blob: 0485657f01eaabb210bb400cedaac336adbf6d02 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::arch::x86_64::*;
use std::fmt;
/// A builder for SSSE3 empowered vectors.
/// This builder represents a receipt that the SSSE3 target feature is enabled
/// on the currently running CPU. Namely, the only way to get a value of this
/// type is if the SSSE3 feature is enabled.
/// This type can then be used to build vector types that use SSSE3 features
/// safely.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct SSSE3VectorBuilder(());
impl SSSE3VectorBuilder {
/// Create a new SSSE3 vector builder.
/// If the SSSE3 feature is not enabled for the current target, then
/// return `None`.
pub fn new() -> Option<SSSE3VectorBuilder> {
if is_x86_feature_detected!("ssse3") {
} else {
/// Create a new u8x16 SSSE3 vector where all of the bytes are set to
/// the given value.
pub fn u8x16_splat(self, n: u8) -> u8x16 {
// Safe because we know SSSE3 is enabled.
unsafe { u8x16::splat(n) }
/// Load 16 bytes from the given slice, with bounds checks.
pub fn u8x16_load_unaligned(self, slice: &[u8]) -> u8x16 {
// Safe because we know SSSE3 is enabled.
unsafe { u8x16::load_unaligned(slice) }
/// Load 16 bytes from the given slice, without bounds checks.
pub unsafe fn u8x16_load_unchecked_unaligned(self, slice: &[u8]) -> u8x16 {
// Safe because we know SSSE3 is enabled, but still unsafe
// because we aren't doing bounds checks.
/// Load 16 bytes from the given slice, with bound and alignment checks.
pub fn u8x16_load(self, slice: &[u8]) -> u8x16 {
// Safe because we know SSSE3 is enabled.
unsafe { u8x16::load(slice) }
/// Load 16 bytes from the given slice, without bound or alignment checks.
pub unsafe fn u8x16_load_unchecked(self, slice: &[u8]) -> u8x16 {
// Safe because we know SSSE3 is enabled, but still unsafe
// because we aren't doing bounds checks.
/// A u8x16 is a 128-bit vector with 16 single-byte lanes.
/// It provides a safe API that uses only SSE2 or SSSE3 instructions.
/// The only way for callers to construct a value of this type is
/// through the SSSE3VectorBuilder type, and the only way to get a
/// SSSE3VectorBuilder is if the `ssse3` target feature is enabled.
/// Note that generally speaking, all uses of this type should get
/// inlined, otherwise you probably have a performance bug.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub union u8x16 {
vector: __m128i,
bytes: [u8; 16],
impl u8x16 {
unsafe fn splat(n: u8) -> u8x16 {
u8x16 { vector: _mm_set1_epi8(n as i8) }
unsafe fn load_unaligned(slice: &[u8]) -> u8x16 {
assert!(slice.len() >= 16);
unsafe fn load_unchecked_unaligned(slice: &[u8]) -> u8x16 {
let v = _mm_loadu_si128(slice.as_ptr() as *const u8 as *const __m128i);
u8x16 { vector: v }
unsafe fn load(slice: &[u8]) -> u8x16 {
assert!(slice.len() >= 16);
assert!(slice.as_ptr() as usize % 16 == 0);
unsafe fn load_unchecked(slice: &[u8]) -> u8x16 {
let v = _mm_load_si128(slice.as_ptr() as *const u8 as *const __m128i);
u8x16 { vector: v }
pub fn extract(self, i: usize) -> u8 {
// Safe because `bytes` is always accessible.
unsafe { self.bytes[i] }
pub fn replace(&mut self, i: usize, byte: u8) {
// Safe because `bytes` is always accessible.
unsafe { self.bytes[i] = byte; }
pub fn shuffle(self, indices: u8x16) -> u8x16 {
// Safe because we know SSSE3 is enabled.
unsafe {
u8x16 { vector: _mm_shuffle_epi8(self.vector, indices.vector) }
pub fn ne(self, other: u8x16) -> u8x16 {
// Safe because we know SSSE3 is enabled.
unsafe {
let boolv = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(self.vector, other.vector);
let ones = _mm_set1_epi8(0xFF as u8 as i8);
u8x16 { vector: _mm_andnot_si128(boolv, ones) }
pub fn and(self, other: u8x16) -> u8x16 {
// Safe because we know SSSE3 is enabled.
unsafe {
u8x16 { vector: _mm_and_si128(self.vector, other.vector) }
pub fn movemask(self) -> u32 {
// Safe because we know SSSE3 is enabled.
unsafe {
_mm_movemask_epi8(self.vector) as u32
pub fn alignr_14(self, other: u8x16) -> u8x16 {
// Safe because we know SSSE3 is enabled.
unsafe {
u8x16 { vector: _mm_alignr_epi8(self.vector, other.vector, 14) }
pub fn alignr_15(self, other: u8x16) -> u8x16 {
// Safe because we know SSSE3 is enabled.
unsafe {
u8x16 { vector: _mm_alignr_epi8(self.vector, other.vector, 15) }
pub fn bit_shift_right_4(self) -> u8x16 {
// Safe because we know SSSE3 is enabled.
unsafe {
u8x16 { vector: _mm_srli_epi16(self.vector, 4) }
impl fmt::Debug for u8x16 {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
// Safe because `bytes` is always accessible.
unsafe { self.bytes.fmt(f) }