blob: 24bad138efb69b9f2db61d695e62d1718baf4012 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/step_thread_controller.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/finish_thread_controller.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/frame.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/process.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/thread.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/err.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/line_details.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/process_symbols.h"
namespace zxdb {
StepThreadController::StepThreadController(StepMode mode) : step_mode_(mode) {}
StepThreadController::StepThreadController(AddressRanges ranges)
: step_mode_(StepMode::kAddressRange), current_ranges_(ranges) {}
StepThreadController::~StepThreadController() = default;
void StepThreadController::InitWithThread(Thread* thread,
std::function<void(const Err&)> cb) {
const Stack& stack = thread->GetStack();
if (stack.empty()) {
cb(Err("Can't step, no frames."));
const Frame* top_frame = stack[0];
uint64_t ip = top_frame->GetAddress();
if (step_mode_ == StepMode::kSourceLine) {
// Always take the file/line from the stack rather than the line table.
// The stack will have been fixed up and may reference the calling line
// for an inline routine, while the line table will reference the inlined
// source that generated the instructions.
file_line_ = top_frame->GetLocation().file_line();
LineDetails line_details =
if (line_details.file_line() == file_line_) {
// When the stack and the line details match up, the range from the line
// table is usable.
current_ranges_ = AddressRanges(line_details.GetExtent());
Log("Stepping in %s:%d %s", file_line_.file().c_str(), file_line_.line(),
} else {
// Otherwise keep the current range empty to cause a
// step into inline routine or potentially a single step.
current_ranges_ = AddressRanges();
Log("Stepping in empty range, likely to step into an inline routine.");
original_frame_fingerprint_ = *thread->GetStack().GetFrameFingerprint(0);
} else {
// In the "else" cases, the range will already have been set up.
Log("Stepping in %s", current_ranges_.ToString().c_str());
ThreadController::ContinueOp StepThreadController::GetContinueOp() {
if (finish_unsymolized_function_)
return finish_unsymolized_function_->GetContinueOp();
// The stack shouldn't be empty when stepping in a range, but in case it is,
// fall back to single-step.
const auto& stack = thread()->GetStack();
if (stack.empty())
return ContinueOp::StepInstruction();
// Check for inlines. This case will likely have an empty address range so
// the inline check needs to be done before checking for empty ranges below.
// GetContinueOp() should not modify thread state, so we need to return
// whether we want to modify the inline stack. Returning SyntheticStop here
// will schedule a call OnThreadStop with a synthetic exception. The inline
// stack should actually be modified at that point.
if (TrySteppingIntoInline(StepIntoInline::kQuery))
return ContinueOp::SyntheticStop();
// An empty range means to step by instruction.
if (current_ranges_.empty())
return ContinueOp::StepInstruction();
// Use the IP from the top of the stack to figure out which range to send
// to the agent (it only accepts one, while we can have a set).
if (auto inside = current_ranges_.GetRangeContaining(stack[0]->GetAddress()))
return ContinueOp::StepInRange(*inside);
// Don't generally expect to be continuing in a range that we're not
// currently inside of. But it could be the caller is expecting the next
// instruction to be in that range, so fall back to single-step mode.
return ContinueOp::StepInstruction();
ThreadController::StopOp StepThreadController::OnThreadStop(
debug_ipc::NotifyException::Type stop_type,
const std::vector<fxl::WeakPtr<Breakpoint>>& hit_breakpoints) {
if (finish_unsymolized_function_) {
Log("Trying to step out of unsymbolized function.");
if (finish_unsymolized_function_->OnThreadStop(
stop_type, hit_breakpoints) == kContinue) {
finish_unsymolized_function_->Log("Reported continue.");
return kContinue;
finish_unsymolized_function_->Log("Reported stop, continuing with step.");
} else {
// The only real exception type we care about (as opposed to synthetic and
// "none" -- see below) are the single step exceptions. We wouldn't want to
// try to resume from a crash just because it's in our range, or if there
// was a hardcoded debug instruction in the range, for example.
