blob: c30c5f87d38813e46a97b00353db34e61a48a266 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/>
#include "src/storage/fs_test/fs_test.h"
namespace fs_test {
// Helper that creates a test file system with the given options and will clean-up upon destruction.
class TestFilesystem {
// Creates and returns a mounted test file system.
static zx::status<TestFilesystem> Create(const TestFilesystemOptions& options);
// Opens an existing instance of a file system.
static zx::status<TestFilesystem> Open(const TestFilesystemOptions& options);
TestFilesystem(TestFilesystem&&) = default;
TestFilesystem& operator=(TestFilesystem&&) = default;
const TestFilesystemOptions& options() const { return options_; }
const std::string& mount_path() const { return mount_path_; }
bool is_mounted() const { return mounted_; }
fs_management::MountOptions DefaultMountOptions() const;
// Mounts the file system (only necessary after calling Unmount).
zx::status<> Mount(const fs_management::MountOptions& mount_options);
zx::status<> Mount() { return Mount(DefaultMountOptions()); }
// Unmounts a mounted file system.
zx::status<> Unmount();
// Runs fsck on the file system. Does not automatically unmount, so Unmount should be
// called first if that is required.
zx::status<> Fsck();
// Formats a file system instance.
zx::status<> Format() { return filesystem_->Format(options_); }
zx::status<std::string> DevicePath() const;
const Filesystem::Traits& GetTraits() const { return options_.filesystem->GetTraits(); }
fbl::unique_fd GetRootFd() const {
return fbl::unique_fd(open(mount_path_.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_DIRECTORY));
// Returns the ramdisk, or nullptr if one isn't being used.
storage::RamDisk* GetRamDisk() const { return filesystem_->GetRamDisk(); }
// Returns the ram-nand device, or nullptr if one isn't being used.
ramdevice_client::RamNand* GetRamNand() const { return filesystem_->GetRamNand(); }
fidl::UnownedClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> GetOutgoingDirectory() const {
return filesystem_->GetOutgoingDirectory();
void ResetOutgoingDirectory() { filesystem_->ResetOutgoingDirectory(); }
zx::status<fuchsia_io::wire::FilesystemInfo> GetFsInfo() const;
// Creates a mount point for the instance, mounts it and returns a TestFilesystem.
static zx::status<TestFilesystem> FromInstance(const TestFilesystemOptions& options,
std::unique_ptr<FilesystemInstance> instance);
TestFilesystem(TestFilesystemOptions options, std::unique_ptr<FilesystemInstance> filesystem,
std::string mount_path)
: options_(std::move(options)),
mount_path_(std::move(mount_path)) {}
TestFilesystemOptions options_;
std::unique_ptr<FilesystemInstance> filesystem_;
std::string mount_path_;
bool mounted_ = false;
} // namespace fs_test