blob: 0a73700df450066fc9db036ed3212e674fd4a4dd [file] [log] [blame]
//! Abstractions for asynchronous programming.
//! This crate provides a number of core abstractions for writing asynchronous
//! code:
//! - [Futures](crate::future::Future) are single eventual values produced by
//! asychronous computations. Some programming languages (e.g. JavaScript)
//! call this concept "promise".
//! - [Streams](crate::stream::Stream) represent a series of values
//! produced asynchronously.
//! - [Sinks](crate::sink::Sink) provide support for asynchronous writing of
//! data.
//! - [Executors](crate::executor) are responsible for running asynchronous
//! tasks.
//! The crate also contains abstractions for [asynchronous I/O](crate::io) and
//! [cross-task communication](crate::channel).
//! Underlying all of this is the *task system*, which is a form of lightweight
//! threading. Large asynchronous computations are built up using futures,
//! streams and sinks, and then spawned as independent tasks that are run to
//! completion, but *do not block* the thread running them.
#![cfg_attr(feature = "cfg-target-has-atomic", feature(cfg_target_has_atomic))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "never-type", feature(never_type))]
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
#![warn(missing_docs, missing_debug_implementations, rust_2018_idioms)]
#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
#[cfg(all(feature = "async-await", not(feature = "nightly")))]
compile_error!("The `async-await` feature requires the `nightly` feature as an explicit opt-in to unstable features");
#[cfg(all(feature = "cfg-target-has-atomic", not(feature = "nightly")))]
compile_error!("The `cfg-target-has-atomic` feature requires the `nightly` feature as an explicit opt-in to unstable features");
#[cfg(all(feature = "never-type", not(feature = "nightly")))]
compile_error!("The `never-type` feature requires the `nightly` feature as an explicit opt-in to unstable features");
#[doc(hidden)] pub use futures_util::core_reexport;
#[doc(hidden)] pub use futures_core::future::Future;
#[doc(hidden)] pub use futures_core::future::TryFuture;
#[doc(hidden)] pub use futures_util::future::FutureExt;
#[doc(hidden)] pub use futures_util::try_future::TryFutureExt;
#[doc(hidden)] pub use futures_core::stream::Stream;
#[doc(hidden)] pub use futures_core::stream::TryStream;
#[doc(hidden)] pub use futures_util::stream::StreamExt;
#[doc(hidden)] pub use futures_util::try_stream::TryStreamExt;
#[doc(hidden)] pub use futures_sink::Sink;
#[doc(hidden)] pub use futures_util::sink::SinkExt;
#[doc(hidden)] pub use futures_core::task::Poll;
// Macro reexports
pub use futures_util::{
// Error/readiness propagation
try_ready, ready,
#[cfg(feature = "async-await")]
pub use futures_util::{
// Async-await
join, try_join, pending, poll,
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub mod channel {
//! Cross-task communication.
//! Like threads, concurrent tasks sometimes need to communicate with each
//! other. This module contains two basic abstractions for doing so:
//! - [oneshot](crate::channel::oneshot), a way of sending a single value
//! from one task to another.
//! - [mpsc](crate::channel::mpsc), a multi-producer, single-consumer
//! channel for sending values between tasks, analogous to the
//! similarly-named structure in the standard library.
pub use futures_channel::{oneshot, mpsc};
#[cfg(feature = "compat")]
pub mod compat {
//! Interop between `futures` 0.1 and 0.3.
pub use futures_util::compat::{
#[cfg(feature = "io-compat")]
pub use futures_util::compat::{
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub mod executor {
//! Task execution.
//! All asynchronous computation occurs within an executor, which is
//! capable of spawning futures as tasks. This module provides several
//! built-in executors, as well as tools for building your own.
//! # Using a thread pool (M:N task scheduling)
//! Most of the time tasks should be executed on a [thread
//! pool](crate::executor::ThreadPool). A small set of worker threads can
//! handle a very large set of spawned tasks (which are much lighter weight
//! than threads).
//! The simplest way to use a thread pool is to
//! [`run`](crate::executor::ThreadPool::run) an initial task on it, which
//! can then spawn further tasks back onto the pool to complete its work:
//! ```
//! use futures::executor::ThreadPool;
//! # use futures::future::{Future, lazy};
//! # let my_app = lazy(|_| 42);
//! // assuming `my_app: Future`
//! ThreadPool::new().expect("Failed to create threadpool").run(my_app);
//! ```
//! The call to [`run`](crate::executor::ThreadPool::run) will block the
//! current thread until the future defined by `my_app` completes, and will
//! return the result of that future.
