blob: 437b9fc65ed40c3d29949f738d62576831bb3147 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <fuchsia/ui/gfx/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include "garnet/lib/ui/scenic/event_reporter.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/scenic/forward_declarations.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/scenic/scenic.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/scenic/system.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/scenic/util/error_reporter.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace scenic_impl {
class CommandDispatcher;
class Scenic;
using SessionId = uint64_t;
class Session final : public fuchsia::ui::scenic::Session,
public EventReporter,
public ErrorReporter {
SessionId id,
::fidl::InterfaceHandle<fuchsia::ui::scenic::SessionListener> listener);
~Session() override { valid_ = false; };
void SetCommandDispatchers(
std::array<CommandDispatcherUniquePtr, System::TypeId::kMaxSystems>
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::Session|
void Enqueue(::std::vector<fuchsia::ui::scenic::Command> cmds) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::Session|
void Present(uint64_t presentation_time,
::std::vector<zx::event> acquire_fences,
::std::vector<zx::event> release_fences,
PresentCallback callback) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::Session|
// TODO(MZ-422): Remove this after it's removed from session.fidl.
void HitTest(uint32_t node_id, ::fuchsia::ui::gfx::vec3 ray_origin,
::fuchsia::ui::gfx::vec3 ray_direction,
HitTestCallback callback) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::Session|
// TODO(MZ-422): Remove this after it's removed from session.fidl.
void HitTestDeviceRay(::fuchsia::ui::gfx::vec3 ray_origin,
::fuchsia::ui::gfx::vec3 ray_direction,
HitTestCallback callback) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::Session|
void SetDebugName(std::string debug_name) override;
// |EventReporter|
// Enqueues the gfx/cmd event and schedules call to FlushEvents().
void EnqueueEvent(fuchsia::ui::gfx::Event event) override;
void EnqueueEvent(fuchsia::ui::scenic::Command event) override;
// |EventReporter|
// Enqueues the input event and immediately calls FlushEvents().
void EnqueueEvent(fuchsia::ui::input::InputEvent event) override;
// |ErrorReporter|
// Customize behavior of ErrorReporter::ReportError().
void ReportError(fxl::LogSeverity severity,
std::string error_string) override;
SessionId id() const { return id_; }
ErrorReporter* error_reporter() { return this; }
// For tests. See FlushEvents() below.
void set_event_callback(
fit::function<void(fuchsia::ui::scenic::Event)> callback) {
event_callback_ = std::move(callback);
// For tests. Called by ReportError().
void set_error_callback(fit::function<void(std::string)> callback) {
error_callback_ = std::move(callback);
// Post an asynchronous task to call FlushEvents.
void PostFlushTask();
// Flush any/all events that were enqueued via EnqueueEvent(), sending them
// to |listener_|. If |listener_| is null but |event_callback_| isn't, then
// invoke the callback for each event.
void FlushEvents();
// True until we are in the process of being destroyed.
bool valid_ = true;
const SessionId id_;
::fidl::InterfacePtr<fuchsia::ui::scenic::SessionListener> listener_;
std::array<CommandDispatcherUniquePtr, System::TypeId::kMaxSystems>
// Holds events from EnqueueEvent() until they are flushed by FlushEvents().
std::vector<fuchsia::ui::scenic::Event> buffered_events_;
// Callbacks for testing.
fit::function<void(fuchsia::ui::scenic::Event)> event_callback_;
fit::function<void(std::string)> error_callback_;
// A flow event trace id for following |Session::Present| calls from client
// to scenic. This will be incremented each |Session::Present| call. By
// convention, the scenic implementation side will also contain its own
// trace id that begins at 0, and is incremented each |Session::Present|
// call.
uint64_t next_present_trace_id_ = 0;
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<Session> weak_factory_;
} // namespace scenic_impl