blob: 1fd336ed2fe443cc1b85f4a7a4484d803e499554 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <filesystem>
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/session.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/thread.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/err.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/string_util.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/command.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/command_utils.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/console.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/format_table.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/output_buffer.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/verbs.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
// help ------------------------------------------------------------------------
const char kHelpShortHelp[] = R"(help / h: Help.)";
const char kHelpHelp[] =
Yo dawg, I heard you like help on your help so I put help on the help in
the help.)";
const char kHelpIntro[] =
Type "help <topic>" for more information.
Command syntax
Applies the "step" verb to the currently selected thread.
"mem-read --size=16 0x12345678"
Pass a named switch and an argument.
List available threads
"thread 1"
Select thread with ID 1 to be the default.
Noun-Verb combinations
"thread 4 step"
Steps thread 4 of the current process regardless of the currently
selected thread.
"process 1 thread 4 step"
Steps thread 4 of process 1 regardless of the currently selected
thread or process.
std::string FormatGroupHelp(const char* heading,
std::vector<std::string>* items) {
std::sort(items->begin(), items->end());
std::string help("\n");
for (const auto& line : *items)
help += " " + line + "\n";
return help;
std::string GetReference() {
std::string help = kHelpIntro;
// Group all verbs by their CommandGroup. Add nouns to this since people
// will expect, for example, "breakpoint" to be in the breakpoints section.
std::map<CommandGroup, std::vector<std::string>> groups;
// Get the separate noun reference and add to the groups.
help += "\nNouns\n";
std::vector<std::string> noun_lines;
for (const auto& pair : GetNouns()) {
std::sort(noun_lines.begin(), noun_lines.end());
for (const auto& line : noun_lines)
help += " " + line + "\n";
// Add in verbs.
for (const auto& pair : GetVerbs())
help += FormatGroupHelp("General", &groups[CommandGroup::kGeneral]);
help += FormatGroupHelp("Process", &groups[CommandGroup::kProcess]);
help += FormatGroupHelp("Symbol", &groups[CommandGroup::kSymbol]);
help += FormatGroupHelp("Assembly", &groups[CommandGroup::kAssembly]);
help += FormatGroupHelp("Breakpoint", &groups[CommandGroup::kBreakpoint]);
help += FormatGroupHelp("Query", &groups[CommandGroup::kQuery]);
help += FormatGroupHelp("Step", &groups[CommandGroup::kStep]);
return help;
Err DoHelp(ConsoleContext* context, const Command& cmd) {
OutputBuffer out;
if (cmd.args().empty()) {
// Generic help, list topics and quick reference.
return Err();
const std::string& on_what = cmd.args()[0];
const char* help = nullptr;
// Check for a noun.
const auto& string_noun = GetStringNounMap();
auto found_string_noun = string_noun.find(on_what);
if (found_string_noun != string_noun.end()) {
// Find the noun record to get the help. This is guaranteed to exist.
const auto& nouns = GetNouns();
help = nouns.find(found_string_noun->second)->;
} else {
// Check for a verb
const auto& string_verb = GetStringVerbMap();
auto found_string_verb = string_verb.find(on_what);
if (found_string_verb != string_verb.end()) {
// Find the verb record to get the help. This is guaranteed to exist.
const auto& verbs = GetVerbs();
help = verbs.find(found_string_verb->second)->;
} else {
// Not a valid command.
out.Append(Err("\"" + on_what +
"\" is not a valid command.\n"
"Try just \"help\" to get a list."));
return Err();
return Err();
// quit ------------------------------------------------------------------------
const char kQuitShortHelp[] = R"(quit / q / exit: Quits the debugger.)";
const char kQuitHelp[] =
Quits the debugger.)";
Err DoQuit(ConsoleContext* context, const Command& cmd) {
// This command is special-cased by the main loop so it shouldn't get
// executed.
return Err();
// quit-agent ------------------------------------------------------------------
const char kQuitAgentShortHelp[] = R"(quit-agent: Quits the debug agent.)";
const char kQuitAgentHelp[] =
Quits the connected debug agent running on the target.)";
Err DoQuitAgent(ConsoleContext* context, const Command& cmd) {
context->session()->QuitAgent([](const Err& err) {
if (err.has_error()) {
} else {
Console::get()->Output("Successfully stopped the debug agent.");
return Err();
// connect ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const char kConnectShortHelp[] =
R"(connect: Connect to a remote system for debugging.)";
const char kConnectHelp[] =
R"(connect <remote_address>
Connects to a debug_agent at the given address/port. Both IP address and port
are required.
See also "disconnect".
Addresses can be of the form "<host> <port>" or "<host>:<port>". When using
the latter form, IPv6 addresses must be [bracketed]. Otherwise the brackets
are optional.
connect mystem.localnetwork 1234
connect mystem.localnetwork:1234
connect 1234
connect [1234:5678::9abc] 1234
connect 1234:5678::9abc 1234
connect [1234:5678::9abc]:1234
Err DoConnect(ConsoleContext* context, const Command& cmd,
CommandCallback callback = nullptr) {
// Can accept either one or two arg forms.
std::string host;
uint16_t port = 0;
if (cmd.args().size() == 0) {
return Err(ErrType::kInput, "Need host and port to connect to.");
} else if (cmd.args().size() == 1) {
Err err = ParseHostPort(cmd.args()[0], &host, &port);
if (err.has_error())
return err;
} else if (cmd.args().size() == 2) {
Err err = ParseHostPort(cmd.args()[0], cmd.args()[1], &host, &port);
if (err.has_error())
return err;
} else {
return Err(ErrType::kInput, "Too many arguments.");
context->session()->Connect(host, port, [callback, cmd](const Err& err) {
if (err.has_error()) {
// Don't display error message if they canceled the connection.
if (err.type() != ErrType::kCanceled)
} else {
OutputBuffer msg;
msg.Append("Connected successfully.\n");
// Assume if there's a callback this is not being run interactively.
