blob: ab168b1ccdd5ff2b7e69bf619a95f429dd6646b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/stack.h"
#include <map>
#include "src/developer/debug/ipc/records.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/message_loop.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/frame.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/frame_fingerprint.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/err.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/expr_eval_context.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/function.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/logging.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
// Implementation of Frame for inlined frames. Inlined frames have a different
// location in the source code, but refer to the underlying physical frame for
// most data.
class InlineFrame final : public Frame {
// The physical_frame must outlive this class. Normally both are owned by the
// Stack and have the same lifetime.
InlineFrame(Frame* physical_frame, Location loc)
: Frame(physical_frame->session()),
location_(loc) {}
~InlineFrame() override = default;
// Frame implementation.
Thread* GetThread() const override { return physical_frame_->GetThread(); }
bool IsInline() const override { return true; }
const Frame* GetPhysicalFrame() const override { return physical_frame_; }
const Location& GetLocation() const override { return location_; }
uint64_t GetAddress() const override { return location_.address(); }
std::optional<uint64_t> GetBasePointer() const override {
return physical_frame_->GetBasePointer();
void GetBasePointerAsync(std::function<void(uint64_t bp)> cb) override {
return physical_frame_->GetBasePointerAsync(std::move(cb));
uint64_t GetStackPointer() const override {
return physical_frame_->GetStackPointer();
fxl::RefPtr<SymbolDataProvider> GetSymbolDataProvider() const override {
return physical_frame_->GetSymbolDataProvider();
fxl::RefPtr<ExprEvalContext> GetExprEvalContext() const override {
return physical_frame_->GetExprEvalContext();
bool IsAmbiguousInlineLocation() const override {
const Location& loc = GetLocation();
// Extract the inline function.
if (!loc.symbol())
return false;
const Function* function = loc.symbol().Get()->AsFunction();
if (!function)
return false;
if (!function->is_inline())
return false;
// There could be multiple code ranges for the inlined function, consider
// any of them as being a candidate.
for (const auto& cur :
function->GetAbsoluteCodeRanges(loc.symbol_context())) {
if (loc.address() == cur.begin())
return true;
return false;
Frame* physical_frame_; // Non-owning.
Location location_;
// Returns a fixed-up location referring to an indexed element in an inlined
// function call chain. This also handles the case where there are no inline
// calls and the function is the only one (this returns the same location).
// The main_location is the location returned by symbol lookup for the
// current address.
Location LocationForInlineFrameChain(
const std::vector<const Function*>& inline_chain, size_t chain_index,
const Location& main_location) {
// The file/line is the call location of the next (into the future) inlined
// function. Fall back on the file/line from the main lookup.
const FileLine* new_line = &main_location.file_line();
int new_column = main_location.column();
if (chain_index > 0) {
const Function* next_call = inline_chain[chain_index - 1];
if (next_call->call_line().is_valid()) {
new_line = &next_call->call_line();
new_column = 0; // DWARF doesn't contain inline call column.
return Location(main_location.address(), *new_line, new_column,
} // namespace
Stack::Stack(Delegate* delegate) : delegate_(delegate), weak_factory_(this) {}
Stack::~Stack() = default;
fxl::WeakPtr<Stack> Stack::GetWeakPtr() { return weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(); }
std::optional<size_t> Stack::IndexForFrame(const Frame* frame) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < frames_.size(); i++) {
if (frames_[i].get() == frame)
return i;
return std::nullopt;
size_t Stack::InlineDepthForIndex(size_t index) const {
FXL_DCHECK(index < frames_.size());
for (size_t depth = 0; index + depth < frames_.size(); depth++) {
if (!frames_[index + depth]->IsInline())
return depth;
FXL_NOTREACHED(); // Should have found a physical frame that generated it.
return 0;
std::optional<FrameFingerprint> Stack::GetFrameFingerprint(
size_t virtual_frame_index) const {
size_t frame_index = virtual_frame_index + hide_ambiguous_inline_frame_count_;
// Should reference a valid index in the array.
if (frame_index >= frames_.size()) {
return FrameFingerprint();
// The inline frame count is the number of steps from the requested frame
// index to the current physical frame.
size_t inline_count = InlineDepthForIndex(frame_index);
// The stack pointer we want is the one from right before the current
// physical frame (see frame_fingerprint.h).
size_t before_physical_frame_index = frame_index + inline_count + 1;
if (before_physical_frame_index == frames_.size()) {
if (!has_all_frames())
return std::nullopt; // Not synchronously available.
// For the bottom frame, this returns the frame base pointer instead which
// will at least identify the frame in some ways, and can be used to see if
// future frames are younger.
return FrameFingerprint(frames_[frame_index]->GetStackPointer(), 0);
return FrameFingerprint(
frames_[before_physical_frame_index]->GetStackPointer(), inline_count);
void Stack::GetFrameFingerprint(
size_t virtual_frame_index,
std::function<void(const Err&, FrameFingerprint)> cb) {
size_t frame_index = virtual_frame_index + hide_ambiguous_inline_frame_count_;
FXL_DCHECK(frame_index < frames_.size());
// Identify the frame in question across the async call by its combination of
// IP, SP, and inline nesting count. If anything changes we don't want to
// issue the callback.
uint64_t ip = frames_[frame_index]->GetAddress();
uint64_t sp = frames_[frame_index]->GetStackPointer();
size_t inline_count = InlineDepthForIndex(frame_index);
// This callback is issued when the full stack is available.
auto on_full_stack = [weak_stack = GetWeakPtr(), frame_index, ip, sp,
inline_count, cb = std::move(cb)](const Err& err) {
if (err.has_error()) {
cb(err, FrameFingerprint());
if (!weak_stack) {
cb(Err("Thread destroyed."), FrameFingerprint());
const auto& frames = weak_stack->frames_;
if (frame_index >= frames.size() ||
frames[frame_index]->GetAddress() != ip ||
frames[frame_index]->GetStackPointer() != sp ||
weak_stack->InlineDepthForIndex(frame_index) != inline_count) {
// Something changed about this stack item since the original call.
