blob: 55451385a2e2a3019be8f8fff86aca8cce4ebf15 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Error};
use fidl_fuchsia_io as fio;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use starnix_runner_config::Config;
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::auth::Credentials;
use crate::device::run_features;
use crate::execution::*;
use crate::fs::tmpfs::TmpFs;
use crate::fs::*;
use crate::task::*;
use crate::types::*;
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
/// The configuration for the starnix runner. This is static because reading the configuration
/// consumes a startup handle, and thus can only be done once per component-run.
static ref CONFIG: Config = Config::take_from_startup_handle();
// Creates a CString from a String. Calling this with an invalid CString will panic.
fn to_cstr(str: &String) -> CString {
pub struct Galaxy {
/// The initial task in the galaxy, if one was specified in the galaxy's CONFIGuration file.
/// This task is executed prior to running any other tasks in the galaxy.
pub init_task: Option<CurrentTask>,
/// A path to a file in the `init_task`'s filesystem. If this file is `Some`, then the runner
/// machinery will wait for the file to exist before executing any other tasks in the galaxy
/// (`init_task` is started, since it is expected to create this file).
pub startup_file_path: Option<String>,
/// The `Kernel` object that is associated with the galaxy.
pub kernel: Arc<Kernel>,
/// The root filesystem context for the galaxy.
pub root_fs: Arc<FsContext>,
/// Creates a new galaxy.
/// A galaxy contains a `Kernel`, and an optional `init_task`. The returned init task is expected to
/// execute before any other tasks are executed.
/// If a `startup_file_path` is also returned, the caller should wait to start any other tasks
/// until the file at `startup_file_path` exists.
/// # Parameters
/// - `outgoing_dir`: The outgoing directory of the component to run in the galaxy. This is used
/// to serve protocols on behalf of the component.
pub fn create_galaxy(
outgoing_dir: &mut Option<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<fidl_fuchsia_io::DirectoryMarker>>,
) -> Result<Galaxy, Error> {
const COMPONENT_PKG_PATH: &'static str = "/pkg";
let (server, client) = zx::Channel::create().context("failed to create channel pair")?;
fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE | fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_EXECUTABLE,
.context("failed to open /pkg")?;
let pkg_dir_proxy = fio::DirectorySynchronousProxy::new(client);
let mut kernel = Kernel::new(&to_cstr(&, &CONFIG.features)?;
kernel.cmdline = CONFIG.kernel_cmdline.as_bytes().to_vec();
*kernel.outgoing_dir.lock() = outgoing_dir.take().map(|server_end| server_end.into_channel());
let kernel = Arc::new(kernel);
let fs_context = create_fs_context(&kernel, &pkg_dir_proxy)?;
let mut init_task = create_init_task(&kernel, &fs_context)?;
mount_filesystems(&init_task, &pkg_dir_proxy)?;
// Hack to allow mounting apexes before apexd is working.
// TODO(tbodt): Remove once apexd works.
// Run all the features (e.g., wayland) that were specified in the .cml.
run_features(&CONFIG.features, &init_task)
.map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to initialize features: {:?}", e))?;
// TODO: This should probably be part of the "feature" CONFIGuration.
let kernel = init_task.kernel().clone();
let root_fs = init_task.fs.clone();
// Only return an init task if there was an init binary path. The task struct is still used
// to initialize the system up until this point, regardless of whether or not there is an
// actual init to be run.
let init_task = if CONFIG.init.is_empty() {
// A task must have an exit status, so set it here to simulate the init task having run.
init_task.write().exit_status = Some(ExitStatus::Exit(0));
} else {
let argv: Vec<_> = CONFIG.init.iter().map(to_cstr).collect();
init_task.exec(argv[0].clone(), argv.clone(), vec![])?;
let startup_file_path = if CONFIG.startup_file_path.is_empty() {
} else {
Ok(Galaxy { init_task, startup_file_path, kernel, root_fs })
fn create_fs_context(
kernel: &Arc<Kernel>,
pkg_dir_proxy: &fio::DirectorySynchronousProxy,
) -> Result<Arc<FsContext>, Error> {
// The mounts are appplied in the order listed. Mounting will fail if the designated mount
// point doesn't exist in a previous mount. The root must be first so other mounts can be
// applied on top of it.
let mut mounts_iter = CONFIG.mounts.iter();
let (root_point, root_fs) = create_filesystem_from_spec(
&pkg_dir_proxy,|| anyhow!("Mounts list is empty"))?,
if root_point != b"/" {
anyhow::bail!("First mount in mounts list is not the root");
let root_fs = if let WhatToMount::Fs(fs) = root_fs {
} else {
anyhow::bail!("how did a bind mount manage to get created as the root?")
fn mount_apexes(init_task: &CurrentTask) -> Result<(), Error> {
if !CONFIG.apex_hack.is_empty() {
.mount(WhatToMount::Fs(TmpFs::new(init_task.kernel())), MountFlags::empty())?;
let apex_dir = init_task.lookup_path_from_root(b"apex")?;
for apex in &CONFIG.apex_hack {
let apex = apex.as_bytes();
let apex_subdir = apex_dir.create_node(
FileMode::IFDIR | FileMode::from_bits(0o700),
let apex_source = init_task.lookup_path_from_root(&[b"system/apex/", apex].concat())?;
apex_subdir.mount(WhatToMount::Dir(apex_source.entry), MountFlags::empty())?;
fn create_init_task(kernel: &Arc<Kernel>, fs: &Arc<FsContext>) -> Result<CurrentTask, Error> {
let credentials = Credentials::from_passwd(&CONFIG.init_user)?;
let name =
if CONFIG.init.is_empty() { to_cstr(&String::new()) } else { to_cstr(&CONFIG.init[0]) };
let init_task = Task::create_process_without_parent(kernel, name, fs.clone())?;
init_task.write().creds = credentials;
fn mount_filesystems(
init_task: &CurrentTask,
pkg_dir_proxy: &fio::DirectorySynchronousProxy,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut mounts_iter = CONFIG.mounts.iter();
// Skip the first mount, that was used to create the root filesystem.
let _ =;
for mount_spec in mounts_iter {
let (mount_point, child_fs) = create_filesystem_from_spec(
let mount_point = init_task.lookup_path_from_root(mount_point)?;
mount_point.mount(child_fs, MountFlags::empty())?;