blob: 8885b7bb4370e5183943ea4a7f4c698ec78fb3c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use ::runner::{get_program_string, get_program_strvec};
use anyhow::{anyhow, format_err, Context, Error};
use fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd;
use fidl_fuchsia_component as fcomponent;
use fidl_fuchsia_component_decl as fdecl;
use fidl_fuchsia_component_runner::{ComponentControllerMarker, ComponentStartInfo};
use fidl_fuchsia_io as fio;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_async::DurationExt;
use fuchsia_component::client as fclient;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use rand::Rng;
use std::ffi::CString;
use tracing::info;
use crate::auth::Credentials;
use crate::execution::{
create_filesystem_from_spec, execute_task, galaxy::create_galaxy, galaxy::Galaxy,
use crate::fs::*;
use crate::task::*;
use crate::types::*;
/// Starts a component in an isolated environment, called a "galaxy".
/// The galaxy will be configured according to a configuration file in the Starnix runner's package.
/// The configuration file specifies, for example, which binary to run as "init", whether or not the
/// system should wait for the existence of a given file path to run the component, etc.
/// The Starnix runner's package also contains the system image to mount.
/// The component's `binary` can either:
/// - an absolute path, in which case the path is treated as a path into the root filesystem that
/// is mounted by the galaxy's configuration
/// - relative path, in which case the binary is read from the component's package (which is
/// mounted at /data/pkg.)
pub async fn start_component(
mut start_info: ComponentStartInfo,
controller: ServerEnd<ComponentControllerMarker>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let galaxy = create_galaxy(&mut start_info.outgoing_dir).context("failed to create galaxy")?;
"start_component: {}\narguments: {:?}\nmanifest: {:?}",
let args = get_program_strvec(&start_info, "args")
.map(|args| {
args.iter().map(|arg| CString::new(arg.clone())).collect::<Result<Vec<CString>, _>>()
let environ = get_program_strvec(&start_info, "environ")
.map(|args| {
args.iter().map(|arg| CString::new(arg.clone())).collect::<Result<Vec<CString>, _>>()
info!("start_component environment: {:?}", environ);
const COMPONENT_PKG_DIRECTORY: &str = "/data/pkg/";
let binary_path = get_program_string(&start_info, "binary")
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Missing \"binary\" in manifest"))?;
let binary_in_package = &binary_path[..1] != "/";
let binary_path = CString::new(if binary_in_package {
// If the binary path is relative, treat it as a path into the component's package
// directory.
COMPONENT_PKG_DIRECTORY.to_owned() + binary_path
} else {
// If the binary path is absolute, treat it as a path to an existing binary.
let mut current_task = Task::create_process_without_parent(
let user_passwd = get_program_string(&start_info, "user").unwrap_or("fuchsia:x:42:42");
let credentials = Credentials::from_passwd(user_passwd)?;
current_task.write().creds = credentials;
let ns = start_info.ns.take().ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Missing namespace"))?;
let pkg = fio::DirectorySynchronousProxy::new(
.find(|entry| entry.path == Some("/pkg".to_string()))
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Missing /pkg entry in namespace"))?
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Missing directory handlee in pkg namespace entry"))?
if binary_in_package {
// If the component's binary path point inside the package, mount the package directory.
mount_component_pkg_data(&current_task, &galaxy, &COMPONENT_PKG_DIRECTORY, &pkg)?;
let startup_handles =
parse_numbered_handles(start_info.numbered_handles, &current_task.files, &galaxy.kernel)?;
let shell_controller = startup_handles.shell_controller;
let mut argv = vec![binary_path];
current_task.exec(argv[0].clone(), argv.clone(), environ.clone())?;
if let Some(init_task) = galaxy.init_task {
execute_task(init_task, |result| {
info!("Finished running init process: {:?}", result);
if let Some(startup_file_path) = galaxy.startup_file_path {
wait_for_init_file(&startup_file_path, &current_task).await?;
execute_task(current_task, |result| {
// TODO(fxb/74803): Using the component controller's epitaph may not be the best way to
// communicate the exit status. The component manager could interpret certain epitaphs as starnix
// being unstable, and chose to terminate starnix as a result.
