blob: 1a0655e3f66bc0bca340ba3d2aaa808135b8ea51 [file] [log] [blame]
#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
//! [`IndexMap`] is a hash table where the iteration order of the key-value
//! pairs is independent of the hash values of the keys.
//! [`IndexSet`] is a corresponding hash set using the same implementation and
//! with similar properties.
//! [`IndexMap`]: map/struct.IndexMap.html
//! [`IndexSet`]: set/struct.IndexSet.html
//! ## Rust Version
//! This version of indexmap requires Rust 1.18 or later.
//! The indexmap 1.x release series will use a carefully considered version
//! upgrade policy, where in a later 1.x version, we will raise the minimum
//! required Rust version.
mod macros;
#[cfg(feature = "serde-1")]
mod serde;
mod util;
mod equivalent;
mod mutable_keys;
pub mod set;
pub mod map;
pub use equivalent::Equivalent;
pub use map::IndexMap;
pub use set::IndexSet;
// shared private items
/// Hash value newtype. Not larger than usize, since anything larger
/// isn't used for selecting position anyway.
#[derive(Copy, Debug)]
struct HashValue(usize);
impl HashValue {
fn get(self) -> usize { self.0 }
impl Clone for HashValue {
fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self }
impl PartialEq for HashValue {
fn eq(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool {
self.0 == rhs.0
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
struct Bucket<K, V> {
hash: HashValue,
key: K,
value: V,
impl<K, V> Bucket<K, V> {
// field accessors -- used for `f` instead of closures in `.map(f)`
fn key_ref(&self) -> &K { &self.key }
fn value_ref(&self) -> &V { &self.value }
fn value_mut(&mut self) -> &mut V { &mut self.value }
fn key(self) -> K { self.key }
fn key_value(self) -> (K, V) { (self.key, self.value) }
fn refs(&self) -> (&K, &V) { (&self.key, &self.value) }
fn ref_mut(&mut self) -> (&K, &mut V) { (&self.key, &mut self.value) }
fn muts(&mut self) -> (&mut K, &mut V) { (&mut self.key, &mut self.value) }