blob: 08c5b49f91f31033d9eefced0b596d45d2c1f4f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use super::WriteInspect;
use fuchsia_inspect::Node;
// --- Utility macros to help with implementing WriteInspect ---
macro_rules! impl_write_inspect {
($inspect_value_type:ident, $_self:ident => $self_expr:expr, $($ty:ty),+) => {
impl WriteInspect for $ty {
fn write_inspect(&$_self, writer: &Node, key: &str) {
write_inspect_value!($inspect_value_type, writer, key, $self_expr);
macro_rules! write_inspect_value {
(Str, $node_writer:expr, $key:expr, $expr:expr) => {
$node_writer.record_string($key, $expr);
(Uint, $node_writer:expr, $key:expr, $expr:expr) => {
$node_writer.record_uint($key, $expr);
(Int, $node_writer:expr, $key:expr, $expr:expr) => {
$node_writer.record_int($key, $expr);
(Double, $node_writer:expr, $key:expr, $expr:expr) => {
$node_writer.record_double($key, $expr);
(Bool, $node_writer:expr, $key:expr, $expr:expr) => {
$node_writer.record_bool($key, $expr);
// --- Implementations for basic types ---
impl_write_inspect!(Str, self => &self, &str, String);
impl_write_inspect!(Uint, self => (*self).into(), u8, u16, u32, u64);
impl_write_inspect!(Int, self => (*self).into(), i8, i16, i32, i64);
impl_write_inspect!(Double, self => (*self).into(), f32, f64);
impl_write_inspect!(Bool, self => *self, bool);
impl<V: WriteInspect + ?Sized> WriteInspect for &V {
fn write_inspect(&self, writer: &Node, key: &str) {
(*self).write_inspect(writer, key)