blob: 12782aca62956466b8e7c767ea1733332fe5b905 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.auth.account;
using fuchsia.auth;
// The maximum number of Fuchsia accounts that may be simultaneously provisioned
// on a device. This number may be increased in the future.
const uint32 MAX_ACCOUNTS_PER_DEVICE = 128;
// The maximum number of personae that may be simultaneously defined within a
// Fuchsia account. This number may be increased in the future.
const uint32 MAX_PERSONAE_PER_ACCOUNT = 128;
// The maximum length of the global Fuchsia account and persona identifiers,
// in bytes.
const uint32 MAX_ID_SIZE = 256;
// The maximum length of the (UTF-8 encoded) human readable names, in bytes.
const uint32 MAX_NAME_SIZE = 128;
// Specifies the success/failure status of AccountManager calls.
enum Status {
// The command completed successfully
OK = 0;
// An internal error occurred. This usually indicates a bug within the
// Account Manager itself. Retry is optional.
// The request was malformed in some way, such as using an empty string for
// the user_profile_id. The request should not be retried.
// A local error occurred such as disk I/O or memory allocation. Retry, after
// a delay, is recommended.
// A network error occurred while communicating with the auth server. Retry,
// after a delay, is recommended.
// The requested account or persona is not present on the current device.
// The request should not be retried.
// Some other problem occurred that cannot be classified using one of the
// more specific statuses. Retry is optional.
// The request cannot be processed due to an ongoing account or persona
// removal.
// TODO(jsankey): Add additional statuses as needed. Examples are likely to
// A globally unique identifier for a Fuchsia account that is constant across
// the devices that the account is provisioned on. Identifiers are not human
// readable.
struct GlobalAccountId {
bytes:MAX_ID_SIZE id;
// A unique identifier for a Fuchsia account on the current device. If the
// account is removed and re-added it will receive a different LocalAccountId.
// The same account will have different LocalAccountIds on different devices
// and a particular LocalAccountId value may refer to different accounts on
// different devices.
struct LocalAccountId {
uint64 id;
// A unique identifier for a Persona of a Fuchsia account on the current device.
// If the account is removed and re-added its personae will receive different
// LocalPersonaIds. A particular LocalPersonaId value may refer to different
// personae and/or different accounts on different devices. The LocalAccountId
// for an account cannot be derived from the LocalPersonaId of its personae.
struct LocalPersonaId {
uint64 id;
// An |AuthState| along with the account that it applies to.
struct AccountAuthState {
LocalAccountId account_id;
fuchsia.auth.AuthState auth_state;
// AccountManager manages the overall state of Fuchsia accounts and personae on
// a Fuchsia device, installation of the AuthProviders that are used to obtain
// authentication tokens for these accounts, and access to TokenManagers for
// these accounts.
// The AccountManager is the most powerful interface in the authentication
// system and is intended only for use by the most trusted parts of the system.
protocol AccountManager {
// Returns a vector of all unlocked accounts provisioned on the current
// device.
-> (vector<LocalAccountId>:MAX_ACCOUNTS_PER_DEVICE account_ids);
// Returns a vector of all unlocked accounts provisioned on the current
// device and the current authentication state for each.
GetAccountAuthStates() -> (
Status status,
vector<AccountAuthState>:MAX_ACCOUNTS_PER_DEVICE account_auth_states);
// Connects an interface to read properties of and perform operations on
// one account.
// |id| The account's identifier as returned by GetAccountIds()
// |context_provider| An |AuthenticationContextProvider| capable of
// supplying UI contexts used for interactive
// authentication on this account
// |account| The server end of an |Account| channel
// Returns: |status| A |Status| indicating whether the operation was
// successful
LocalAccountId id,
fuchsia.auth.AuthenticationContextProvider auth_context_provider,
request<Account> account)
-> (Status status);
// Connects an interface that will receive changes in the provisioned
// accounts and their authentication state. Optionally this interface will
// also receive the initial set of accounts and authentication states onto
// which changes may be applied.
// |listener| The client end of an |AccountListener| channel
// |options| An |AccountListenerOptions| that defines the set of events to
// be sent to the listener.