// Errors when closing the controller with an epitaph are disregarded, since there are
// legitimate reasons for this to fail (like the client having closed the channel).
if let Some(shell_controller) = shell_controller {
let _ = shell_controller.close_with_epitaph(zx::Status::OK);
let _ = match result {
Ok(ExitStatus::Exit(0)) => controller.close_with_epitaph(zx::Status::OK),
_ => controller.close_with_epitaph(zx::Status::from_raw(
fcomponent::Error::InstanceDied.into_primitive() as i32,
/// Attempts to mount the component's package directory at `package_directory_path` in the task's
/// filesystem. This allows components to bundle their own binary in their package, instead of
/// relying on it existing in the system image of the galaxy.
fn mount_component_pkg_data(
current_task: &CurrentTask,
galaxy: &Galaxy,
package_directory_path: &str,
package_proxy: &fio::DirectorySynchronousProxy,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let remotefs_mount_point = package_directory_path.to_owned() + ":remotefs";
let (mount_point, child_fs) = create_filesystem_from_spec(
let mount_point = current_task.lookup_path_from_root(mount_point)?;
mount_point.mount(child_fs, MountFlags::empty())?;
async fn wait_for_init_file(
startup_file_path: &str,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// TODO(fxb/96299): Use inotify machinery to wait for the file.
loop {
let root = current_task.fs.namespace_root();
let mut context = LookupContext::default();
match current_task.lookup_path(&mut context, root, startup_file_path.as_bytes()) {
Ok(_) => break,
Err(error) if error == ENOENT => continue,
Err(error) => return Err(anyhow::Error::new(error)),
/// Creates a new child component in the `playground` collection.
/// # Parameters
/// - `url`: The URL of the component to create.
/// - `args`: The `CreateChildArgs` that are passed to the component manager.
pub async fn create_child_component(
url: String,
args: fcomponent::CreateChildArgs,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// TODO( The amount of setup required here is a bit lengthy. Ideally,
// fuchsia-component would provide language-specific bindings for the Realm API that could
// reduce this logic to a few lines.
const COLLECTION: &str = "playground";
let realm = fclient::realm().context("failed to connect to Realm service")?;
let mut collection_ref = fdecl::CollectionRef { name: COLLECTION.into() };
let id: u64 = rand::thread_rng().gen();
let child_name = format!("starnix-{}", id);
let child_decl = fdecl::Child {
name: Some(child_name.clone()),
url: Some(url),
startup: Some(fdecl::StartupMode::Lazy),
environment: None,
let () = realm
.create_child(&mut collection_ref, child_decl, args)
.map_err(|e| format_err!("failed to create child: {:?}", e))?;
// The component is run in a `SingleRun` collection instance, and will be automatically
// deleted when it exits.
mod test {
use super::wait_for_init_file;
use crate::fs::FdNumber;
use crate::testing::create_kernel_and_task;
use crate::types::*;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use futures::{SinkExt, StreamExt};
async fn test_init_file_already_exists() {
let (_kernel, current_task) = create_kernel_and_task();
let (mut sender, mut receiver) = futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded();
let path = "/path";
.expect("Failed to create file");
fasync::Task::local(async move {
wait_for_init_file(&path, &current_task).await.expect("failed to wait for file");
sender.send(()).await.expect("failed to send message");
// Wait for the file creation to have been detected.
async fn test_init_file_wait_required() {
let (_kernel, current_task) = create_kernel_and_task();
let (mut sender, mut receiver) = futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded();
let init_task = current_task.clone_task_for_test(CLONE_FS as u64);
let path = "/path";
fasync::Task::local(async move {
sender.send(()).await.expect("failed to send message");
wait_for_init_file(&path, &init_task).await.expect("failed to wait for file");
sender.send(()).await.expect("failed to send message");
// Wait for message that file check has started.
// Create the file that is being waited on.
.expect("Failed to create file");
// Wait for the file creation to be detected.