blob: 8e5c72a08f32111fa5b4d11f997d104fb5eb2ab4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// Initializes the given fields of a struct or union and returns the bytes of the
/// resulting object as a byte array.
/// `struct_with_union_into_bytes` is invoked like so:
/// ```rust,ignore
/// union Foo {
/// a: u8,
/// b: u16,
/// }
/// struct Bar {
/// a: Foo,
/// b: u8,
/// c: u16,
/// }
/// struct_with_union_into_bytes!(Bar { a.b: 1, b: 2, c: 3 })
/// ```
/// Each named field is initialized with a value whose type must implement
/// `zerocopy::AsBytes`. Any fields which are not explicitly initialized will be left as
/// all zeroes.
macro_rules! struct_with_union_into_bytes {
($ty:ident { $($($field:ident).*: $value:expr,)* }) => {{
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
const BYTES: usize = std::mem::size_of::<$ty>();
struct AlignedBytes {
bytes: [u8; BYTES],
_align: MaybeUninit<$ty>,
let mut bytes = AlignedBytes { bytes: [0; BYTES], _align: MaybeUninit::uninit() };
// Evaluate `$value` once to make sure it has the same type
// when passed to `type_check_as_bytes` as when assigned to
// the field.
let value = $value;
if false {
fn type_check_as_bytes<T: zerocopy::AsBytes>(_: T) {
} else {
// SAFETY: We only treat these zeroed bytes as a `$ty` for the purposes of
// overwriting the given field. Thus, it's OK if a sequence of zeroes is
// not a valid instance of `$ty` or if the sub-sequence of zeroes is not a
// valid instance of the type of the field being overwritten. Note that we
// use `std::ptr::write`, not normal field assignment, as the latter would
// treat the current field value (all zeroes) as an initialized instance of
// the field's type (in order to drop it), which would be unsound.
// Since we know from the preceding `if` branch that the type of `value` is
// `AsBytes`, we know that no uninitialized bytes will be written to the
// field. That, combined with the fact that the entire `bytes.bytes` is
// initialized to zero, ensures that all bytes of `bytes.bytes` are
// initialized, so we can safely return `bytes.bytes` as a byte array.
unsafe {
std::ptr::write(&mut (&mut *(&mut bytes.bytes as *mut [u8; BYTES] as *mut $ty)).$($field).*, value);
pub(crate) use struct_with_union_into_bytes;