// Otherwise, show the usage tip.
if (!callback) {
msg.Append(Syntax::kWarning, "👉 ");
"Normally you will \"run <program path>\" or \"attach "
"<process koid>\".");
if (callback)
Console::get()->Output("Connecting (use \"disconnect\" to cancel)...\n");
return Err();
// opendump --------------------------------------------------------------------
const char kOpenDumpShortHelp[] =
R"(opendump: Open a dump file for debugging.)";
const char kOpenDumpHelp[] =
R"(opendump <path>
Opens a dump file. Currently only the 'minidump' format is supported.
With the dump open, you will be able to list processes and threads, view the
memory map at the time the dump occurred, obtain a backtrace of threads, and
read some memory from the time of the crash. What memory is readable depends
on what the dump chose to include and what binaries are available from the
original system.
Err DoOpenDump(ConsoleContext* context, const Command& cmd,
CommandCallback callback = nullptr) {
std::string path;
if (cmd.args().size() == 0) {
return Err(ErrType::kInput, "Need path to open.");
} else if (cmd.args().size() == 1) {
path = cmd.args()[0];
} else {
return Err(ErrType::kInput, "Too many arguments.");
context->session()->OpenMinidump(path, [callback](const Err& err) {
if (err.has_error()) {
} else {
Console::get()->Output("Dump loaded successfully.\n");
if (callback)
Console::get()->Output("Opening dump file...\n");
return Err();
void DoCompleteOpenDump(const Command& cmd, const std::string& prefix,
std::vector<std::string>* completions) {
if (!cmd.args().empty()) {
std::error_code ec;
std::filesystem::path path;
std::string filename;
if (prefix.empty()) {
path = std::filesystem::current_path(ec);
if (ec) {
} else if (std::filesystem::exists(prefix, ec)) {
if (!std::filesystem::is_directory(prefix, ec)) {
path = std::filesystem::path(prefix) / "";
} else {
auto path_parts = std::filesystem::path(prefix);
filename = path_parts.filename();
if (filename.empty()) {
path = path_parts.parent_path();
if (path.empty()) {
path = std::filesystem::current_path(ec);
if (ec) {
} else if (!std::filesystem::is_directory(path)) {
for (const auto& item : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(path, ec)) {
auto found = std::string(item.path().filename());
if (!StringBeginsWith(found, filename)) {
auto completion = prefix + found.substr(filename.size());
if (item.is_directory(ec)) {
completion += "/";
// disconnect ------------------------------------------------------------------
const char kDisconnectShortHelp[] =
R"(disconnect: Disconnect from the remote system.)";
const char kDisconnectHelp[] =
Disconnects from the remote system, or cancels an in-progress connection if
there is one.
There are no arguments.
Err DoDisconnect(ConsoleContext* context, const Command& cmd,
CommandCallback callback = nullptr) {
if (!cmd.args().empty())
return Err(ErrType::kInput, "\"disconnect\" takes no arguments.");
context->session()->Disconnect([callback](const Err& err) {
if (err.has_error())
Console::get()->Output("Disconnected successfully.");
// We call the given callback
if (callback)
return Err();
// cls -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const char kClsShortHelp[] = "cls: clear screen.";
const char kClsHelp[] =
Clears the contents of the console. Similar to "clear" on a shell.
There are no arguments.
Err DoCls(ConsoleContext* context, const Command& cmd,
CommandCallback callback = nullptr) {
if (!cmd.args().empty())
return Err(ErrType::kInput, "\"cls\" takes no arguments.");
if (callback)
return Err();
} // namespace
void AppendControlVerbs(std::map<Verb, VerbRecord>* verbs) {
(*verbs)[Verb::kHelp] = VerbRecord(&DoHelp, {"help", "h"}, kHelpShortHelp,
kHelpHelp, CommandGroup::kGeneral);
(*verbs)[Verb::kQuit] =
VerbRecord(&DoQuit, {"quit", "q", "exit"}, kQuitShortHelp, kQuitHelp,
(*verbs)[Verb::kConnect] =
VerbRecord(&DoConnect, {"connect"}, kConnectShortHelp, kConnectHelp,
(*verbs)[Verb::kDisconnect] =
VerbRecord(&DoDisconnect, {"disconnect"}, kDisconnectShortHelp,
kDisconnectHelp, CommandGroup::kGeneral);
(*verbs)[Verb::kQuitAgent] =
VerbRecord(&DoQuitAgent, {"quit-agent"}, kQuitAgentShortHelp,
kQuitAgentHelp, CommandGroup::kGeneral);
(*verbs)[Verb::kOpenDump] = VerbRecord(
&DoOpenDump, &DoCompleteOpenDump, {"opendump"}, kOpenDumpShortHelp,
kOpenDumpHelp, CommandGroup::kGeneral, SourceAffinity::kNone);
(*verbs)[Verb::kCls] = VerbRecord(&DoCls, {"cls"}, kClsShortHelp, kClsHelp,
} // namespace zxdb