blob: 132476c1089f0e23112f5d238dac1066b0a2e386 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/lib/ui/input/input_system.h"
#include <fuchsia/math/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/scenic/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/escher/geometry/types.h>
#include <lib/escher/util/type_utils.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/clone.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/component_context.h>
#include <lib/ui/geometry/cpp/formatting.h>
#include <lib/ui/input/cpp/formatting.h>
#include <src/lib/fxl/logging.h>
#include <src/lib/fxl/time/time_point.h>
#include <trace/event.h>
#include <memory>
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/engine/hit.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/engine/hit_tester.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/engine/session.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/resources/compositor/compositor.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/resources/compositor/layer_stack.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/resources/nodes/entity_node.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/resources/nodes/node.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/resources/view.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/resources/view_holder.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/util/unwrap.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/scenic/event_reporter.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/scenic/session.h"
namespace scenic_impl {
namespace input {
const char* InputSystem::kName = "InputSystem";
using InputCommand = fuchsia::ui::input::Command;
using Phase = fuchsia::ui::input::PointerEventPhase;
using ScenicCommand = fuchsia::ui::scenic::Command;
using fuchsia::ui::input::FocusEvent;
using fuchsia::ui::input::ImeService;
using fuchsia::ui::input::ImeServicePtr;
using fuchsia::ui::input::InputEvent;
using fuchsia::ui::input::KeyboardEvent;
using fuchsia::ui::input::PointerEvent;
using fuchsia::ui::input::PointerEventType;
using fuchsia::ui::input::SendKeyboardInputCmd;
using fuchsia::ui::input::SendPointerInputCmd;
using fuchsia::ui::input::SetHardKeyboardDeliveryCmd;
using fuchsia::ui::input::SetParallelDispatchCmd;
namespace {
// Helper for Dispatch[Touch|Mouse]Command.
int64_t NowInNs() {
return fxl::TimePoint::Now().ToEpochDelta().ToNanoseconds();
// TODO(SCN-1278): Remove this.
// Turn two floats (high bits, low bits) into a 64-bit uint.
trace_flow_id_t PointerTraceHACK(float fa, float fb) {
uint32_t ia, ib;
memcpy(&ia, &fa, sizeof(uint32_t));
memcpy(&ib, &fb, sizeof(uint32_t));
return (((uint64_t)ia) << 32) | ib;
// Helper for Dispatch[Touch|Mouse]Command and PerformGlobalHitTest.
escher::ray4 CreateScreenPerpendicularRay(float x, float y) {
// We set the elevation for the origin point, and Z value for the direction,
// such that we start above the scene and point into the scene.
// Scenic flips around Vulkan's camera to the more intuitive "look
// forward" orientation. The ray must now be stated in terms of the camera's
// model space, so "taking a step back" translates to "negative Z origin".
// Similarly, "look at the scene" translates to "positive Z direction".
// For hit testing, these values work in conjunction with
// Camera::ProjectRayIntoScene to create an appropriate ray4 that works
// correctly with the hit tester.
// During dispatch, we translate an arbitrary pointer's (x,y) device-space
// coordinates to a View's (x', y') model-space coordinates.
return {{x, y, 1.f, 1.f}, // Origin as homogeneous point.
{0.f, 0.f, -1.f, 0.f}};
// Helper for Dispatch[Touch|Mouse]Command.
escher::vec2 TransformPointerEvent(const escher::ray4& ray,
const escher::mat4& transform) {
escher::ray4 local_ray = glm::inverse(transform) * ray;
// We treat distance as 0 to simplify; otherwise the formula is:
// hit = homogenize(local_ray.origin + distance * local_ray.direction);
escher::vec2 hit(escher::homogenize(local_ray.origin));
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Coordinate transform (device->view): (" << ray.origin.x
<< ", " << ray.origin.x << ")->(" << hit.x << ", " << hit.y
<< ")";
return hit;
// Helper for Dispatch[Touch|Mouse]Command.
glm::mat4 FindGlobalTransform(gfx::ViewPtr view) {
if (!view || !view->GetViewNode()) {
return glm::mat4(1.f); // Default is identity transform.
return view->GetViewNode()->GetGlobalTransform();
// The x and y values are in device (screen) coordinates.
// The initial dispatch logic guarantees a valid compositor and layer stack.