//! # Spawning additional tasks
//! Tasks can be spawned onto a spawner by calling its
//! [`spawn_obj`](crate::task::Spawn::spawn_obj) method directly.
//! In the case of `!Send` futures,
//! [`spawn_local_obj`](crate::task::LocalSpawn::spawn_local_obj)
//! can be used instead.
//! # Single-threaded execution
//! In addition to thread pools, it's possible to run a task (and the tasks
//! it spawns) entirely within a single thread via the
//! [`LocalPool`](crate::executor::LocalPool) executor. Aside from cutting
//! down on synchronization costs, this executor also makes it possible to
//! spawn non-`Send` tasks, via
//! [`spawn_local_obj`](crate::executor::LocalSpawn::spawn_local_obj).
//! The `LocalPool` is best suited for running I/O-bound tasks that do
//! relatively little work between I/O operations.
//! There is also a convenience function,
//! [`block_on`](crate::executor::block_on), for simply running a future to
//! completion on the current thread, while routing any spawned tasks
//! to a global thread pool.
pub use futures_executor::{
Enter, EnterError,
LocalSpawner, LocalPool,
ThreadPool, ThreadPoolBuilder,
block_on, block_on_stream, enter,
pub mod future {
//! Asynchronous values.
//! This module contains:
//! - The [`Future` trait](crate::future::Future).
//! - The [`FutureExt`](crate::future::FutureExt) trait, which provides
//! adapters for chaining and composing futures.
//! - Top-level future combinators like [`lazy`](crate::future::lazy) which
//! creates a future from a closure that defines its return value, and
//! [`ready`](crate::future::ready), which constructs a future with an
//! immediate defined value.
pub use futures_core::future::{
Future, TryFuture, FusedFuture,
FutureObj, LocalFutureObj, UnsafeFutureObj,
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub use futures_core::future::BoxFuture;
pub use futures_util::future::{
empty, Empty,
lazy, Lazy,
maybe_done, MaybeDone,
poll_fn, PollFn,
ready, ok, err, Ready,
select, Select,
join, join3, join4, join5,
Join, Join3, Join4, Join5,
FlattenStream, Flatten, Fuse, Inspect, IntoStream, Map, Then, UnitError,
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub use futures_util::future::{
join_all, JoinAll,
select_all, SelectAll,
feature = "cfg-target-has-atomic",
cfg(all(target_has_atomic = "cas", target_has_atomic = "ptr"))
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub use futures_util::future::{
abortable, Abortable, AbortHandle, AbortRegistration, Aborted,
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use futures_util::future::{
Remote, RemoteHandle,
// For FutureExt:
CatchUnwind, Shared,
// ToDo: SelectOk, select_ok
pub use futures_util::try_future::{
try_join, try_join3, try_join4, try_join5,
TryJoin, TryJoin3, TryJoin4, TryJoin5,
AndThen, ErrInto, FlattenSink, IntoFuture, MapErr, MapOk, OrElse,
#[cfg(feature = "never-type")]
pub use futures_util::future::NeverError;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub use futures_util::try_future::{
try_join_all, TryJoinAll,
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub mod io {
//! Asynchronous I/O.
//! This module is the asynchronous version of `std::io`. It defines two
//! traits, [`AsyncRead`](crate::io::AsyncRead) and
//! [`AsyncWrite`](crate::io::AsyncWrite), which mirror the `Read` and
//! `Write` traits of the standard library. However, these traits integrate
//! with the asynchronous task system, so that if an I/O object isn't ready
//! for reading (or writing), the thread is not blocked, and instead the
//! current task is queued to be woken when I/O is ready.
//! In addition, the [`AsyncReadExt`](crate::io::AsyncReadExt) and
//! [`AsyncWriteExt`](crate::io::AsyncWriteExt) extension traits offer a
//! variety of useful combinators for operating with asynchronous I/O
//! objects, including ways to work with them using futures, streams and
//! sinks.
pub use futures_io::{
AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, AsyncSeek, AsyncBufRead, Error, ErrorKind,
Initializer, IoVec, Result, SeekFrom,
pub use futures_util::io::{
AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt, AsyncSeekExt, AsyncBufReadExt, AllowStdIo,
Close, CopyInto, Flush, Read, ReadExact, ReadHalf, ReadToEnd, ReadUntil,
Seek, Window, WriteAll, WriteHalf,
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub mod lock {
//! Futures-powered synchronization primitives.
pub use futures_util::lock::{Mutex, MutexLockFuture, MutexGuard};
pub mod prelude {
//! A "prelude" for crates using the `futures` crate.