// Returns: |status| A |Status| indicating whether the operation was
// successful
AccountListener listener,
AccountListenerOptions options)
-> (Status status);
// TODO(jsankey): Define a method to return a list of accounts that have
// been provisioned on the current device but not unlocked in the current
// power cycle, i.e. those where data decryption keys are not available.
// This list will not include the globally unique account id. Define a
// method that requests unlocking for an unlocked account and potentially
// a method to lock an account.
// Removes a provisioned Fuchsia account from the current device.
// |id| The account's identifier as returned by GetAccountIds()
// Returns: |status| A |Status| indicating whether the operation was
// successful
RemoveAccount(LocalAccountId id) -> (Status status);
// Adds a Fuchsia account to the current device based on authenticating
// to a service provider (such as Google). If the service provider account
// is not already a recovery account for any Fuchsia account, a new Fuchsia
// account will be created with its recovery account set to the service
// provider account.
// |auth_context_provider| An |AuthenticationContextProvider| capable of
// supplying UI contexts used for interactive
// authentication
// |auth_provider_type| A unique identifier for an installed |AuthProvider|
// that should be used to authenticate with the service
// provider
// Returns: |status| A |Status| indicating whether the operation was
// successful
// |account_id| The identifier of the newly added account, if the
// operation was successful.
fuchsia.auth.AuthenticationContextProvider auth_context_provider,
string auth_provider_type)
-> (Status status, LocalAccountId? account_id);
// Adds a new, initially empty, Fuchsia account to the current device.
// Returns: |status| A |Status| indicating whether the operation was
// successful
// |account_id| The identifier of the newly added account, if the
// operation was successful.
ProvisionNewAccount() -> (Status status, LocalAccountId? account_id);
// TODO(jsankey): Add methods to provision by authenticating directly to an
// existing Fuchsia account.
// TODO(jsankey): Add methods to list AuthProviders and manage their dynamic
// addition and removal.
// The configuration for an AccountListener, defining the set of events that it
// will receive.
struct AccountListenerOptions {
// If true, the listener will receive the initial auth state for all accounts.
bool initial_state;
// If true, the listener will receive events when a new account is added
// to the device.
bool add_account;
// If true, the listener will receive events.
bool remove_account;
// An |AuthChangeGranularity| expressing the magnitude of change in
// authentication state that will lead to AuthStateChange events.
fuchsia.auth.AuthChangeGranularity granularity;
// An interface to receive events when the set of accounts on a device or the
// authentication states of these accounts change.
// AccountListeners may be registered through the AccountManager interface
// and this registration also defines which types of event should be sent to
// the listener. Optionally, the AccountListener will recieve an initial state
// event onto which the change events may be safely accumulated.
// All methods include an empty response to follow the "Throttle push using
// acknowledgements" FIDL design pattern.
protocol AccountListener {
// A method that is called to communicate the initial set of accounts and
// their authentication states. OnInitialize is called exactly once if and
// only if AccountListenerOptions.initial_state was set when creating the
// AccountListener. When called, it will always be the first call on the
// interface. If no accounts are present on the device the vector will be
// empty.
vector<AccountAuthState>:MAX_ACCOUNTS_PER_DEVICE account_auth_states)
-> ();
// A method that is called when a new account is added to the device.
// This method is only called if AccountListenerOptions.add_account was
// set when creating the AccountListener.
OnAccountAdded(LocalAccountId id) -> ();
// A method that is called when a provisioned account is removed.
// This method is only called if AccountListenerOptions.remove_account was
// set when creating the AccountListener.
OnAccountRemoved(LocalAccountId id) -> ();
// A method that is called when the authentication state of any provisioned
// account changes.
OnAuthStateChanged(AccountAuthState account_auth_state) -> ();
// An interface to receive events when the authentication state of an account
// changes.
// AuthListeners may be registered through the |AuthTarget| interface and this
// registration also defines the types of authentication state changes that
// should be sent to the listener.
// All methods include an empty response to follow the "Throttle push using
// acknowledgements" FIDL design pattern.
protocol AuthListener {
// A method that is called when the AccountListener is first connected.
OnInitialize(fuchsia.auth.AuthState auth_state) -> ();
// A method that is called when the authentication state of the account
// changes.
OnAuthStateChanged(fuchsia.auth.AuthState auth_state) -> ();
// An interface that is extended by other interfaces defining an entity
// (referred to as the "target") with an authentication state, such as a
// Fuchsia account or persona.
