blob: 34a7c8cc6642f8857f3bbdea26308f85f397fbda [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/coding.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/internal/thread_checker.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/status.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/fit/thread_checker.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/fidl.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
extern "C" typedef struct async_dispatcher async_dispatcher_t;
namespace fidl {
namespace internal {
struct TransportVTable;
class TransportContextBase {
TransportContextBase() = default;
TransportContextBase(const TransportContextBase&) = delete;
TransportContextBase& operator=(const TransportContextBase&) = delete;
TransportContextBase(TransportContextBase&& other) : vtable_(other.vtable_), data_(other.data_) {
other.vtable_ = nullptr;
other.data_ = nullptr;
TransportContextBase& operator=(TransportContextBase&& other) {
if (this == &other) {
return *this;
vtable_ = other.vtable_;
data_ = other.data_;
other.vtable_ = nullptr;
other.data_ = nullptr;
return *this;
TransportContextBase(const TransportVTable* vtable, void* data) : vtable_(vtable), data_(data) {}
void* release(const TransportVTable* vtable);
const TransportVTable* vtable_ = nullptr;
void* data_ = nullptr;
class IncomingTransportContext final : public TransportContextBase {
IncomingTransportContext() = default;
IncomingTransportContext(IncomingTransportContext&&) = default;
IncomingTransportContext& operator=(IncomingTransportContext&&) = default;
template <typename Transport>
static IncomingTransportContext Create(typename Transport::IncomingTransportContextType* value) {
return IncomingTransportContext(&Transport::VTable, value);
template <typename Transport>
typename Transport::IncomingTransportContextType* release() {
return static_cast<typename Transport::IncomingTransportContextType*>(
IncomingTransportContext(const TransportVTable* vtable, void* data)
: TransportContextBase(vtable, data) {}
class OutgoingTransportContext final : public TransportContextBase {
OutgoingTransportContext() = default;
OutgoingTransportContext(OutgoingTransportContext&&) = default;
OutgoingTransportContext& operator=(OutgoingTransportContext&&) = default;
template <typename Transport>
static OutgoingTransportContext Create(typename Transport::OutgoingTransportContextType* value) {
return OutgoingTransportContext(&Transport::VTable, value);
template <typename Transport>
typename Transport::OutgoingTransportContextType* release() {
return static_cast<typename Transport::OutgoingTransportContextType*>(
OutgoingTransportContext(const TransportVTable* vtable, void* data)
: TransportContextBase(vtable, data) {}
} // namespace internal
// Options passed from the user-facing write API to transport write().
struct WriteOptions {
// Transport specific context.
internal::OutgoingTransportContext outgoing_transport_context;
// Options passed from the user-facing read API to transport read().
struct ReadOptions {
bool discardable = false;
// Transport specific context populated by read.
internal::IncomingTransportContext* out_incoming_transport_context;
// Options passed from the user-facing call API to transport call().
struct CallOptions {
zx_time_t deadline = ZX_TIME_INFINITE;
// Transport specific context.
internal::OutgoingTransportContext outgoing_transport_context;
// Transport specific context populated by call.
internal::IncomingTransportContext* out_incoming_transport_context;
class IncomingMessage;
namespace internal {
struct CallMethodArgs {
const void* wr_data;
const fidl_handle_t* wr_handles;
const fidl_handle_metadata_t* wr_handle_metadata;
uint32_t wr_data_count;
uint32_t wr_handles_count;
// Exactly one of rd_* or out_rd_* will be populated.
// If Transport::TransportProvidesReadBuffer is true, the out_rd_* will be populated.
// Otherwise, rd_* will be populated.
void* rd_data;
fidl_handle_t* rd_handles;
fidl_handle_metadata_t* rd_handle_metadata;
uint32_t rd_data_capacity;
uint32_t rd_handles_capacity;
void** out_rd_data;
fidl_handle_t** out_rd_handles;
fidl_handle_metadata_t** out_rd_handle_metadata;
// Generic interface for waiting on a transport (for new messages, peer close, etc).