//! This prelude is similar to the standard library's prelude in that you'll
//! almost always want to import its entire contents, but unlike the
//! standard library's prelude you'll have to do so manually:
//! ```
//! use futures::prelude::*;
//! ```
//! The prelude may grow over time as additional items see ubiquitous use.
pub use crate::future::{self, Future, TryFuture, FutureExt, TryFutureExt};
pub use crate::stream::{self, Stream, TryStream, StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
pub use crate::sink::{self, Sink, SinkExt};
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use crate::io::{ AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt };
pub mod sink {
//! Asynchronous sinks.
//! This module contains:
//! - The [`Sink` trait](crate::sink::Sink), which allows you to
//! asynchronously write data.
//! - The [`SinkExt`](crate::sink::SinkExt) trait, which provides adapters
//! for chaining and composing sinks.
pub use futures_sink::Sink;
pub use futures_util::sink::{
Close, Flush, Send, SendAll, SinkErrInto, SinkMapErr, With,
SinkExt, Fanout, Drain, DrainError, drain,
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub use futures_util::sink::Buffer;
pub mod stream {
//! Asynchronous streams.
//! This module contains:
//! - The [`Stream` trait](crate::stream::Stream), for objects that can
//! asynchronously produce a sequence of values.
//! - The [`StreamExt`](crate::stream::StreamExt) trait, which provides
//! adapters for chaining and composing streams.
//! - Top-level stream contructors like [`iter`](crate::stream::iter)
//! which creates a stream from an iterator.
pub use futures_core::stream::{
Stream, TryStream, FusedStream,
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub use futures_core::stream::BoxStream;
pub use futures_util::stream::{
iter, Iter,
repeat, Repeat,
empty, Empty,
once, Once,
poll_fn, PollFn,
select, Select,
unfold, Unfold,
Chain, Collect, Concat, Enumerate, Filter, FilterMap, Flatten, Fold,
Forward, ForEach, Fuse, StreamFuture, Inspect, Map, Next,
SelectNextSome, Peekable, Skip, SkipWhile, Take, TakeWhile,
Then, Zip
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub use futures_util::stream::{
// For StreamExt:
feature = "cfg-target-has-atomic",
cfg(all(target_has_atomic = "cas", target_has_atomic = "ptr"))
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub use futures_util::stream::{
futures_unordered, FuturesUnordered,
// For StreamExt:
BufferUnordered, Buffered, ForEachConcurrent, SplitStream, SplitSink,
select_all, SelectAll,
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use futures_util::stream::{
// For StreamExt:
pub use futures_util::try_stream::{
AndThen, ErrInto, MapOk, MapErr, OrElse,
TryNext, TryForEach, TryFilterMap,
TryCollect, TryFold, TrySkipWhile,
// ToDo: InspectErr
feature = "cfg-target-has-atomic",
cfg(all(target_has_atomic = "cas", target_has_atomic = "ptr"))
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub use futures_util::try_stream::{
// For TryStreamExt:
TryBufferUnordered, TryForEachConcurrent,
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use futures_util::try_stream::IntoAsyncRead;
pub mod task {
//! Tools for working with tasks.
//! This module contains:
//! - [`Spawn`](crate::task::Spawn), a trait for spawning new tasks.
//! - [`Context`](crate::task::Context), a context of an asynchronous task,
//! including a handle for waking up the task.
//! - [`Waker`](crate::task::Waker), a handle for waking up a task.
//! The remaining types and traits in the module are used for implementing
//! executors or dealing with synchronization issues around task wakeup.
pub use futures_core::task::{
Context, Poll, Spawn, LocalSpawn, SpawnError,
Waker, RawWaker, RawWakerVTable
pub use futures_util::task::noop_waker;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use futures_util::task::noop_waker_ref;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub use futures_util::task::{SpawnExt, LocalSpawnExt};
feature = "cfg-target-has-atomic",
cfg(all(target_has_atomic = "cas", target_has_atomic = "ptr"))
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub use futures_util::task::{WakerRef, waker_ref, ArcWake};
feature = "cfg-target-has-atomic",
cfg(all(target_has_atomic = "cas", target_has_atomic = "ptr"))
pub use futures_util::task::AtomicWaker;
// `select!` re-export --------------------------------------
#[cfg(feature = "async-await")]
pub use futures_util::rand_reexport;
#[cfg(feature = "async-await")]
pub mod inner_select {
pub use futures_util::select;
#[cfg(feature = "async-await")]
futures_util::document_select_macro! {
macro_rules! select { // replace `::futures_util` with `::futures` as the crate path
($($tokens:tt)*) => {
$crate::inner_select::select! {
futures_crate_path ( ::futures )
$( $tokens )*