// This must happen only when there's no "finish" controller since a
// successful "finish" hit will have a software breakpoint.
// A "none" type means to ignore the exception type and evaluate the
// current code location. It is used when this controller is nested. A
// synthetic exception is used to step into inline functions.
if (stop_type != debug_ipc::NotifyException::Type::kNone &&
stop_type != debug_ipc::NotifyException::Type::kSynthetic &&
stop_type != debug_ipc::NotifyException::Type::kSingleStep) {
Log("Not our exception type, stop is somebody else's.");
return kUnexpected;
Stack& stack = thread()->GetStack();
if (stack.empty())
return kUnexpected; // Agent sent bad state, give up trying to step.
const Frame* top_frame = stack[0];
uint64_t ip = top_frame->GetAddress();
if (current_ranges_.InRange(ip)) {
Log("In existing range: %s", current_ranges_.ToString().c_str());
return kContinue;
Log("Left range: %s", current_ranges_.ToString().c_str());
if (step_mode_ == StepMode::kSourceLine) {
ProcessSymbols* process_symbols = thread()->GetProcess()->GetSymbols();
LineDetails line_details = process_symbols->LineDetailsForAddress(ip);
if (!line_details.is_valid()) {
// Stepping by line but we ended up in a place where there's no line
// information.
if (stop_on_no_symbols_) {
Log("Stopping because there are no symbols.");
return kStopDone;
return OnThreadStopOnUnsymbolizedCode();
// When stepping by source line the current_ranges_ will be the entry for
// the current line in the line table. But we could have a line table
// like this:
// line 10 <= current_ranges_
// line 11
// line 10
// Initially we were stepping in the range of the first "line 10" entry.
// But when we leave that, we could have skipped over the "line 11" entry
// (say for a short-circuited if statement) and could still be on line 10!
// We could also have "line 0" entries which represent code without any
// corresponding source line (usually bookkeeping by the compiler).
// This checks if we're in another entry representing the same source line
// or line 0, and continues stepping in that range.
// Note: don't check the original file_line_ variable for line 0 since if
// the source of the step was in one of these weird locations, all
// subsequent lines will compare for equality and we'll never stop
// stepping!
// As in InitWithThread(), always use the stack's file/line over the result
// from the line table.
const Location& top_location = top_frame->GetLocation();
if (top_location.file_line().line() == 0 ||
top_location.file_line() == file_line_) {
// Still on the same line.
if (top_location.file_line() == line_details.file_line()) {
// Can use the range from the line table.
current_ranges_ = AddressRanges(line_details.GetExtent());
Log("Got new range for line: %s", current_ranges_.ToString().c_str());
return kContinue;
} else {
// Line table and stack don't match due to inlined calls. Clearing the
// range will make the next operation will either single-step or step
// into an inline function.
current_ranges_ = AddressRanges();
// Fall-through to trying to fixup inline frames or stopping.
if (stop_type == debug_ipc::NotifyException::Type::kSynthetic ||
stop_type == debug_ipc::NotifyException::Type::kNone) {
// Handle virtually stepping into inline functions by modifying the hidden
// ambiguous inline frame count.
// This should only happen for synthetic stops because modifying the hide
// count is an alternative to actually stepping the CPU. Doing this after a
// real step will modify the stack for the *next* instruction (like doing
// "step into" twice in the case of ambiguous inline frames).
// On the other hand, this check should happen after the other types of
// range checking in case the thread is still in range.
if (TrySteppingIntoInline(StepIntoInline::kCommit))
return kStopDone;
} else {
// When an actual step (not synthetic) has resulted in landing at an
// ambiguous inline location, always consider the location to be the oldest
// frame to allow the user to step into the inline frames if desired.