// NOTE: The returned gfx::Hit struct contains a raw Node*, so callers:
// - must not retain it, or extends its lifetime via Refptr,
// - must not write into it,
// - may call const functions against it.
// Only the root presenter creates compositors and sends input commands.
// This invariant means this dispatcher context's session, handling an input
// command, also originally created the compositor.
std::vector<gfx::Hit> PerformGlobalHitTest(gfx::GfxSystem* gfx_system,
GlobalId compositor_id, float x,
float y) {
escher::ray4 ray = CreateScreenPerpendicularRay(x, y);
FXL_VLOG(1) << "HitTest: device point (" << ray.origin.x << ", "
<< ray.origin.y << ")";
gfx::CompositorWeakPtr compositor = gfx_system->GetCompositor(compositor_id);
FXL_DCHECK(compositor) << "No compositor, violated invariant.";
gfx::LayerStackPtr layer_stack = compositor->layer_stack();
FXL_DCHECK(layer_stack.get()) << "No layer stack, violated invariant.";
auto hit_tester = std::make_unique<gfx::GlobalHitTester>();
std::vector<gfx::Hit> hits = layer_stack->HitTest(ray, hit_tester.get());
FXL_VLOG(1) << "Hits acquired, count: " << hits.size();
if (FXL_VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < hits.size(); ++i) {
FXL_VLOG(2) << "\tHit[" << i << "]: " << hits[i].node->global_id();
return hits;
// Helper for DispatchCommand.
PointerEvent ClonePointerWithCoords(const PointerEvent& event, float x,
float y) {
PointerEvent clone;
fidl::Clone(event, &clone);
clone.x = x;
clone.y = y;
return clone;
// Helper for DispatchTouchCommand.
// Ensure sessions get each event just once: stamp out duplicate
// sessions in the rest of the hits. This assumes:
// - each session has at most one View
// - each session receives at most one hit per View
// TODO(SCN-935): Return full set of hits to each client.
void RemoveHitsFromSameSession(SessionId session_id, size_t start_idx,
std::vector<gfx::ViewPtr>* views) {
for (size_t k = start_idx; k < views->size(); ++k) {
if ((*views)[k] && ((*views)[k]->session()->id() == session_id)) {
(*views)[k] = nullptr;
// Helper for Dispatch[Touch|Mouse]Command.
bool IsFocusChange(gfx::ViewPtr view) {
if (view->connected()) {
return view->view_holder()->GetViewProperties().focus_change;
return true; // Implicitly, all Views can receive focus.
} // namespace
InputSystem::InputSystem(SystemContext context, gfx::GfxSystem* gfx_system)
: System(std::move(context), /*initialized_after_construction*/ false),
gfx_system_(gfx_system) {
gfx_system_->AddInitClosure([this]() {
text_sync_service_ =
text_sync_service_.set_error_handler([](zx_status_t status) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Scenic lost connection to TextSync";
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Scenic input system initialized.";
CommandDispatcherUniquePtr InputSystem::CreateCommandDispatcher(
CommandDispatcherContext context) {
return CommandDispatcherUniquePtr(
new InputCommandDispatcher(std::move(context), gfx_system_, this),
// Custom deleter.
[](CommandDispatcher* cd) { delete cd; });
CommandDispatcherContext command_dispatcher_context,
gfx::GfxSystem* gfx_system, InputSystem* input_system)
: CommandDispatcher(std::move(command_dispatcher_context)),
input_system_(input_system) {
void InputCommandDispatcher::DispatchCommand(ScenicCommand command) {
TRACE_DURATION("input", "dispatch_command", "command", "ScenicCmd");
FXL_DCHECK(command.Which() == ScenicCommand::Tag::kInput);
InputCommand& input = command.input();
if (input.is_send_keyboard_input()) {
} else if (input.is_send_pointer_input()) {
// Compositor and layer stack required for dispatch.
GlobalId compositor_id(command_dispatcher_context()->session_id(),
gfx::CompositorWeakPtr compositor =
if (!compositor)
return; // It's legal to race against GFX's compositor setup.
gfx::LayerStackPtr layer_stack = compositor->layer_stack();
if (!layer_stack)
return; // It's legal to race against GFX's layer stack setup.