// AuthTarget defines a set of methods to monitor the current authentication
// state of an entity and to request changes in that authentication state.
protocol AuthTarget {
// Returns the current |AuthState| of the target.
-> (Status status, fuchsia.auth.AuthState? auth_state);
// Connects an interface that will receive changes in the authentication
// state of the target.
// |listener| The client end of an |AuthListener| channel
// |initial_state| If true, the listener will receive the initial auth state
// in addition to any changes.
// |granularity| An |AuthChangeGranularity| expressing the magnitude of
// change in authentication state than should lead to a
// callback
// Returns: |status| A |Status| indicating whether the operation was
// successful
AuthListener listener,
bool initial_state,
fuchsia.auth.AuthChangeGranularity granularity)
-> (Status status);
// TODO(jsankey): Add methods that request in increase in the
// authentication state or authentication for a
// particular event.
// An Account exposes information about the personae and recovery account for
// a Fuchsia account, and provides methods to manipulate these.
// An Account provides access to sensitive long term identifiers and is only
// intended only for use by a small number of trusted system components.
protocol Account {
compose AuthTarget;
// TODO(jsankey): Add account ID accessor if and when the first valid
// use case arrives.
// Returns a human readable name for the account. Account names are set by
// a human and are not guaranteed to be meaningful or unique, even among the
// accounts on a single device.
GetAccountName() -> (string:MAX_NAME_SIZE name);
// Returns a vector of all the personae defined for the account.
// NOTE: Currently all Fuchsia accounts have exactly one persona.
-> (vector<LocalPersonaId>:MAX_PERSONAE_PER_ACCOUNT persona_ids);
// Connects an interface to read properties of and access tokens for
// the default persona for the account.
// |persona| The client end of a |Persona| channel
// Returns: |status| A |Status| indicating whether the operation was
// successful
// |id| The identifier for the default persona if the operation
// was successful
GetDefaultPersona(request<Persona> persona)
-> (Status status, LocalPersonaId? id);
// Connects an interface to read properties of and access tokens for
// one of the personae for the account.
// |id| The persona's identifier as returned by GetPersonaIds()
// |persona| The client end of a |Persona| channel
// Returns: |status| A |Status| indicating whether the operation was
// successful
GetPersona(LocalPersonaId id, request<Persona> persona)
-> (Status status);
// TODO(jsankey): Add methods to create, delete, and manage personae.
// Returns the service provider account that can be used to access the
// Fuchsia account if more direct methods of authentication are not
// available, provided such an account exists.
// Returns: |status| A |Status| indicating whether the operation was
// successful
// The |ServiceProviderAccount| used for recovery if the operation
// was successful and a recovery account exists.
-> (Status status, fuchsia.auth.ServiceProviderAccount? account);
// Sets the service provider account that can be used to access the Fuchsia
// account if more direct methods of authentication are not available.
// |account| The |ServiceProviderAccount| to use as the recovery account.
// This must be an existing account that has already been
// provisioned on the current device using TokenManager.
// Returns: |status| A |Status| indicating whether the operation was
// successful
SetRecoveryAccount(fuchsia.auth.ServiceProviderAccount account)
-> (Status status);
// TODO(jsankey): Add a method to remove the recovery account.
// A Persona exposes basic information about a Fuchsia persona and access to the
// authentication tokens that are visible through it.
// Note a Persona purposefully does not provide access to a long term identifier
// for the persona. This is to support components in the system that work with
// short lived identifiers (e.g. SessionManager), but note that long term
// identifiers can usually still be derived via the TokenManger interface.
protocol Persona {
compose AuthTarget;
// Connects an interface to acquire and revoke authentication tokens for
// service provider (aka cloud service) accounts that are visible through
// this persona.
// |application_url| A url for the Fuchsia agent that this interface will be
// used by. Applications are only allowed to access tokens
// that they created.
// |token_manager| The client end of a |Persona| channel
// Returns: |status| A |Status| indicating whether the operation was
// successful
// TODO(jsankey): Migrate token manager to a more appropriate form
// of software identity.
string application_url,
request<fuchsia.auth.TokenManager> token_manager)
-> (Status status);