// This is created by |create_waiter| in |TransportVTable|.
struct TransportWaiter {
// Begin waiting. Invokes the success or failure handler when the wait completes.
// Exactly one of the wait's handlers will be invoked exactly once per Begin() call
// unless the wait is canceled. When the dispatcher is shutting down (being destroyed),
// the handlers of all remaining waits will be invoked with a status of |ZX_ERR_CANCELED|.
// Returns |ZX_OK| if the wait was successfully begun.
// Returns |ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED| if the object does not have |ZX_RIGHT_WAIT|.
// Returns |ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE| if the dispatcher is shutting down.
// Returns |ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED| if not supported by the dispatcher.
// This operation is thread-safe.
virtual zx_status_t Begin() = 0;
// Cancels any wait started on the waiter.
// If successful, the wait's handler will not run.
// Returns |ZX_OK| if the wait was pending and it has been successfully
// canceled; its handler will not run again and can be released immediately.
// Returns |ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND| if there was no pending wait either because it
// already completed, had not been started, or its completion packet has been
// dequeued from the port and is pending delivery to its handler (perhaps on
// another thread).
// Returns |ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED| if not supported by the dispatcher.
// This operation is thread-safe.
virtual zx_status_t Cancel() = 0;
virtual ~TransportWaiter() = default;
// Storage for |TransportWaiter|.
// This avoids heap allocation while using a virtual waiter interface.
// |kCapacity| must be larger than the sizes of all of the individual transport waiters.
using AnyTransportWaiter =
fit::pinned_inline_any<TransportWaiter, /* Reserve = */ 256, /* Align = */ 16>;
// Function receiving notification of successful waits on a TransportWaiter.
using TransportWaitSuccessHandler =
fit::inline_function<void(fidl::IncomingMessage&, IncomingTransportContext transport_context)>;
// Function receiving notification of failing waits on a TransportWaiter.
using TransportWaitFailureHandler = fit::inline_function<void(UnbindInfo)>;
// An instance of TransportVTable contains function definitions to implement transport-specific
// functionality.
struct TransportVTable {
fidl_transport_type type;
const CodingConfig* encoding_configuration;
// Write to the transport.
// |handle_metadata| contains transport-specific metadata produced by
// EncodingConfiguration::decode_process_handle.
zx_status_t (*write)(fidl_handle_t handle, WriteOptions options, const void* data,
uint32_t data_count, const fidl_handle_t* handles,
const void* handle_metadata, uint32_t handles_count);
// Read from the transport.
// This populates |handle_metadata|, which contains transport-specific metadata and will be
// passed to EncodingConfiguration::decode_process_handle.
zx_status_t (*read)(fidl_handle_t handle, const ReadOptions& options, void* data,
uint32_t data_capacity, fidl_handle_t* handles, void* handle_metadata,
uint32_t handles_capacity, uint32_t* out_data_actual_count,
uint32_t* out_handles_actual_count);
// Perform a call on the transport.
// The arguments are formatted in |cargs|, with the write direction args corresponding to
// those in |write| and the read direction args corresponding to those in |read|.
zx_status_t (*call)(fidl_handle_t handle, CallOptions options, const CallMethodArgs& cargs,
uint32_t* out_data_actual_count, uint32_t* out_handles_actual_count);
// Create a waiter object to wait for messages on the transport.
// No waits are started initially on the waiter. Call Begin() to start waiting.
// The waiter object is output into |any_transport_waiter|.
zx_status_t (*create_waiter)(fidl_handle_t handle, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
TransportWaitSuccessHandler success_handler,
TransportWaitFailureHandler failure_handler,
AnyTransportWaiter& any_transport_waiter);
// Creates a thread checker object specific to the dispatcher type associated
// with the transport. For example, if the dispatcher has a concept of virtual
// threads, the thread checker implementation should check virtual threads.
void (*create_thread_checker)(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, ThreadingPolicy threading_policy,
AnyThreadChecker& any_thread_checker);
// Closes incoming/outgoing transport context contents.
