blob: f870a7e87e2b2a79788c71fd0b552812dcd309dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
type cmdRecord struct {
flags *flag.FlagSet
targetHostname string
targetPort string
keyFile string
filePrefix string
reportType string
stdout bool
zedmon string
captureConfig *captureTraceConfig
type reportGenerator struct {
generatorPath string
outputFileSuffix string
var (
builtinReports = map[string]reportGenerator{
"html": {getHtmlGenerator(), "html"},
func NewCmdRecord() *cmdRecord {
cmd := &cmdRecord{
flags: flag.NewFlagSet("record", flag.ExitOnError),
cmd.flags.StringVar(&cmd.keyFile, "key-file", "", "SSH key file to use. The default is ~/.ssh/fuchsia_ed25519.")
cmd.flags.StringVar(&cmd.filePrefix, "file-prefix", "",
"Prefix for trace file names. Defaults to 'trace-<timestamp>'.")
cmd.flags.StringVar(&cmd.targetHostname, "target", "", "Target hostname. Can also be set in environment with TRACEUTIL_TARGET_HOST.")
cmd.flags.StringVar(&cmd.targetPort, "target-port", "", "Target SSH port. Can also be set in environment with TRACEUTIL_TARGET_PORT.")
cmd.flags.StringVar(&cmd.reportType, "report-type", "html", "Report type.")
cmd.flags.BoolVar(&cmd.stdout, "stdout", false,
"Send the report to stdout, in addition to writing to file.")
cmd.flags.StringVar(&cmd.zedmon, "zedmon", "",
"UNDER DEVELOPMENT: Path to power trace utility, zedmon.")
target, present := os.LookupEnv("TRACEUTIL_TARGET_HOST")
if present {
cmd.flags.Set("target", target)
port, present := os.LookupEnv("TRACEUTIL_TARGET_PORT")
if present {
cmd.flags.Set("target-port", port)
cmd.captureConfig = newCaptureTraceConfig(cmd.flags)
return cmd
func (*cmdRecord) Name() string {
return "record"
func (*cmdRecord) Synopsis() string {
return "Record a trace on a target, download, and convert to HTML."
func (cmd *cmdRecord) Usage() string {
usage := "traceutil record <options>\n"
cmd.flags.Visit(func(flag *flag.Flag) {
usage += flag.Usage
return usage
func (cmd *cmdRecord) SetFlags(f *flag.FlagSet) {
*f = *cmd.flags
func (cmd *cmdRecord) Execute(_ context.Context, f *flag.FlagSet,
_ ...interface{}) subcommands.ExitStatus {
// Flag errors in report type early.
reportGenerator := builtinReports[cmd.reportType]
generatorPath := ""
outputFileSuffix := ""
if reportGenerator.generatorPath != "" {
generatorPath = reportGenerator.generatorPath
outputFileSuffix = reportGenerator.outputFileSuffix
} else {
generatorPath = getExternalReportGenerator(cmd.reportType)
outputFileSuffix = cmd.reportType
fmt.Printf("generator path: %s\n", generatorPath)
if _, err := os.Stat(generatorPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
fmt.Printf("No generator for report type \"%s\"\n",
return subcommands.ExitFailure
// Establish connection to runtime host.
conn, err := NewTargetConnection(cmd.targetHostname, cmd.targetPort, cmd.keyFile)
if err != nil {
return subcommands.ExitFailure
defer conn.Close()
// Zedmon: Sync clock with runtime host to enable eventual
// zedmon -> devhost -> runtime host clock domain transformation.
var fOffset, fDelta time.Duration
doZedmon := cmd.zedmon != ""
if doZedmon {
fOffset, fDelta, err = conn.SyncClk()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error syncing with device clock: %v\n", err)
doZedmon = false
} else {
fmt.Printf("Synced fuchsia clock: Offset: %v, ±%v\n", fOffset, fDelta)
// Establish local and remote files for managing trace data.
prefix := cmd.getFilenamePrefix()
var localFilename string
if cmd.captureConfig.Binary {
localFilename = prefix + ".fxt"
} else {
localFilename = prefix + ".json"
outputFilename := prefix + "." + outputFileSuffix
// TODO(dje): Should we use prefix on the remote file name as well?
var remoteFilename string
if cmd.captureConfig.Binary {
remoteFilename = "/tmp/trace.fxt"
} else {
remoteFilename = "/tmp/trace.json"
var localFile *os.File = nil
if cmd.captureConfig.Stream {
localFile, err = os.Create(localFilename)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error creating intermediate file %s: %s\n",
localFilename, err.Error())
return subcommands.ExitFailure
} else if cmd.captureConfig.Compress {
localFilename += ".gz"
remoteFilename += ".gz"
if f.NArg() > 0 {
cmd.captureConfig.Command = f.Args()
// Zedmon: Start capturing data from zedmon device.
