blob: 5b7270e7ad59aaff9c79f53ec413ce58cd290ce9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/ui/root_presenter/displays/display_model.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "src/lib/fxl/logging.h"
namespace root_presenter {
namespace {
// Returns true if two non-zero values are within 1% of each other.
bool WithinOnePercent(float a, float b) { return fabs((a - b) / b) < 0.01f; }
// Quantizes the specified floating point number to 8 significant bits of
// precision in its mantissa (including the implicit leading 1 bit).
// We quantize scale factors to reduce the likelihood of round-off errors in
// subsequent calculations due to excess precision. Since IEEE 754 float
// has 24 significant bits, by using only 8 significant bits for the scaling
// factor we're guaranteed that we can multiply the factor by any integer
// between -65793 and 65793 without any loss of precision. The scaled integers
// can likewise be added or subtracted without any loss of precision.
float Quantize(float f) {
int exp = 0;
float frac = frexpf(f, &exp);
return ldexpf(round(frac * 256.0), exp - 8);
// The default pixel visual angle.
// This assumes a 96 dpi desktop monitor at arm's length.
constexpr float kDefaultPixelVisualAngleDegrees = 0.0213;
// The ideal visual angle of a pip unit in degrees assuming default
// settings. Empirically determined to be around 0.255.
constexpr float kIdealPipVisualAngleDegrees = 0.0255;
constexpr float GetDefaultViewingDistanceInMm(
fuchsia::ui::policy::DisplayUsage usage) {
switch (usage) {
case fuchsia::ui::policy::DisplayUsage::kHandheld:
return 360.f;
case fuchsia::ui::policy::DisplayUsage::kClose:
return 500.f;
case fuchsia::ui::policy::DisplayUsage::kNear:
return 720.f;
case fuchsia::ui::policy::DisplayUsage::kMidrange:
return 1200.f;
case fuchsia::ui::policy::DisplayUsage::kFar:
return 3000.f;
case fuchsia::ui::policy::DisplayUsage::kUnknown:
return 0.f;
} // namespace
DisplayModel::DisplayModel() = default;
DisplayModel::~DisplayModel() = default;
DisplayMetrics DisplayModel::GetMetrics() const {
FXL_DCHECK(display_info_.width_in_px > 0u);
FXL_DCHECK(display_info_.height_in_px > 0u);
// Compute the pixel density based on known information.
// Assumes pixels are square for now.
float ppm = display_info_.density_in_px_per_mm;
if (display_info_.width_in_mm > 0.f && display_info_.height_in_mm > 0.f) {
float xppm = display_info_.width_in_px / display_info_.width_in_mm;
float yppm = display_info_.height_in_px / display_info_.height_in_mm;
if (!WithinOnePercent(xppm, yppm)) {
FXL_DLOG(WARNING) << "The display's pixels are not square: xppm=" << xppm
<< ", yppm=" << yppm;
if (ppm <= 0.f) {
ppm = xppm;
} else if (!WithinOnePercent(xppm, ppm)) {
FXL_DLOG(WARNING) << "The display's physical dimensions are inconsistent "
"with the density: xppm="
<< xppm << ", ppm=" << ppm;
// Compute the nominal viewing distance.
float vdist = environment_info_.viewing_distance_in_mm;
if (vdist <= 0.f) {
vdist = GetDefaultViewingDistanceInMm(environment_info_.usage);
// Compute the pixel visual size as a function of viewing distance in
// millimeters per millimeter.
float pvsize_in_mm_per_mm;
if (ppm >= 0.f && vdist >= 0.f) {
pvsize_in_mm_per_mm = 1.f / (ppm * vdist);
} else {
pvsize_in_mm_per_mm = tanf(kDefaultPixelVisualAngleDegrees * M_PI / 180);
// Compute the adaptation factor. This is a empirically-derived fudge factor
// to take into account human perceptual differences for objects at varying
// distances, even if those objects are adjusted to be the same size to the
// eye.
float adaptation_factor = (vdist * 0.5f + 180.f) / vdist;
// Compute the pip visual size as a function of viewing distance in
// millimeters per millimeter.
float gvsize_in_mm_per_mm = tanf(kIdealPipVisualAngleDegrees * M_PI / 180) *
adaptation_factor * user_info_.user_scale_factor;
// Compute the quantized pip scale factor.
float scale_in_px_per_pp =
Quantize(gvsize_in_mm_per_mm / pvsize_in_mm_per_mm);
// Compute the pip density if we know the physical pixel density.
float density_in_pp_per_mm = 0.f;
if (ppm >= 0.f) {
density_in_pp_per_mm = ppm / scale_in_px_per_pp;
return DisplayMetrics(display_info_.width_in_px, display_info_.height_in_px,
scale_in_px_per_pp, scale_in_px_per_pp,
} // namespace root_presenter