blob: e17afa9332f48c59feb6c72f328fff551d123af5 [file] [log] [blame]
fn empty_regex_empty_match() {
let re = regex!("");
assert_eq!(vec![(0, 0)], findall!(re, ""));
fn empty_regex_nonempty_match() {
let re = regex!("");
assert_eq!(vec![(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)], findall!(re, "abc"));
fn one_zero_length_match() {
let re = regex!(r"\d*");
assert_eq!(vec![(0, 0), (1, 2), (3, 4)], findall!(re, "a1b2"));
fn many_zero_length_match() {
let re = regex!(r"\d*");
assert_eq!(vec![(0, 0), (1, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 6)],
findall!(re, "a1bbb2"));
fn many_sequential_zero_length_match() {
let re = regex!(r"\d?");
assert_eq!(vec![(0, 0), (1, 2), (2, 3), (4, 5), (6, 6)],
findall!(re, "a12b3c"));
fn quoted_bracket_set() {
let re = regex!(r"([\x{5b}\x{5d}])");
assert_eq!(vec![(0, 1), (1, 2)], findall!(re, "[]"));
let re = regex!(r"([\[\]])");
assert_eq!(vec![(0, 1), (1, 2)], findall!(re, "[]"));
fn first_range_starts_with_left_bracket() {
let re = regex!(r"([\[-z])");
assert_eq!(vec![(0, 1), (1, 2)], findall!(re, "[]"));
fn range_ends_with_escape() {
let re = regex!(r"([\[-\x{5d}])");
assert_eq!(vec![(0, 1), (1, 2)], findall!(re, "[]"));
fn empty_match_find_iter() {
let re = regex!(r".*?");
assert_eq!(vec![(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)], findall!(re, "abc"));
fn empty_match_captures_iter() {
let re = regex!(r".*?");
let ms: Vec<_> = re.captures_iter(text!("abc"))
.map(|c| c.get(0).unwrap())
.map(|m| (m.start(), m.end()))
assert_eq!(ms, vec![(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]);
fn capture_names() {
let re = regex!(r"(.)(?P<a>.)");
assert_eq!(3, re.captures_len());
assert_eq!((3, Some(3)), re.capture_names().size_hint());
assert_eq!(vec![None, None, Some("a")],
fn regex_string() {
assert_eq!(r"[a-zA-Z0-9]+", regex!(r"[a-zA-Z0-9]+").as_str());
assert_eq!(r"[a-zA-Z0-9]+", &format!("{}", regex!(r"[a-zA-Z0-9]+")));
assert_eq!(r"[a-zA-Z0-9]+", &format!("{:?}", regex!(r"[a-zA-Z0-9]+")));
fn capture_index() {
let re = regex!(r"^(?P<name>.+)$");
let cap = re.captures(t!("abc")).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&cap[0], t!("abc"));
assert_eq!(&cap[1], t!("abc"));
assert_eq!(&cap["name"], t!("abc"));
#[cfg_attr(all(target_env = "msvc", target_pointer_width = "32"), ignore)]
fn capture_index_panic_usize() {
let re = regex!(r"^(?P<name>.+)$");
let cap = re.captures(t!("abc")).unwrap();
let _ = cap[2];
#[cfg_attr(all(target_env = "msvc", target_pointer_width = "32"), ignore)]
fn capture_index_panic_name() {
let re = regex!(r"^(?P<name>.+)$");
let cap = re.captures(t!("abc")).unwrap();
let _ = cap["bad name"];
fn capture_index_lifetime() {
// This is a test of whether the types on `caps["..."]` are general
// enough. If not, this will fail to typecheck.
fn inner(s: &str) -> usize {
let re = regex!(r"(?P<number>\d+)");
let caps = re.captures(t!(s)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(3, inner("123"));
fn capture_misc() {
let re = regex!(r"(.)(?P<a>a)?(.)(?P<b>.)");
let cap = re.captures(t!("abc")).unwrap();
assert_eq!(5, cap.len());
assert_eq!((0, 3), { let m = cap.get(0).unwrap(); (m.start(), m.end()) });
assert_eq!(None, cap.get(2));
assert_eq!((2, 3), { let m = cap.get(4).unwrap(); (m.start(), m.end()) });
assert_eq!(t!("abc"), match_text!(cap.get(0).unwrap()));
assert_eq!(None, cap.get(2));
assert_eq!(t!("c"), match_text!(cap.get(4).unwrap()));
assert_eq!(t!("c"), match_text!("b").unwrap()));
fn sub_capture_matches() {
let re = regex!(r"([a-z])(([a-z])|([0-9]))");
let cap = re.captures(t!("a5")).unwrap();
let subs: Vec<_> = cap.iter().collect();
assert_eq!(5, subs.len());
assert_eq!(t!("a5"), match_text!(subs[0].unwrap()));
assert_eq!(t!("a"), match_text!(subs[1].unwrap()));
assert_eq!(t!("5"), match_text!(subs[2].unwrap()));
assert_eq!(t!("5"), match_text!(subs[4].unwrap()));
expand!(expand1, r"(?P<foo>\w+)", "abc", "$foo", "abc");
expand!(expand2, r"(?P<foo>\w+)", "abc", "$0", "abc");
expand!(expand3, r"(?P<foo>\w+)", "abc", "$1", "abc");
expand!(expand4, r"(?P<foo>\w+)", "abc", "$$1", "$1");
expand!(expand5, r"(?P<foo>\w+)", "abc", "$$foo", "$foo");
expand!(expand6, r"(?P<a>\w+)\s+(?P<b>\d+)",
"abc 123", "$b$a", "123abc");
expand!(expand7, r"(?P<a>\w+)\s+(?P<b>\d+)",
"abc 123", "z$bz$az", "z");
expand!(expand8, r"(?P<a>\w+)\s+(?P<b>\d+)",
"abc 123", ".$b.$a.", "");
expand!(expand9, r"(?P<a>\w+)\s+(?P<b>\d+)",
"abc 123", " $b $a ", " 123 abc ");
expand!(expand10, r"(?P<a>\w+)\s+(?P<b>\d+)",
"abc 123", "$bz$az", "");
split!(split1, r"\s+", "a b\nc\td\n\t e",
&[t!("a"), t!("b"), t!("c"), t!("d"), t!("e")]);
split!(split2, r"\b", "a b c",
&[t!(""), t!("a"), t!(" "), t!("b"), t!(" "), t!("c")]);
split!(split3, r"a$", "a", &[t!("")]);