blob: 8213b97d6ca5f04bc8ec2c161d87efd492672211 [file] [log] [blame]
use array::Array;
use nodrop::NoDrop;
use std::mem::uninitialized;
/// A combination of NoDrop and “maybe uninitialized”;
/// this wraps a value that can be wholly or partially uninitialized.
/// NOTE: This is known to not be a good solution, but it's the one we have kept
/// working on stable Rust. Stable improvements are encouraged, in any form,
/// but of course we are waiting for a real, stable, MaybeUninit.
pub struct MaybeUninit<T>(NoDrop<T>);
// why don't we use ManuallyDrop here: It doesn't inhibit
// enum layout optimizations that depend on T, and we support older Rust.
impl<T> MaybeUninit<T> {
/// Create a new MaybeUninit with uninitialized interior
pub unsafe fn uninitialized() -> Self {
/// Create a new MaybeUninit from the value `v`.
pub fn from(v: T) -> Self {
/// Return a raw pointer to the start of the interior array
pub fn ptr(&self) -> *const T::Item
where T: Array
&*self.0 as *const T as *const _
/// Return a mut raw pointer to the start of the interior array
pub fn ptr_mut(&mut self) -> *mut T::Item
where T: Array
&mut *self.0 as *mut T as *mut _