// Count the request as invalid.
cb(Err("Stack changed across queries."), FrameFingerprint());
// Should always have a fingerprint after syncing the stack.
auto found_fingerprint = weak_stack->GetFrameFingerprint(frame_index);
cb(Err(), *found_fingerprint);
if (has_all_frames()) {
// All frames are available, don't force a recomputation of the stack. But
// the caller still expects an async response. Calling the full callback
// is important for the checking in case the frames changed while the
// async task is pending.
[on_full_stack = std::move(on_full_stack)]() { on_full_stack(Err()); });
} else {
size_t Stack::GetAmbiguousInlineFrameCount() const {
// This can't be InlineDepthForIndex() because that takes an index relative
// to the hide_ambiguous_inline_frame_count_ and this function always wants
// to return the same thing regardless of the hide count.
for (size_t i = 0; i < frames_.size(); i++) {
if (!frames_[i]->IsAmbiguousInlineLocation())
return i;
// Should always have a non-inline frame if there are any.
return 0;
void Stack::SetHideAmbiguousInlineFrameCount(size_t hide_count) {
FXL_DCHECK(hide_count <= GetAmbiguousInlineFrameCount());
hide_ambiguous_inline_frame_count_ = hide_count;
void Stack::SyncFrames(std::function<void(const Err&)> callback) {
void Stack::SetFrames(debug_ipc::ThreadRecord::StackAmount amount,
const std::vector<debug_ipc::StackFrame>& new_frames) {
// See if the new frames are an extension of the existing frames or are a
// replacement.
size_t appending_from = 0; // First index in new_frames to append.
for (size_t i = 0; i < frames_.size(); i++) {
// The input will not contain any inline frames so skip over those when
// doing the checking.
if (frames_[i]->IsInline())
if (appending_from >= new_frames.size() ||
frames_[i]->GetAddress() != new_frames[appending_from].ip ||
frames_[i]->GetStackPointer() != new_frames[appending_from].sp) {
// New frames are not a superset of our existing stack, replace
// everything.
hide_ambiguous_inline_frame_count_ = 0;
appending_from = 0;
for (size_t i = appending_from; i < new_frames.size(); i++)
has_all_frames_ = amount == debug_ipc::ThreadRecord::StackAmount::kFull;
void Stack::SetFramesForTest(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Frame>> frames,
bool has_all) {
frames_ = std::move(frames);
has_all_frames_ = has_all;
hide_ambiguous_inline_frame_count_ = 0;
bool Stack::ClearFrames() {
has_all_frames_ = false;
hide_ambiguous_inline_frame_count_ = 0;
if (frames_.empty())
return false; // Nothing to do.
return true;
void Stack::AppendFrame(const debug_ipc::StackFrame& record) {
// This symbolizes all stack frames since the expansion of inline frames
// depends on the symbols. Its possible some stack objects will never have
// their frames queried which makes this duplicate work. A possible addition
// is to just save the debug_ipc::StackFrames and only expand the inline
// frames when the frame list is accessed.
// Indicates we're adding the newest physical frame and its inlines to the
// frame list.
bool is_top_physical_frame = frames_.empty();
// The symbols will provide the location for the innermost inlined function.
Location inner_loc = delegate_->GetSymbolizedLocationForStackFrame(record);
const Function* cur_func = inner_loc.symbol().Get()->AsFunction();
if (!cur_func) {
// No function associated with this location.
frames_.push_back(delegate_->MakeFrameForStack(record, inner_loc));
// The Location object will reference the most-specific inline function but
// we need the whole chain.
std::vector<const Function*> inline_chain = cur_func->GetInlineChain();
if (inline_chain.back()->is_inline()) {
// A non-inline frame was not found. The symbols are corrupt so give up
// on inline processing and add the physical frame only.
frames_.push_back(delegate_->MakeFrameForStack(record, inner_loc));
// Need to make the base "physical" frame first because all of the inline
// frames refer to it.
auto physical_frame = delegate_->MakeFrameForStack(
record, LocationForInlineFrameChain(inline_chain, inline_chain.size() - 1,
// Add inline functions (skipping the last which is the physical frame
// made above).
for (size_t i = 0; i < inline_chain.size() - 1; i++) {
auto inline_frame = std::make_unique<InlineFrame>(
LocationForInlineFrameChain(inline_chain, i, inner_loc));
// Only add ambiguous inline frames when they correspond to the top
// physical frame of the stack. The reason is that the instruction pointer
// of non-topmost stack frames represents the return address. An ambiguous
// inline frame means the return address is the beginning of an inlined
// function. This implies that the function call itself isn't actually in
// that inlined function.
// TODO(brettw) we may want to consider checking the address immediately
// before the IP for these frames and using that for inline frame
// computation. This may make the stack make more sense when a function
// call is the last part of an inline frame, but it also may make the
// line numbers for these frames inconsistent with how they're displayed
// for non-inlined frames.
if (is_top_physical_frame || !inline_frame->IsAmbiguousInlineLocation())
// Physical frame goes last (back in time).
} // namespace zxdb