} else if (input.is_set_hard_keyboard_delivery()) {
} else if (input.is_set_parallel_dispatch()) {
void InputCommandDispatcher::DispatchCommand(
const SendPointerInputCmd command) {
TRACE_DURATION("input", "dispatch_command", "command", "PointerCmd");
const PointerEventType& event_type = command.pointer_event.type;
if (event_type == PointerEventType::TOUCH) {
} else if (event_type == PointerEventType::MOUSE) {
} else {
// TODO(SCN-940), TODO(SCN-164): Stylus support needs to account for HOVER
// events, which need to trigger an additional hit test on the DOWN event
// and send CANCEL events to disassociated clients.
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Add stylus support.";
// The touch state machine comprises ADD/DOWN/MOVE*/UP/REMOVE. Some notes:
// - We assume one touchscreen device, and use the device-assigned finger ID.
// - Touch ADD associates the following ADD/DOWN/MOVE*/UP/REMOVE event sequence
// with the set of clients available at that time. To enable gesture
// disambiguation, we perform parallel dispatch to all clients.
// - Touch DOWN triggers a focus change, but honors the no-focus property.
// - Touch REMOVE drops the association between event stream and client.
void InputCommandDispatcher::DispatchTouchCommand(
const SendPointerInputCmd command) {
TRACE_DURATION("input", "dispatch_command", "command", "TouchCmd");
trace_flow_id_t trace_id = PointerTraceHACK(
command.pointer_event.radius_major, command.pointer_event.radius_minor);
TRACE_FLOW_END("input", "dispatch_event_to_scenic", trace_id);
const uint32_t pointer_id = command.pointer_event.pointer_id;
const Phase pointer_phase = command.pointer_event.phase;
const float pointer_x = command.pointer_event.x;
const float pointer_y = command.pointer_event.y;
FXL_DCHECK(command.pointer_event.type == PointerEventType::TOUCH);
FXL_DCHECK(pointer_phase != Phase::HOVER)
<< "Oops, touch device had unexpected HOVER event.";
if (pointer_phase == Phase::ADD) {
GlobalId compositor_id(command_dispatcher_context()->session_id(),
const std::vector<gfx::Hit> hits =
PerformGlobalHitTest(gfx_system_, compositor_id, pointer_x, pointer_y);
// Find input targets. Honor the "input masking" view property.
ViewStack hit_views;
// Find the View for each hit. Don't hold on to these RefPtrs!
std::vector<gfx::ViewPtr> views;
for (const gfx::Hit& hit : hits) {
FXL_DCHECK(hit.node); // Raw ptr, use it and let go.
FXL_DCHECK(hits.size() == views.size());
// Find the global transform for each hit, fill out hit_views.
for (size_t i = 0; i < hits.size(); ++i) {
if (gfx::ViewPtr view = views[i]) {
{view->global_id(), FindGlobalTransform(view)});
if (/*TODO(SCN-919): view_id may mask input */ false) {
// Don't do this. Refer to comment on RemoveHitsFromSameSession.
RemoveHitsFromSameSession(view->session()->id(), i + 1, &views);
// Determine focusability of top-level view.
if (views.size() > 0 && views[0]) {
hit_views.focus_change = IsFocusChange(views[0]);
FXL_VLOG(1) << "View stack of hits: " << hit_views;
// Save targets for consistent delivery of touch events.
touch_targets_[pointer_id] = hit_views;
} else if (pointer_phase == Phase::DOWN) {
// New focus can be: (1) empty (if no views), or (2) the old focus (either
// deliberately, or by the no-focus property), or (3) another view.
GlobalId new_focus;
if (!touch_targets_[pointer_id].stack.empty()) {
if (touch_targets_[pointer_id].focus_change) {
new_focus = touch_targets_[pointer_id].stack[0].view_id;
} else {
new_focus = focus_; // No focus change.