var z *zedmon.Zedmon
var zDataChan chan []byte
var zErrChan chan error
if doZedmon {
z = &zedmon.Zedmon{}
zDataChan, zErrChan, _ = z.Run(fOffset, fDelta, cmd.zedmon)
// Capture trace data from runtime host.
err = captureTrace(cmd.captureConfig, conn, localFile)
if err != nil {
return subcommands.ExitFailure
// Zedmon: Stop capturing data, emit errors that occurred in the meantime.
var zData []byte
zErrs := make([]error, 0)
if doZedmon {
err = z.Stop()
if err != nil {
// No `doZedmon = false`; attempt to read whatever samples we can.
fmt.Printf("Error stopping zedmon: %v\n", err)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Zedmon data collection stopped cleanly\n")
timeout := make(chan bool, 1)
go func() {
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
timeout <- true
func() {
for {
select {
case err := <-zErrChan:
fmt.Printf("Warning: Zedmon error: %v\n", err)
zErrs = append(zErrs, err)
case zData = <-zDataChan:
fmt.Printf("Collected %d-byte trace from zedmon\n", len(zData))
case <-timeout:
fmt.Printf("Failed to collect zedmon data: Channel read timeout\n")
doZedmon = zData != nil
// Download file in non-streaming case.
if !cmd.captureConfig.Stream {
err = cmd.downloadFile(conn, "trace", remoteFilename, localFilename)
if err != nil {
return subcommands.ExitFailure
// Benchmark results: Download corresponding file.
if len(cmd.captureConfig.BenchmarkResultsFile) > 0 {
err = cmd.downloadFile(conn, cmd.captureConfig.BenchmarkResultsFile,
if err != nil {
return subcommands.ExitFailure
// TODO( Remove remote file. Add command line option to leave it.
title := cmd.getReportTitle()
jsonFilename := localFilename
if cmd.captureConfig.Binary {
jsonFilename = replaceFilenameExt(localFilename, "json")
jsonGenerator := getJsonGenerator()
err = convertToJson(jsonGenerator, cmd.captureConfig.Compress, jsonFilename, localFilename)
if err != nil {
return subcommands.ExitFailure
// Zedmon: Include additional zedmon trace data file in HTML output.
if doZedmon {
zFilename := "zedmon-" + prefix + ".json"
err = ioutil.WriteFile(zFilename, zData, 0644)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to write zedmon trace to file")
err = convertToHtml(generatorPath, outputFilename, title, jsonFilename)
} else {
err = convertToHtml(generatorPath, outputFilename, title, jsonFilename, zFilename)
} else {
err = convertToHtml(generatorPath, outputFilename, title, jsonFilename)
if err != nil {
return subcommands.ExitFailure
// Handle special report-to-stdout case.
if cmd.stdout {
report, openErr := os.Open(outputFilename)
if openErr != nil {
return subcommands.ExitFailure
_, reportErr := io.Copy(os.Stdout, report)
if reportErr != nil {
return subcommands.ExitFailure
return subcommands.ExitSuccess
func (cmd *cmdRecord) downloadFile(conn *TargetConnection, name string, remotePath string, localPath string) error {
now := time.Now()
fmt.Printf("Downloading %s ... ", name)
err := conn.GetFile(remotePath, localPath)
if err != nil {
return err
elapsed := time.Since(now)
fileInfo, err2 := os.Stat(localPath)
fmt.Printf("Downloaded %s in %0.3f seconds",
path.Base(localPath), elapsed.Seconds())
if err2 == nil {
fmt.Printf(" (%0.3f KB/sec)",
} else {
fmt.Printf(" (unable to determine download speed: %s)", err2.Error())
return nil
func (cmd *cmdRecord) getFilenamePrefix() string {
if cmd.filePrefix == "" {
// Use ISO_8601 date time format.
return "trace-" + time.Now().Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05")
} else {
return cmd.filePrefix
func (cmd *cmdRecord) getReportTitle() string {
conf := cmd.captureConfig
have_categories := conf.Categories != ""
have_duration := conf.Duration != 0
text := ""
if have_categories {
text = text + ", categories " + conf.Categories
if have_duration {
text = text + ", duration " + conf.Duration.String()
text = text[2:]
if text == "" {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("Report for %s", text)