// We don't want to select the same frame here that we were originally
// stepping in because we could have just stepped out of a frame to an
// inline function starting immediately after the call. We always want to at
// the oldest possible inline call.
return kStopDone;
bool StepThreadController::TrySteppingIntoInline(StepIntoInline command) {
if (step_mode_ != StepMode::kSourceLine) {
// Only do inline frame handling when stepping by line.
// When the user is doing a single-instruction step, ignore special inline
// frames and always do a real step. The other mode is "address range"
// which isn't exposed to the user directly so we probably won't encounter
// it here, but assume that it's also a low-level operation that doesn't
// need inline handling.
return false;
Stack& stack = thread()->GetStack();
size_t hidden_frame_count = stack.hide_ambiguous_inline_frame_count();
if (hidden_frame_count == 0) {
// The Stack object always contains all inline functions nested at the
// current address. When it's not logically in one or more of them, they
// will be hidden. Not having any hidden inline frames means there's
// nothing to a synthetic inline step into.
return false;
// Examine the closest hidden frame.
const Frame* frame =
stack.FrameAtIndexIncludingHiddenInline(hidden_frame_count - 1);
if (!frame->IsAmbiguousInlineLocation())
return false; // No inline or not ambiguous.
// Do the synthetic step into by unhiding an inline frame.
if (command == StepIntoInline::kCommit) {
size_t new_hide_count = hidden_frame_count - 1;
Log("Synthetically stepping into inline frame %s, new hide count = %zu.",
FrameFunctionNameForLog(stack[0]).c_str(), new_hide_count);
return true;
StepThreadController::OnThreadStopOnUnsymbolizedCode() {
Log("Stepped into code with no symbols.");
const Stack& stack = thread()->GetStack();
const Frame* top_frame = stack[0];
ProcessSymbols* process_symbols = thread()->GetProcess()->GetSymbols();
if (process_symbols->HaveSymbolsLoadedForModuleAt(top_frame->GetAddress())) {
// We ended up in code with no symbols inside a module where we expect
// to have symbols. The common cause of this is a shared library thunk:
// When there is an imported symbol, all code in a module will jump to
// some generated code (no symbols) that in turn does an indirect jump
// to the destination. The destination of the indirect jump is what's
// filled in by the dynamic loader when imports are resolved.
// LLDB indexes ELF imports in the symbol database (type
// eSymbolTypeTrampoline) and can then compare to see if the current
// code is a trampoline. See
// DynamicLoaderPOSIXDYLD::GetStepThroughTrampolinePlan.
// We should do something similar which will be less prone to errors.
// GDB does something similar but also checks that the instruction is
// the right type of jump. This involves two memory lookups which make
// it difficult for us to implement since they require async calls.
// We might be able to just check that the address is inside the
// procedure linkage table (see below).
// ELF imports
// -----------
// ELF imports go through the "procedure linkage table" (see the ELF
// spec) which allows lazy resolution. These trampolines have a default
// jump address is to the next instruction which then pushes the item
// index on the stack and does a dance to jump to the dynamic linker to
// resolve this import. Once resolved, the first jump takes the code
// directly to the destination.
// Our loader seems to resolve these up-front. In the future we might
// need to add logic to step over the dynamic loader when its resolving
// the import.
Log("In function with no symbols, single-stepping.");
current_ranges_ = AddressRanges(); // No range: step by instruction.
return kContinue;
if (FrameFingerprint::Newer(*thread()->GetStack().GetFrameFingerprint(0),
original_frame_fingerprint_)) {
// Called a new stack frame that has no symbols. We need to "finish" to
// step over the unsymbolized code to automatically step over the
// unsymbolized code.
Log("Called unsymbolized function, stepping out.");
finish_unsymolized_function_ =
std::make_unique<FinishThreadController>(thread()->GetStack(), 0);
finish_unsymolized_function_->InitWithThread(thread(), [](const Err&) {});
return kContinue;
// Here we jumped (not called, we checked the frames above) to some
// unsymbolized code. Don't know what this is so stop.
Log("Jumped to unsymbolized code, giving up and stopping.");
return kStopDone;
} // namespace zxdb