FXL_VLOG(1) << "Focus, old and new: " << focus_ << " vs " << new_focus;
// Deliver focus events.
if (focus_ != new_focus) {
const int64_t focus_time = NowInNs();
if (focus_) {
FocusEvent event;
event.event_time = focus_time;
event.focused = false;
EnqueueEventToView(focus_, event);
FXL_VLOG(1) << "Input focus lost by " << focus_;
if (new_focus) {
FocusEvent event;
event.event_time = focus_time;
event.focused = true;
EnqueueEventToView(new_focus, event);
FXL_VLOG(1) << "Input focus gained by " << new_focus;
focus_ = new_focus;
// Input delivery must be parallel; needed for gesture disambiguation.
for (const auto& entry : touch_targets_[pointer_id].stack) {
escher::ray4 screen_ray =
CreateScreenPerpendicularRay(pointer_x, pointer_y);
escher::vec2 hit =
TransformPointerEvent(screen_ray, entry.global_transform);
auto clone = ClonePointerWithCoords(command.pointer_event, hit.x, hit.y);
EnqueueEventToView(entry.view_id, std::move(clone));
if (!parallel_dispatch_) {
break; // TODO(SCN-1047): Remove when gesture disambiguation is ready.
if (pointer_phase == Phase::REMOVE || pointer_phase == Phase::CANCEL) {
// The mouse state machine is simpler, comprising MOVE*-DOWN/MOVE*/UP-MOVE*. Its
// behavior is similar to touch events, but with some differences.
// - There can be multiple mouse devices, so we track each device individually.
// - Mouse DOWN associates the following DOWN/MOVE*/UP event sequence with one
// particular client: the top-hit View. Mouse events aren't associated with
// gestures, so there is no parallel dispatch.
// - Mouse DOWN triggers a focus change, but honors the no-focus property.
// - Mouse UP drops the association between event stream and client.
// - For an unassociated MOVE event, we perform a hit test, and send the
// top-most client this MOVE event. Focus does not change for unassociated
// MOVEs.
// - The hit test must account for the mouse cursor itself, which today is
// owned by the root presenter. The nodes associated with visible mouse
// cursors(!) do not roll up to any View (as expected), but may appear in the
// hit test; our dispatch needs to account for such behavior.
// TODO(SCN-1078): Enhance trackpad support.
void InputCommandDispatcher::DispatchMouseCommand(
const SendPointerInputCmd command) {
const uint32_t device_id = command.pointer_event.device_id;
const Phase pointer_phase = command.pointer_event.phase;
const float pointer_x = command.pointer_event.x;
const float pointer_y = command.pointer_event.y;
FXL_DCHECK(command.pointer_event.type == PointerEventType::MOUSE);
FXL_DCHECK(pointer_phase != Phase::ADD && pointer_phase != Phase::REMOVE &&
pointer_phase != Phase::HOVER)
<< "Oops, mouse device (id=" << device_id
<< ") had an unexpected event: " << pointer_phase;
if (pointer_phase == Phase::DOWN) {
GlobalId compositor_id(command_dispatcher_context()->session_id(),
const std::vector<gfx::Hit> hits =
PerformGlobalHitTest(gfx_system_, compositor_id, pointer_x, pointer_y);
// Find top-hit target and associated properties.
// NOTE: We may hit various mouse cursors (owned by root presenter), so keep
// going until we find a hit with a valid owning View.
ViewStack hit_view;
for (gfx::Hit hit : hits) {
FXL_DCHECK(hit.node); // Raw ptr, use it and let go.
if (gfx::ViewPtr view = hit.node->FindOwningView()) {
{view->global_id(), FindGlobalTransform(view)});
hit_view.focus_change = IsFocusChange(view);
break; // Just need the first one.
FXL_VLOG(1) << "View hit: " << hit_view;
// New focus can be: (1) empty (if no views), or (2) the old focus (either
// deliberately, or by the no-focus property), or (3) another view.
GlobalId new_focus;
if (!hit_view.stack.empty()) {
if (hit_view.focus_change) {
new_focus = hit_view.stack[0].view_id;
} else {
new_focus = focus_; // No focus change.
FXL_VLOG(1) << "Focus, old and new: " << focus_ << " vs " << new_focus;
// Deliver focus events.
if (focus_ != new_focus) {
const int64_t focus_time = NowInNs();
if (focus_) {
FocusEvent event;
event.event_time = focus_time;
event.focused = false;
EnqueueEventToView(focus_, event);
FXL_VLOG(1) << "Input focus lost by " << focus_;
if (new_focus) {
FocusEvent event;
event.event_time = focus_time;
event.focused = true;
EnqueueEventToView(new_focus, event);
FXL_VLOG(1) << "Input focus gained by " << new_focus;
focus_ = new_focus;
// Save target for consistent delivery of mouse events.
