blob: d2e73031e66b0a342288d4b49ca78bc14f1d687d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Usage:
// /pkgfs/packages/scenic_benchmarks/0/bin/process_gfx_trace [-test_suite_name=label] [-benchmarks_out_filename=output_file] [-flutter_app_names=flutter_app_names] [-all_apps=all_apps] trace_filename
// output = Optional: A file to output results to.
// flutter_app_names = Optional: Comma separated names of the flutter apps to measure fps for.
// all_apps = Optional: Decide whether to measure fps for all apps. Overrides flutter_app_names.
// label = Optional: The name of the test suite.
// trace_filename = The input trace files.
// The output is a JSON file with benchmark statistics.
package main
import (
var (
verbose = false
func check(e error) {
if e != nil {
// Calculates and reports the latency from a Present() call in Flutter to a ScheduleUpdate() call in Scenic.
// These functions are mapped directly to one another and represent the combined latencies of waiting for
// fences in Flutter, traversing FIDL and waiting for a busy Scenic.
func reportFlutterToScenicLatencies(model benchmarking.Model, testSuite string, testResultsFile *benchmarking.TestResultsFile, allFlutterApps bool, flutterAppNames []string) {
schedulingEventName := "Session::ScheduleUpdate"
gfxCategory := "gfx"
schedulingEvents := model.FindEvents(
benchmarking.EventsFilter{Cat: &gfxCategory, Name: &schedulingEventName})
flutterInstances := getFlutterInstances(model)
for _, instance := range flutterInstances {
if allFlutterApps || listContainsElement(flutterAppNames, instance.flutterName) {
instance.metricName = getMetricNameForInstance(instance, flutterAppNames)
reportFlutterPresentToScenicScheduleLatency(testSuite, testResultsFile, instance, schedulingEvents)
// Calculates and reports the latency between call to Present() in Flutter to a ScheduleUpdate() call in Scenic for a single Flutter instance.
func reportFlutterPresentToScenicScheduleLatency(testSuite string, testResultsFile *benchmarking.TestResultsFile, instance flutterInstance, updateSchedulingEvents []*benchmarking.Event) {
presentCallName := "SessionPresent"
presentCallEvents := instance.gpuThread.FindEvents(benchmarking.EventsFilter{Name: &presentCallName})
index := 0
latencies := make([]float64, 0, len(updateSchedulingEvents))
for _, presentCall := range presentCallEvents {
callTime := presentCall.Start
// Find next update schedule
for index < len(updateSchedulingEvents) &&
updateSchedulingEvents[index].Start < callTime {
if index >= len(updateSchedulingEvents) {
for index < len(updateSchedulingEvents) &&
updateSchedulingEvents[index].Args["session_debug_name"] != instance.flutterName {
if index >= len(updateSchedulingEvents) {
schedulingTime := updateSchedulingEvents[index].Start
latency := schedulingTime - callTime
latencies = append(latencies, latency)
// Convert to milliseconds.
latencies = convertMicrosToMillis(latencies)
avgPresentToScheduleLatency := computeAverage(latencies)
minLatency := computeMin(latencies)
maxLatency := computeMax(latencies)
fmt.Printf("Flutter app: %s\n", instance.metricName)
fmt.Printf("Time from Present() in flutter to ScheduleUpdate() in scenic:\n")
fmt.Printf(" Avg: %.4g ms\n", avgPresentToScheduleLatency)
fmt.Printf(" Min: %.4g ms\n", minLatency)
fmt.Printf(" Max: %.4g ms\n\n", maxLatency)
Label: instance.metricName + "_flutter_to_scenic_latencies",
TestSuite: testSuite,
Unit: benchmarking.Milliseconds,
Values: latencies,
func main() {
// Argument handling.
verbosePtr := flag.Bool("v", false, "Run with verbose logging.")
testSuitePtr := flag.String("test_suite_name", "", "Optional: The name of the test suite.")
outputFilenamePtr := flag.String("benchmarks_out_filename", "", "Optional: A file to output results to.")
flutterAppNamesPtr := flag.String("flutter_app_names", "", "Optional: Comma separated names of the flutter apps to measure fps for.")
allApps := flag.Bool("all_apps", false, "Optional: Decide whether to measure fps for all apps. Overrides flutter_app_names.")
if flag.NArg() == 0 {
println(" trace_filename: The input trace file.")
verbose = *verbosePtr
inputFilename := flag.Args()[0]
testSuite := *testSuitePtr
outputFilename := *outputFilenamePtr
flutterAppNames := strings.Split(*flutterAppNamesPtr, ",")
allFlutterApps := *allApps
traceFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(inputFilename)
// Create the trace model.
var model benchmarking.Model
model, err = benchmarking.ReadTrace(traceFile)
if len(model.Processes) == 0 {
panic("No processes found in the model\n")
// Process trace and report.
var testResultsFile benchmarking.TestResultsFile
if allFlutterApps || (len(flutterAppNames) > 0 && flutterAppNames[0] != "") {
fmt.Printf("\n=== Flutter ===\n")
reportFlutterFps(model, testSuite, &testResultsFile, allFlutterApps, flutterAppNames)
fmt.Printf("\n=== Flutter to Scenic Latency ===\n")
reportFlutterToScenicLatencies(model, testSuite, &testResultsFile, allFlutterApps, flutterAppNames)
fmt.Printf("\n=== Scenic ===\n")
reportScenicFps(model, testSuite, &testResultsFile, allFlutterApps, flutterAppNames)
if outputFilename != "" {
outputFile, err := os.Create(outputFilename)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to create file %s", outputFilename)
if err := testResultsFile.Encode(outputFile); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to write results to %s: %v", outputFilename, err)
if err := outputFile.Close(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to close results file %s: %v", outputFilename, err)
fmt.Printf("\n\nWrote benchmark values to file '%s'.\n", outputFilename)