// Set to nullptr if no close function is needed.
void (*close_incoming_transport_context)(void*);
void (*close_outgoing_transport_context)(void*);
// A type-erased unowned transport (e.g. generalized zx::unowned_channel).
// Create an |AnyUnownedTransport| object with |MakeAnyUnownedTransport|, implemented for each of
// the transport types.
class AnyUnownedTransport {
template <typename Transport>
static constexpr AnyUnownedTransport Make(fidl_handle_t handle) noexcept {
return AnyUnownedTransport(&Transport::VTable, handle);
AnyUnownedTransport(const AnyUnownedTransport&) = default;
AnyUnownedTransport& operator=(const AnyUnownedTransport&) = default;
AnyUnownedTransport(AnyUnownedTransport&& other) noexcept = default;
AnyUnownedTransport& operator=(AnyUnownedTransport&& other) noexcept = default;
template <typename Transport>
typename Transport::UnownedType get() const {
ZX_ASSERT(vtable_->type == Transport::VTable.type);
return typename Transport::UnownedType(handle_);
bool is_valid() const { return handle_ != FIDL_HANDLE_INVALID; }
const TransportVTable* vtable() const { return vtable_; }
fidl_handle_t handle() const { return handle_; }
fidl_transport_type type() const { return vtable_->type; }
zx_status_t write(WriteOptions options, const void* data, uint32_t data_count,
const fidl_handle_t* handles, const void* handle_metadata,
uint32_t handles_count) const {
return vtable_->write(handle_, std::move(options), data, data_count, handles, handle_metadata,
zx_status_t read(const ReadOptions& options, void* data, uint32_t data_capacity,
fidl_handle_t* handles, void* handle_metadata, uint32_t handles_capacity,
uint32_t* out_data_actual_count, uint32_t* out_handles_actual_count) const {
return vtable_->read(handle_, options, data, data_capacity, handles, handle_metadata,
handles_capacity, out_data_actual_count, out_handles_actual_count);
zx_status_t call(CallOptions options, const CallMethodArgs& cargs,
uint32_t* out_data_actual_count, uint32_t* out_handles_actual_count) const {
return vtable_->call(handle_, std::move(options), cargs, out_data_actual_count,
zx_status_t create_waiter(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
TransportWaitSuccessHandler success_handler,
TransportWaitFailureHandler failure_handler,
AnyTransportWaiter& any_transport_waiter) const {
return vtable_->create_waiter(handle_, dispatcher, std::move(success_handler),
std::move(failure_handler), any_transport_waiter);
friend class AnyTransport;
explicit constexpr AnyUnownedTransport(const TransportVTable* vtable, fidl_handle_t handle)
: vtable_(vtable), handle_(handle) {}
[[maybe_unused]] const TransportVTable* vtable_;
[[maybe_unused]] fidl_handle_t handle_;
// A type-erased owned transport (e.g. generalized zx::channel).
// Create an |AnyTransport| object with |MakeAnyTransport|, implemented for each of
// the transport types.
