};
static constexpr Feature VMX = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 5};
static constexpr Feature SMX = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 6};
static constexpr Feature EST = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 7};
static constexpr Feature TM2 = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 8};
static constexpr Feature SSSE3 = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 9};
static constexpr Feature CNXT_ID = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 10};
static constexpr Feature SDBG = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 11};
static constexpr Feature FMA = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 12};
static constexpr Feature CX16 = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 13};
static constexpr Feature XTPR = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 14};
static constexpr Feature PDCM = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 15};
static constexpr Feature PCID = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 17};
static constexpr Feature DCA = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 18};
static constexpr Feature SSE4_1 = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 19};
static constexpr Feature SSE4_2 = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 20};
static constexpr Feature X2APIC = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 21};
static constexpr Feature MOVBE = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 22};
static constexpr Feature POPCNT = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 23};
static constexpr Feature TSC_DEADLINE = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 24};
static constexpr Feature AES = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 25};
static constexpr Feature XSAVE = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 26};
static constexpr Feature OSXSAVE = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 27};
static constexpr Feature AVX = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 28};
static constexpr Feature F16C = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 29};
static constexpr Feature RDRAND = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 30};
static constexpr Feature HYPERVISOR = {.leaf = LEAF1, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 31};
static constexpr Feature TURBO = {.leaf = LEAF6, .reg = Registers::EAX, .bit = 1};
static constexpr Feature HWP = {.leaf = LEAF6, .reg = Registers::EAX, .bit = 7};
static constexpr Feature HWP_PREF = {.leaf = LEAF6, .reg = Registers::EAX, .bit = 10};
static constexpr Feature HWP_PKG = {.leaf = LEAF6, .reg = Registers::EAX, .bit = 11};
static constexpr Feature HWP_REQ_FAST = {.leaf = LEAF6, .reg = Registers::EAX, .bit = 18};
static constexpr Feature MPERFAPERF = {.leaf = LEAF6, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 0};
static constexpr Feature EPB = {.leaf = LEAF6, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 3};
static constexpr Feature FSGSBASE = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 0};
static constexpr Feature SGX = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 2};
static constexpr Feature BMI1 = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 3};
static constexpr Feature HLE = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 4};
static constexpr Feature AVX2 = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 5};
static constexpr Feature SMEP = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 7};
static constexpr Feature BMI2 = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 8};
static constexpr Feature ERMS = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 9};
static constexpr Feature INVPCID = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 10};
static constexpr Feature RTM = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 11};
static constexpr Feature PQM = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 12};
static constexpr Feature MPX = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 14};
static constexpr Feature PQE = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 15};
static constexpr Feature AVX512F = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 16};
static constexpr Feature AVX512DQ = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 17};
static constexpr Feature RDSEED = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 18};
static constexpr Feature ADX = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 19};
static constexpr Feature SMAP = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 20};
static constexpr Feature AVX512IFMA = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 21};
static constexpr Feature PCOMMIT = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 22};
static constexpr Feature CLWB = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 24};
static constexpr Feature INTEL_PT = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 25};
static constexpr Feature AVX512PF = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 26};
static constexpr Feature AVX512ER = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 27};
static constexpr Feature AVX512CD = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 28};
static constexpr Feature SHA = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 29};
static constexpr Feature AVX512BW = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 30};
static constexpr Feature AVX512VL = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 31};
static constexpr Feature PREFETCHWT1 = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 0};
static constexpr Feature AVX512VBMI = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 1};
static constexpr Feature UMIP = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 2};
static constexpr Feature PKU = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 3};
static constexpr Feature OSPKE = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 4};
static constexpr Feature AVX512VBMI2 = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 6};
static constexpr Feature GFNI = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 8};
static constexpr Feature VAES = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 9};
static constexpr Feature VPCLMULQDQ = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 10};
static constexpr Feature AVX512VNNI = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 11};
static constexpr Feature AVX512BITALG = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 12};
static constexpr Feature AVX512VPOPCNTDQ = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 14};
static constexpr Feature RDPID = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 22};
static constexpr Feature SGX_LC = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 30};
static constexpr Feature AVX512_4VNNIW = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 2};
static constexpr Feature AVX512_4FMAPS = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 3};
static constexpr Feature MD_CLEAR = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 10};
static constexpr Feature PCONFIG = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 18};
static constexpr Feature CLFLUSH = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 19};
static constexpr Feature IBRS_IBPB = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 26};
static constexpr Feature STIBP = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 27};
static constexpr Feature ARCH_CAPABILITIES = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 29};
static constexpr Feature SSBD = {.leaf = LEAF7, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 31};
static constexpr Feature LAHF = {.leaf = LEAF8_01, .reg = Registers::ECX, .bit = 0};
static constexpr Feature IA64 = {.leaf = LEAF8_01, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 29};
static constexpr Feature RDTSCP = {.leaf = LEAF8_01, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 27};
static constexpr Feature PDPE1GB = {.leaf = LEAF8_01, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 26};
static constexpr Feature XD = {.leaf = LEAF8_01, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 20};
static constexpr Feature SYSCALL = {.leaf = LEAF8_01, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 11};
static constexpr Feature CPB = {.leaf = LEAF8_07, .reg = Registers::EDX, .bit = 9};
static constexpr Feature CLZERO = {.leaf = LEAF8_08, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 0};
static constexpr Feature AMD_IBPB = {.leaf = LEAF8_08, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 12};
static constexpr Feature AMD_IBRS = {.leaf = LEAF8_08, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 14};
static constexpr Feature AMD_STIBP = {.leaf = LEAF8_08, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 15};
static constexpr Feature AMD_IBRS_ALWAYS_ON = {
.leaf = LEAF8_08, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 16};
static constexpr Feature AMD_STIBP_ALWAYS_ON = {
.leaf = LEAF8_08, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 17};
static constexpr Feature AMD_PREFER_IBRS = {.leaf = LEAF8_08, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 18};
static constexpr Feature AMD_SSBD = {.leaf = LEAF8_08, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 24};
static constexpr Feature AMD_VIRT_SSBD = {.leaf = LEAF8_08, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 25};
static constexpr Feature AMD_SSB_NO = {.leaf = LEAF8_08, .reg = Registers::EBX, .bit = 26};
Features(Registers leaf1, Registers leaf6, Registers leaf7, Registers leaf8_01,
Registers leaf8_07, Registers leaf8_08);
inline bool HasFeature(Feature feature) const {
feature.leaf < kLeafCount && feature.reg <= Registers::EDX && feature.bit <= 32,
"set: %u reg:%u %d bit: %u", feature.leaf, feature.reg, Registers::EDX, feature.bit);
return leaves_[feature.leaf].reg[feature.reg] & (1 << feature.bit);
// Returns the maximum supported logical processors in a physical package.
// This is NOT that same as the number of logical processors present.
uint8_t max_logical_processors_in_package() const;
static constexpr size_t kLeafCount = 6;
const Registers leaves_[kLeafCount];
// Wraps the CPUID instruction on x86, provides helpers to parse the output and
// allows unit testing of libraries reading it.
// CpuId is uncached; every call results in one (or more) invocations of CPUID.
class CpuId {
virtual ~CpuId() = default;
virtual ManufacturerInfo ReadManufacturerInfo() const;
// Return ProcessorId; provides (Extended) Family/Model/Stepping.
virtual ProcessorId ReadProcessorId() const;
virtual Features ReadFeatures() const;
} // namespace cpu_id