mouse_targets_[device_id] = hit_view;
if (mouse_targets_.count(device_id) > 0 && // Tracking this device, and
mouse_targets_[device_id].stack.size() > 0) { // target view exists.
const auto& entry = mouse_targets_[device_id].stack[0];
escher::ray4 screen_ray =
CreateScreenPerpendicularRay(pointer_x, pointer_y);
escher::vec2 hit =
TransformPointerEvent(screen_ray, entry.global_transform);
auto clone = ClonePointerWithCoords(command.pointer_event, hit.x, hit.y);
EnqueueEventToView(entry.view_id, std::move(clone));
if (pointer_phase == Phase::UP || pointer_phase == Phase::CANCEL) {
// Deal with unassociated MOVE events.
if (pointer_phase == Phase::MOVE && mouse_targets_.count(device_id) == 0) {
GlobalId compositor_id(command_dispatcher_context()->session_id(),
const std::vector<gfx::Hit> hits =
PerformGlobalHitTest(gfx_system_, compositor_id, pointer_x, pointer_y);
// Find top-hit target and send it this move event.
// NOTE: We may hit various mouse cursors (owned by root presenter), so keep
// going until we find a hit with a valid owning View.
GlobalId view_id;
for (gfx::Hit hit : hits) {
FXL_DCHECK(hit.node); // Raw ptr, use it and let go.
if (gfx::ViewPtr view = hit.node->FindOwningView()) {
view_id = view->global_id();
escher::ray4 screen_ray =
CreateScreenPerpendicularRay(pointer_x, pointer_y);
glm::mat4 global_transform = FindGlobalTransform(view);
escher::vec2 hit = TransformPointerEvent(screen_ray, global_transform);
auto clone =
ClonePointerWithCoords(command.pointer_event, hit.x, hit.y);
EnqueueEventToView(view_id, std::move(clone));
break; // Just need the first one.
FXL_VLOG(2) << "View hit: " << view_id;
void InputCommandDispatcher::DispatchCommand(
const SendKeyboardInputCmd command) {
// Send keyboard events to the active focus via Text Sync.
EnqueueEventToTextSync(focus_, command.keyboard_event);
// Clients may request direct delivery.
if (focus_.session_id > 0 &&
input_system_->hard_keyboard_requested().count(focus_.session_id) > 0) {
EnqueueEventToView(focus_, command.keyboard_event);
void InputCommandDispatcher::DispatchCommand(
const SetHardKeyboardDeliveryCmd command) {
const SessionId session_id = command_dispatcher_context()->session_id();
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Hard keyboard events, session_id=" << session_id
<< ", delivery_request="
<< (command.delivery_request ? "on" : "off");
if (command.delivery_request) {
// Take this opportunity to remove dead sessions.
for (SessionId id : input_system_->hard_keyboard_requested()) {
if (gfx_system_->GetSession(id) == nullptr) {
} else {
void InputCommandDispatcher::DispatchCommand(
const SetParallelDispatchCmd command) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Scenic: Parallel dispatch is turned "
<< (command.parallel_dispatch ? "ON" : "OFF");
parallel_dispatch_ = command.parallel_dispatch;
void InputCommandDispatcher::EnqueueEventToView(GlobalId view_id,
FocusEvent focus) {
if (gfx::Session* session = gfx_system_->GetSession(view_id.session_id)) {
InputEvent event;
void InputCommandDispatcher::EnqueueEventToView(GlobalId view_id,
PointerEvent pointer) {
TRACE_DURATION("input", "dispatch_event_to_client", "event_type", "pointer");
if (gfx::Session* session = gfx_system_->GetSession(view_id.session_id)) {
trace_flow_id_t trace_id =
PointerTraceHACK(pointer.radius_major, pointer.radius_minor);
TRACE_FLOW_BEGIN("input", "dispatch_event_to_client", trace_id);
InputEvent event;
void InputCommandDispatcher::EnqueueEventToView(GlobalId view_id,
KeyboardEvent keyboard) {
if (gfx::Session* session = gfx_system_->GetSession(view_id.session_id)) {
InputEvent event;
void InputCommandDispatcher::EnqueueEventToTextSync(GlobalId view_id,
KeyboardEvent keyboard) {
ImeServicePtr& text_sync = input_system_->text_sync_service();
if (text_sync && text_sync.is_bound()) {
InputEvent event;
} // namespace input
} // namespace scenic_impl