class AnyTransport {
template <typename Transport>
static AnyTransport Make(fidl_handle_t handle) noexcept {
return AnyTransport(&Transport::VTable, handle);
AnyTransport(const AnyTransport&) = delete;
AnyTransport& operator=(const AnyTransport&) = delete;
AnyTransport(AnyTransport&& other) noexcept : vtable_(other.vtable_), handle_(other.handle_) {
other.handle_ = FIDL_HANDLE_INVALID;
AnyTransport& operator=(AnyTransport&& other) noexcept {
vtable_ = other.vtable_;
handle_ = other.handle_;
other.handle_ = FIDL_HANDLE_INVALID;
return *this;
~AnyTransport() {
if (handle_ != FIDL_HANDLE_INVALID) {
constexpr AnyUnownedTransport borrow() const { return AnyUnownedTransport(vtable_, handle_); }
template <typename Transport>
typename Transport::UnownedType get() const {
ZX_ASSERT(vtable_->type == Transport::VTable.type);
return typename Transport::UnownedType(handle_);
template <typename Transport>
typename Transport::OwnedType release() {
ZX_ASSERT(vtable_->type == Transport::VTable.type);
fidl_handle_t temp = handle_;
return typename Transport::OwnedType(temp);
bool is_valid() const { return handle_ != FIDL_HANDLE_INVALID; }
const TransportVTable* vtable() const { return vtable_; }
fidl_handle_t handle() const { return handle_; }
fidl_transport_type type() const { return vtable_->type; }
zx_status_t write(WriteOptions options, const void* data, uint32_t data_count,
const fidl_handle_t* handles, const void* handle_metadata,
uint32_t handles_count) const {
return vtable_->write(handle_, std::move(options), data, data_count, handles, handle_metadata,
zx_status_t read(const ReadOptions& options, void* data, uint32_t data_capacity,
fidl_handle_t* handles, void* handle_metadata, uint32_t handles_capacity,
uint32_t* out_data_actual_count, uint32_t* out_handles_actual_count) const {
return vtable_->read(handle_, options, data, data_capacity, handles, handle_metadata,
handles_capacity, out_data_actual_count, out_handles_actual_count);
zx_status_t call(CallOptions options, const CallMethodArgs& cargs,
uint32_t* out_data_actual_count, uint32_t* out_handles_actual_count) const {
return vtable_->call(handle_, std::move(options), cargs, out_data_actual_count,
zx_status_t create_waiter(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
TransportWaitSuccessHandler success_handler,
TransportWaitFailureHandler failure_handler,
AnyTransportWaiter& any_transport_waiter) const {
return vtable_->create_waiter(handle_, dispatcher, std::move(success_handler),
std::move(failure_handler), any_transport_waiter);
explicit constexpr AnyTransport(const TransportVTable* vtable, fidl_handle_t handle)
: vtable_(vtable), handle_(handle) {}
const TransportVTable* vtable_;
fidl_handle_t handle_;
template <typename TransportObject>
struct AssociatedTransportImpl;
template <typename TransportObject>
using AssociatedTransport = typename AssociatedTransportImpl<std::decay_t<TransportObject>>::type;
template <typename T>
AnyTransport MakeAnyTransport(T transport) {
return AnyTransport::Make<AssociatedTransport<T>>(transport.release());
template <typename T>
AnyUnownedTransport MakeAnyUnownedTransport(const T& transport) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, AnyTransport>) {
return transport.borrow();
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, typename AssociatedTransport<T>::OwnedType>) {
return AnyUnownedTransport::Make<AssociatedTransport<T>>(transport.get());
} else {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<T, typename AssociatedTransport<T>::UnownedType>);
return AnyUnownedTransport::Make<AssociatedTransport<T>>(transport->get());
struct DriverTransport;
struct ChannelTransport;
// The ClientEnd type for a given protocol, e.g. fidl::ClientEnd or fdf::ClientEnd.
template <typename Protocol>
using ClientEndType = typename Protocol::Transport::template ClientEnd<Protocol>;
// The UnownedClientEnd type for a given protocol, e.g. fidl::UnownedClientEnd.
template <typename Protocol>
using UnownedClientEndType = typename Protocol::Transport::template UnownedClientEnd<Protocol>;
// The ServerEnd type for a given protocol, e.g. fidl::ServerEnd or fdf::ServerEnd.
template <typename Protocol>
using ServerEndType = typename Protocol::Transport::template ServerEnd<Protocol>;
// The ServerBindingRef type for a given protocol, e.g. fidl::ServerBindingRef.
template <typename Protocol>
using ServerBindingRefType = typename Protocol::Transport::template ServerBindingRef<Protocol>;
// The WireUnownedResult type for a given method, e.g. fidl::WireUnownedResult.
template <typename FidlMethod>
using WireUnownedResultType =
typename FidlMethod::Protocol::Transport::template WireUnownedResult<FidlMethod>;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fidl